Junk Politics and Voodoo Economics

I am, in general, a fan of Barack Hussein Obama.

He’s far from perfect, or some liberal messiah, but I do believe he’s an American citizen and a decent man.  I’m not at all furious about a Muslim darkie that wasn’t born here.  Count me as at least intellectually adroit enough not to give a whistling fart about all that.

I’m just not worried about it and the people that would have you worry about, don’t worry about it at all either.  These people giggle while they jerk the chain of the great unwashed.  They snicker when the issue pollutes any earnest discourse.  Their only mission is to piss on the flat rock of our politics.  They probably care less than we do although they’re definitely motivated more by racism than anything else.

Suspension of disbelief.  The laudable goal of any work of fiction.

I don’t care about the dipshits that seek to make it an issue.  Donald Trump just recently went in all the way up to his hips.  I’m quite sure that anyone in The Donald’s position could do what the Donald does.  He’s no savant, what he is, is an incredibly accomplished blowhard.  I’m confident he’s an opportunistic asshole.  His own hubris has eclipsed any wisdom he may have once had.  No wonder he’s unable to afford any respect for man so much smarter than him.  Donald Trump is a goofecock idiot and I hear he’s never even taken a drink in his life.  Forgive that for being a red flag for yours truly.

You know, he’ll never ever run for president.  His impetus is pure self aggrandizement.  His insipid television show has yet to be renewed so he’s out there prostituting his own absurdity to advance his brand.  He’d wear a red miniskirt and garish makeup, like Rudy Giuliani, if it translated into to ratings or any measurable quantity of attention.  Same class of whore.  His dog is named racism.  His pony is named fear.  Show me a birther and I’ll show you a frustratingly underinformed bigot.

What I wonder is why we even pay attention when the lint on my balls, or the toilet tissue remnants from my ass crack,  threaten to run for president.  Donald Trump is a fucking cartoon of his own device.  So is Ann Coulter and Rush Limbuagh.  Millions of people bother with this shit and I can’t help but wonder why.  You can discover ugly and egregious things about Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney in a heartbeat but they still suck oxygen from the national discourse.   Are this many of us this fucking stupid?


Neither Coulter or Limbaugh or Trump, will ever  bother to run and whether Huckabee or Romney are smart enough to understand it or not, they have no hope of ever being chief executive officer of the United States of America.  They will embarrass themselves and quite a few others in the attempt.  It’s not going to happen.  Conventional wisdom;  GOP gots nobody.  Not one viable candidate for 2012.  It’s a vulgar but comical burlesque.  A carnival waged by and for dystopians.  A cavalcade for dentally challenged, brainfucked losers, miscreants and charlatans.  No one with a chance, despite the naivete and consummate idiocy of so many that walk among us.


So what are we doing here?

Lamentably, a big part of it is our own slack jawed fascination with pure but empty spectacle.  It sort of straddles the mentality, and I’ll bet the very ethic and demographic, of great American pastimes from professional wrestling to NASCAR or the NFL.  Pop to hip hop.  MMA to NBA.  Nothing wrong with any of these things unless taken as otherwise directed.

I spend a lot of time contemplating this woefully distorted, obscenely myopic political culture of ours.  From where I sit, it’s tragic that such uniquely American entertainment has so insidiously interloped into our politics and sensibilities.  A disenfranchised populace has embraced hero worship to the extent that a penchant for naked , unquestioning idolatry, deliberately, and with an eye towards bling, misinforms our zeitgeist so thoroughly.  Underestimate it’s impact, the cancerous influence thereof and the damage it does at your peril.  Just last week, Dodger fans beat a Giants fan so viciously he exists in a medically induced coma as of this writing.  The contemporary culture war currently waged manifests in the murder of abortion providers, demonizes teachers, police and firefighters.  Some asshole burns the Quran, resulting in dozens of innocent deaths.  Such ethics seek to and succeed as dangerous and often lethal catalyst for jingoism and nationalism, xenophobia and ignorance so profound as to be cause for celebration.

