American Exceptionalism


It’s like deja vu all over again.

One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all, has been at war for all but 21 years in its 238 year existence.


The talking heads tell us there’s no way air strikes alone will extinguish the latest bogeyman called ISIS or ISIL or whatever the fuck.  After all, they beheaded three westerners live on video.  It was on TV in 3D and HD over and over and over.  So our plan is to arm and train and fund the “moderate rebels”.  Nevermind that we’re fine with Saudi Arabia, one of the most brutally violent, archaic, misogynist, serial public beheading regimes in the entire world.  The Saudis do this shit every week.

Breakfast and then on to the decapitation.

Cocktails at three.  Virgins at six.

We thoroughly enjoy trade with North Korea.

Not Cuba, those people are savages.

But this Islamic State.  We must stop THESE bastards.

I don’t want to alarm you, but they are under your bed as we speak.  Really.  Not Cubans or North Koreans but yes, Muslims with murder in their hearts.  Don’t look.  Just make sure you’re locked and loaded.  Batteries in your flashlights.

The talking heads are conditioning us to accept that this will be a protracted campaign. There won’t be boots on the ground though, not unless absolutely necessary.  Wink.  Wink.

All this despite the experts pointing out that there is no existential threat to America whatsoever.

Can I interest you in a bridge or some swamp land?

War is just America’s way of saying it loves you.  It loves you so much we created, funded and armed the enemy.   It loves you so much you now have no choice but to fear for no goddamn reason.  America loves you so much, it understands we all have too much money and the ones who have a shitload of it just don’t have enough.  America loves you so much that we’re going to have yet another war to correct that whole wealth distribution thing.

America is very sorry that Darth Cheney’s empire only made $39 billion last time.

America loves you so much that it was forced to turn your local police departments into  militarized testosterone fueled terrorists to combat the lowest violent crime rate in decades.  America loves you so much that you’re way more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.  Way more likely to be killed by your own gun.  America is glad that you actually fear terrorists more than your local police though.

America loves you so much that it also has to foment an insidious gun culture so pervasive and perverted that nine year old girls are accidentally shooting people to death at gun ranges with goddamn Uzis.

Your government loves you so much that it is going to lie to you for as long as possible about being at war until it cannot possibly deny that we’re at war again.  When that critical mass is achieved, your government will start telling you that the war is being won.

The problem is thus, if we actually win a war, that war should end.  They will tell you we are winning but they will be more and more reluctant to concede we’ve actually won.  Even though we haven’t actually won a war for 60 years.  We do not actually win wars.  It’s beside the point.  The people who profit cease to make AS MUCH if the war is actually over.

America loves you so much, it tries very hard to not actually end wars, even if there is a solution to the conflict.

Because then they will have to undertake the arduous recreation of starting yet another war with another foe or country or religion.

America understands that loving you means never having to say it is sorry.

Because America doesn’t give a mad fuck about Americans.

Being American means you never have to be sorry about anything at all.

Drinks for my friends.


59 Responses to “American Exceptionalism”

  • Andrew:

    Once again, a brilliant peace. Our existence is becoming meaningless. We’ve fucked it all up over Greed and a lust for profit from Oil and Artillery. How about a TON of drinks for your friends because the only solution is to self medicate until you just don’t give a shit anymore. Nothing is going to change until we’re gone.

  • Is it okay if I just watch my favorite football players and celebrities doing inane stuff and try real hard not to know anything about what my America is doing to us? Andrew is right. Lots of drinks. Or better yet, go see your doctor or any public health worker and complain about anything whatsoever, and have them prescribe anti-psychotic drugs. It’s what they do best.

  • jim:

    War is pablum for the gamers…

    • JHearn:

      I’m not sure how to take this. Recently I’ve been seeing more and more open attacks on video gamers as a subset of society.

      I personally think you mean the folks gaming the system. Their controllers are their dollars, their lobbyists, and their media hounds.

      And you already know who they’re playing, heck we do the half the work for them, we plug in, press start, and cop out.

      But if you do mean video gamers, don’t take the media’s 2 minute hate. I do it all to often, falling for their bait. Getting into argument that only divide, when just need to push those stupid differences aside and see that

      they are just folks who like to play interactive on movies and

      they are just folks who have a deep concern for the implications of mature themes in a growing medium that fascinates our youth.

  • Pam Veselinovic:

    True. Our wars never really end. Not in recent history, anyway.

  • Nailed it again, Michael … as only you can do …

  • Ken E:

    ‘…no boots on the ground unless necessary…Wink Wink’. Hahaha so true. They love giving us that one.

  • reiya:

    Great Peace Rant, Michael!

  • Timofey:

    Like this one.

  • Lance Ott:

    A masterful presentation of the truth my friend! Too bad the masses only find their “reality” on TV!!!

  • JHearn:

    War is Peace.
    Ignorance is Strength.

    Brown is the new Black.
    Until the 2 minutes pass.
    And its time to switch back.


    You’re always on point man!

  • Shelley-Laysi P.:

    Interesting, Can agree with some points. Then there is other points I would totally disagree but I will gladly share this view point. Well done, clearly stated 🙂

  • Bob Cull:

    There is nothing left to say except I couldn’t agree more, we are possibly the most arrogant nation ever to have existed on the planet.

  • That is terrific. Interesting to contemplate that we have been at war 90% of our existence. I believe you, but I need to look into that to understand the details of the chronology. “Drinks for my friends.”… is that the original Bukowski quote? I though it was “Drinks for all my friends.” Or is that referring to something else? Or not referring to anything?

  • madelane:

    I have to agree, you got it, and I like the way you put it! But I have to add, the Saudis and the US want the oil from Syria, and they want it, to sell to Europe! If they can make that happen, then Putin will be out of customers for Russian oil, and Europe will be buying the oil that the Saudis and US, have taken over. SO, it’s another classic case of: “It’s the oil, stupid”!! They did it to us before, and they’re doing it again!! It was all about the oil, when we attacked Iraq; and it will be all about the oil again, when we win Syria for the Saudis! When are we going to learn, not to believe excuses for war, so blindly! We’re going to be hearing all kinds of idiotic blather about fighting for democracy…blah, blah, blah, I guess some people have to believe that they’re throwing their lives away, for something good, when it’s actually nothing but garbage!!!

  • David:

    Typical Mike. You make all these critiques using any reference you can to cast disparagement on Cheney (not saying it isn’t warranted) and attack the Constitutional Right to bear arms, but you fail to mention your POTUS and war-hawk Clinton and the rest of the corrupt regime that occupy DC. And for those who comment to say it’s all about oil, please, you have little knowledge of why wars are truly fought.

