Opposite day

I’m sitting here watching yet another clusterfuck republican debate.

They talk about taxes like that’s the problem. We are paying less in taxes, particularly corporations and the wealthy, than we have in five decades.  They ignore what we spend that tax revenue on.

They talk about government being too big but never mention that government spending, with the exception of the ridiculously bloated defense budget, has been going down for years.

They talk about immigration like it is is some sort of cancer on the economy and that deporting all the dirty wetbacks is the path to remission when our economy would collapse in a goddamn month if they could somehow manifest this fantasy.

They talk about too much regulation when the lack thereof is what’s literally killing us.

They talk about the need to spend even more on “defense”.  A trillion dollars more.  I shit you not.  When was the last time American soil actually needed defending? We don’t defend shit.  We start wars and we already spend a trillion dollars a year to do it.  Ten times more, a thousand percent more, than any other country.  It is insane.

They talk about terrorism being our most compelling threat.  The last time we were attacked was by Saudis but they’re one of our most important allies so we attacked a country that didn’t have shit to do with it and destabilized the whole region so thoroughly that a third world war is now a realistic possibility.

They talk about concentration of wealth and income inequality but only to blame it on Obama as opposed to republican obstructionism while they all pissed on a $15 minimum wage by lying about it’s effects.  They actually argued that wages were too high.  Seriously.  Fuck me.

The very things that are strangling us are the same things that earn the most enthusiastic and boisterous applause.  They all talk about cutting taxes, eliminating regulation and making more war when those three things exclusively are the reason for the the shit storm we are in.

They don’t talk about climate change, despite our very own pentagon identifying it as our most existential threat.

They don’t talk about homeless veterans, homeless in general, poverty etc.  No solutions, no substance, nothing salient or germane.

They don’t talk about how we can possibly hope to compete with countries that pay to educate their populace and provide access to health care with tax revenue instead of starving their middle class with absurd “defense” budgets.

They don’t talk about gun violence and racial inequality.

It’s fucking brain damage on parade.

Then, right in the goddamn middle of the whole masturbatory circus, there’s a fucking commercial for some bullshit, nationalistic propaganda movie about Benghazi. I swear I imagined millions of FOX viewers simultaneously commencing to diddle themselves with this guarantee of actualization for their addiction to rage.  Fear porn just like they crave it. I feel sorry for the mouth breathing viewers who mistook it for the actual money shot and spent the second half of the debate flagellating themselves back to inspiration.

Drinks for my friends.

3 Responses to “Opposite day”

  • Excellent ~ they seem to have amnesia ~ blaming the Democrats at every corner & have forgotten that their leaders are the ones that brought the problems to the table in the first place ~

  • G.a. Underwood:

    This was my final Republican ‘debate’. The hypocrisy and misdirection were as unimaginative as ever. I simply don’t care to watch any more of them. Besides, it’s not as if I’m an undecided voter.

    In addition to everything you so well noted above Mr. Douglass, I felt Republican candidates displayed a strange lust for more war – and not just for the financial effects. Their hunger for war wasn’t sated by Iraq or Afghanistan. It felt somehow…pathological. As if the thinking just behind their words was: “We mustn’t speak with any foreign leaders we perceive as hopeful enemies. After all, we may risk more promising negotiations breaking out. Well, not on our watch! Not only should we avoid that particular bridge, let’s burn it down before we even get there. Who wants peace when we can mutually rally ’round the flag in national unison to show off our American strength, superiority and our imperialism? We can create more American heroes! People would love us for that. We’ll continue ignoring veterans who happen to survive. Let’s send those with visible wounds to the V.A., LMAO! And we’ll tag the invisibly wounded as mentally weak cowards. It’s in the GOP playbook to hasten the failure and subsequent privatization of the V.A. for the Kochs anyway. Two hawks, one stone!”

    We’re nowhere close to paying for the past couple of unfunded wars, yet Republicans want more money. Those rascally ‘fiscal conservatives’! They don’t want funding for the one out of four U.S. kids who know hunger every day, because we can’t afford that. Republicans want to send more money to Israel because over $3.07 billion a year doesn’t go as far as it used to and providing free healthcare to every Israeli man, woman and child adds up fast! (“Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world’s population and already has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes.” http://www.wrmea.org/congress-u.s.-aid-to-israel/u.s.-financial-aid-to-israel-figures-facts-and-impact.html) Like Republicans reminded us yet again, these American families would have tons more money if Dad and Mom would just work hard enough and long enough. Too bad our kids were cursed with such irresponsible loafers for parents!

    Every one of the Republicans claims they want to reduce the size of the federal government, you’d better grab hold of your backside with both hands. They only want to cut the parts that limit or expose corporate crime or government abuses.

    Republicans equate reducing the size of government with eliminating women’s right to make our healthcare decisions. How would you feel about your government deciding whether you may have your Viagra, gentlemen? Or their deciding that the treatments you need for your lung cancer can’t be performed because they might inhibit your future sperm production? Republicans aim to deny women our most basic human right of deciding when and whether to conceive or not. They’re forcing us to maintain recurring contact from our rapists for 19+ years at a time. It’s difficult to imagine a more cruel sentence being imposed even in Saudi Arabia for the crime pf becoming pregnant from rape. These policies are only helpful for male legislators who have no intention of representing our needs and the rapists themselves, who have solid representation within the GOP. Republicans plan to “defund” (read ‘close’) our least expensive, most visited women’s clinics in the nation because they’re so ‘pro-life.’ Too bad it’s not women’s lives that matter.

    Carly Fiorina is a cancer survivor who wants to repeal Obamacare and bring back pre-existing conditions for other cancer survivors. This only works out for the people who could afford the exponentially-increased, post-diagnosis insurance rates. I had to let my policy through work lapse after the third increase jacked my premiums by 12 times the precancer rate.

    ?This isn’t smaller government. Its bullying by brutality.

    I remain baffled and frustrated by the delusional among us who will joyfully vote away their own futures and their children’s freedom and hope to “take our country back”. Because for the non-wealthy, we’re headed back to young girls dying in dirty bathrooms from clumsy attempts to self-abort. Back to when young girls were denied educations, ostracized and publicly shamed for unplanned pregnancies. Back to the Wild West, with armed people publicly meted out ‘justice’. When different-looking foreigners were rounded up in interment camps. Back when a cancer recurrence was a certain death sentence if you weren’t wealthy.

    Republicans’ fear of Hillary Clinton remained high this evening. But in a plot twist, some of these millionaires tried to appear sincere while parroting a few of the statistics we most often attribute to Bernie Sanders. Unless I missed it, I don’t think his name was mentioned.

    I wonder which Democrat they fear the most?

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    I didn’t waste my data on this third Republican debate.

    Your points are excellent.

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