It’s arduously frustrating bullshit masquerading as American exceptionalism.  There is no moral symmetry here.

What I’m trying to tell you is that you should beware of anything the knuckle draggers get so excited about.  Like Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann or Islamophobia.  All these things are just like the other in that they deliberately and recklessly foment hatred.

Beware of any political party, elected official or candidate that seeks to vilify teachers, cops, firemen because of their unions.  When they try to tell you that’s why we’re broke, they are lying.  They are fucking lying.  We are not broke.  There is plenty of money.  It’s just that we outspend every other nation on earth by a ratio of ten to one on the ability to kill people who piss us off.  A trillion dollars a year on “defense”, more intelligently known as the military industrial complex.  We incarcerate more people per capita than any nation on earth.  GE is the largest corporation in America and they don’t pay a dime in taxes.  In fact, they got 1.8 billion in tax credits last year.  Exxon is the most successful company in the history of humankind and they didn’t pay any taxes last year but received billions in subsidies.

Anyone reading this realistically paid more actual money in taxes than the largest and subsequently most profitable businesses ever on earth.

How do you like them now?

Anymore questions about where the money is, where it goes, who has it and who doesn’t?

We’re so intellectually bereft when it comes to the word socialism that we look past the fact that we now privatize profits and socialize debt.  That social security, medicare and medicaid, despite flaws engineered by greedy politicians are incredibly successful  and popular programs.  That they are indeed socialism and that they aren’t the reason for our deficit.

Beware when any political party endeavors to execute the same against any specific religious faith except maybe Scientology.  Forgive me here, they’re all whacky but to exclude them is hypocritically weak.

Beware whenever the goddamn Republicans impugn a particular ideology.  They don’t fear it.  It’s merely a tool to elevate your fear.

As a result of our apathy and lethargy in the last election cycle, there’s a whole new blistering crop of governors engaged in raping the middle class.  They slash and burn education, social programs and opportunity for the have nots by bellowing that they are the problem when the truth is those monies are proven by study after study to be efficaciously spent and represent an infinitesimal portion of the fiscal problem that is not really a fiscal problem.  For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, 1.6 six dollars comes right back, immediately into the economy.  Investment in education is far less instantly gratifying but way more important for our long term prosperity.

If you didn’t know this, trust me when I tell you they do.  They get it.  They are acutely aware.

It’s all a distraction while they wage the most vicious campaign of class warfare since anyone reading this got a crack on the ass from a doctor to get their lungs working.

Understand that they aren’t stupid or misguided.  They want to handicap all these things because they don’t share the average American’s vision.  They shudder at the thought of a car in every garage, a chicken in every pot.  They don’t want for us to succeed or even compete as the most powerful nation on earth ever again.  As far as they’re concerned, the rise of our middle class was errant, aberrant and a huge mistake.  What they want is to marginalize as many of us as they can so they can maximize profits by forcing us to join the lowest common economic denominators of the rest of the hemisphere  so we rapidly devolve into a third world economy.

It’s why they wake up every morning with wood.

The Tea party, so recklessly adept at jerking the entire GOP so far to the right,  will be marginalized soon partly because not a single serious thinker gives a mad fuck about The Donald, The Birthers or the Tea Bags.  We’re actually done here.  Trump was the last nail in the coffin because nobody serious takes him or is hair seriously.  Let’s move on.

Really.  The Republicans can’t deal with anything but lockstep and baggers are a serious bummer when it comes to all that.  But I digress.

Yeah, I know Obama just caved on Gitmo.  It really chaps my ass.  This budget fight is a regoddamndiculous circus with every Democratic capitulation being met with Republicans pushing the goal post further back.  Deep water drilling goes on.   Ours wars show little sign of waning and even less reason or efficacy.  Really hard to watch them herding cat’s so disastrously.