    This POTUS will bow to a Saudi king, but he disrespects our own military with every turn. He fills his staff with Muslim Brotherhood ties, uses his and other positions in his cabinet to race-bate with every chance, flaunts his constant elaborate vacations, lies about well, virtually everything, claims he didn’t know about anything until he gets it from the news (that part may be true), and whenever possible avoids all scrutiny from all of his supporters by saying it’s all the fault of someone or something else. No, not a smidgeon of corruption here. You write well, but you write so biased that you lose credibility with anyone who is a righteous follower of the socialist based agenda that the liberal logic is based upon. Come on Mike, wake up, man up and critique your emperor who, along with the big brother media has you and your flock believing that America is so horrible. True, it’s getting worse as we get further from empowering the people instead of the mighty government, but isn’t what liberals want, to make the government all giving and the people so desirous?

  • David:

    meant to say not a righteous follower

    • Michael Douglass:

      This is so goddamn dumb it barely merits a response.

      How did I attack the right to bear arms genius?

      The piece attacks America’s lust for war for profit and references Cheney as an example but excludes no one including the Clintons and Obama genius.

      If war in the region does not include oil as at least one of the reason then why did the architects of the Iraq war draw up a map of the country divided into regions designated for major oil companies genius?

      This potus may bow to a Saudi king like all the rest of them but the last one kissed him on the lips and held hands with him genius.

      He fills his staff with Muslim Brotherhood ties? Yeah, geniuses like Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert think so too. Nice company Dave You’re an idiot.

      Give me one example of how Obama race baits without revealing your own racism genius.

      Obama has taken 125 total vacation days compared to Bush having taken 407 at this point genius.

      Tell us what Obama has lied about genius.

      And no, that is not what all liberals want dipshit.

      Thank you very much for once again the depth of your willful ignorance and abject stupidity by by not even being able to grasp that this piece is at least as critical of the current administration as it is of past ones. Nice work rain man.

      • Michael Douglass:

        You know David, there are plenty of reasons to disagree with or complain about Obama, do yourself a favor and pick a few based in reality next time. Have you no capacity for humility? I mean, don’t you ever get tired sounding so fucking stupid?

  • David:

    No I get it Michael, you don’t like going to war for profit. I simply stated you never bring up the names of any of the liberal admin when doing critiques…you allege but never call them out by name. Ok, here’s a list of blatant lies, then we can move on to the race baiting and the surroundings of corruption and perversion of the cabinet. Lastly, let’s compare those vacations shall we?

    Since you asked here are a list of just some of Obama’s lies.
    1. If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it
    2. Most transparent administration
    3. “Not a even smidgen of corruption”
    4.“If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it”
    5.“The NSA is not abusing its power”
    6.“First of all, I didn’t set a red line,” said Obama. “The world set a red line.”
    7.“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”
    8.“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system”
    9. Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations
    10.Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.
    11.I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever
    12.“Every idea that we’ve put forward are ones that traditionally have been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.”
    13. Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”
    14. No “boots” on the ground Libya
    15.ObamaCare Fee is not a new tax
    16. The Health Care Package will pay for itself
    17. We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care
    18. No Earmarks in the $787 Billion Stimulu
    19. Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.
    20. Bypassing congress unconstitutional; I intend to reverse when I am president
    21. I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps
    22. I’ve heard of Bill Ayers, but I never met him
    23. I have visited all 57 states. (ok, he didn’t lie, he’s just stupid)
    24. When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it
    25. Have troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009 (well, it took only five more years to make that big mistake)
    26. My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country
    27. I wont have lobbyists in my administration
    28. I won’t support the Patriot Act (he expanded it two-fold)
    29. ISIS is JV
    30: I never said ISIS was JV

    On to his race baiting:

    Exploited race and minority relations for political purposes and for ideological reasons, including Eric Holder calling the nation cowards on race, racializing voter intimidation laws and saying the GOP was after him on Fast and Furious because he, like Obama, is an African American; appealing to Hispanics and blacks to vote as a bloc for Democrats because Democrats are their friends and Republicans their enemies; and accusing the GOP of supporting voter ID laws to suppress the minority vote and immigration laws for racial reasons.

    “I don’t know – not having been there and not seeing all the facts – what role race played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that he Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home,” Obama said in response to a question from the Chicago Sun-Times’s Lynn -Gates, Obama allowed, “is a friend, so I may be a little biased here. I don’t know all the facts.”

    “You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son,” “Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me, 35 years ago.”

    He baits with his placement of people like Holder who had no business being the AG, lacking credentials and skills. And he has been successful in convincing the left that anyone that disagrees with his horrific resolve to “fundamentally transform America” or brings up his lies must be a racist, as opposed to .

    Uh oh, trouble in the WH. : The very objective of the IMMA is to transform Muslim minority lands into Muslim majority lands. Can you say Caliphate?
    * Rashad Hussain, Barack Obama’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
    * Farah Pandith? A Muslim woman who was sworn in to her State Department position in 2009 with a Qur’an held by Hillary Clinton. Pandith serves as the Special Representative for Muslim Communities for the State Department. In her capacity, Pandith has had frequent dealings with multiple Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
    * Mehdi K. Alhassani. Though Alhassani was serving as Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Staff, and Executive Office of the President, he does have a history with the U.S. State Department.

    Alhassani served as President of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at George Washington University (GWU). In a document published circa 2006, Alhassani was listed as part of the Participants at the Citizen Dialogue Group (PCDC) along with Farah Pandith and Yahya Basha, who currently sits on the Board of the highly questionable Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a Washington, DC lobbying outfit that seeks support for Syria’s highly suspect rebels who themselves have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Well, let’s talk about the crooks in the cabinet:

    * Chief Diversity Officer, Federal Communications Commission – Mark Lloyd – “It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press….”

    * Attorney General – Eric Holder: Holder has been undermining the rule of law for most of his career. While serving as the #2 official in Clinton’s Justice Department, Holder was the driving force behind the effort to pardon members of the notorious Puerto Rican terrorist group, FALN, a group that engaged in over 130 attacks in the USA, killing six people. By refusing to carry out justice against the Black Panthers and the Hispanic FALN terrorists, he was clearly pandering to these two racial groups for political reasons.

    “With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material: that is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of or would think would be wise policy,” he said. Yet it was subsequently revealed that Holder personally signed off on a warrant to investigate Fox New reporter James Rosen, allowing the DOJ to search Rosen’s email and phone records, as well as those of his family members.

    * Counsel, State Department – Harold Koh

    The man Obama has named as the State Department’s legal advisor is Harold Koh. Koh believes America should defer to the International Court of Justice to determine legal precedents; a totally unconstitutional endeavor.

    * Samantha Power
    Power is an anti-Israel pseudo intellectual, a strange position given that Israel is our top ally in the Middle East. She holds the view that until Israel allows Palestine to set up a separate state, all the other problems in the Middle East will remain.

    * Rosa BrooksThis genius wrote that Al-Qaeda was just an “obscure group” until America began the war on terrorism, ignoring all the documentation that Al-Qaeda was making plans for rapid growth long before 9/11.

