Behold a Pale Horse

Are you saying the government is lying, that the media is going along with it?

All the sudden, there’s a brand of amnesia causing you to forget the notorious history of collusion between your own government and your own media. You’ve forgotten, all the sudden, about Vietnam, Iran Contra, Iraq and the WMD’s, and everything in between.

The same agencies, sometimes the exact same people, selling you some neo-McCarthyist, red baiting, obtuse absurdity and you just lap it up.

I’m desperately tired of the stupid.

My friends still accept almost all of what their media, a wholly owned subsidiary of the military industrial complex, sells them everyday. Six multinational corporations that profit primarily from killing millions of innocent people who’ve never ever been a threat to them in any way at all.

Still, they believe all of it.

I’m in awe.

All of the sudden George Herbert Walker Bush was a saint, a good and decent man because he took the dirt nap.  He was a sick, mass murdering fuck.  His crimes against humanity make Dahmer and Bundy look like little girls in pretty dresses playing with Fisher Price toys.  MSNBC gives him a tongue bath and even my own friends are telling me to respect the dead.  Apparently, his learning disabled son is now Michelle Obama’s partner in crime.

Gives her mints and shit.

You’ve got be fucking kidding me.

My friends are angry at me for pissing on his “legacy”.

Will Kissinger and Cheney be afforded sainthood the minute they fill their diapers for the last time?

War after war after war of aggression, since I was born.  Like it’s different this time because the president is an asshole. Everyone is willing to forget that we’ve been doing this for decades and this time the justification for it is the weakest I’ve ever witnessed.

Because he’s an asshole.

Every president we’ve had since I was born is a fucking asshole.

Almost all my friends have signed off on a new cold war with Russia and don’t appear to give a mad fuck about the hot nuclear war it invites.

Russia, Russia, Russia.

Still, no evidence of hacking or collusion.

Because we can’t stand this uncouth dickhead.

I will say this a million goddamn times.

He’s a symptom, he’s not the goddamn disease.

The disease is AIPAC.  Zionists. Netanyahu.  The military industrial complex.  We give Israel $10 million a day.  They have free health care and education.  We pay for it while we wage war against their enemies on their behalf. The entire region burns because of our guns and bombs, blood and treasure at the behest of Netenyahu’s Likud party.

Israel meddled in our elections.  Israel funded over 20 Super PACS and gave fucktons of money to Hillary and Trump.  Israel makes Russia look like Chuck E. Cheese. We spend over a trillion dollars a year.  Ten times more than any other country.  Half of what all other countries spend combined.

So, fuck you my friends.  Intellectually lazy and dishonest pieces of shit.  I’ve got no time for your failure to pay even a modicum of attention.  Failing to even investigate what’s really happening here.

Your goddamn television is owned by the war machine.

Your revolution starts when you turn it off.

Or, just go ahead and be furious with me for interrupting your fucking nap.

Know why school kids no longer regularly drill under their desks for the inevitable blinding flash, shattering glass and flesh boiling heat of a nuclear blast? Our own solar sun across town?  Because the people who own your television don’t give a mad fuck.


Drinks for my friends.



5 Responses to “Behold a Pale Horse”

  • Jeffrey Casey:

    “Will Kissinger and Cheney be afforded sainthood the minute they fill their diapers for the last time”?

    This is what we all aspire to. Fortunately, my diaper has been full of shit since I was 40.

    Israel? Your truth burns my eyes with napalm resin.

  • Elyse Gilbert:

    I wish I said that. As usual, I am in complete agreement with you and you can exclude me from your ‘friends’ who both watch TV, blame Trump for everything constantly, and think it wrong to call out Bush just because he is dead. Cheers back to you Michael, you write beautifully, thank you!

  • REIYA:

    I get what your saying Bush dying you’d think something News worthy had happened. That shit was shoved down our throats for over a fucking weak. The entire week /10 days, Georgie Herbert’s legacy was twisted down our throats…., I was watching, and looking for news about the Alaskan Earthquake and how fast they got back on their feet up there after the shaker. The Bush family is fossil fuel, and fossil fuel is what we need to replace with clean energy. Simple. Drive a Hybrid or a Tesla, a.s.a.p.!~

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