But I have hope and reason to believe we have taken the fork too often less traveled in recent times away from such nonsense as evidenced by the actions of the people in various mid-western states in opposition to the overt power grabs being attempted by Republican legislators and executives in those states.  My hope and proof is in the groundswell occurring in those states.  Recall signatures are piling up precipitously, with or without mainstream media attention.

I do believe the fuckery in the middle east, I mean the mid-west, is sobering evidence that a sleeping giant has stopped swiping at the snooze button and begun to wipe the eye boogers away.  It is a very powerful force and fear is an amazing force multiplier.  So is anger and people are getting pretty pissed.  Change is coming from the only place it can, the bottom.  The people.

We cannot afford to wait for 2012 to hold Democrats or Republicans accountable.  Every elected official in this country needs to feel the hot breath of ferociously frustrated and fed up constituents.  The Tea Party is a joke, we can deliver the punch line by showing them just what a grassroots movement looks like and what it can accomplish.

Drinks for my friends.

48 Responses to “Junk Politics and Voodoo Economics”

  • Sunny Stokes:

    Another amazing post, full of things I’ve said out loud…and things I have wanted to say out loud, and would in a minute if I could get it to come out half this perfectly.

  • Andrew Hall:

    halb, halb, halb. What a skull full of mush. Yes, show them what a real grassroots movement looks like. Better yet, show them the ‘revolution’ that’s been promised for 50 years now. Hot air. Tilting at windmills. Rage against the machine, against anything. Rage for rage’s sake, just to be hammering away at something, anything. Nothing positive, mind you. Just “tear it down”. And build what? Who knows? Utopia, of course.

  • Abner Malady:

    Nicely done. Evan more ironic is the “Vote for Trump” web banner at the bottom of your rant.

    The Teabaggers are a fucking joke, and they are driving John Boehart’s panties into the crack of his arse. As Bill Mahyer says, “Obama should show his birth Certificate when Boenhart shows his penis, to prove he’s a man….”
    Something like that…

  • denise:

    I insist that you post more often please. You have almost nailed the republicans to the wall with their own nails of bullshit, like they have tried to nail us. How in the hell could trump consider running for president with his silly assed resume? Please, the piss down my back is starting to ferment.
    Now, back to you…

    You are so much more advanced and entertaining than most writers because your writing is relaxed and comfortable, unlike mine, stiff and uncomfortable and jerky. I am not just blowing smoke up your ass. You fucking rock and you are hot.

  • denise:

    Let’s analyze “most people aren’t stupid, they just don’t pay attention”.
    What is stupid?
    Is that 100 percent accurate? Sometimes not paying attention can be the stupidest and last thing (if getting killed is stupid) a person could do. My Youngest brother proved not paying attention could be deadly. He was mega intelligent, and scored really high on tests, but he did not have the ability to (pay enough attention to survive). There are cases where not paying attention can cost you your life. But even if you pay with your life, are you still “just not paying attention”? or did you cross that fine line of “stupid” and “not paying attention”? … Crack that whip. Pull out that big intellect and lay me down, if you can.

    • Michael Douglass:

      I have to admit, I’m not at all sure what you’re talking about. I will say this. If not paying attention gets you killed, it’s still not paying attention.

  • Chaz Kinbote:

    The GOP really has nobody viable. Even a Romney or Pawlenty run is going to come off more like Dukakis in ’88 than Ford in ’76. Mitch Daniels is a bit of a potential dark horse if he’s persuaded to run. But as much disdain as I have for that self described “common man” Hoosier bootlicker, I think he’s smart enough to stay out of the way.

    Have you seen the money pouring into Bachmann’s coffers? Egads! What a waste. That money could have fed hungry children or taught the ones she homeschooled accurate American history and science in general. But at the end of the day, I suppose those things are unimportant compared to getting out the BCTPHCMOI. (Batshit crazy tea party / hypocritical christian message of intolerance.)


