Consonants for sale

Sometimes I can hear a song for days, I can replay it in my head, in stereo, over and over for a week. After that I need a refresher. So I listen to that song on the world’s best stereo. I happen to own the world’s best stereo.

I can taste it.  I can see it. I smell it. It has texture.

I can touch it without touching it.

I assumed everyone was like this.

What’s up with these assholes who want to sport lethal firepower in the toy aisle at Target?  What makes a man think that’s cool?  I’m sure boys do.  You know they do it because they think it’s cool.  Boys that aren’t men and men that are boys.  What if I wandered into a Walmart with just road flares strapped to my legs brandishing a Zippo?  Would you be okay with that?  What if I promised it wasn’t dynamite, pointed out there were no fuses?

I mean I’m obviously unhinged.  Right?

If mall security isn’t all over me already, You’re dialing 911 and pissing your pants and leaving.

What if the communists go after the shopping centers first?  The open carrier will die in an explosion that melts his pea shooter into a stick skinnier than his dick.


This is dumb.

Look.  I’m not anti gun.  The second amendment has clearly been misinterpreted but I’m not here to take your guns away and neither is anyone else.  It’s not happening and it’s not going to.

So grow up.  Don’t take your guns to town Wayne.

I’m not a fan of public displays of affection.  It occurs to me this is a public display of fear and panic.  Fear and panic should not be displayed publicly.  If you need to take a gun to the grocery store, you’re a dick and you shouldn’t be able to own a gun.  That should be the first question on the test.


If the answer is yes……….

Drinks for my friends.

23 Responses to “Consonants for sale”

  • Pam Veselinovic:

    Hey!? Why such a short piece? No fair!

    You’re right about there being limits on what you can wear in public before people freak out and call 911. One gun is okay. Even a huge rifle, complete with strap. Fatigues? Sure. A fine outfit choice for summer. Even if you aren’t in the military and never have been. I can do a lot more damage with a rifle than a chain saw, but I’m pretty sure firing up a chainsaw in the produce section at Walmart will get me a few days in a psyche ward. Or an ax. Do you want me in the toy section next to your kid, with an ax over my shoulder? Probably not. And did you know that most stores have rules that say you can’t wear a mask? Why not? That’s only half of what you need to hold the place up, and it’s okay to have a gun, but not a mask? Ridiculous.

  • Michael Douglass:

    Ha! You have no idea the can of worms your comment on the length of the piece opens. I’m trying to be a little more succinct and maybe write more often. Thanks Pam 🙂

  • nailed it, as usual … dickless wonders …

    • Michael Douglass:

      One responded with: “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity” ~Sigmund Freud.

      I’d say it’s the opposite. Wouldn’t you?

  • naomi riopelle:

    they are displaying their fear….not the fear that their guns will be taken away, because most actually know better. what they fear are the changes rapidly occurring in our society that they are powerless to prevent. the guns are the symbol of their “supremacy.”

  • LaVaughn Powers:

    I’m afraid that one day, a couple of fidiots will get into an altercation over who can interpolate “Rambo” better…and we all die.

  • Beesees:

    “Nutjobs” shouldn’t have guns. Because we all know one when we see one, right? Although most people are murdered by someone they know. It never ceases to amaze me that people think they’re so insulated that as long as they are covered in guns and ammo they can’t be murdered. Murder happens each and every day, especially in America. “We’re gonna protect our children”. Children go missing every single day, including America. The FACT is, if someone targets you, all it takes is patience. You can be killed. Period. Take the youtube guy, Keith Ratliff, self-professed gun nut, murdered in his gun-riddled and ammo-stocked office with a single bullet to the back of the head. Yep, he exercised his right into his own grave. I just wish someone would comment he didn’t know his killer…..he had to have let them in. There’s no such thing as protection is another is determined to take you out.

  • Sherie Luffman:

    It seems to me that these open-carry people have a huge inferiority complex. They don’t have any confidence in themselves so they carry guns public to hide their fear of themselves (and their small dicks). They don’t do it because they feel that they need the protection of a gun in a public place – they do it so everyone can see how macho and strong they’d like to be.

    Unfortunately, it’s the innocent who will suffer.

    By the way, I’m a 63 year old grandmother, a gun owner, and I used to hunt for food. I have never, under any circumstances felt the need to carry a rifle or even a pistol (open or concealed) into a Waffle House. Those people must be very, very afraid.

    • Michael Douglass:

      I love Waffle House. Wish we had them here. Sad that they can’t even understand what they fear.

