
The goal thus far has been to hit the building across the alley with a flick of my smoked down to the filter cigarette butt.  I’m guessing it’s 25 feet.  Depending on the weather and the wind, I’m batting about 500.  I can over power petite women with my right index finger.

The new objective has become a flick and arc so expertly executed that the butt comes to rest on the window sill of that building directly opposite mine.  I believe this achievement will somehow magically coincide with a degree of prosperity that allows me to once again travel on a private jets to Vegas for no other reason than to eat expensive food, drink expensive liquor and party with loose and suggestible women.  It’s true, I’ve been there and done that.

In the meantime, the regular guy is out sick so I’ll be working the door.

I rarely applaud or speak or perish the thought, tear up at the television.  This last week I’ve found myself doing just that.

I don’t know about you but I’m fascinated and encouraged by events in Wisconsin this last week.  A portent perhaps, in opposition to something wicked which surely this way comes.  I long for this to be the real deal.  We all know the filthy and obscenely wealthy Koch brothers funded the roots of grass that became the tea party.  We should know the Koch brothers are the money behind the the Republican governors actively engaged in union busting in a dozen or more states.  We should be cognizant that it was Koch brother’s vulgar lucre that elected Scott Walker as governor of Wisconsin.  I hope we understand that unions are the very last power and money to stand behind the Democratic middle class and it’s ability to compete with Republican political action committees thanks to the “Citizens United” decision puked up by the Supreme Court late last year.  Thank you Scalia and pubic hair Thomas in particular for signing off on the whole charade.  Without mention of Thomas’ corporatist whore of a wife, thanks be to you two arrogant and conspicuously impeachable assholes for attending and speaking at events sponsored and held by the Koch brother dickheads to promote and implement their viciously avaricious agenda.

As Supreme Court Justices they should be ashamed yet there’s no imperative for them to give a mad fuck.

What chaps my ass is how they sell it.  Like it’s actually good for the mouth breathing great unwashed.  What draws blood from my calloused backside is how anxiously we buy it.

The Koch brothers.  Their own father was a founding member of the John Birch society fer fuck’s sake.  Those asshats were kicked out of the GOP forty years ago but……they’re back.  And the mutual admiration between them and the pee farty hatriots is like watching a pedophile rub one out on a public playground.  They can’t help but be aroused by the empty, unformed minds.  It’s fucking sick.

I’m convinced the Republican intelligentsia is pursuing the remaking of America into a third world country with reckless abandon.  Deregulation and lower taxes my ass, they drive hard and reckless for a one party America with two classes; a ruling elite and a working poor.  Understand that’s where we are.  More money, more power.  This is the fight here and now.  If you don’t realize and understand as much, you’re a goddamn fool.

The events in the Middle East and North Africa…….I mean what’s transpiring in Wisconsin, lends some hope.

It doesn’t get much worse than the here and now.

It may never get better.

There are strange and compelling things afoot at more than the Circle K.  Yeah, not just here, but across the globe.  Or rather not just in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia et al, but here.  See what I’m saying?  Here and now.  The world is teaching us a lesson and for once, we are listening.  Pizza has been ordered from a joint on State Street by folks in some 38 states and at least a handful of countries around the world including Egypt to feed the the non-violent protesters in Madison Wisconsin.  I’m more than a little giddy at the notion that we may be witnessing a revolution by the working class.  It’s about goddamn time.

The concentration of wealth that’s occurred in this country over the last ten years is mind bottling.  Like your mind is a bottle……..work with me here.

70,000 in Madison today and the media is covering it, unlike the anti-war protests of nearly a million people during the run up to the Iraq war when the media could be barely be bothered.  It isn’t so much that all the sudden Democrats and the people are abruptly recalcitrant.  In many ways, they’ve been there the whole time.  Certainly the people have, if not their elected representatives, who too often are so obviously without spine that it’s a wonder their heads don’t drag on the ground behind their legs and asses forcing them to pontificate up and back.  Something has changed.  Not only logic and common sense are on display but there’s an honest to Dog wind of compassion blowing not just through America but the world.  Solidarity and democracy are bursting forth.  And media is engaged.  Paying attention and covering it responsibly.  Or at least in earnest.

Might we have finally arrived at that tipping point so many of us paying attention have been pining for, anticipating, and some of us at least beginning to think might never come?