  • Laysi:



    “We cannot afford to wait for 2012 to hold Democrats or Republicans accountable. Every elected official in this country needs to feel the hot breath of ferociously frustrated and fed up constituents. The Tea Party is a joke, we can deliver the punch line by showing them just what a grassroots movement looks like and what it can accomplish.”

  • Mark:

    Yep, you idiots have drunk the “Obama kool aid” for sure. Do you really like the “change” this idiot has inflicted on us? I don’t. He’s a lying bastard from Kenya infiltrating our beloved U.S. of A.! Trying to change us into muslems – which I will not! He is definatly NOT from here. You can here it in his words and voice. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Robingood:

      Without a viable third party we shouldn’t even give a revolt, against this tyrany lip service. If the Repulishits are as weak as you believe, then time for the most progressive among us to embrace what most of us want from the Polititians. New idea’s, new ways of running the crumbling dynasty. Fluidity, of perspective & values is, in great demand. I personaly could give a stinking shit; about public employees union. I’m referring to prision guard, law enforcement,lazy county, city, state and fed employees, & their whores the judges, whom load up our prisions, & recieve financial backing from forasaid entities. Our jobs are sent off shore, and the royal elite like Donny Trump and Meggie Whitman get to hire, and hire for marry anything they want, from any place on the globe. They only want that opportunity for themselves. They wish to deny our rights, don’t stress where your president was born, we are an internation union. Our working class competes on an internation level. Why would any honest working soul sweat the public employee;s, their gravy train interupted. Not…. Gaaawd. Trump is worried about where the President of the U.S was born. Whyyyyyyyyyy.., Afraid of a little competition bitches. A class ass punk is Trump. He is a Dumbywa with minute hair,& brain implants. Bait and switch, make the nation go broke, then new infused with blond, Dumbywa II to the rescue. Remember when Republishits were looking at his laziness Arnold Shitzanegrao to possibly be a contender, for presidency, then along came “Sara the mouth” Palin. At best passive aggression, against the Kingdom. Watch the ruling elite, continue to destroy and deny those on the bottom; while they scream about saving the sucked up over educated elite, that want to steal your livilihood, for pennies on the dollar.

  • Michael Douglass:

    You are a prize of ignorance and bigotry. Thank you so much for commenting and putting on your big boy pants! Do you not have spell check? I just can’t hear it in his words and voice, is there some secret inflection that only the stupid and racist can detect? You people inevitably cannot spell, construct a grammatically correct sentence or even a coherent thought. Thank you so much for commenting. I so appreciate the example of stupidity you’ve so generously provided us with.


  • Mandy Andersonn:

    Another brilliant post, Michael!

    While there may be a few Republicans out there who ARE that vacant (Bachmann and Palin come to mind)I agree that most of them are not as stupid as they’d like either us, or their ignorant voters to believe. They know they’re feeding the country heaping doses of bullshit. Remember folks, these people who constantly harp on this notion of the “Liberal Elite” have themselves graduated from some of the top universities in this country. But as long as they continue to play at being knuckle-dragging neanderthals who love god and guns (and hate gays) just as much as you do, they continue to get votes. Because it makes the real neanderthals out there feel all kinds of better about themselves. I’m afraid to even think about what it would take to open the eyes of these people.

  • Burns:

    Great read although a difficult one at times I would have to Google some of the adjectives .IMO its that there are more haves than half not”s . So to get the uneducated
    poor and lower middle class to take notice or make a stand is an impossible task .
    They keep the rich ,rich and the poor,poor . But I praise your efforts …

    • Michael Douglass:

      Well thanks. I hope you’re not right. Most people aren’t stupid, they just don’t pay attention.

  • reese:

    Both partys suck, i cant believe anyone defends either party

    • Michael Douglass:

      Yes, both do. But there are still good Democrats left and the difference in sheer quantity of Evil between the parties is massive.