    * Valerie Jarrett: (Perhaps the head of the household) she married into a family with a pedigree of Communist Party involvement. Her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, worked closely with Obama mentor and Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis in a number of Communist Party front groups during the Cold War years.

    * Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive office of the President — Cecilia Munoz: Munoz is a hard-core open borders advocate who served recently as the Vice President for the National Council of La Raza

    * Oh we could go on forever about his appointees (and certainly other past presidents but I am talking about the here and now, and the guy you voted for)

    Whew, this is tiring: Ok Now let’s compare vacations.

    First off, this POTUS has golfed 192 times since taking office; albeit saying/promising during his campaign (another lie) that he wouldn’t vacation or golf when there was a need for him to work.

    It was a given that you would compare his vacations to Bush, that’s one of the rules of the liberal retort that I provided to you before. Yes, Bush was a corrupt POTUS as well, but let’s try to stay on track here, we’re talking about your beloved POTUS now.

    Here’s a neat little rundown written 7 months ago by that “he must be a racist” Allen West: … when you total all the reported expenses of the first family’s 22 vacations so far to Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, Spain, Colorado, Florida, Africa, etc are combined, the estimate of Obama vacations reaches over $18 million when hotel and resort rent, security hotel and car rentals and airfare are included. Of course, that only takes into account the $ which were reported as many of the vacations $ are not being provided in the FOIA’s submissions. The total cost is believed to be well over $30 million.

    One thing I’m sure we can agree on is that this government is corrupt to the core, as demonstrated by the constant waring with others and its own citizens. But alas, you don’t see the big picture and how your liberal bias affects us all.

    It is most certainly 1984, and big brother is watching. But keep in mind, it is the liberal philosophy of needing more government intervention that brings about such power. The two parties are actually in cahoots, and once the majority citizens wake up to see how they have been played, there would be a revolt. Hence the constant spying, militarization of police, the open and oh so dangerous borders, the FEMA camps, the still allowing flights from Ebola stricken Africa, the increasingly impossible debt, and the list just goes on and on. Is it a conspiracy by a few to empower themselves through our destruction, or is it just humans who simply cannot rule one another sans evil intent? Either way Mike, try a bit of humility and call yourself out for voting in a man who had no experience in leadership (or anything other than community organizer; which is simply another name for socialist agitator), his upbringing was dowsed under a cloak of communism idealist, and who has surrounded himself with corruption and deception under the guise of balancing America. The balance of this country should be accomplished through empowering of the individual (as intended by the founding fathers) not by the strengthening of an all-powerful government and making the people dependent on same.

    Well there ya go, I guess all this makes me stupid and a racist. But as it is said, in a world where lies become the norm and accepted as truth it is the honest person who is the enemy.

    • Michael Douglass:

      You’re list of lies reads like a script written by Roger Ailes. Where do you get this crap? What am I supposed to do, respond to each one? You’re wasting my time David. Predictably it starts off with the “If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it” all the tea bagger mouth breathers lead off with. You know why they do that genius? Because it’s a very simple bullet point you can all memorize. The fact is the statement is true with the one caveat that you may lose your plan if it’s so egregiously shitty and fiscally unconscionable that it fails to rise to the very low bar set by the ACA to protect stupid people like you from themselves.

      Then there’s the “Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.” Again you’re just revealing your bias and ignorance because it’s true. Rates are actually rising at the lowest rate since records have been kept.

      ““Every idea that we’ve put forward are ones that traditionally have been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.” Absolutely true. “traditionally have been” means used to moron. I’m not going to lead you by the nose through myriad of proposals and legislation that have been championed by republicans in the past that once advanced by this administration were abandoned wholesale by the GOP.

      Your whole insipid list is the same brand of either complete bullshit or taken out of context nonsense that all tea baggers resort to because their heads are empty otherwise.

      Republican election officials and elected officials have admitted to enacting voter ID laws specifically to disenfranchise minorities in print and ON FUCKING CAMERA you douchebag. It’s true.

      What the hell is wrong with what Obama said about Trayvon Martin? How is that race baiting genius? It could have been Obama 35 years ago.

      “I don’t know – not having been there and not seeing all the facts – what role race played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that he Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home,” Obama said in response to a question from the Chicago Sun-Times’s Lynn -Gates, Obama allowed, “is a friend, so I may be a little biased here. I don’t know all the facts.”

      Sounds to me like the the Cambridge police acted stupidly too Dave. How is what Obama said about it race baiting?

      You say Holder lack credentials and skills to be the AG and in the same breath point out how he was #2 in Clinton’s justice department. Also Holder previously served as a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and a United States Attorney. While a U.S. Attorney, he prosecuted Congressman Dan Rostenkowski (D–Illinois) for corruption charges related to his role in the Congressional Post Office scandal. Later, he was Deputy Attorney General of the United States and worked at the law firm of Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C.
      Nice work asshole.

      Oh no! The BLACK PANTHERS!!! They’re coming to kill whitey in their beds. ALL TWO OF THEM Dave?

      Why would you possibly object to him other than the color of his skin genius?

      James Rosen should have been investigated. :The FBI affidavit claimed that, by aggressively soliciting a leak of classified information, Rosen had “aided, abetted or conspired” with his source in violating the “Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information” statute (18 USC section 793).

      I agree with Samantha Power.

      Rosa Brooks was right.

      Valerie Jarrett: So What? Bush’s grandfather was in bed with Nazis and the Koch’s father was in bed with Stalin.

      Cecilia Munoz and La Raza: So fucking what?

      I’m not at all interested in debating Obama’s fucking vacations with you but I just love that you cite Allen West in doing so. The only fucking source you cite in your how long winded, empty headed diatribe and it’s Allen Fucking West. There exist not a single respectable journalism organization that will touch that goofecock with a ten foot poll.

      There’s plenty more to humiliate you with but I just don’t have the time or the inclination. You have acquitted yourself quite deftly in demonstrating that you are indeed a stupid racist.

      You are wasting my time Dave and next time I’m not gonna bother. I’ll just post your dumbass comments and let all my readers see how lame you are and be reminded that you people actually do exist and they are out there.

