Archive for the ‘DeLay’ Category
Bubble boyz
The far right neocons persist in marginalizing themselves with hate and irrationality, taking with them the entire GOP, Christians, evangelicals, conservatives and moderates. It’s a spectacle. A spectacular one. One buoyed exclusively by vituperative vitriolic invective vehemence. Pardon me but brainspank literally loves alliteration and it just happens to be entirely true.
I’m trying to tell you it lacks substance entirely.
They’ve abandoned facts and reason completely for fear, anger and hatred.
Republicans used to be wrong, not unreasonably stupid. Not so unapologetically obtuse.
Misguided perhaps but not insane.
What the fuck happened? Whatever it was, it took place on my generation’s watch. The elephantine have always been more racist, a little more greedy, a little too covetous of power and influence, a little too hypocritically pious and a little too lacking in compassion for the plight of the average American. That at least has been my perception.
Over the last two decades however, they’ve morphed into the political equivalent of little Regan from The Exorcist. Pun firmly and resolutely intended. Nasty, pea soup projectile vomiting, head spinning, cartoon effigies. When called on their bullshit, they hide behind an ugly wrongheaded nationalism thinly disguised as patriotism. Naked ugly jingoism. Ironic the “isms” they so casually toss at the rest of us.
They leave scales like fish wherever they go. It’s true.
My generation has witnessed the emergence and fortuitous exorbitance of such profound and disgusting dicktards as Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Elected representatives like Santorum, Ensign, DeLay, Palin, Dumbya, Grassley, Bachmann, Cantor, Gingrich, Joe Wilson and John Boehner. Birthers, Deathers, Teabaggers, Tenthers and Twelvers. Michael Steele, Joe The Plumber, Dick Cheney and Fox fucking news. Each and every one on this incomplete list of a uniquely American cavalcade of contretemps is a lying, obfuscating, shamelessly and hypocritically unpatriotic goddamn piece of shit.
And they all represent the contemporary conservative movement. Bear with me, I’m getting at something here.
Worthless, toxic, poisonous entities. Zero contribution to constructive public discourse. Absent everything save prurience and avarice. Giant boulders of sand in a smallish tub of Vaseline. Kidney stones the size of a thumb in an already inflamed urinal tract. Ugly and dumb.
Soon, they’ll disavow being mammals.
Take for example the rhetoric over the Nobel.
Some dickhead from Fox, Brian Kilmeade, wonders aloud whether Obama delayed the decision on troop deployment in Afghanistan to better his chances for the Nobel.
The Human Shitsmear announces that the “Nobel Gang have just suicide bombed themselves”.
Some asshat from Redstate said it was part of an “affirmative action quota”.
Glenn Beck thinks the Teabaggers deserve it more.
And The Human Shitsmear says “Something has happened here that we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn’t deserve the award.”
Curiouser and curiouser. Crazier and crazier. From shrill and scary, to gangs of banshees on meth.
Thus they further isolate themselves and alienate the humane and honest. As their bubble shrinks, it’s skin grows thicker. They hear and see less and less of the real world. Their shared view, ever more myopic. They inhabit more and more the CAVE dweller acronym. To wit: citizens against virtually everything. Get it?
I could spend all day providing egregious example after outrageous foray into overt racism, lies, baseless smears, deliberate distortions, hypocrisy, mean spirited interpretations………but see, I already have. I have been for years. I’m not alone. Not by far. They are so very afraid and fear is a great force multiplier.
It’s a fact that the number of Americans who identify themselves as Republican is way down and there’s no end to that atrophy in sight. Disdain for for their lies and misrepresentations grow. The last two election cycles have borne this out. Yet The Human Shitsmear still has about 20 million listeners and Fox yet enjoys better than twice the audience of CNN and MSNBC combined. I can’t help but be ecstatic about the their self perpetuating and therefore self defeating dynamic, but they stall manage to kick a lot of balls and infect substantial consciousness on the way down.
I believe at least 25% of any given population is incorrigibly stupid. Roughly the number that still supported Nixon. Roughly the number that still supports Bush. It’s a fact. Show me what you’re workin’ with.
Ah but:
“The White House’s battle with Fox News reached a new high on Sunday, when Communications Director Anita Dunn went on national television to blast Fox as a partisan organization that functions as an appendage to the Republican Party.
“Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party,” Dunn told CNN, adding, “let’s not pretend [Fox is] a news organization like CNN is.” Dunn also took her beef to The New York Times, saying in a Sunday interview that Fox is “undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House [and] we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.” -The Nation
Fuckin’ A.