  • Cori Briggs:

    People support and demonstrate open carry in random and stupid places for different reasons.
    Ignorance: of how dumb they look. Not Patriotic. Dumb!
    Fear: of everyone and everything. Complete and total paranoia that everyone is suspicious, all the while looking suspicious to anyone and everyone.
    False Sense of Patriotism: Some ignore that gun rights were instituted when people had to protect their own. Their own families, crops, land, life etc. I’m no less a patriotic person than they are just because I don’t happen to feel the need to own a gun at this point in my life. Their gun toting in the name of ‘PATRIOTISM’ is actually starting to give ‘PATRIOTISM’ a bad rep. I mean, just look what they did to the historical Tea Party (Boston)!
    Tradition: They come from a long line of gun toting, toothless, deer killing men and women. It’s Truh-dishun! Well, so is wife beating in some cultures. So drag her disobedient ass into the room and train her good!
    Overcompensation: The men have really small dicks and the women are hideous. (sarcasm)
    And then we have the big one… Those that push extra hard for guns and spread fear real thick… The Gun Manufacturers. Well, yeah. There’s them.

    Nobody NEEDS to carry a gun at Walmart. And for people that have grown up in a culture that never paid guns any mind and just lived their lives, this gun toting nonsense is almost comical. When I was coming up, guns brought about images of a few things. Cops, Bad Guys and Hunters. That was it! I shopped at a small store for many years throughout my life and never knew the owner had a gun. It wasn’t flashed or advertised. Had he not shot a guy then I never would have known. That’s a man. A smart one. My family never advocated against gun ownership. We just never gave guns any thought. Not me, my parents, my siblings. None of us. Gun ownership wasn’t a hot topic issue and open carry was probably pretty edgy then, best as I can recall. The gun debate has all in my family shaking our heads and saying, “Hey, I have a voter ID card. Does that count as American? Or do we all need guns?” — No, the card works just fine. Use it. It’s much more powerful. The Vote is Mightier than the Gun. —

    And I never understood the ‘NO MASKS PERMITTED IN STORE’ signs. I can just see it now. A robber walks up to case the joint, sees the sign and goes back to the car and tells his comrades, “Hey, we’re gonna have to rob somebody else. This place doesn’t allow masks.” There’s no telling how many robberies those signs have thwarted! -Ugh-

  • Tim:

    Gotta agree with this. Folks do dumb things to make a political point. Kinda like throwing red on folks who wear fur. I understand you point but please.

    Good spank!

  • Andrew Markoff:

    Send a bunch of black men into big box stores with guns on their hip and slung over their shoulders. See how well that goes over.

  • Jeffrey Wayne:

    Speaking if Walmart….Las Vegas had an incident today involing guns and bullet proof vests in which innocent people and police were shot.

  • Living in East Texas I am waiting with baited breath to see my first open carry victims!!! “Oh how cute, are you two playing army?” Being a 57 year old hot granny, this is going to be fun! I hope to get them on camera for all to poke fun at on my facebook page!

  • Odessa:

    I simply do not understand the ignorance of common sense displayed today.

  • Lee Hillhouse:

    You posted this on my page and then I could never find it. Glad to find it, finally. ….and as usual, really great and really thoughtful. …and I agree with every word you said….Lee

  • Michael Douglass:

    So there’s this guy, several dudes actually. I have huge respect for them. They respond on facebook. Not here. Just gonna put my reply to them here:

    “As usual, I appreciate your candor and thoughtfulness. But you’re running way wide of the point. Didactic. You do go on.

    I’m not afraid of weapons. I grew up with them. I blew shit up same as you. What I’m afraid of is dumbfucks and crazies with weapons. Your efforts to hang some exaggerated preternatural fear of the boom stick falls on deaf ears. A hammer is a fucking hammer. A gun is a weapon exclusively. My chances of winning the lottery are better than happening upon some drug addled sociopath intent on mass murder at the local choke and puke. Your chances of happening upon a congress of asstards with longbows at the same eatery are better.

    What the fuck do I know what kind of gun I would bring to a gunfight? You’ll forgive me for saying it’s a dumb question. No, I’m not a gambler. Even if I was I’m not willing to bet that I need to take a gun with me whenever I leave the fucking house. Because I live in a world where dumbfucks and crazies are walking around with boom sticks. I do not want to live in that world and I will work to keep it from being so.

    There is absolutely no reason for open carry and I’m more than confident that it will cost more lives than it saves. Until we can figure out how keep complete dipshits from bringing guns to market, let’s refrain from telling everybody to have at it.

    Having said that I don’t think I could say it better than the NRA did initially: “Using guns merely to draw attention to yourself in public not only defies common sense, it shows a lack of consideration and manners.”


    The floor is yours.”

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