    • Peggy Frigard:

      Dave, by you making a huge list of supposed Obama administration misdeeds, when you could have lumped all of them w/in 4 groups. I think you might’ve thought that by making such a lengthy novel of “truths”, that there is no way any liberal could hit every single “point”. I will only counter the main talking points from the far right:
      The ACA is not w/o flaws, but it is a new system and it benefits more people than those that don’t like it. The states where the governors refused to expand Medicaid have much higher premiums, and the ACA would work SO much more better and smoothly if every state did it. BUT, the governors don’t want the subsidies to pay for it to be expanded, to make the ACA not work well in their respective states. Next, in case you don’t know, Obama is not a Muslim. That talk about the Muslim Brotherhood is ridiculous and funny. Corruption? Obama isn’t perfect, and he’s made his fair share of mistakes, and will probably make more before 2016. Does he make more than any pres. in history? Heck no! Only his mistakes (alleged) are amplified by the right. But, no mention of the great things he has done. Why? That would be blasphemy, right? TARP: By 2012, it was almost COMPLETELY paid back by the banks themselves. Today, it is totally paid off. <–Source at the end of my reply. Obama has been as transparent as he can be. More than other presidents. He has hid nothing. That's just "fishing" done by birthers, etc. Race baiting: According to you and your like-minded fellows, anyone that wants to bring attention to racism, which is hugely prevalent in the USA, is "race-baiting". That is just a safe codeword to throw out when you have no idea what the heck you are talking about. Black kid shot by a white cop? (Right)The kid must've deserved it. Great logic. Assumptions are used by idiots who don't want to educate themselves, and want to just remain ignorant so they can keep using the same soundbites over and over again. Benghazi: The killers were caught, which by the way, were NO ONE in the current administration. They were in Benghazi, probably had never set foot on American soil.
      Summary: Obama is one of THE top 2 presidents in my life, and top 3-4 in the history of the USA. He ruffled a lot of feathers, but nothing important gets done, if he was trying to appease to Congress. He has made history of the great things he's accomplished and it'll be in history books for years to come. Bad for the right. You might want to be more organized with your points, and fact-check EVERY single one. Your ignorance is showing and it's unbecoming of you. (TARP source:)

    • I love it when wingnuts actually list their nonsense. Makes it easier to expose. David is passing along a bit of crap he’s found on the internet. It’s all unreferenced garbage and non of it holds up, and non of it rises to the level of “lie.” This presumes David has a grade school understanding of the word lie. If he doesn’t, a dictionary will be provided.
      You have no lie, not one.

      DAV: here are a list of just some of Obama’s lies.
      1. If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it”>>

      I liked my doctor/plan so I kept it, just like with 98% of the rest of people. Private insurance companies change plans and networks all the time, always have. Obama has expanded access, improved quality and lowered costs, yet you’re still whining. If the government had required private industry to no switch docs and plans, you’d be whining about that. Learn:

      “In 2008, candidate Obama’s statement “If you’ve got a health care plan that you like, you can keep it” was rated True. By politifact.

      In 2009, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” received a Half-True rating, as did another rating in 2012, which said the problem with Obama’s words wasn’t anything to do with Obamacare…”

      Same words, no lie. Here again, is why you have no lie:


    • More crap from David’s cut and paste snatch of vague unreferenced whoppers he pinched from the internet. It’s hardly worth poking but let’s do it anyway:

      DAV: “2. Most transparent administration”>>

      Too vague, sorry, try again.

      DAV: “3. “Not a even smidgen of corruption”>>

      You’ll need to support that one with evidence.

      DAV: “4.“If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it”>>

      That was handled at #1 dumb dumb.

      DAV: 5.“The NSA is not abusing its power”>>

      And assertion is not an argument. Try making a case for something. And remember, to show a lie, you need to show intent. You can’t done that and this list doesn’t even try.

      DAV: “6.“First of all, I didn’t set a red line,” said Obama. “The world set a red line.”>>

      Feel free to show this is a lie. Oh, and, Syria was quite a success for Obama:
      “George W. looked into Putin’s eyes & claimed to have seen his soul.
      Putin looked into President Obama’s eyes & told Syria… Hey if I were you I’d get rid of those chemical weapons.”

      And he did it without a glorious war for you chickenhawks to dodge.

      DAV: 7.“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”>>

      True. I think we are getting to the extra dumb part of the list.

      DAV: “8.“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system”>>

      Quite sure this quote is bogus. It’s mostly true anyway. No I’m getting bored.

      DAV: “9. Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations”>>

      Oh, look who’s a liar now. That would be you. Learn:

      “New York Times Benghazi Investigation Confirms Paper’s Early Reporting On Video’s Role”
      “NEW YORK -– Following a months-long investigation, The New York Times reported Saturday that it had found no evidence that al-Qaeda, or any international terrorist group, was involved in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. The Times’ David Kirkpatrick also wrote that the attack “was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam,…” (12/29/13)

      “A Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found that “some intelligence suggests” an inflammatory video linked to violent protests around the region led terror groups to conduct “similar attacks with advanced warning”:
      It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attacks or whether extremist group leaders directed their members to participate. Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day’s violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September
      11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]”

      “…the best intelligence at the time reflected a link between the video and the attacks. The White House’s analysis is identical to the initial draft of the separate set of CIA talking points that were crafted by CIA analysts earlier that day, and former CIA acting director Mike Morrell has testified that the CIA chief of station in Libya believed at the time that the video might have motivated the attackers.

      Additionally, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s review found that an inflammatory video linked to violent protests around the region led terror groups to conduct “similar attacks with advanced warning.”


    • Continuing with the rest of David’s bogus, unsupported and unreferenced examples supposed lies.

      DAV: “10.Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”>>

      Easily true. In Arkansas they are actually going down next year (2%). Unlike your bogus quotes, here’s something he actually said:
      “I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”
      Notice he said “up to.” Some are saving a hell of a lot more than that. Butch, a republican, saved over $13K per year:
      “on Tuesday, [Butch’s] local Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) provider confirmed that he would be able to buy a far better plan than his current policy while saving at least $13,000 per year through Arkansas’ Obamacare marketplace.”

      I can bury you in similar examples. Let me know if you would like to be buried in examples.

      DAV: “11.I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever”>>

      Let’s ask someone in Israel who would know:
      “Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak said Monday that when it comes to his nation’s security, the Obama administration is doing “more than anything that I can remember in the past.”
      “I think that from my point of view as defense minister they are extremely good, extremely deep and profound,” Barak, a former Israeli prime minister, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “I can see long years, um, administrations of both sides of political aisle deeply supporting the state of Israeli and I believe that reflects a profound feeling among the American people. But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past.”

      Nice softballs David.

      DAV: “12.“Every idea that we’ve put forward are ones that traditionally have been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.”>>

      Sensible republicans, not the insane ones.

      DAV: “13. Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”>>

      Sorry, bogus quote. Try again.

      DAV: “14. No “boots” on the ground Libya”>>

      Correct. We accomplished that task with air support and exactly ZERO causalities. If your ignorant Bush had done anything like that you and your conservative asshats would be building monuments to him all over the place.

      DAV: “15.ObamaCare Fee is not a new tax”>>

      Obamcare is actually a nice big fat tax cut. Learn:
      Why Obamacare Is A Tax Cut For Millions Of Americans
      “…there is no massive tax hike: few people will ever pay the penalty, and those who do will pay less than the amount of the payroll tax increase that Republicans nearly allowed to occur.
      In addition, according to a report from Families USA, 28.6 million Americans, most of them middle-class, will receive tax cuts under the bill due to entering health care exchanges and receiving affordability credits:
      We found that an estimated 28.6 million Americans will be eligible for the tax credits in 2014, and that the total value of the tax credits that year will be $110.1 billion. The new tax credits will provide much-needed assistance to insured individuals and families who struggle harder each year to pay rising premiums, as well as to uninsured individuals and families who need help purchasing coverage that otherwise would be completely out of reach financially. Most of the families who will be eligible for the tax credits will be employed, many for small businesses, and will have incomes between two and four times poverty (between $44,100 and $88,200 for a family of four based on 2010 poverty guidelines).”