There are those who would say, among them David Gergen of CNN, that the administration can neither afford to engage the FOX network in the context of so many larger issues at hand, and that it is somehow unseemly or inappropriate.
I admit I understand, and even feel that on certain levels, but still I have to call bullshit on it. This ain’t your dad’s TV News. There are no rules, no decorum, it’s all changed and these guys are assholes. They have no integrity, they’re in it for the money and they won’t quit until it stops paying. Reptiles pure and plain. They all spend time on a warm rock every day.
Never has a President been so embattled with zero emphasis on policy, ever. They never ever even bother to introduce or even recognize actual stated, written positions or policies ever. Ever. FOX news and it’s cadre of asshole spokesholes is the worst example of journalism in this or any other civilized country. They are the suicide bombers of the American Media. They would never die for their beliefs but they willingly fall on swords of stupidity and blow themselves up with combustible bigotry all day long. The key difference between them and the real thing is the lack of integrity and courage. Truth and honesty. The ‘real thing’ being fanatics with the twisted courage of conviction and journalists with truth as their ideal. FOX falls no where in between even those two extremes. At the end of the day, they sacrifice their dignity and self respect. They wake every morning fresh, to plunge into ignorance, reckless hostility and enmity and lie after fucking lie after fucking lie.
For nothing but the filthy lucre.
I’m completely aware of the potential consequence (s) a protracted street brawl between the White House and an entity like FOX and I am fully in favor of this administration taking them on and cleaning their clock. When they do their damndest to lie, call them on their irresponsible and misleading shit. You think the brain trust at FOX can even approach the level of intelligence, wit and wisdom in the White House? Me either. It’s not like it will be heavy lifting or time consuming.
I know full well that there are way bigger fish to fry but this has a strategic component to it too. Although the mouth breathers are a minority, they are a sizable and vocal one, and the most obvious and singular ringmaster is…….well, the Cartoon Network and then FOX.
Again, this ain’t your dad’s TV News.
“This ain`t no party, this ain`t no disco, this ain`t no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey, I ain`t got time for that now” -The Talking Heads
I believe it to be an absolute imperative of cunning and tactics. Bring it. And just maybe, for once, the Democrats will be seen to have a spine and a pair of testicles. Wouldn’t that be cool? Like punching the bully in the mouth so hard he falls down in front of the bus and the Democrats just once, walk up the steps breathing steam, proud and righteous.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Drinks for my friends.
So anyway… and contrast
A composition:
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is painfully obvious.
Republicans are greedy sociopathic reptiles who don’t give a mad fuck about their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Democrats are spineless douchebags, who lack the courage to get down in the mud and fight for their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Evidence being the massive ongoing struggle for any meaningful legislation despite significant majorities enjoyed by Democrats in both houses of congress. A pathetic, ridiculous and vulgar burlesque. Shameful and stupid but an attestation for Democrats being far more inclined to think for themselves or someone else as opposed to conventional party wisdom or lack thereof.
All on embarrassing and inept display.
Libertarians don’t care about anything, they just want commerce to flow. Anybody who wants to suck dick should be allowed with a particular deference to profit.
If you’ve been paying attention to the main stream media of late, you know that Republicans want to save us from socialism despite not understanding the concept, and Obama’s government lusts like a pizza faced adolescent army in neck braces or orthodontal head gear to takeover our health care so we can be killed off at their convenience.
Meanwhile, Republicans seek to kill pizza faced teenagers or adolescents in head gear for profit if possible.
Libertarians take no exception.
Responsible parents everywhere insist children wear helmets these days.
If you choose the contemporary Republican model, you see them as unrelenting right wing, neoconservative, intolerant evangelical Christian zealots who are afraid of anything homosexual or any other religion. You understand that they believe they know better while enduring a fusillade of common sense and science to the contrary. Book burning and creationism and the like.
Retards at the Roundtable. Scopes trial as blasphemy and all that.
I remember a time when what was contested was ideas, philosophy and policy. Discourse was just that. Polite and respectful. It was about issues. Then something happened. That something was William Jefferson Clinton. Far from perfect, but charismatic and smart as all get out. He presided over the longest period of economic prosperity America had ever seen. He left us with a massive surplus and a balanced budget for the first time ever.
We were cookin’.
