This just in, there’s a handful in front of you…..what the hell

So Darth Cheney declared today that it would be a mistake to for the GOP to “moderate”.

“This is about fundamental beliefs and values and ideas … what the role of government should be in our society, and our commitment to the Constitution and constitutional principles,” Cheney said in an interview with North Dakota radio host Scott Hennen Thursday…… -CNN

North Dakota radio, heh.

Dick Cheney is a consummate douchebag. Commitment to the constitution? Fuck you, you lying hypocritical sleazy piece of shit. The object was for you to serve at the convenience of The Costitution, not for it to serve at yours. This statement by you makes me so angry because it reveals you as a world class liar and you still have the withered stones to beak sociopathic bullshit.

You Mr. Cheney, are the depth and breadth of the entire aggregate from dipshit to insanity. You are it’s evil and myopic, it’s misunderstanding, from front to back, from top to bottom. You pull strings for Limbaugh to Hannity, from Bachman to Lieberman.

You’re a dirty bastard.

You think you know, you imagine you have a handle, all in your hands is calcified turds. The fate of sucking is really bad enough. The idea of sucking and not knowing, is about as bad as it gets.

Poster child.

What’s occuring in the Republican party of late is beyond fascinating. It’s a multi car pileup with people face down on the pavement in their own gore. It’s that and a hokey, amateur production of The Music Man or Dirty Dancing or maybe a circus with only invalids for performers. They are breathtakingly out of touch.

Matt Taibbi wrote a great piece about it recently in Rolling Stone. He rocks.

With GOP spotlight whores like Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin and Tricky Dick Cheney, it’s not about to get any better. These people are clowns. Forgive me, it’s fucking awesome. The best and the brightest.

Too many of them don’t get it. It amazes me. They have zero grip on the simplest of things like conventional wisdom, current polls and even the goddamn news. The GOP has lost it’s romance with America. They were lying. Thank Sheezus we smelled the goddamn Joe.

I loathe right wing Christians. They’re stupid and diabolical.

Have you noticed how close together their eyes are?

I reserve the right to tell people their beliefs are stupid if they knock on my door or approach me in public. If their shit ends up all over the news, they should practice pissing up a rope.

Drinks for my friends.

31 Responses to “This just in, there’s a handful in front of you…..what the hell”

  • David Lee 3:

    I forgot to add Cheney to the previous – pull head off, shit down neck list. My mistake.

  • admin:

    No mistake because you took time to correct it.

  • Ralph:

    65% of the registered voting population did not vote for the current alien inhabitant of the white hut.
    The majority of the USA is right leaning, non-leftist extremist voters.
    That almost 27% of eligible voters stayed home and did NOT vote or voted third party is a FACT.
    McCain is not president right now because of this.
    Palen was thrown under the bus by him and that is a real shame.
    Pelosi is sinking in her web of lies and deceit, Reid id finding out that using obstructionist tactics have a really bad way of coming back and biting you in the ass when you are in the majority. But I don’t think it makes much difference anyway.
    Senate is moving to ban all private gun sales as we speak.
    This may be yet again the dem’s waterloo.
    But I doubt it.
    They just can’t stop trying to keep honest people from defending themselves from the scum they coddle and represent. The dems wish to deny the right of a father to pass a firearm on to a sibling or engage in a constitutionally protected practice of selling a firearm to another without any government intrusion. The ban of all firearms by honest law abiding people is all going to pass under the dems leaving all private firearm ownership in the hands of criminals. It’s the progressive way.
    More evidence that the USA is dead.
    We’ll have to see if America continues to enjoy Socialism.
    I believe under the Soro’s plan the USA will.
    The USA has become a mass of very, very stupid dones.
    This nation is dead. This is because the damage that has occurred in the last 50 years which has been accelerated in the last 100 days cannot be repaired.
    The socialist progressive drones continue to spew diatribes of hate and totalitarinism.
    Thanks to the likes of Mikes

  • admin:

    Love the boileplate “obstructionist” crap. I can always count on you Ralph. Where’d you get these numbers?