    • DAV: “Ok Now let’s compare vacations.”>>

      Yes, let’s do that:
      “Cost of Obama’s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush’s Africa Spending Spree”

      And: “Obama has taken less vacation time than Bush did”

      Average vacation days per year by president:

      DAV: “First off, this POTUS has golfed 192 times since… [blah blah blah]”>>

      The old golf smear. Learn:
      “1. [CLAIM] Obama has played more golf than any president in history
      This isn’t even close to being true. Now, there’s no question that he plays on a regular basis: 104 rounds from January 2009 through Aug. 4 of this year [2012], the last time he played, according to Mark Knoller, the longtime White House correspondent for CBS Radio. That puts him about in the middle when compared with other duffers-in-chief. It’s less than Bill Clinton, and a lot less than Dwight Eisenhower, who played more than 800 rounds over eight years — four times as often as Obama plays.

      And why is it an outrage if the president, who heads one of three branches of government, golfs 104 times in three-and-a-half-years, but the head of another branch of government, the Speaker of the House, plays four times as much? You heard correctly: John Boehner once told Golf Digest that he plays upwards of 100 rounds a year. Seems like a double standard, no?”

      And then St. Reagan:
      “President Reagan was still on vacation at the GOLF! resort the next day when the Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed, killing 241 Marines.”

      Tsk tsk.

    • DAV: “the increasingly impossible debt, and the list just goes on and on.”>>

      Yes, but your lists are all garbage as we’ll already seen. As to spending, oh how conservatives love to lie about that. Let’s help you with that:

      1) “…government spending as a share of GDP is lower in 2013 than it was in every year of the Reagan presidency except 1988 when spending was 21.3 percent of GDP, 0.2 percentage points lower than the 2013 share.”
      Reagan, bigger government and bigger spending than Obama.

      2) Net change in government spending under Obama and Reagan:
      No comparison. Obama’s spending is lower, Reagan’s higher.

      3) Changes in spending on public, government employment, Obama vs. Bush:
      Up for Bush, down for Obama.

      4): “…federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.” –“Obama spending binge never happened”

      So the idiot Bush leaves $2.7 in the basket for the next guy, plus $10 trillion loaded for the future, and when Obama doesn’t clean it up fast enough, while reducing the deficit each and every year he’s been in office, you wingnuts are still going to whine about it. Amazing.

  • dave:

    You are so very ridiculous: You’re such a f’n racist attacking Allen West. What a douche you are. I’m trying to use simple words for you since you seem not to grasp facts and large thought processes. Simply saying what he says isn’t a lie is such a douche move Mike. Virtually everything he says is a frickin lie, and simply saying, “no it isn’t, it’s true” reveals the child that inhabits your lead paint eating brain. His every inaction is even more hideous. In the wake of ebola, he fails to follow the advisement of anyone with sense to forbid travel to the US from Africa w/o a proper quarantine…instead saying it’s no threat to us. Well we’ll just see how this POS POTUS infects us all further. Face it Mike, your ilk is responsible for this treasonous madness.

    Hey guess what Mike, your defense of the in-defensibe in by far the more emarrassing thing for this nation. In fact, I think we all just got dumber by reading your ridiculous response. But it is fun to get you going/

    • Michael Douglass:

      How am I racist for attacking Allen West? The guy is a complete laughing stock. Did I say a single thing about his skin color or ethnicity? Do you even know what racism is Dave? He was forced out of the military.

      He’s infamous for saying stupid shit like DEMOCRATS SUPPORT “MOST INSIDIOUS FORM OF SLAVERY” and RELIGIOUS COEXISTENCE “WOULD GIVE AWAY OUR COUNTRY” and “WE ALSO SHOULD BE CENSORING THE AMERICAN NEWS AGENCIES” and I AM “THE MODERN-DAY HARRIET TUBMAN” and “WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE OUR MEN BECOME SUBSERVIENT” and of anyone with an Obama bumpersticker “A THREAT TO THE GENE POOL” and ““Take your message of equality of achievement. … You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.” and JOSEPH GOEBBELS WOULD “BE VERY PROUD” OF DEMOCRATS:

      With Herman Cain and Sarah Palin standing behind him, the right-wing provocateur came out in full force at a town-hall event on Tuesday, claiming he’d “heard” up to 80 House Democrats were communists.

      Check this out Dave:

      He a joke Dave, he’s a fraud and everybody with an above double digit IQ knows it but you. THAT makes me a racist you fucking simpleton? Are you aware my wife and kids are black you fucking moron?

    • Michael Douglass:

      He is sending 3,000 troops to deal with the Ebola problem at the source you jackwagon. THAT is intelligent action. THAT is smart.

      • David:

        Oh yea, I read all of the responses, most erroneous and or citing the opinion of bring or otherwise. Citing BS such as Obama’s job creation is blatant evidence that the political double-speak works well on you two. If so many jobs have been created why is the workforce the lowest it has ever been? The un-employment figure is so skewed that it’s not even close in demonstrating the actual number of unemployed, just another tool of deception. Kinda like saying there is minimal inflation because inflation doesn’t take into account things like food, medical costs, power, fuel, you know, all those minor things.

        Sending troops to deal with Ebola is supposed to be a good thing? Exposing our troops who are there for god knows what reason (is it to impose marshal law?) is sick in and of itself. Allowing the hoards of illegals (to include people from the Ebola stricken nations into this country is appalling. This POTUS and the whole lot of them on both sides are categorically destroying this country from the inside. Every move he makes does more to weaken our borders and our dollars. Fewest people in the work force ever. Cost of everything just keeps getting higher. Refusal to work with both sides of the aisle. Polarization between the haves and have-nots, racial tensions, militarization of police, and our rights being eroded more and more each day. Obamacare made in the model of the VA? Fuckin disaster. All fascist government seek to do the same thing, enslave their nation under the guise of assistance. If you two are so smart, how come you can’t figure that out? Thousands of years of history prove it, but it doesn’t fit into your fantasy land.

        I love how you guys jump on to a study that so well fits your paradigm of thinking. I am a conservative in the mind as I understand that big government is inherently corrupt, but liberal in the heart as I am giving and caring. I don’t need some figurehead demanding my resources so they can be “redistributed” and squandered. As for intelligence my IQ is of no consequence because Mr. Smart guy and the guy who he thinks is smarter, as I believe anyone who reads your drivel gets dumber simply by be exposed to the lunacy of one-sided biased political wind bags. Trouble with liberals is they all think they are intelligent independent thinkers, but in truth they simply spew whatever BS is being pushed into their heads through CNN, and MSNBC, and that puke Jon Stewart type entertainment, or any other survey of scientific study that fits their tiny views. To suggest that I am of low intelligence and a racist is so telling: that is the liberal answer to all opposition. Don’t like Obama because he makes one bad decision after another, well you must be a racist. To suggest Holder has less legal integrity that Gotty, well you must be a racist. Think that Obamacare was instituted chiefly to gain more control over the nation’s people, well, you must be dumb…and a racist. Hell, even the Democrats are trying to distance themselves from this insidious fraud of a leader as it gets harder and harder for them to fool the masses.