The Republicans though, they did hate. They began to investigate. Afraid Bubba was Jesus, a special prosecutor named Kenn Starr was appointed to investigate Hillary’s real estate dealings while she was a member of the Rose Law Firm and they came up with dick. Pun to be intended. Nothing. Sand in hand they kept on…… and discovered Bubba got a blow job and so they impeached him. Never mind that it was none of our business. They spent tens of millions of dollars, more than on all investigating into the events of 9/11, to shine light on a Jewish woman unable to remove a stain from a dress.
First one ever I hear.
And that is really why we are where we are. It will all go down as the darkest and silliest period in American history. Yet it’s sordid smell means we are less likely to forget it than UFOs, Elvis or pick a disease. Let us hope the legacy will not be merely that of a cautionary anecdote, but rather a lesson about a forest instead of individual trees. Otherwise, America will not be America come one hundred years from now.
Tom DeLay is on dancing with the stars and it offends me. He’s paired with Cheryl Burke whom I think is the hottest thing since Georgia asphalt. Goddamn, the woman is gorgeous. Delay grins his lying rictus and looks as he has the breath of a sewer rodent. Creepy with a ‘K’. I really don’t like this guy and I’m a little jealous. Never watched the show and don’t intend to but that woman is one ripe gust of feminity
Share a smoke, Make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope
Words to memorize, words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise.
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I’m in your thighs
Oh my my my my my mo my mother
I would love to love you lover -Violent Femmes
Democrats are communist, anti constitution, caped crusaders who want to steal from anyone who has anything and give it to anyone who has nothing no matter how big of a loser the loser happens to be. I’m not really a Democrat but I tend to identify with them and that sucks on many levels. Giant dingbats who somehow manage to keep their self righteousness in place while failing at everything they attempt like pre-pubescent soccer players who get a trophy for simply showing up.
Democrats seem to “fail up”, almost as much as Republicans although not quite so deliberately. Max Baucus may be shocked to see the hand entirely up his ass and into his mouth via x-ray, but John Boehner would consider it as much business as usual as his spray on tan or morning knuckle and back shave. I fucking hate that guy.
They are different, Democrats and Republicans, but they are all still politicians. The qualities they share are a moral and ethical bankruptcy, a willingness to feast on or make a meal out of any cock connected to money, and an instinctual fondness for anything other than the absolute truth.
This is why reasonable reform of any kind, be it health care or of industries financial or military, is in perpetual jeopardy.
Nothing can change until we have reform for our system of campaigns and polling. Zero corporate money. None. Entirely financed by the electorate. Firm start and stop dates for campaigns and equal air time for candidates.
No meaningful change before that one.
Drinks for my friends.
Why is Obama allowing him self to be so humiliatingly chumped by empty suits like Chuck Grassley? I’m hoping it’s political rope a dope and Grassley will soon wake on the canvas, the taste of his blood in his mouth.
Fingers crossed, boys and chicks.
I’m betting on it. Think a knuckle dragging moron like Chuck Grassley is any match for our President? Don’t forget the guy you elected is whip smart. Made the Clintons look Fisher Price and McCain was Play Doh. Five or six moves ahead. The entire GOP will be crying in front of their friends by the time the leaves begin to fall.
Wanna know how I know? Unwitting pawns showing up to town hall meetings wearing AR15’s. A shrieking right wing media. The paranoia is palpable. The Secret Service could easily expand the perimeter to a mile or more at the behest of the White House and that would be that. Ask yourself why that hasn’t occurred and a correct answer affords you a glimpse into what is really happening here. When the day is done, if meaningful health care reform is not passed and signed, the entire GOP will be left to suffer the slings and arrows of their own outrageous demise.
They will be forced to filibuster, actually filibuster. Bring on the cots and porta-potties. Coverage will be live and through the night while ass squeaking octogenarian obstructionists are forced to ramble ad nauseum for the purpose of keeping the poor and middle class from accessing what should be their right in a country so rich, a society so advanced. This, after every opportunity to entertain compromise has been offered and then scorned.
What we see unfolding here is analogous to the sixties civil rights movement. The guns. The shrill psychopathy I pray not the violence. It is the old guard Republicans resisting change and what is right with lies, deceit and power whatsoever they are able to bring to bear. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
I may be wrong, but when the talking heads gasp and wonder at what the White house is up to, when they all scratch their collective crowns at the the strategy or lack thereof, I’m hoping hard it is this. I’m hoping this administration and it’s super intellectual brain trust is allowing this pot to boil over on the stove because they understand that the only way real change comes is through this brand of passive violence. Political judo.
I pray it is so.