Fuck the queen, God save the honest, decent and hardworking.  They tell me he helps them that help themselves.

Here and now.

Drinks for my friends.

34 Responses to “Tipping….”

  • DavidLee3:

    2 things,..
    1. (& I’m quite surprised you made this mistake) it’s spelled “overpower”, one word, not two.
    2. IMHO The media (some at least) are covering Wisconsin because they wish to remain relevant & not be in the angry folks crosshairs. I’m not surprised I don’t see any Fox reporters reporting from amongst the crowd considering their shitty position on this.

    We live in interesting times.

    • Michael Douglass:

      Hey, I’m a writer but I still make mistakes. Prick. Interesting times indeed.

    • Sharon:

      Fox was there, but people screamed “down with Fox” and similar things on the air.

    • sandy lisewski:

      Oh but there is a clip of Fox on the scene and you are gonna just LOVE THIS, watch and listen for the Fox Lies Guy!!!!

      • Howdy all,As C.S. doesn’t seem to want to continue this dsioussicn I will attempt to argue the Christian side on this one. (Even though I disagree with it)I can see how in the broadest sense this could be considered a graven image. Any carving or statue can be considered a graven image when using the broadest definition of graven. In the context of the passages you’ve given (particularly Deut 5:6 5:9) I believe it can be understood that it is talking about a graven image or likeness that has been created to be worshipped and is a representation of what is considered to be a false god or diety. So for something to be considered idoltary it has to meet two conditions. It must be a representation of a god or diety (that arguably must be considered a false god or diety) and this representation must be worshipped or the diety it represents worshipeed through said representation.I would consider that the erection of this statue fails to be idoltary becuase it doesn’t meet the two conditions I have stated above. Firstly the statue is not considered to be a representation of any god or diety. It is the representation of a group of ideals or concepts that are considered important. They are not however considered to be divine or in themselves considered to be a god or diety. Secondly it wasn’t built to be worshipped. Nor was it built to worship any of the concepts or ideals it represents. It was erected to send a message and represent the belief that justice and freedom can only be found through the christian faith. I will admit I disagree with the message, however given the context in wich this statue is being used I think you really have to bend the definition of idoltary (particularly as it is understood by christians) past breaking point for it to apply in this case.CheersSimon Bond

  • I enjoyed reading this. Well said. Well written. Well done. Period.

  • Uhave2laff:

    FOX was on site at our Nevada rally; they had the film crew walking around and filming the speakers. But it warranted a 10 second mention on their newscast.

    If the American worker spins this right, it could spawn a whole new movement to “take our country back” from the Tea Party.

    • Sharon:

      I agree. I hope its a turnaround!!!

    • Michael Douglass:

      Not merely the Tea Party, but the plutocrats and all the greedy, sociopathic bastards that gleefully suck blood or money from the regular folks…..

      • I agree with you that America was not built on FUNDAMENTALIST Christian values AND that Thomas Jefferson had his duotbs about the supernatural factors of Christianity. However, I still stand by the fact that America was founded on Christian (whether Fundamentalist or not) values. The historical founding documents of America all have at least one reference to God (with a capital G , which is associated ONLY with Christianity), which means that they did build this nation on Christianity. Now, if they PERSONALLY followed or did not follow or accept Jesus is not the point. The basis of our government was supported by views in the Bible. Now, you say that they just used verses that were good reasoning that anyone could have come up with. But, if that was the case then why didn’t they use statements from the Koran or some other religion? Why did they choose Bible verses, instead of just putting them into a summarized statement? The fact that they used THE WORD OF GOD is all the evidence I need to prove that America is a Christian nation. Not only did the founders put their faith in writing, but also in action. Every Congress meeting begins with a prayer from a Christian minister who prays to Jesus. There is no argument in saying that our lawmakers don’t put God first, even today.The initial reason for having the Statue of Liberation was to start a buzz. If the Statue of Liberation had never been built, would I be talking to you? Most likely, not. But, because it is such an unordinary thing it causes people to talk about Jesus. It causes people to evaluate their relationships with God, even if one doesn’t believe in Him. It has caused me with the oppurtunity to talk about Christ, and I have enjoyed it. I thank you for your debate, but I am not sitting here taking time out of my day just to discuss a statue. There is so much more to it than a statue. It is a symbol (not an idol) of how Christ has redeemed me and you from sin, and how we are free to live in Christ with peace and joy. Our church is not shoving Jesus down anyone’s throat, but we ARE trying to bring more people to Christ. I know that you are probably shaking your head thinking that I am ignorant and, as the website states, a RELIGIOUS FREAK. I am not at all, however, some Christians are. But, I would just like you to give Jesus a chance. Just one chance. What will it hurt? If Jesus doesn’t do anything for you after you put your trust in Him, then you can have a reason NOT to believe. All you have to do is confess that Jesus is Lord and that he died for our sins, and rose again. I am not trying to MAKE you do anything, but I would really like for you to consider it. You have a wonderful talent of writing and a profound knowledge of history and I know that you would be useful in the Kingdom of God. Please don’t look at this with a closed heart, but with an open mind.

