Conflagration Scotus

I am a woman. I gave birth. It was painful.  Excruciating.  Agony.  No one knows.  I do.

My child knows no one other purview until it gulps air outside of me. Until it leaves my womb it belongs to me and no one else. No other body, governmental or even judicial matters at all to me.

Not as far as I’m concerned anyway.

I really don’t care what you have to say.

I cannot stand five catholic men in black robes who would decide anything for me or the child in my body.  I loathe you for trying.  Your ignorance.  Your arrogance.  Your hubris.  When the day comes I want to relinquish control of my life, my child’s life, to the likes of you, I’ll let you know.  It will have a big fancy seal.  It will be on parchment.  Sheepskin.  You’ll know.  Champagne and caviar.

Until then, shut the fuck up.

We all know you think it’s your religious privilege.  We all know you think you’re somehow entitled to a voice here.  A heavy legislative hand.  A right.  But you are wrong.  You don’t.  You can’t.  You won’t.  You can’t tell me what contraception to use anymore than you can tell me what to do with my womb.  My body.  You stand there, collecting your filthy lucre from the dirtier angels of our filthiest nature and presume to define sin for me.

Fuck you.

You took a stand on the side of a company that wears its hypocrisy on its goddamn face.  They invest in and make money off of the manufacture of contraceptive products.  They willingly paid for the objectionable products for their employees for years.  Decades.  What changed besides Obamacare?  They say their mission is to prevent abortion but the only net gain from this will be more abortion.

By the way, they say the contraceptive products they won’t pay for kill babies.  Wrong.  Completely wrong.  What they do is prevent fertilization.  No beings.  No babies.  How did we get to a place where the Supreme Court is guilty of science denial while listening to and valuing the opinions of clerics and wizards?

Five Roman Catholic men who wear black robes to work.

In this process you would willingly consign me to a coat hanger.

I am a man and I do not accept this jurisprudence.  It is the antithesis of jurisprudence.

But I am a woman too.

It’s like your whole reason is to make sure it’s born.

After that, it’s nobodies business but mine.  Ironic how you grab responsibility before it’s born and surrender it completely the second after.  How do adult white men entertain the notion that they somehow get to champion the fetus and forgo the child?


They are the last people.

Then, some sonafabitching congressman comes along to make my last stand.

To pretend to speak for me and all the unborn.

I am a woman and I have given birth and if I begin to understand that delivery might mean my death, I get to decide what to do.  If that child will be born inside out?  My problem.  If that child is born with whatever disability?  My problem.

Not yours.

Fuck off.

The same goes for my contraception.  Sometimes it’s to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.  But 56% of the women in this country that avail themselves of contraceptive medication have it prescribed to them by doctors for reasons other than preventing pregnancy.  Sometimes it’s to prevent my spending days in bed writhing in the kind of pain that makes botulism or ebola look Fischer Price.  Sometimes it’s to reduce my risk of certain cancers.  Viruses.  You don’t know.  You can’t you bastards.  I am a woman and you are not.

I can not countenance five greasy old academic males deciding any of this shit.  It’s none of their business.

None at all.

I am a woman.

I would make each of you pregnant tomorrow morning if I could.

Or, I would visit the menstrual cycle upon each of you if I could.

Then we would see who the women are.

That would be awesome.


I am a man speaking for women.

Drinks for my friends.

32 Responses to “Conflagration Scotus”

  • Solveig:

    Truly an abominable turn of events. Let’s hope it serves to further expose and turn voters of both genders away from the plutocrats.

  • You said it so much better than I could. I reblogged this at my site…thank you…

  • LaVaughn Powers:

    I’m one of the women who uses birth control for other purposes. I’ve heard the argument that Hobby Lobby pays for 16 other types of birth control and I should shut my liberal ass up…fuck that!
    That’s not the point!!!
    The Kangaroo court just said that a corporation’s closely held beliefs trump my health…
    Question is…where does it end?
    This may be what the court has ruled on now…but for all that agree with the ruling…one of your liberties will be next…until we have no more.

  • Guido Colacci:

    I posted this to my Facebook page “people may think that I am making way too much about this …but like censorship, once you draw a line, it then opens the law up to all interpretations, and ALL of them SUBJECTIVE. Sadly, the supremacist kkkourt ruling is “unconstitutional” and believe me when I say this, its just a matter of time before other groups bring cases before the courts and the decision is considered a PRECEDENT and so if the courts follow law and precedents, which they are bound to do, the ruling this week opens the door wide to the chipping away at the separation between corporations, people and religious freedoms and what they allow or won’t allow because of their “religious moral values” … The reason I compared this to “censorship, a great battle was fought in the 1970’s between the courts and Larry Flynt. Larry Flynt prevailed, although I don’t know if the outcome would be the same today. If one thing is allowed to be censored, then it opens the door to other things being censored and then we’re back in the 1950’s and you’re reading “God’s Little Acre” under the covers IF you could get a copy at all… YOU CANNOT DRAW LINES with certain issues…” – Guido Colacci

    • This case was an uphill batlte, to be sure.However, the reportedly pro bono representation of Farmer Bowman will unfortunately likely contribute to a decision that is a public policy and jurisprudential fiasco. Think also of Larry Lessig’s freebie representation of Eldred.In other words, a lot of harm can be done with the best of intentions. When one is not getting paid, one has to work twice as hard and be twice as good or more than opposing counsel who is getting paid by the likes of Monsanto.Bowman’s counsel’s oral argument in SCOTUS was underwhelming, to say the least.

