The land of several large breasted women for a month one night

“The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.” -Horace Walpole.

What the fuck is wrong with us?

Congress refuses to help people out of the mess they made. Unemployment for 1.3 million families abruptly revoked from families who’d much rather have a goddamn job that pays more than $7.25 an hour. 4 or 9 million by the end of the year, depending on what you read. We spend how many times as much on defending, promoting and even subsidizing the most profitable industry in the history of humankind who, by the way, would have us believe it’s perfectly okay to drink flammable tap water?

West Virginians can’t drink their water but a poll reveals they don’t blame the company that poisoned it.


I get no pleasure out of anything anymore. I don’t look forward to anything.

That’s not true.

25 songs I want to hear today.

Ode to Billy Joe (Bobby Gentry), Back in Black (AC/DC), Junebug Vs. Hurricane (Lucinda Williams), Shadowboxer (Fiona Apple), Sultans of Swing -live version (Dire Straits), Bloody Well Right (Supertramp), Funk 49 (Joe Walsh), Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes (Paul Simon), Walk and Talk Like Angels (Toni Childs) She Talks To Angels (Black Crows) My Hero (Foo Fighters), Big Iron (Marty Robbins), Ice Cream Man (Van Halen), The Zoo (Scorpions), Barricuda (Heart), Wichita Lineman (Glenn Campbell), Boy Named Sue (Johnny Cash), Tommy the Cat (Primus), Life Without You (Stevie Ray Vaughn), Dragon Attack (Queen), When The Levy Breaks (Led Zeppelin), Imagine (John Lennon), I will Always Love You (Whitney Houston), Roll With The Changes (REO Speedwagon), Rock Candy (Montrose).

What this is, is a vulgar display of abject prowess.  A tragedy.  A mash up of unused ideas that weren’t going anywhere but sounded pretty good.

Bear with me.

There was this zaftig woman once with bleach blond hair who french kissed me in a glass elevator at the Tropicana in Vegas. It was awesome. I kissed her back. I saw it coming. She telegraphed all of it. I ended up in her room much later and told her to leave her bra on because it was white and her tits looked fantastic in it.  She had a great tan and her bikini lines were above the cups. She was very sweet and accommodating. I think her name was Tammy.  Wow.  She gave me her card and a warm damp towel.

I never had any contact with her again.

We as a country, insist on making stupid people famous.

I’ve pretty much given up on the idea of suicide. Really hard to prepare for. Afraid of all the solutions. Despite there seeming to be a good reason to do it every day, I’m resigned to the fact that I will probably die before I really want to anyway. Now I tell myself I shoulda ended it that day when the supreme court masturbated in public or that day a year or so ago, when congress forced it’s mottled penis in the ear of an innocent weeping kitten.

I have found that one thing women I’ve had anything to do with have in common is a beyond casual, often profound appreciation of quality bread products. Garlic knots. Toast points. Fresh, yeasty, aromatic loaves. With rosemary and garlic. In fact, I’ve never myself had sincere fondness for a woman who’d no less than swoon over a fragrant crusty loaf and the availability of various oils, tapenades and condiments for the dipping, immersion and unctuous slathering.

Chicks are sensual. So are cats. I find myself surrounded by estrogen and femininity.

The real problem is this.  We used to be the most powerful nation in the world.  We are still the mightiest and the wealthiest nation in the world.  By virtue of those things,  our corporations are the most dominant in the world.  And those corporations have left America behind.  It’s truly a global economy and America doesn’t matter nearly as much as she used to.  American companies have decided that. 

Oh boy.

Maybe I should become a luthier and a socialist.

I get up in the morning and regardless of the success of my sleep cycle there is juice. Tomato, apple, cran-grape, orange, Gatorade and often something flavored with blueberry and or citrus. We’re big on juice.  So we bought a juicer.  Now I make all kinds.  One day a week I buy a couple bags of good organic produce and grind it into liquid.

While I do this I look for and listen to records I’ve forgotten about.

I check my email. We’re still bombing Yemen and governor Christie is such an asshole that he’ll never even be elected dog catcher and Beyonce shows some thigh in a breathtaking seasonal frock while her sister beats up her husband in an elevator.