Today, former Homeland Security honcho Tom Ridge, from a book to be released September 1st, finally cops to the fact that terror threat levels were subject to political manipulation by the White House and the DOJ. Um, no shit. Thanks for your candor, you spineless coward. Somebody get this man a Presidential Medal of Freedom. I mean, Tenet, Franks and Bremer got one. It’s only fair, clearly commensurate…….
In other news, John Ensign deems himself morally superior to Bill Clinton because he broke no laws. Remains to be seen. Hold your breath. Former House Majority Leader, felony indicted and architect of K street, Tom DeLay, announced his new gig on dancing With The Stars and called for Obama to produce a birth certificate. We also learned that Cheney’s secret CIA assassination program was to be outsourced to the notorious Blackwater. Keystone fucking Cops.
Oh, and today Karl Rove in a Wall Street Journal op-ed called for an apology from The New York Times and The Washington Post saying, “Judging from the evidence released, [the committee] uncovered facts that show that my role in the U.S. attorneys issue was minimal and entirely proper.” My advice to the periodicals in question? Invite Mr. Rove to piss up a goddamn rope. And maybe request a sample of whatever he’s smoking. Rove is as filthy as a half melted plastic doll discovered in a native American fire pit. His hubris blocks out the sun. His mother sucks cocks in hell.
Man I hate these guys. Even after they’re gone, a pungent, greasy slick glistens on the surface of our water.
Then, my beloved Jon Stewart has Betsy McCaughey, propagator of the “death panel” schadenfreude and big medical industry shill, as a guest and subsequently shellacs her like a bar stool missing a leg. A premature halt is called so we may watch the entire charade unedited online. Brilliant. We loves us some Daily Show. What the hell was she thinking? Oh, the shameless cuntiness.
You just can’t make this shit up.
And it goes on and on and on.
Drinks for my friends.
Title courtesy of Jon Stewart.
Subject: The stimulus bill.
He didn’t invite them to his table, he sought to sit at theirs. He told them what he intended to do and solicited their contributions. He asked them for their ideas. He made concessions. Diluted his ideas with theirs in the spirit of bipartisanship.
Despite such pointed magnanimity, every single Republican in the house walked away. Irresponsible, single minded, tunnel vision afflicted pricks. Shameful and embarrassing. How ridiculous. Yes Virginia, Republicans are not only assholes, but deaf, dumb and blind assholes.
He knows better than they do that he doesn’t need them. They’ve been marginalized by their own actions. They are fools and he understands this better than they do. He didn’t do this to them, they are prisoners of their own device.
He walked straight at them with hands open and they chose instead to piss into the wind. Let the record show they are damp and they stink.
Like soldiers stranded on remote islands with no evidence the war is over.
Punks. Dipshits. The most clueless union of fucktards to ever inhabit our government since they were the most clueless union of fucktards ever in power. Children.
“Why behave in public when you’re living on a playground?” -David Lee Roth
Stay with me.
Are we to expect this sort of partisan obstinance to continue? Did they not get the memo? Do they not understand that they are over? Ignorance does not always prove to be bliss. Led by House Minority Leader John Boehner (Boner), The Repugnicunts marched in jackbooted lockstep. Lemmings. They haven’t even bothered to wet a finger and hoist it. They still think it’s 1992. Chronic insouciance.
Boner quotes:
“This Was a Bipartisan Rejection of a Partisan Bill” Um, what? How can it be a bipartisan rejection when it was a single party exclusively doing the rejection? Spot the retard.
“I’m just a Congressman, so I have no opinions about what the government does. My opinion on waterboarding is classified information.” -WEBCommentary
John Boehner is a clueless dickhead. The poor dumb saps from Ohio got him as substitute teacher after Tom DeLay was forced to walk the plank.
I say slash every concession out of the bill, every unecessary tax cut and let them eat goddamn cake. Our man should take full advantage of the bully pulpit and otherwise let be what will be.
There is no tangible difference between House Republicans like Boner and the CEOs that rode corporate jets to to Washington to beg for money. No different than the megalomaniacal Wall Street captains that took tax payer money for bonuses in an awe inspiring display of ostentatious avarice.
I gotta give it to Claire McCaskill for proposing legislation that would cap salaries for Wall Street execs of firms recieving TARP money at $400k, the same as President of The United States. “These people are idiots. You can’t use taxpayer money to pay out $18-billion in bonuses… What planet are these people on?” -Daily Kos
Couldn’t have said it better myself. How many of the aforementioned would you guess are Republican? I imagine the answer would delight me.
I’m reasonably sure that this style of creep is on the verge of extinction. I’d like to believe that anyway. One thing is certain, they are no longer at the wheel and that is encouraging. Fools. Insidious fools.