  • Junior's Ghost:

    Chris Hedges refers to it as “The Death of the Liberal Class”. I refer to it as the death of morality. Somewhere along our mortal coil, most of us gave up on caring about other people. Whether they speak a different language, have a different skin tone, or worship a different God, heck, even if thay live in the wrong part of town, those “others” have become a cause celebre amongst the new American fascist movement.
    I am becoming more and more convinced that the only thing that can save our society, and our nation, is a reawakening among all of us…. all of us Americans, to the invaluable gifts of love, respect, and citizenship that have allowed us to assimilate the entire realm of humanity into the concepts of justice, liberty, and equality.
    If things like morality and democracy are gifts handed down to us by gods or from those of a past universe we’ll never completely understand, it it our duty not only to cherish those gifts with all our hearts, but to make it a mission to share those gifts with as many people as possible.
    We are the product of our works. Keep up the good work.

    P.S. Vodka goes really well with pink lemonade. I don’t know what the drink is called, but summer is coming. It’s a good warm weather drink.

    • Michael Douglass:

      I like it and agree. We need to somehow rediscover that morality inside of us.
      Vodka goes good with just about anything.

  • Russ:

    Very well stated.The only thing that I would add is to ask when there is a difference between a Republican or Democrat,would someone let me know?Just one of the unwashed masses,not a member of any clubs;Bohemians,Rockefellers or Rothschids.

  • Roxy:

    I forgot; please write more, love your stuff. No, you don’t know me. (insert annoying smiley thing)

  • Teresa:

    Exhausting to know how f’d up we are as a nation!

    Thanks for bringing me down…just kidding…always a good read from you!


  • Jay:

    “For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, 1.6 dollars come right back immediatley into the economy” If you put a $1 in and get $1.6 in return, you belong at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. What a JACKASS statement,spoken as a true Lib!

  • Michael Douglass:

    Look it up, it’s true. There is no more efficacious way to stimulate an economy. What do you got? Trickle down economics? Waiting for the wealthy to create jobs? Good luck with that.

  • Phil Maxwell:

    Yeah we get it, Republicans are bad, Democrats are good, blah blah blah…you read one whiney Liberal rant you have read them all.

    At least it was refreshing to read something that didn’t involve sniveling over Bristol Palin’s paycheck, That sure has gotten the left’s panties in a twist.

  • Michael Douglass:

    Yeah we get it too. I don’t give a mad fuck about Bristol Palin. Why don’t you man up and come at me with some facts? I dare you, and I’m quite confident you got nothing. I’m quite confident that should you choose to rise to the occasion, I’d wipe your ass and the floor you walked in on. Bring it.

  • Lars B.:

    thanks again dude. i lost track of you for at least 4 months, maybe more. keep it up, we need you out there.

  • Will Remy:


    As usual you hit the nail on the head. I loved the part you wrote about Trump. It is exactly what I’ve been telling my “friends” on FB. You couldn’t have said it all more truthfully. Your branding of the teabagger racists also echoes my same comments to my “friends” on FB. Your comments about the economic issues and the class warfare are right on. Again echoing my arguments. I used to teach economics, so I know a little bit about it. I frequently ask my friends to wake the fuck up! We are getting raped as you say. I am glad that we see things similarly. You have spoken truly and the Rethugs with all their red herrings can’t dispel the truth. That’s what frustrates them so much. Good luck with your future endeavors to educate the masses who need their eyes opened. I will do so in my small ways as well. Can’t wait to read your next one.

    Thanks for spreading the truth!


  • Andrew Hall – how about we go out and set a few rich fuckers ON FIRE? You in? Either you are on the bus or you are not. YOU are clearly NOT. asshole.

    • Michael Douglass:

      It’s profoundly ridiculous to suggest setting fire to anyone because they are rich. Grow the fuck up.

  • Thank you. You have saved me the trouble of writing this. Very well done.

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