I think Jennifer Hudson was way hotter when she was “fat”.  She did that because bitches were jealous.

Maybe I should become a luthier and a socialist.

Who the fuck is Justin Beiber?

Why do you need more ID to vote in red states than to buy a gun or even liquor?

Why do people care more about who gets medicare/food stamps/unemployment/abortion than who gets a gun?

Why do most pro life people assume that if you’re pro choice, you’re pro abortion? Why can’t they understand that all it means is there is a modicum of humility and a great deal of common sense in our understanding that it’s just none of our goddamn business?

I contemplate the living room from different angles. I talk to myself. I talk to bathroom. Then I contemplate the bathroom. I conclude we need a hamper and shelves. I just like shelves. We don’t really need them. The toilet is pretty dirty. So is the sink.  We could use a hamper.

Maybe I should become a luthier and a socialist.

I contemplate the kitchen and how there is no such thing as too much counter space.

We bought a new broom. We needed one for the linoleum.

When I can longer decide if I’m insane or getting a real grip on things, when I just have no idea, when epiphanies begin to pop like those old instant flash bulbs on cheap cameras that leaked blue foam all over the smooth foil hemispheres they came nestled in……………..

When all else fails, I get in the shower and begin my ritual. I avoid it because it is my most introspective zone. It is here my future and past collide.  I shave and wash and scrub. Where did I go wrong? My torso is immense. Where do I go from here?  My legs seem to atrophy. I wonder if this is cancer. My mother grows more alone by the day. I spare no yoga when cleaning my trunk and my junk. Maybe this infection isn’t as bad as the last. My sciatica seems to be better because of my new shoes. I have a toothache and just got insurance.

I recenter the bath mat.

I’m a salesman.

It’s an excellent product.

It saves lives.

It’s cheaper than a cable or cell phone bill.

They just want to see the fucking brochure.

If I emerge from the shower and my youngest kitty is there to yell at me while not looking at me………   she just asks what into space.  I assume it will be a good day.

She cracks me up.

I take stock.

I have a family. There is love. They care about me and I care about them. They love me and I love them.

I count my blessings.

A very dear friend said to me not long ago in an airport lounge that she would obtain a bottle of pills and that would be it.  If it got bad, she meant.  If it got to be too much she meant.  She’d just take the whole bottle. She looked me in the eye when she said said it.

She saw me.

I saw her.

That blue foam goes cold just a minute after the bulb pops.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question—
Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?” -The Bard

I just can’t stand it.

I think I still have potential.

Drinks for my friends.

11 Responses to “The land of several large breasted women for a month one night”

  • Mary Elizabeth:

    How can we be so full of poetry & potential, so aware of our good fortune – deserved and not so much – and simultaneously feel so much anguish that death begins to sound like a warm and safe place to escape?

    I keep a gratitude journal, and I am certain that if the world ever saw me, saw all the beauty and love and talent and heart and pain and genius and empathy and generosity and fragility and ideas and dreams oozing from my every pore – SAW. ME!. – it would issue a collective sigh of gratitude for my existence.

    …and I know I am merely average! And it breaks my heart yet again thinking of all the amazing souls that the world ALSO never sees, and I want to find a womb to crawl back into, and die a gentle death, and hope maybe the next place has better eyes.

  • Michael Douglass:

    That was beautiful. This is meant to be a darkly humorous existential musing. I think you really get it. Rarely do I feel so understood. Thank you.

  • Pam Veselinovic:

    I think most of us want to kill ourselves, but at the same time, aren’t ready to die. My best friend is a 93 year old man. He is dying and wants to die but not that way. He whines about the pain, and struggles to eat solid foods, and doesn’t leave his room unless it’s to go on a bumpy van to have radiation on a huge tumor. He wants to die but he still likes custard pie. He still reads Time Magazine. He donates money to the Humane Society and pays his bills. He asks me “How will I get out of this?” We both know, but change the subject. Life and death is a complicated matter.