If House Republicans are in any way representative of the future of their party, it may be time for them to contemplate the most flattering diorama they can afford in backward ass country fuck museums across our great land. Dinosaurs anyone? Neanderthal. Cro-Magnon at the very least. Reptilian perhaps. Assholes without a doubt.
The diorama itself would have to depict various men and women in obvious sartorial business splendor fellating a variety of other similiarly attired beltway professionals with wheelbarrows of filthy lucre at the ready and nearby. The obligatory backround matte painting would include poor folks suffering from hazardous chemical contamination, non US citizens impoverished and displaced by war and The Constitution being defecated on et al.
Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya you miserable bastards.
Drinks for my friends.
Next to nothing
Just by talking.
Who is this fuck from Illinois? This Governor. An idiot. Rod Blagojevich.
Forgive me, it’s a stupid name. Just this side of pornstar without the requisite cheesy moustache. Too bad. Low hairline. Good enough. I’ve barely ever heard of this guy. He looks a little like a complete dipshit.
We likes us some Patrick Fitzgerald. Same prosecutor who smoked Scooter Libby. Subpoenaed Darth Cheney. This guy I admire. Big cubes and what seems to be a an absolute lust for truth, justice and the American way. Not pretty at all, just matter of fact. His reputation is thus: Don’t fucking lie to him.
I’m pretty sure this dickweed, Rod Blagojevich, lied to Mr. Fitzgerald. That pissed off this special prosecutor. You won’t like him when he’s angry.
Our Man should promote him. He may be compelled to.
I imagine this take down was a little easier than the Plamegate clusterfuck. The level of douchebaggery was far less sophisticated. Four of the last eight Governors of this state have been ignorant prideful dipshits. This guy, a Democrat no less, might just be the world’s premier idiot.
At least this week.
I’m not some patsy. I understand Democratic politics in Chicago. It goes back before JFK. I know. I know.
I hate hubris.
Seriously, how big of a megalomaniac must one sonafabitch be to assume he can sell a United States Senate seat to the highest bidder? I mean, the seat at play has been vacated by a President Elect. Are you fucking kidding me?
The asshole in question has an impressive pedigree. Northwestern, Pepperdine and a hardscrabble early life. I wonder if that’s why he thinks he’s someone or something he’s not. However he arrived at that notion, I loath him for it. Throw his ass on the fire. Never even talk about him again.
Rasmussen called him “America’s Least Popular Governor.” He’s a low hairline gangster. How does this happen? This is regoddamndiculous.
I understand the culture of corruption in Chicago to be pervasive but come on. Seriously. Who does this fuck imagine himself to be?
Today Our Man asks him to walk away. Dick Durbin too. To go as far away as he can get. True to form, the idiot stays and plays the idiot, turns his back instead of taking a walk. The giant vagina move. Trust me.
I honestly can’t give a mad fuck what this guy’s party affiliation is. Where do these people come from? How do they get elected? Yes, he’s a Democrat. But he’s a sociopath first. Just like Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Kwame Kilpatrick and Larry “widestance” Craig. All ridiculous people at the end of the day.
Then an absurd populace right there in the mirror. C’mon. That’s what it is. We are responsible. Not me. Heh. The people of Illinois, the people of Sugarland Texas, Tennessee and Detroit. I wouldn’t be suprised if each one of these losers has access to the water supply of their respective constituencies.
It’s either that or most Americans are simply retarded.
Me, I think it’s some embarrassing ratio that math would demonstrate is almost exclusively absurd, somewhat retarded with a distant third being crazy.
How do Americans stay hopeful with this shit in the headlines?
We’re working on it.
Drinks for my friends.
They’re a mess
A little levity to get us started. Salt to taste.
What’s black and white and red all over and has trouble getting through revolving doors? McFuckstain dressed as a penguin with a spear through his head, or Moosewoman, harpooned, but dressed as a nun.
No worries, they probably know about me.
Colbert has Yo Yo Ma tonight. Wasn’t but a month or so ago he had Rush. A few weeks ago, James Taylor and last week, Wynton Marsalis. Colbert doth flirt with the boundaries of cool.
The Yo Yo Ma performance inspired me to imagine a meat tenderizing hammer or a small cheese grader against my taint. I guess they played well but there wasn’t a balanced distribution of wealth. I mean frequencies. It was shrill. The interview was good though.
Ok. Onto it.
News reports say Palin is going “rogue”.