  • Oddly enough, your OPED reads like a scifi flick … one of those scary, alternative future films on HBO late night… you know, the one that comes on right after midnight… sort of like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” but more up-to-date with the times. And then at the end of the film, you’re left winded…breathless; and you ask yourself, “Could this happen here?” And it dawns on you that it’s not a damn film and it’s the real thing. Surreal. Stark. Sullen. Almost like a kick in the gut after you’ve already been knocked down. It’s in that moment when you realize that America has been punked by the pro-corporate anti-citizen movement called the tea party. Sad. As always, Michael…you’re on key. Thanks for sharing — <3 & Light — CA

    • Michael Douglass:

      I adore you Carol Ann and am so grateful that you read and participate. You’ve paid my writing quite the compliment here and I am flattered. You’re no slouch yourself and I need to catch up on your writings. Feel free to post a link here. We should exchange banners, although I don’t know how to do that.

  • Peggy in Texas:

    Michael, this rocks as usual. I love your style.

  • Acushlamocree:

    Whew…Thanks….I needed that….

  • Jay Adams-Feuer of WA in FL:

    Michael, this is brilliant. Didn’t know about the Koch Brothers parents being founders of the John Birch Society. But I know Buckley kicked them out and now they’re back with a vegngeance.

  • sandy lisewski:

    I too am on the edge of my seat giddy about the prospect of an awakening of the people. It is long overdue and almost too late. The inequality of wealth alone is enough to scare the hell out of me, ( don’t like facism ), but the idea of no union contributions in our elections means a one party system and the country being lead into the third world. I also don’t like scrubbing toilets, which is what the uber-rich think we only good for. Thanks for the words Michael and for the add. Again here is that link to the Fox Lies Guy, it is priceless! http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DR3t5_z8m1_g&h=8d3b1

  • Jim Swia:

    Are we really waking up? As scary as the times we are living in are, I see hope when I read a piece like yours. Thank you, and keep, it coming. People are waking up, the battle cry is being heard, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”

  • Dina Hussein Bayardo:

    Thnx for posting on my wall . He info you provide us true & verifiable. Looking forward to your next piece.


  • bill smith:

    thank you but dont forget #1 we have to revise the campaign contributions rules that allows and encourages corruption of our ellected officials. #2 increase the penalty for those who betray their oath (TREASON) #3 make politicians answer to their constituents at all levels of gov.

    • Going to a church does not make annoye a christian, it looks nice to friends and one can claim to have nice relationship with some god but thats just about it. Churches of today are exactly the places Jesus would run into and drive the moneylenders out of given a chance, although he might use bulldozer instead of a whip.If you are a christian then you do not need a church or if you require one it should follow the example of Jesus, not Pastor Dollar and brand new Buick.Now, if I call myself a martian, it does not make me green and many armed. Forgiveness and Christianity do not seem to mesh together on this day and age any better than claims of being a martian but that is no wonder as Christianity is seen and used as excuse for behavior which is hateful and irrational. The number of christian who can recite the eye for an eye’ or Judgment is mine’ is large and many know even the exact chapter and verse but those who say Love thy neighbour as thyself’ or Ye shall not therefore oppress one another’ is now where near as numerous. Do you know the chapter and verse of those or even the book? Would those quick to judge christians even know where to look for such sentiments?If you go to see any demonstration in front of any abortion clinic or event by homosexuals then almost all of those people demonstrating say that they are christians and even good ones by their own claims. They even claim to be prophets and know what god thinks and feels.They can kill and maim people in the name of the god and then have the gall to say they did gods work. And when they are caught and punished, how do they talk about forgiveness and turning the other cheek.Some one chose to play Trinity in the comments and when confronted any true christian would confess any wrong doings. Just turning ones back and sticking fingers into the ear and screaming at the top of ones lungs LAALAALAALAALAA’ does not make it right. Stand up and follow the teachings you claim to follow.