    • Michael Douglass:

      Nice Pam, and just when I was beginning to think I’d been too abstract, that no one was really getting it. Thanks 🙂

  • Peggy:

    Since I feel like I got ran over by a truck, I’ll just make this (fairly)short & sweet: Everyday distractions help me to not focus on the crap we are surrounded by, and that the media shoves in our faces.It really is too much, sometimes. I think our own lives are complicated enough, let alone this dysfunctional world. I try to stay informed,but at the same time, I’m not “bathing” myself in the misery. There are plenty of things to make me sad, angry, depressed, etc. You named pretty much all of those above. Your choice of wording all that is wrong w/ humanity, juxtaposed w/ sweet reminders of all that is good in your world, is refreshing. As you mentioned above, it is darkly humorous, but not w/o the occasional injection of what seems to be “wake up, buddy, you have the best of both worlds, right here.” By the way, great choices of music, especially, “Roll w/ the Changes.”

    • Michael Douglass:

      Roll With The Changes is for you Peggy. Thanks for reading and understanding. I hope you understand it pleases me that this makes you feel as though you’ve been hit by a truck. Hang in there doll.

  • Andrew Markoff:

    Well, much of it all is extremely frustrating, and disappointment is a constant, but let’s remember that Congress is not our friend, and real friends will usually overlook any bad decisions in regards to the choice of bathmats.

  • Wow. Feel both supremely sad and disturbed, envious and impressed at the same time. (Though I would have personally entitled the piece “Maybe I Should Become a Luthier and a Socialist”. Has a snappy ring to it. Begs the reader to want more, to investigate further… the present title being a bit too “well if it’s just another one of “those”… whatever “those” are, but they usually contain phrases such as “big breasts” or “busty women” etc and we’ve moved so far past that now…some of us…those that matter…in terms of what though? The small influence we may possess as curators as opposed to “pure consumers”; maybe. Still worried by some of it. Thought if I deflected my thoughts elsewhere, such as towards a pithy response of some kind, that i easily forget some of the more disturbing elements of the piece. Luckily, surprised to learn that it was/is just “an exercise in existential comedic writing”…but the truth is, nothing a writer ever writes is ever really pure fantasy, no matter how fantastical. Hence disturbed still. And simultaneously inspired. Damn. He still has it. Yes. But what are we going to DO with it. That’s the question. When we were kids we used to READ Tom Robbins and Kurt Vonnegut. Now we’re well past old enough to be Tom Robbins and Kurt Vonnegut. In a very real sense the blog ruined that for a lot of us. Sucks out all our best stuff into tiny little nuggets just large enough to self gratify but not large enough to sell. I’m going to stop for a while. Blogging. It’s akin to how the single is slowly strangling the album.
    PS — please re-title this “Maybe I’ll Become a Luthier and a Socialist”

  • Michael Douglass:

    Well, I already said this privately so you’ll see it coming. I agree. Much better title. I bet a pithy response would have been withering. Should have led with that. Don’t worry, I’m fine. Interesting that most male friends thought I was contemplating the dirt nap and most females just knew I felt their pain.

    Curators as opposed to consumers. Well yeah. And nothing is ever pure fantasy. And yes, what do we do with it? I don’t know beyond what we’re doing with it. Technology killed the album and will soon kill the single.

    You think I still got it?

  • I am officially calling you out. You have a blog and I would like you to accuse me of being mentally ill and threatening you here.

    Just remember, that you are writing in a public forum and anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

    Is this what you do to everyone that has a different opinion?

    • Michael Douglass:

      Dude, settle down and grow the fuck up. I never accused you of anything. Nothing. Nothing pejorative, nothing derogatory. I didn’t even disagree with you. The things you pointed out I don’t have a problem with at all. You DID threaten me and other people on my post in addition to harassing them so I blocked you. And no, I always welcome a difference of opinion. Always. Readers love it. It attracts more of them. You have no idea how much I wish the people who disagree with me on my posts and threads would do as much here on my blog.

      So now I’m going to call you, or at least your behavior psychotic. It was. You had to go. If that is somehow actionable in a legal context, then bring it.

      In the meantime, my best and most sincere advice is to seek help.

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