Internecine drama. Cocky up in here. Doesn’t like the way she’s been “handled”. Unhappy about her (National) rollout, Doubtfire aides quoted calling her a “diva”. This is rich. Proof in my mind of her inability to function in almost any enviroment that includes gravity. She sucks. She’s stoopid. Doesn’t get it at all.
Give her a show.
McCain’s aged ineptitude is now neon. Pyroclastic. Cool word. Poor judgement. Rash stupidity. Pandering and intellectual dishonesty. Unmindful patronizing of you and I. Adult Diapers.
The entire Republican party is a ship of fools. Consider who’s been jettisoned. It’s a list. DeLay, Frist, Santorum, Rumsfeld, Rove, Gonzales, Abramoff, Whitman, McClellan, Card, Fleischer, Ashcroft, Bremer, Brown, Libby and Powell. Just getting started………
Paul O’Neill, Franks, Richard Clark, Whitman, Foley, Larry Craig, Tenet……….
A promenade of pimps, punks, pedophiles, perverts and pirates. Sheezus, fuck me, there ought to be a law.
Just today, Ted Stevens, slime festooned Senior Senator from Alaska (it’s a country full of rednecks way up north and a little to the west), was handed his horribly disfigured ass in a greasy paper sack with a side of leaking coleslaw and cold fries. That’s right, he was convicted on seven counts of felony corruption. Longest serving Senator in history. Prick.
Our Man drew over one hundred thousand supporters yesterday in Colorado. Five times the population of my hometown when I started school. I believe his largest domestic crowd so far. He’s on fire.
Doubtfire counted three thousand just three days ago in the very same city.
Still, it’s a contest. It is in their very best interest to keep it interesting.
There is no longer any doubt in my mind we are looking at the next President of the United States of America. My fate and yours is now inextricably linked to Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid and the infamous Nancy Pelosi.
It’s a package deal kids, and not without expensive luggage.
With the exception of the inevitable egregious fuckery and malfeasance, which will occur on one level or another, the only thing standing in our way is ourselves. It is up to us. Entirely.
If the worst should happen, if there should be an attempt on justice a third time, well then, we should be prepared to take to the streets. They need to own that we will rise up. The third time is indeed the charm. There will be no theft. The people will decide. One way or The other.
Were it to happen, look for a movement of actual people similiar in size and strength to the inverse of current financial woes as compared to the S&L crisis of the late eighties. Sorry. In other words, tenfold. People are pissed. America’s malaise has grown on that scale for almost eight years now, any pushback will be at least as formidable. Both parties will participate.
“Fair warning Lord, don’t strike that poor boy down” -DLR
I honestly don’t anticipate such a scenario, but I’m quite prepared to go from outspoken to full blown activist. There are millions and millions ready to bust the same move. The broken Republican machine has not a prayer, not a hope in hell. You all know the trouble I’ve seen.
Step aside. Our Man is winning in unlikely states and enjoying a contest in others that haven’t considered a Democrat in decades.
Common citizens on the verge of prevailing. Joe the Plumber my ass. I think I saw an ignorant redneck.
Reality has a liberal bias. Liberals have a reality bias. There’s a healthy amount of gorgeous symmetry, given the context of American history, that a man half African and half Caucasian, is ripe to be our next President and the next leader of the free world.
There will be optimism again.
Actually, a man who will excite a sigh of relief from the world and arouse a sense of hope, even in people who hate us. Even in people who hate us.
Letterman’s got Bill O’Reilly, so I gotta wrap this up. Vote. Unless you’re stupid. Tell the boss you gotta vote and just go to Starbucks or Taco Bell or whatever if you haven’t been paying attention. Don’t shit in the river you fool.
Brainspank sees odds as nine to one for Barack Hussein Obama.
Drinks for my friends.
subterfuge & fuckheads
The GOP members of the house had a dilemma today; whether to hold their breath until blue or take their ball and go home. They opted for the latter. The former struck them as bad form. Unseemly. Immature.
See, the Democrats of the same body were pushing to hold the most dubiously qualified Supreme Court nominee in history and replacement for the alarmingly obsequious and chronically full of shit Alberto Gonzales, Harriet Miers, as well as notorious White House crony Josh Bolten, in contempt.
Minority Leader John Boehner said, “We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,”. What a dick. I don’t care how he claims his sir name should be pronounced, looks like BONER to me. BONER became House Minority Leader, replacing DeLay, after that fucktard was indicted.
It didn’t have dick to do with national security.