        Lastly, your crayon comments have gotten as used as often as a page in Congress, but I shouldn’t expect much better from a lead paint eatin’ Rachel Maddow lover such as yourself. At first they were funny, but I can see now that your colorful writing is really more the result of an old acid trip…. Still, I find myself intrigued by the people who claim to be so smart and free thinking only to see them for what they really are, just drones, slaves to the elite, absent intellectual freedom. You can’t possibly imagine a person having variegated thought, and thus must label them as Tea Baggers or some other affiliation- it just goes to show how hypocritical you are. It’s no different than being a racist, as you have hatred for people who are different than you. It comes from fear of not understanding and an inability to empathize with those with whom you don’t share the same delusion; but hey, you’re a smart guy so you would already know that, right? You know, I do think you are smart, but I also know that you are wrong. You see, that’s the real difference between me and you…

        • Michael Douglass:

          Just can’t do it can you Dave?. Can’t back a single thing up can you? Just bloviate endlessly like your right wing heroes.


  • Michael Douglass:

    And the things I pointed out that aren’t true? Look them up genius. Stop just believing the right wing shit sandwich you’re being fed AND LOOK IT UP GENIUS.

    You still have not even tried to show how the statements and quotes you cited are race baiting. Fucking idiot.

    • Scott Amundsen:

      Dave do us all a favor and go have a HUGE snack of some kind; it will be all the better for this forum if your mouth is full and your hands are occupied at something other than typing.

  • Michael Douglass:

    Keep talking Dave. Keep talking.

  • Peggy Frigard:

    Mike, I think this is your best blog to date that I’ve read. I couldn’t add anything more to it.

  • More crap from David’s silly and bogus list of worthless lie examples.

    DAV: “16. The Health Care Package will pay for itself”>>

    The ACA is self-funded and entirely pays for itself. But better than that, it’s saves the government vast amounts of money, while vastly expanding access and vastly improving quality. So you’ve picked a really bad example. Let’s review:
    “CBO now projects much higher cost savings in both private and public health insurance than originally projected in its 2010 budget baseline. CBO’s latest projection of spending in 2020 for Medicare is now 15% lower than its 2010 estimate, and 16% lower for Medicaid spending. In the private market, new CBO projections of health insurance premiums per enrollee in 2020 are 9% lower than their 2010 estimates.”

    Oh, and to back track a bit, remember that one (#10) where Obama supposedly said:
    “they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

    That’s exactly true. Learn:
    “Health Care Spending Slows To Historically Low Rate
    For the first time in more than a decade, health care spending grew more slowly than the U.S. economy from 2010 to 2012, according to a new report by government auditors.
    The historic slowdown in the growth of health care spending since 2009 — the lowest rate since the federal government began tracking the data in 1960 — has sparked a debate about its causes. President Barack Obama partially credits elements of the Affordable Care Act,…”

    So, 54 years to be precise. Thanks Obama!

    DAV: “17. We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care”>>

    That was in a difference with Hillary. He changed his mind. That’s not a lie. You can’t have effective national health insurance without every one in the pool. Even Romney knows that. And Romney doesn’t know much.

    DAV: “18. No Earmarks in the $787 Billion Stimulus”>>


    DAV: “19. Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.”>>

    Correct. And taxes are at 60 year lows under Obama. Learn:
    “Taxes have not gone up for the middle class. Within weeks of taking office, President Obama took immediate action in the midst of the economic crisis to restore security for middle-class families by cutting their taxes in the Recovery Act.
    Since then, President Obama has continued to cut taxes for middle class families to make it easier for them to make ends meet. In the first four years of the Obama administration, a typical family making $50,000 a year has received tax cuts totaling $3,600 – more if they were putting a child through college.
    On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed bipartisan legislation that will make sure income tax rates stay low permanently for 98 percent of Americans, while asking the wealthiest households to pay a little more to help reduce the deficit.”

    DAV: “20. Bypassing congress unconstitutional; I intend to reverse when I am president”>>

    Vague and worthless. In reality: Obama has averaged fewer executive orders, per year, than any president in the last 125 years.

    Just a few more bits of David crap, and then we’ll be all done. Nice.

  • DAV: “21. I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps”>>

    Snopes has a nice debunk of that one. It will require a bit of an attention span and some reading comprehension, so you may be out of luck:

    DAV: “22. I’ve heard of Bill Ayers, but I never met him”>>


    DAV: “23. I have visited all 57 states.”>>

    It’s always wonderful when wingnuts are reduced to saying Obama got a number wrong in defense of their clueless Bush. The fact that you have to resort to mentioning that he said the number “57” instead of “47” shows how pathetic your position is. As if this is in some way equivalent to your Bush who cranked out something stupid each and every day. I had two calendars with something stupid from your Bush for every day of the year. Where’s the Obama calendar that has this? Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t exist, because Obama knows how to speak.
    You would have to be pretty goddamn dense to not know you would get shellacked in this game. So I’ll see your paltry hand and raise you over 800 juicy Bushisms:

    And that’s not remotely a complete list. Scroll down to get to:
    • Best Bushisms of All Time
    • Bushisms from 2007
    • Bushisms from 2006
    • Bushisms from 2005
    • Bushisms from 2004
    • Bushisms from 2003
    • Bushisms from 2002
    • Bushisms from 2001
    • Bushisms from 2000

    But Obama was tired after campaigning one night and said 57 states oh my! LOL.

    DAV: “24. When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it”>>

    Failed campaign promise, not a lie.

    DAV: “25. Have troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009”>>

    Bogus quote. Bush negotiated the agreement, and Obama got them out slightly ahead of schedule, as promised. Not a lie. The claim is not true. Learn:

    DAV: “26. My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country”>>


    DAV: “27. I wont have lobbyists in my administration”>>

    The American Enterprise Instituted praised him for giving it a good try. You can’t always get what you want.

    DAV: “28. I won’t support the Patriot Act (he expanded it two-fold)”>>

    Deceptive. That he wouldn’t support X version of the act, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t support Y version of it.
    And it’s supported by far more of your conservatives than Demos, so stop whining.

    DAV: “29. ISIS is JV”>>


    DAV: “30: I never said ISIS was JV”>>

    Don’t care.

    Now, David, if you would care to defend any of the crap you post, with actual reference and evidence, then do so. This little list of garbage you passed along doesn’t hold up. Seen it all before. Raise your game.