    The Senate is doing nothing of the kind on guns.

    “The socialist progressive drones continue to spew diatribes of hate and totalitarinism.”

    Strawman “a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted”


  • Ralph:

    Look it up Mike.
    It’s being sponsered in the senate by Fienstien and a couple of other totalitarian progressives.

  • admin:

    “totalitarian progressives” you say?

    Show me.


  • Ralph:

    Look in the mirror there sparkie

  • Kim:

    Where do you get your numbers? You are trippin.

  • Kelly:

    Ralph i love how you always reference you BS with some statistics stating how the vast majority of Americans did not or do not support Obama. Once again, if you don’t vote you don’t count. THat’s number one. Second, how do you explain all of the polls and not just one or two Ralph but multiple polls done but a variety of liberal spewing hacks like the Wall Street Journal for example, who all say Obama has the unprecedented support of the country? How do you explain that? Just calling the wrong numbers or some such bull?

  • Ralph:

    Soetero or “Obama” as you erroneously call him along with the rest of the ignorant totalitarian progressive whores does NOT have large national support. Less than 43% of this nations voters voted for him and many of those folks are now regreting voting for him and do NOT support his reckless destruction of this country.
    The country is NOT a majority of progressive, baby murdering thugs. No matter how much you wish it to be.
    That eligible voters choose to stay home or vote for a third party candidate is a very, significant aspect of the dynamic that lead this nation to vote in such a vastly incompetent, Chicago political machine born, anti American piece of goat excrement like Soetero to be president. Like it or not.

  • Kim:

    President Full results »



    These are the numbers Ralph. Check them. You must have some convoluted way of doing math because, I’ve tried it and I don’t come up with 43%. Not sure where you’re getting that.
    You say only 65% of the nations registered voters voted. While that may be true, let me point out to you, that number is much lower than in past elections. So, what’s your point there?
    Also, While your screaming totalitarian progressive whores in one breath and then in the next you say we are baby murdering thugs;
    Seems to me if someone is pro-life they are just begging for more government control over personal issues? How is that NOT totalitarian?

    And where and who are all these people that regret voting for O’bama? I haven’t met any.

  • admin:


    This part rocked: “The country is NOT a majority of progressive, baby murdering thugs. No matter how much you wish it to be.”

    I read that and ran out to slay infants.

    I mean, that’s why you’re here. And that last sentence was a doozy. The way you move forward without the tethers or traditions for speech and writing that are there to help mere mortals to be understood is admirable.

    If you’re gonna call me Sparkie, capitalize it.

    Oh, I loves me some Kim and Kelly but wouldn’t you rather be an “ignorant totalitarian progressive whore” too?

  • Ralph:

    I meet PLENTY of people who are sorry for voting for Soetero.
    And Mike, the s was intentionally left un-capitalized, just for you.
    That progressives all strive to kill as many unborn children they possibly can is just a fact. FACT!
    I could care less how many of your own children you wish to murder, but when you wish to make infanticide a mandatory process because of some sort “clause” in the public health care rules currently being proposed by this very evil administration which is modeled after socialized health care systems like in the Netherlands, (the progressive’s heaven of drug addicts, whores, forced infanticide and Euthanasia along with complete totalitarian government over lording).
    Yes 65% is a larger number. That is because black people just voted for a black man. They never voted before because they would not vote for someone of a different race. But that makes this somehow great because you all worship this pile of goat dung we have to look at and listen to and endure the punishments of day in and day out, the evil diatribes and machinations of this alien, pseudo-president.
    We can argue over the last election but frankly it’s a moot point because this country is done.
    Done and destroyed.
    What we are witnessing is the blossoming of the flower of a socialist totalitarian, third world piece of shit state that was planted by Roosevelt, fertilized by every administration since and now has it’s very own share cropper boy farmer to run the road stand of sick and demented socialist agendas.
    It’s one hell of a minstrel show going on and Soros is laughing his foul head off at all of us.
    Step right up to Uncle Barry’s fuit stand of rotten socialist produce. It’s all there will be to eat from now on.