  • Celiene:

    You did it again, Michael! Excellent!

  • I don’t reblog. I don’t like reblogging. But I’m reblogging this. I’m as angry as you are, but you said it so much better.

  • Thanks, Michael. You said it so well and with so much absolutely necessary swearing. The new women’s movement will require us all, every human, female and male to stand together and fight for sanity and equality. Let the games begin.

  • Kathyn Blackwood:

    I love what you said and how you said it. And to think we are stuck with these guys forever.

  • LeaAnnLoudmuth:

    My vag, my rules. The end.

  • there is something you might or might not of heard about – it’s a word I learned when I was 12 years old – it’s “Mittleschmertz” a condition where during ovulation I was in excruciating pain as the hormones that happen during ovulation inflamed my ovaries and fallopian tubes to the point that I felt like I was having appendicitis. I could hardly walk sometimes. It felt like a knife twisting inside me. This went on from age 12 until 49 when I finally went through menopauuse.

    So those fucking Nazi men who think that women should be FORCED to ovulate are like Mengele the Nazi doctor.

    I wish I had had medication for that condition but there was nothing then -the morning after pill would probably have helped me.

    In my 40s I started getting sinus pain so bad that I could not even stay awake and felt like I had a knife in my face. The tissue in the sinuses are similar to the uterus, so the same hormones that inflame the uterus inflame the sinuses. I would be sick for three days and in so much pain I cried.

    Then I would get my period and I was miserable.

    Finally it all ended with menopause but I spent most of my life in pain.

    I would like to cut the balls off of those ChristoNazis without anesthesia and let those fuckers bleed to death so they would know what it is like to spew blood clots all over the place.

  • Yes, yes, yes, and YES! This. So very much THIS. Thank you for adding your voice to the outraged. I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, either!

  • Melinda Grimes:

    Well said! Sometimes a woman, like myself can’t take the pill and her “doctor” recommends the IUD for things like clotting, hormonal side-effects and other things that would gross most men out. I shouldn’t have to ask my “corporation” how they feel about that recommendation based on their beliefs. I also shouldn’t have to pay full price for an IUD when I already pay thousands a year for insurance. Yes, I suppose I could just jump on another plan but there are things like enrollment dates and I’d have to interview the insurance company to see what kind of religious affiliation they might have. Now, back to my Satanic, whore rituals; the babies are getting too cold to eat. ????????


    Yeah! Isn’t this a pisser? I loved your voice. Thanks for it.

  • Michael in Waco:

    SUPERB diatribe. I shared it all over Facebook. We MUST put a stop to this assault on our personal privacies and our freedoms. Thank you!

    • Isn’t it sad that most Americans believe this fact about the tropos fighting for our freedoms. I don’t believe for one second they fight for our freedom . but that they fight to keep the greedy control mongers just that .. more greedy.. more wealthy so they can have more control over the rest of the world and us. The american people have become dumb sheep who listen and believe everything they are told without question. I say question everything. Everything! I say our government LIES and are NEVER to be trusted and should rather be put in their place which is . to simply uphold our constitution and nothing more than just that.The rest is to be left to the people.. for the people.. by the people .. Oh crap.. how does that one work when the people have become dumb sheeple!

    • Yes, her father was once a fobradimle civil rights attorney. So much talent and capability going to waste in support of hate. I’d love to know what really happened to Fred Phelps over the years. There are lifelong haters, raised in cultures of hate. These haters are often quite different from the paranoid haters who become hyper-religious, cultists during adulthood. When you see the latter in a setting where you can interview them at length, you can sometimes make sense of their deterioration. There is probably a fascinating but unknown personal drama behind Fred Phelps.

  • Lacie Harmon:

    Thanks for another smart, thoughtful post, Michael. Many excellent points in here.

  • The ambassador:

    Very well spoken. Great points made here.

  • Never have I seen a more truthful explanation of the truth and it is wonderful to know it was written by a man.I have re-posted it. Now if people will just read it and THINK!

  • Religion does not belong in my life decisions.

  • I’m pretty sure Fred Phelps is a lot less crazy than most of us supsope he is, and a lot more shrewd. Phelps got his start as a lawyer and made a lot of money as a civil rights lawyer.I think the God Hates Fags business is as much about getting himself and his family into lucrative, easy to win lawsuits as it is about his religious beliefs.

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