    • Michael Douglass:

      So Dave, this absolute epic smackdown begs a a question. You have been refuted, you have been embarrassed, you have been absolutely humiliated. You have been revealed to be dumb as a fucking stick. The question is, do you understand what has happened here? Are you smart enough to understand just how dumb you are?

      I genuinely doubt it.

      You won’t, because you can’t. You have proven over and over again how and why the ideology you subscribe to is impenetrable to logic or common sense. You are an example to those of us with triple digit IQs. You will respond with some predictable right wing talking point about socialism or communism or Alinsky or some other unrelated bullshit that are the only things available to you people incapable of thinking for yourselves.

      You are the worst kind of dickhead Dave. The kind that has pride for no reason. The kind that believes that they are far smarter than than they actually are. I cannot believe that we share the same educational system. I had some pretty good teachers. You must have been in those “other” classes.

      What the fuck is wrong with you?

      When did the traumatic head injury occur?

      Here’s your chance to admit you were dropped as a child. Here’s your chance to admit you just can’t compete with the smart ones. Just admit that subtlety, nuance, logic and efficacy are lost on you.

      Will you? No. Sorry, but no. Because you are just too goddamn dumb Dave. You cannot possibly grasp what an ass you’ve just been made into Dave. You’re just not smart enough to understand the onslaught unleashed against you that makes you look like a lonely idiot standing in a field of weeds swearing it’s corn.

      You have no capacity for humility or embarrassment or even scorn. You are lost Dave. A lost cause. I have a theory about you and your kind. I call it the one quarter paradigm. It goes like this: 25% of the American electorate still approved of Nixon when he was forced to resign from the presidency. They were racist fucktards in favor of the “southern strategy”.

      Because they were card carrying racists Dave.

      After a disastrous war based on lies and fomented fear in Iraq that everyone now understands was an egregious mistake, 25% still approve of that presidency.

      You are a flag waiving constituent of the far too stupid to vote of the one quarter paradigm Dave.

      Your idiocy is breathtaking.

  • Misge:

    Michael clearly David is a troll. He’s using scripted talking points that are irrelevant. I believe we have a teabagger trying to sound intelligent and failing miserably. Don’t waste your time or breath with this guy.

  • reiya:


  • Dave:

    Thank you all for proving the old adage that it is easier to fool people than it is to prove to them that they’ve been fooled. I love how you guys try to spin everything your politicians say and do. They openly lie and you say “well, it was a failed political promise”. Your POTUS says, hey look at the great economy and low un-employment, but you all fail to see that we have fewer people in the workforce than ever before.

    Here’s a typical politician just like your precious Obama:

    Say anything to get elected, lie more when you are. Fool all of the sheep, republicans and democrats alike.

    Even amongst your sheep the majority of Americans find the POTUS and Congress to be wrong on most issues. Of course sheep like Darrel simply shrug off important issues to which the POTUS lies as “boring”. What a complete F’r. The ACA completely self-funded? What kind of utter BS is that? Just the electronic portion of the website was so over budget (given to one of the POTUS’s buddies for 20 times the cost of what Amazon was), and is still screwed up.

    You can call me all the names you want, and allege that my IQ (which is actually amongst the top 1% -that would be higher than 140) is low, but the fact that you voted for these tards and use all of your MSNBC talking points to try to counter truth is evidence that it is you who clearly lack the intellectual ability to ferret out real life.

    I suspect, Mike, that you use psychotropic meds (most likely Paxil, lithium or something similar), wash it down with copius alcohol along with other illicit substances to self-medicate, sandwiched with type II diabetes meds (because you eat all that junk that spews forth for the limited of intellectual capacity). Ah yes, the government loves a doped up society, and revels in their idiocracy fueled by common core, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and Mother Jones. The government sells you on everything and you buy it up like you have all the money in the world. Yum yum, just love big brother.

    Obama is a stoned, high puppet. He’s a great politician but a horrific ineffective leader. His governing is analogous to a meth addict who takes apart electronics having no capacity nor desire to put them back together. The ACA is a perfect example. First take people’s insurance away, then force them to buy ACA and brag about how many people have signed up. Let’s open the borders (so as to get more liberal voters from countries where people know of no other system than that in which the government is all powerful), and then see the number of worker’s actually diminish and cause more people to rely on the working few. Yup, you are socialists who by your ignorance bring about more and more fascism.

    Looking at your ranting is like listening to idiots talking about Brawndo being good for plants because it has electrolytes.

    • David wants to go to the woodshed again. Excellent.

      DAV: “Darrel simply shrug off important issues to which the POTUS lies as “boring”.>>

      It’s boring when someone like you passes off a 30 point list of crap that you pinch off the internet you clearly can neither grasp or can defend. I responded to each of those mere assertions and showed where several were false and outright lies while a few didn’t even rise above the level of boring.
      And we still wait for you to be able to substantiate a *single* example of a lie. That is, showing he said something false, with intent. Care to try again David? I dare ya. Raise your game and I’ll get out the big stick.

      DAV: “The ACA completely self-funded?”>>

      Correct. The taxes within the law pay for the law. It cannot, by law, add a dime to the debt. This is important because it differs entirely from the Bush war adventures ($3-$6 trillion), tax cuts for the rich ($2.5 trillion) and his Medicare D ($1 trillion) which was entirely unpaid for and went straight on federal debt. The ACA, rather than add to the debt, lowers government costs AND the debt, by hundreds of billions, as I showed with reference. Suggestion: learn about a topic before you shoot you mouth off and step on the rake.

      DAV: “the electronic portion of the website was so over budget”>>

      Another favorite lie by conservatives, regardless, even if this was true, it has no relevance to whether the ACA is deficit neutral, which it is. Again, dipshit, learn about a topic before you make a fool of yourself about it in public.

      DAV: “my IQ (which is actually amongst the top 1%”>>

      The fact that you are are an incompetent fool and a dimbulb at best is quite incidental to the fact that on these matters you have been shown to not know WTF you’re talking about. I shredded your list of 30, in 30 minutes.

      DAV: “I suspect, Mike, that you use psychotropic meds…”>>

      So now that you can’t respond to any points with substance, we get nonsense like this. Just go away and stop embarrassing yourself already.

