The big conflagration up at the clinic

Maybe the whole idea with all this new abortion legislation without exceptions for rape and incest etc. could be about the crusty old white conservative douchenozzles not being able to reproduce or even get laid any other way.


How else does it make sense?

If they can’t reproduce, they can’t propagate or indoctrinate. If they can’t rape their cousins, sisters, aunts or random children, they have no chance of winning elections long term.  See, otherwise they’re done getting laid.

Should we admire them for this?  Their only long term strategy?

“Is you is, or is you ain’t, my constituency?”

I mean they’ve alienated everyone else.

If men could get an abortion, not pregnant mind you, just an abortion, they would be free and absent controversy.  There would be abortion days at the mall.  Thursdays.  Don’t ask don’t tell.  Absolute privacy.  Provider/impregnator privilege.

We wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Same scenario with contraception.

These people aren’t pro life.  They are pro birth.  After the child is born, they can’t be bothered to give a mad fuck about it.  They vote against every single thing that could potentially benefit every single child they insist be born under far less than ideal circumstances.  No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, no unemployment benefits, no clean air, no clean water, no safe food, no education, no pension, no union, no nothing.

Once the child comes of age, incarcerate it for the prison industrial complex it or make it cannon fodder for the military industrial complex.

They adore capital punishment.

It is the apogee of hypocrisy.

A breathtakingly disingenuous intellectual ballet.

So I ask myself why.  Why are they so vehement?  Why are they so goddamn self righteously angry at women?  They are very angry.  Really pissed off.  But that’s not it.  What they are is afraid.  Afraid of women.  Afraid of slightly more than half the of the human population.  Fear is a great force multiplier.  They fear their power, their wisdom and ultimately their independence.  They understand that women afforded power will hasten their marginalization, their obsolescence, their extinction.

Because they have marginalized themselves.  Because they pursue obsolescence with abandon and because they actively romance extinction.

You can smell the desperation when they pass draconian laws, when they make it impossible for clinics that provide a myriad of other essential family health services to stay open.  When they murder doctors who merely seek to keep women from resorting to coat hangers in alleys.

They murder.

The hubris, it burns.

Here’s the deal.  Just because I’m pro choice doesn’t mean I’m pro abortion.  It’s none of my goddamn business.  I am somehow fortunate enough to possess a modicum of humility.  A whiff of intelligence and compassion.  Just enough of these things to understand, to realize, that it’s none of my fucking business at all unless I’m the father.  And then my say would be limited because I can’t know the import of what I would ask.  I would be secondary and I would understand that.

Nobody can know but the woman in question and I’m beyond convinced that this issue does not belong in our male dominated corridors of power.

This issue has no place in the hands of any men not irrevocably involved in the outcome.

The pride they approach this with disgusts me.  They presume to know better about something they can’t possibly have a clue about.  I know because I’m a man and I have no idea.

They are that spec of fecal matter at the back of my toilet bowl.  The one that appears between scrubbings.  That brown dot I’m constantly trying to dislodge with my ultra powerful racehorse urine stream.

It is my sincere hope to piss you fuckers off.

Drinks for my friends.



15 Responses to “The big conflagration up at the clinic”

  • REIYA:

    Yeah, your right,,,Separation of Church and State, means if I believe Life starts with the Breath of Life, I have a right to believe abortion is not murder! !!

  • Actually the religious right thinks (I know, the religious right AND thinking IS an oxymoron) that by forcing females to give birth that they (the religious right) will win the population battle by creating more of their (ignorant) own, thereby allowing them the means to ‘take their country back’ by sheer numbers alone. They are NOT interested that their thinking and their plans are flawed because stupid people DON’T take anything over or back. Stupid people are easily led and controlled as evidenced by the Tea Party voting against their interests. They probably simply need more slugs to fill their various coin boxes and religious scams…

  • Tam Cocar:

    Wonderfully written! I still want to know why Viagra (you know… the drug of choice to make old men horny and/or the drug of choice to make young men hornier (mmm… could it cause them to RAPE women) is covered by insurance, but if women are raped by these young sex addicts on viagra, not only is it not covered, but these unlaid miserable old white men are doing everything they can to make it illegal too (while allowing anyone to buy a gun without a background check and/or putting people to death or sending them to wars begun by lies).