Miers and Bolten refused to testify before the House Judiciary Committee about the nefarious firing of nine federal prosecutors for not pursuing bullshit voter fuckery against various Democrats. The White House claims executive privilege on their behalf. It is the furthest this brand of smoke & mirror subterfuge has ever been stretched.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino called the move “a partisan, futile act” that would not be enforced by the Justice Department. -CNN
Full of shit.
The Republicans were whining for the Dems to renew the surveillance bill that allows for immunity from prosecution for the the big telecom plutocrats that illegally cooperated with Dick-in-Bush in the wiretapping of innocent Americans. Yep, Dick-in-Bush don’t want to see them testify because it will conclude with both their corrupt asses being held accountable.
On the spit, maybe.
And therein lies the irony of the rub. The DOJ would be counted on to execute the contempt charges, yet it is the very same bureaucracy at the center of the scandal for the prosecutor firings
This whole thing is unfuckingbelievable.
Man I hate these guys.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that they’ve hated on each other publicly, Guy Smiley endorses Doubtfire while one of the Little Bootlicker’s top advisors, Mark McKinnon, vows to resign if Obama wins the Democratic nomination.
Obama beat Hillary the other day by a vote total of more than McCain actually recieved all night.
She did however, prevail in New Mexico today by a margin so slim her nails still look ok.
Larry Craig stopped dangling today. Yeah, check this. He got a letter today from whatever collection of dipshits appointed to investigate him. Um, The Senate Ethics Committee.
Oh man.
It seems he paid over two hundred thousand dollars in legal fees for soliciting an undercover cop for sex in an airport bathroom with campaign donations. With money that people donated for his re-election. The letter from the committee went on to say they believed he “committed the offense to which you pled guilty” and that “you entered your plea knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently.” -AP
No censure, no call for resignation. Giant spineless vaginas. Check my categories for more on this prick Larry Craig.
What exactly is going on in the Senate? They can’t even publicly decry this piece of shit? Issue a statement saying he’s a jackass and should walk? Under Mr. Harry Reid, the Democrats are goddamn ridiculous.
The republicans are swimming in shit and the wind is blowing it into their pie holes. Right into their faces.
Senate Democrats walk around with mouths wide open in stupidity at the same time.
Drinks for my friends.
I really hate these guys.
Unbelievable. Or, well, maybe not.
From Air Force One Dumbya phoned in an order to commute the sentence of inmate #28301016, you may know him better as I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Jr. Scapegoat. Fall guy. Patsy.
The spokesholes raved and their spittle did fly.
Think the Dick-in-Bush regime are a little cranky about having their asses handed to them over their ham fisted, neanderthaloid attempts at immigration reform?
Sitting presidents typically exercise such options at the end of their tenure, when they have little left to lose.
It did give me pause, yet it was fleeting. The raw hubris on display was initially extraordinary. I admit that I was in awe at the sociopathic insolence upon hearing of it. After all, when first asked about it, Dumbya vowed to get to the bottom of it; he said he’d fire anyone responsible.
Methinks he said that because he was woefully out of the loop and didn’t have a clue as to what he should say. Poor stupid fuck that he is, he defaulted to a domestic version of “smoke ’em out”.
Ever notice how close together his eyes are?
Anyway, I then had an ephiphany the size of a slap to the forehead. These fucks still have a lot to lose.
Libby was convicted of lying to the FBI and a grand jury AND of obstructing justice. This was Darth Cheney’s chief of staff. This was about the lies told by this administration to sell us on an unjust war. Hundreds of thousands of people died over the lies this sniveling fucktard got caught covering up.
He, is the ultimate insider, privy to the entire landfill.
The lies themselves were never really revealed, they sure as fuck were never prosecuted. Now the somnambulant among you won’t be able to see where I’m going with this. I trust the rest of you will.
See that speck over there? When you first spot it you think it’s a pelican or something. Just bobbing. Maybe it’s asleep.
As the ship approaches, it shocks with it’s exponential increase. All the sudden, it’s the goddamn Matterhorn.
What it is, is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Inmate #28301016 sits astride it like Slim Pickens on an atomic bomb in that Kubrick flick.
They had to cut this little fucker a deal, unlike the other parade of patsies, If he sings they are vapor. Trust me, he knows everything. More than a few of us know more than a little of it, but this guy can prove virtually all of it.
Wonder why he went down in the firstplace? I’ll quote myself from last month, June 12, 2007-the year of our lord:
“See kids, here’s the deal. Gonzales is the bulkhead protecting Rove and Cheney on this issue. The same way Rumsfeld was on a completely different issue. The same way Libby was. The same way Peter Pace was. Or Powell, Ashcroft, DeLay and Wolfowitz. Heard much from Condi lately? Bitch.”
