My fellow Americans

I’m not writing tonight. I’m pimping. What’s really going on here is that readership is way down.

My alter ego has sprung into action. As of now it spreads justice while protecting my secret identity.

I carpet bomb craigslist with my banner by state and then city. I launch missles into myspace. Comment on blogs. Try to pick fights with idiots.

If you like my shit, put my banner on your page. Pimp me to your friends. I like to write like I’m swinging a hammer. My therapist told me that once.

Comment you bitches.


I’d really like to court advertisers…………

If you read me regular, you owe it to talk me up.

Think of all the good I could do if I was getting paid. I would change lives.

Drinks for my friends.

5 Responses to “My fellow Americans”

  • Kyra:

    I still read you a few times a week. Having 4 kids doesn’t permit me much more than that. Your wit, humor, and as you put it “piss and vinegar” keep me coming back 🙂

    As for putting your banner on my site, I’ve got you linked. Does that count?

  • admin:

    I appreciate it.

  • Twaddle:

    Ok, for those of us that are idiots, how do I get your banner. If you message me on Myspace (under the same name) with the code or whatever alchemistic voodoo I need, and brief instructions on how to use it I will plant it conspicuously on my page. I’m also on Facebook. I have linked you there, before.

  • admin:

    Go to the blogroll here on brainspank for the html code. Cut and paste it onto your page using edit profile settings. it’s that easy. Thanks for asking.

  • Twaddle:

    I must of somehow impressed upon you that I am a genius, and speak Greek, fluently. Unfortuanately, this is not the case.
    Can I hit reply on your bulletin, and snatch it that way?

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