  • Peggy:

    You hit on every single point on why old, white, stiff (no pun intended) men in Congress have no say in what is going on in my body, or any other woman’s. I also am not pro-abortion, or anti-abortion. But, no one else can dictate what we do with our bodies. Just as the law prohibits men, specifically pedophiles, and rapists from getting castrated. There simply is no difference. With pedophiles/rapists they are committing crimes, they SHOULD be castrated. But, rape isn’t about sex, it’s about control. So, those pervs would find another way to violate their victims. Back to abortion.. I don’t like labels, but I consider myself pro-life, and pro-choice. I believe every life deserves to be treated w/ dignity, and respect. And, no one should be left to fall between the cracks. The hypocrisy is embarrassing for republicans. They explain it away, but we that have common sense, know the distinction. Or, should I say, we aren’t using your phrase: willfully ignorant. I’m lucky to have a Mom that taught me the importance of fighting for womens’ rights. We became part of history, by going to the “Million Women March”, back in March or April of ’92 or ’93. That made a huge impression on me. Anyway, it’s always great to hear a man say how he supports a woman’s right to decide what is best for her. Obviously, you aren’t a woman, but you have great insight.

  • And….it must always turn into biblical banter, which god made clear when he had Priests abort women with bitter wine, that he is not pro fetus, not even close. Or science, and why we have Roe V Wade and are allowed unfettered access to abortion for any reason at all, until the time of viability.

    It is also not about doing away with abortion, there always has been and always will be abortion. There is just safe and unsafe abortions, nothing more. No man can keep a woman from aborting, and that in itself is the rub.

  • An ugly story, but beautifully argued and written! Thank you for sharing! ~Sue

  • Cori Briggs:

    They all have this misguided and idiotic notion that they’re all champions of Christ. The more they force their religious views on society (while doing as they please behind closed doors) the better their chances of entering through the pearly gates of Barbados… or Heaven or some shit like that. They stay in constant competition with each other to be see who can be the best leg humper of Jesus. Just like a teachers pet. Those kids always tattled on the others to make themselves look better by comparison. Point out the flaws in others to distract from the flaws in yourself. — They all make me sick.

  • And the same guys who are against gun control now have hit upon the answer to their prayers, that the real bugaboo is people with mental health issues and clearly the answer is treatment, but of course, they oppose any kind of national health care which would be the only hope toward helping people with mental health issues.

  • Tim Scott:

    Good rant. I actually agree 😀

    Good time to die. Hell froze over.

  • Tom Fleischman:

    I just got turned on to your blog. It rocks! You and I are kindred spirits. Thank you for expressing it so well!

  • Will Remy:

    Yes, and the idiots murder those doctors who provide health care, and then twist their logic that it is unethical for doctors to “murder the unborn” but it’s okay for them to “murder the doctors who murder the unborn” and raise those assassins up as heroes to their movement. As you point out, these are the same who are pro-death penalty…

    Nice piece again! Keep up the good work!

  • L. Henderson:

    That was a rockin rant!

  • Connie Back:

    If only everyone realized you don’t have to be against something just because you’re not for it.

  • Throughout the awesome pattern of things you actually receive an A+ for hard work. Where exactly you actually lost me personally was on the facts. As people say, the devil is in the details… And it could not be more accurate here. Having said that, permit me say to you precisely what did work. The writing is definitely extremely powerful and that is probably the reason why I am taking the effort in order to opine. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. 2nd, although I can easily notice a jumps in reason you make, I am not necessarily sure of how you seem to unite the points which inturn help to make the actual conclusion. For now I shall subscribe to your position however wish in the foreseeable future you actually connect the dots much better.

  • Cherie McGinn:

    I don’t think anyone is “pro-abortion” — but the extreme right understood the value of terminology much earlier than Democrats did, so we’re going to have to work very hard to change that narrative.

    And, we have to be much more pro-active in the use of terminology in the future. Do NOT let the conservatives control the conversation!

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