  • Kelly:

    Like the way you swerve around those pesky facts Ralph. I’m still waiting for you to explain the Pew/Reuters/WSJ/NBC/ABC polls that all say Obama’s approval rating is 60%+. Deal in facts or you have no credibility. And just because you think it doesn’t make it fact okay?

    And what the hell are you talking about mandatory infanticide? At the same time you say you couldn’t care less how many of us progressive whores kill our own infants, as long as we don’t go after yours? WTF??? Please be consistent. Either you believe in the rights of the unborn or you do not, which is it? And did i miss that piece of legislation that is going to force women to abort their babies? Please site that.

    And lastly Ralph, blacks have been voting for white men for as long as they’ve been able to vote. That’s a fact. They didn’t just turn out for this election. They had been a pretty consistent democratic voting block since the 60s until recent years when some started voting republican because of religious reasons. A lot of people though figured out the party of values was full of crap which is why republicans enjoy the support of somewhere in the 20% range of all Americans right now. Again, another fact.

    And yeah “we can argue over the election but it’s pretty much a moot point.” That’s because you got nothin’. Change the subject to blah blah blah socialist totalitarian. . .

    No credibility.

  • Kelly:


    “The way you move forward without the tethers or traditions for speech and writing that are there to help mere mortals to be understood is admirable.”

    That was beautiful 🙂

  • Ralph:

    Just because the media is bloating the numbers because they are “in the bag, for the head fag”, is of no consequence.
    Fact is that this country is only being told it’s a socialist leaning nation and there are many who are eating that along with their dose of media inspirded, daily liberal groul.
    Blacks voted in record numbers as did ill advised youngsters, all for the head socialist Soetero.
    Blacks by and large, only care about blacks.
    That’s a fact.
    It is true that they have voted in a block for handouts from white racist liberals who wish them to have programs that keep them dependent and needy ie; The great society or as i like to call it, the “Great needy society”.
    But the great society has only brought forth dependance and ignorance.
    The other side of the coin is the NEA which has succesfully engineered the aquired indoctrinated ignorance put forth in the guise of education. Succesfully putting away and destroying what this country used to be and in it’s place indoctrinated a drug induced, Howard Zinn/Karl Marx infused bastardization of it’s true history and constitution.
    You and yours have won and will continue to do so.
    That is why this nation is a complete DOA, shithouse.

  • Kelly:

    Still waiting for those numbers. And when you can’t produce them, you can always blame it on the media. How creative!

  • Kim:


    “The other side of the coin is the NEA which has succesfully engineered the aquired indoctrinated ignorance put forth in the guise of education. Succesfully putting away and destroying what this country used to be and in it’s place indoctrinated a drug induced, Howard Zinn/Karl Marx infused bastardization of it’s true history and constitution.”

    WTF is this crap? You are so full of shit. Have you been sniffing gun powder again? Just curious.

  • admin:

    She’s right Ralph, what the hell are you talking about?

  • Ralph:

    I’m writing about the reason why Soetero was given so much of the youth vote which along with the black voting block gave him the presidency.
    It’s called indoctrinated ignorance that has been insidiously expounded by the NEA through it’s progressive Marxist teaching directives over the past 40 years.

    So far as the so called numbers, they are meaningless because they are from the mass media that are going to shine things for Soetero no matter what.
    As he recently mused at his White “Hut” press corps hate fest, “You all voted for me” to the press which is yet another reason why this nation is finished.
    When the media will do anything and cover-up endless scandals for the president as they have for this present imposter, the writing is, spray-painted on the side of the train.

    That’s what I’m talking about.

  • admin:

    Whether we’re talking National Endowment for the Arts or National Education Association, it makes no sense. Neither has the political might to influence Presedential in a significant way.