      DAV: “Obama is… a horrific ineffective leader.”>>

      Let’s review the record and make you eat bit more:

      ? Unemployment is at its lowest rate in over 7 years
      ? Stock market nearly triple from Bush lows and breaking records
      ? Health insurance for an additional 20 million Americans and the rise of medical costs at record lows
      ? American car industry was saved along with millions of jobs
      ? Abortion and unwanted pregnancy at 40 year lows
      ? Inflation at 40 year lows
      ? Housing market and home values largely recovered
      ? Less dependency on oil and on track to become the largest oil producer in the world by 2016.
      ? A federal government with less employees than Reagan had in the 1980’s

      “Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing”

      And: “Obama may be the best American president ever for the economy”

      ? Benghazi mastermind captured: No shots fired
      ? Bin laden killed: No American causalities
      ? Brutal Libyan dictator overthrown: No American casualties
      ? Syria gives up chemical weapons: No shots fired
      ? Iran agrees to nuclear inspections: No shots fired

      If you need a picture, try this:
      “Five years of Obama”

      DAV: The ACA is a perfect example. First take people’s insurance away,”>>

      Another favorite conservative lie. Learn:
      “Rep. Waxman Catches Republicans in Another ACA Lie and Delivers Truth Bomb With Report”

      “Report: Hype Over Canceled Plans Under Obamacare Was Overblown”
      ” the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a report examining exactly how many people will lack health insurance under the new regime. The report uses anAssociated Press estimate that 4.7 million people received cancellation notices as their baseline. But out of that group, according to the Democrats, only a small sliver of Americans—just 10,000 people—who lost their 2013 coverage won’t have access to affordable insurance.”

      Oh, and numbnuts: “If canceled, not even 1% will pay more for Obamacare: Study”

      DAV: “and brag about how many people have signed up.”>>

      As he should. And in three years we get this: “Raw Data: By 2017, Obamacare Will Be Covering 36 Million People”

      You need to get fresh material, because the crapola you’re peddling is garbage. And this was very easy to show.

      • Michael Douglass:

        Sheezus Dave, don’t you ever get tired of being publicly humiliated and exposed as a complete dipshit? You have no shame, no vanity. WTF is wrong with you? By the way, people who feel the need to boast about their IQ are ALWAYS dumb as a stick. You have been absolutely eviscerated here, yet again and you want to tell us how smart you are when you’re too dumb to realize your getting your ass handed to you over and over? WTF is wrong with you? You know nothing. You cannot support a single thing you posit. You’re wasting air. Sheezus, it terrifies me that you are allowed to drive, much less vote.

    • DAV: “They openly lie and you say “well, it was a failed political promise”.”>>

      Are you really so stupid you don’t know the difference? Where’s that 140 IQ when you need it? All presidents make goals and claims. All presidents end up having to make compromises with congress and deal with real world realities. Here are 241 detailed, specific and referenced examples of promises made by Obama and promises kept:
      The list of failed promises is much shorter. Some were half way accomplished. That doesn’t make them lies. Learn the difference.

      DAV: “Your POTUS says, hey look at the great economy and low un-employment,”>>

      Yeah, that’s a good idea. Perhaps if you didn’t hate your president more than you love your country you could look at his record of achievement without looking like you have your head up your ass.

      DAV: “you all fail to see that we have fewer people in the workforce than ever before.”>>

      This is the line of crap conservatives barf up with they are intensely bothered by Obama’s 55 continuous months of job creation (a new record) and a job performance that beats Reagan’s (and that was quite good). So let’s give the old Labor Force Participation Rate canard a smack. This excerpt is a good start:

      “Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing”
      “Labor participation is affected much less by short-term job creation, and much more by long-term demographic trends. As this chart from the BLS shows, as the Baby Boomers entered the workforce and societal acceptance of women working changed, labor participation grew.
      “Now that ‘Boomers’ are retiring we are seeing the percentage of those seeking employment decline. This has nothing to do with job availability, and everything to do with a highly predictable aging demographic.

      “What’s now clear is that the Obama administration policies have outperformed the Reagan administration policies for job creation and unemployment reduction. Even though Reagan had the benefit of a growing Boomer class to ignite economic growth, while Obama has been forced to deal with a retiring workforce developing special needs. During the eight years preceding Obama there was a net reduction in jobs in America. We now are rapidly moving toward higher, sustainable jobs growth.”

      Then consider this chart from the Fed. In Jan 2009, the Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate for people 55 years and over was 40%. Last month it was 40%.
      In between, it went up. That’s because that’s the peak for the boomers. Now we will see a continued trend downward due to the aging boomer demographic.
      The Forbes article is correct. Add in the other factors (drop in spending under Obama, drop in public employees under Obama, a much worse recession handed to Obama) and you get better economic performance under Obama than we had under Reagan.”

      What else ya got Dave?

  • Michael Douglass:


  • Dave:

    Yea, yawn You have been asleep for a very long time living in your dreamland. I know the reality of things is hard to stay awake through, but don’t worry. Those of us who aren’t sheep, who don’t believe a frickin’ thing your politicians and media try to force feed us will do our best to save the country. Meanwhile, you and all of your illegal aliens, all the sickos, all you drugged out takers, the marxists, socialists, communists and anti-Americans will go on as always…in a state of denial. Yup, those drugs you take sure help.
    Go drink some more Brawndo

  • Michael Douglass:

    “Meanwhile, you and all of your illegal aliens, all the sickos, all you drugged out takers, the marxists, socialists, communists and anti-Americans will go on as always…in a state of denial.”

    LOL. Can you say boilerplate? *YAWN*

  • Michael Douglass:

    …….just what makes that little old ant think he can move a rubber tree plant……

  • Michael Douglass:

    Keep talking Dave.

  • dave:

    Hit ya right at home there huh Mike? You and your kind are just like the 1938 Jews in Poland…a state of denial. Wait, that was a total cut on them, at least they weren’t drugged out. sleep on that

  • dave:

    You are almost dead sheep so sleep, sleep sleep

  • Michael Douglass:

    Goddamn Dave, you’re just nailing it. Man, you’ve so got my number.

    I couldn’t decide whether to do this bong rip, snort this line, slam this junk, pop these pills or approve another one of you obtuse comments.

    If that wasn’t bad enough, then I was just absolutely torn on which ideology to identify with, Marxist, socialist, communist or just plain old anti-American. What a conundrum because they are so compelling and really speak to my soul and my essence.

    Maybe I can be all of them.

    Maybe I can be LGBT too!

    Is there anything left in that bottle?

    I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy.


    Keep talking Dave, you crayon eating motherfucker, keep talking.

    • But Michael, David has a 140 IQ you know! LOL.
      Speaking of that:
      “Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked To Racism And Low I.Q.”
      “Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology. They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.”

    • Michael Douglass:

      Dave, I do hope you’ll take the time to read and digest the above responses from Mr. Henschell and myself to your latest insipid comments from today. I’m going to let you in on a not-a-secret Dave. I’m a smart guy, I own that and my accomplishments in life support that. But here’s the deal, My friend Mr. Henschell is smarter. And I am at least smart enough to realize that he is actually smarter than me. See? And we make you look like, well, a crayon eating motherfucker. Give it up Dave. Take your ball and go home. Not everybody get’s to play in the big leagues and you just don’t have the mental acuity to be anything more than a goddamn ball boy. If that simple oft demonstrated fact is still, after all this, beyond you, well, best of luck with your crayons and here’s hoping you don’t cause irreparable damage to your frilly tea bagger blouse with the inevitable multi colored drool.

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