Lest any of you be overly zealous in pointing out the sheer testicle mass revealed in this act by Dumbya, understand it is really quite the opposite. This was done out of genuine and legitimate fear that we’d all see the naked emperor, shriveled, purple puss leaking phallus and all.
God I hate these guys.
Drinks for my friends.
So, the no confidence vote on Gonzales went down like
a flaming depleted uranium Zeppelin yesterday in the
Big suprise.
Ooooh. The jackass party was able to achieve lockstep
for an action that was completely symbolic. Ahhhh!
Yet with barely a glance from the great unwashed, it’s
eggshell skull was dashed upon the rocks and sensitive
brains were washed away like scrambled embryos. Eggs, I mean.
Most who’s heads were opened in the fray were already inflicted with advanced scoliosis. A few lacked spines entirely but their floating visages were held aloft by the power of knowing that what they chose to do on this day didn’t matter a bit. After all, it was a foregone conclusion and no one was watching.
Paris was back in the pokey!
Their bravery and conviction would make my lips
quiver, if I had a fucking vagina!!
Do I care if Gonzales takes the dirt nap? I realize it doesn’t matter because they’ll just plug in another asshole. They’ll probably end up amputating one prong from whoever the poor bastard is because the neocons are a two prong receptacle. They lack a seperate ground. I digress.
Fuck yes I’d like to see that scheming, hopelessly corrupt, sociopathic, dickless excuse for wearing a suit, spiral into shame and oblivion. Maybe we can trump up some child molestation charges and send him to a state prison in Texas.
Really. Wow. Our legislative branch was not even
able to label the most overt stumblefuck of the
Dick-in-Bush administration a fucktard today. He counts as the most overt one because former superstars like Rumsfeld are gone.
What’s Rummy up to? Growing herbs in a window box and maybe a little model ship building?
“A waste of time”, the elephants of the GOP had to
“Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell chided
Democrats for ‘spending our time on a meaningless
resolution about giving the president advice about who
the attorney general ought to be.’
-from Bloomberg.
It occurs to me that the legislative branch ought get
involved when the blind and ignorant or evil and all knowing executive branch dogmatically and stubbornly supports a complete loser.
I mean, according to his own testimony, Albert with a
0 (that’s a zero kids) can’t remember what his dick looks like. What he
likes in his coffee or if we’re all created equal.
See kids, here’s the deal. Gonzales is the bulkhead protecting Rove and Cheney on this issue. The same way Rumsfeld was on a completely different issue. The same way Libby was. The same way Peter Pace was. Or Powell, Ascroft, DeLay and Wolfowitz. Heard much from Condi lately? Bitch.
I typically write these rants once I’ve worked up a
head of steam, gotten my mad on, if you will. Tonight,
not so much. I’m not suprised and can barely manage
Let me take another run at this.
This guy is a global embarrassment. He’s a fucking
pawn. Everyone, and I mean every one, knows what this
sycophantic automaton is about. And it’s sick, that
this piece of shit gamepiece enjoys the blanket of
neoconservative warmth. That he who is supposed to
embody justice fights so obstinately against it. This
greasy prick showed up with with Andy Card at
Ashcroft’s bedside when he was fighting for his own
worthless life, to twist his arm into allowing our
Aronists Laureate to do whatever the fuck they wanted
to do to you and me.
He doesn’t recall any of it.
Before this bastard was the law of the land he was
chief waterboy at the pissing end of Dick-in-Bush. As
White House Counsel he wrote that which he is now in
charge of defending at the pleasure of Dumbya.
This is all disturbing and profoundly disgusting on a day when Paris Hilton commands more attention than any of what I’m
pontificating about. It makes me sure that at least
in some way, we deserve it.
We do actually. We’ve allowed a scenario where our
very own elected representatives are more beholdin’ to a single
party and its jingoistic disease of dogma than the constituents at who’s pleasure they’re supposed to serve. Pricks.
Just like our military, our congress, our executives, our values, our morals, our ethics, just like all of them, our judiciary and the office of Attorney General of the United States is rent asunder. Scorched, perhaps irreparably.
Bobby Kennedy held that office and it may have cost him his life.
If that wasn’t the beginning of the end I don’t know what was.
Everyone besides Dick-in-Bush understands that this
pooch is screwed. Gangraped, from hell to
breakfast. Nine ways to Sunday. It’s over. We broke
it. Possession is ours.
Our fault.
Drinks for my friends.