  • Visitor:

    Curious, everyone talks about how the “Tea Party” is such a bad thing, that they are taking over… Anyone ever consider how the Democratic Party, throughout history, has always had the reputation of “Tax and Spend”

    Just where do you people believe the money comes from?

    Nothing in this life is free… but some of us are working 60-70 hours a week, just to have the Government take a large chunk, then give it to some social program that has a piss poor track record, that shows no improvements.

    Why continue to fund a Government that votes itself pay raises, while their direct actions to the economy cause inflation to rise, yet it keeps growth low.

    Many people have had to take pay cuts just to keep their job, or as in some cases, we’re “downsized” and phased out, and have had to seek employment with less pay and benefits.

    It seems to me those who are so worried and concerned about the “Tea Parties” and their stance on less government are coming from a blind side.

    Less Government means lower costs to the tax payer, who supplies the Government with its source of income. (… government, for the people by the people..)

    People seem to be in an uproar over CEO bonus pay, granted I personally feel that they are excessive, but none the less. Not one of you is crying for your elected officials to take a pay cut, and THEY WORK FOR US!!!! You would rather just keep on keeping on, allow them to stir the pot and generating anger and hate, then having them give you something to take all that out on. Those “Corporations” that are so greedy…

    Until everyone wakes up and realizes that Government takes away your Rights and Privileges… Corporations cannot.

    You have a choice… stop spending money at Wal-mart, (large corporation) stop spending money at Target (large corporation) Sears, Belks, Beals, everywhere you spend money, you are feeding a corporation. The very corporation you despise… yet, you are more than willing to part with your money when you pay the taxes. And taxes are going up, more and more…

    People need to sit down and stop being mislead by the nose. The hate that is generated and subsequently, re-directed toward the “Rich CEO’s” needs to be directed toward elected officials who, once again for emphasis, WORK FOR US… NOT US FOR THEM!

    Government is getting fatter and fatter off the backs of EVERYONE…. And if they dont get their “share” of YOUR INCOME… they punish you for it.

    Sounds a bit like the mob. And everyone knows how Scarface turned out.

    • Kathryn Brodrick:

      Visitor. . .you clearly have missed this vital information: the money that the “governor” wants public workers to give up is THEIR OWN MONEY. It’s called “deferred compensation,” and it is money the workers have earned that they’ve elected to put away (with the government. . .not a great idea) for their retirement and health care. That’s been obscured in whatever news coverage the demonstrations have gotten.

      The other piece of the legislation that has gotten lost is the provision to sell Wisconsin power plants “at any price deemed reasonable without a bidding process.” So you see, it’s about ‘way more than busting up the unions. It’s about reprehensible greed and payback for whoever would buy those power plants. My first-born is a Republican and not worth that much, but I’ll bet him against the possibility that it’s not the Koch Brothers who buy those plants.

      And you thought this was about spending money. Silly Visitor.

  • Visitor:

    Isnt it interesting, that you say the money is “their own money”… what about the money that is mine, that I end up paying into a system that I have no stake in…

    School systems are failing, yet, more money is being continuously pumped into it and we are NOT supposed to examine the results???

    Im sick of paying taxes that go to failing programs, failing schools, failing period. Where is the relief for people such as I??

    • Junior's Ghost:

      If you want small government that badly, move to Somalia.
      They have the perfect solution for small government.

      It’s called NO government. You should try it someday, if you dare.

    • Charles:

      Never back down. They really believe your money is their money, not yours. Stand your ground.

  • Charles:

    If the Koch brother’s money is evil and filthy… why is it I hear nothing of the Soros money? Oh, that’s right, it isn’t evil and filthy if it agrees with you.

  • Charles:

    I wonder how many of the Union protesters are riding around in a Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Hyundai… with pro union bumper stickers?

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