    Now, indoctrinated ignorance is a fundamental problem of the right wing.

  • Kelly:

    Education bad, guns good. Sounds about right.

  • Ralph:

    Firearms go along with real education.
    It’s called the second amendment.
    I know it’s a little too emotional for you to deal with but it is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to have firearms under the constitution but a public education is NOT covered under it.

    Although that does not matter now that the constitution is rendered null and void ever so much every day the progressive totalitarians are ruling over the unfortunate, ignorant masses of the USA with an ever tightening death grip on our collective society’s neck, an iron fist in our collective backs and the cold hard heel of the Democrat’s Marxist agenda boot stomping the very life day by day, out of this nations last gasps for a collective breath of true freedom.


  • admin:

    I’ll give you and ‘A’ for drama Ralph, unfortunately you also earn an ‘A’ for shrill vitroilic bullshit.

    I’m an agnostic but I suspect that education is a “God Given Right” and the right to own firearms isn’t. “Firearms go along with real education.” Um, what?

    Having said that, you need to get over the idea that progressives want to take your damn guns away. I have no problem with the second amendment and neither do most progressives/liberals I know. Relax Chicken Little, this sky isn’t falling.

    And by the way, “too emotional for you to deal with”, how does your brain produce such nonsense?

  • Ralph:

    “Having said that, you need to get over the idea that progressives want to take your damn guns away. I have no problem with the second amendment and neither do most progressives/liberals I know. Relax Chicken Little, this sky isn’t falling.”

    Now that’s some real choice progressive bullshit Mike.
    I remind you it was democrats who created and rammed down our collective throats every unconstitutional anti second amendment piece of legislation passed from the firearms act of 1934 to the so-called Assault weapons ban and all else in between.
    All of it unconstitutional all created and overwhelmingly supported by the Marxist democrats.
    The democrats are gearing up to register ammo and ban all private ownership of gun powder, bullets, shot and all other needed necessities for reloading ammunition.
    They are gearing up to instill a one gun a month purchase limit.
    They are gearing up to register in a national database, all privately owned firearms.
    Democrats will not be happy till all firearms are confiscated and only criminals, law enforcement and military have them.
    To think that ANY democrat supports firearm ownership is laughable.
    Go try to sell that shit to one of your weak minded peeps.
    It ain’t flying in ANY real patriot’s mind.
    Not one bit.

  • admin:

    Hey Ralph, I’m a Democrat and I own guns, that’s guns, as in more than one. I like them. So does my Father, a lifelong Democrat.

    I’m confident that most of what you posit is crap but I happen to think it’s a good idea to have a national data base of just exactly who owns what. A little more regulation and monitoring wouldn’t hurt either.

    And by the way, I can make gunpowder with a few household ingredients and a mortar and pestle. I did it when I was twelve. The Chinese figured it out at least a thousand years ago.

    Stop trying to define my patriotism with your delusional, jingoistic paranoia, it’s pathetic and pointless.

  • Ralph:

    Wow, thanks so much for the chemistry lesson.
    Try making smokeless powder. Let alone smokeless rifle powder. It’s just a tad more complicated than making black powder.
    Any fool can make black powder.
    I am glad you have firearms.
    I’m not happy you wish to take mine away from me because they do not fit into some sort of defined parameter of what I “Should and should not have”, by the totalitarian progressive Maoists continuing the perpetuation of the “People’s” revolution of world conquest so clearly set forth from your (Mike) leader, Mao in 1945.
    Soetero and all democrats are nothing more than progressive Maoist revolutionary shills.
    Plain and simple.
    This is why this nation is dead.
    I’ve read Mao extensivly.
    I and all other real concervative true american patriots know exactly what Soetero and all the totalitarian maoist democrates are up to.

    There is not a speck of dellusion coming out of me.
    The dellusions are all your own Maoist revolutionary machinations Mike. Yours are and your kind alone.

  • flifishun:

    that boyz leakin’ oil

  • admin:

    He he….

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