Oh Brother There You Art.

Wanna know what puts the fear of God in me?  Just how many goddamn self righteous all knowing mouth breathers in this country that still cling to the archaic notion that the earth is only two or six thousand years old.  The people who maintain with a straight face and beatific countenance that the only reason dinosaurs no longer walk among us is because they didn’t make it on to Noah’s fucking Ark.

I’ve had it with organized religion. I can’t stand it.

All of life, all of the perception and preparation for life is the careful balance between instant gratification and delayed gratification and there is no other institution invented by man that manages and manipulates that balance better than organized religion.  Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Baptist ……..whatever the goddamn hell.  Organized religion understands very well that it is far more difficult to convince an individual they have been fooled than it is to fool them to begin with.

So they do the best they can to get to them early.

America wages war under the guise of religious righteousness.  Either that or some perverted brand of religious nationalism.  Take your pick.  Pat Robertson or Ted Nugent.  The serpent is of the same the same species of jingo.

You know, God, country, guns, family values……..

I can’t stand it.

It is an excuse for war, execution, discrimination, bigotry, misogyny, molestation of children, rape, murder, conquest, persecution and prosecution in no particular order but perhaps more than anything it provides stupid, willfully ignorant people justification to pass judgement on other people they know nothing about.  It’s an alibi for just about every brand of fuckery humans engage in.

I am sick to death of it.

We pretend it’s about other things.






That’s the curtain.

Money, industry, oil, money, oil, you bet.

America has a vested interest in in places that don’t make sense because America is oil.  The most profitable business in the history of humankind is oil.  Most of the biggest companies who trade in fossil fuels hang their hat in America on one hook or another.  These companies totally run our shit.  They dictate our choices.  They own our media.  They now write our legislation.  They decide what information we have access to.  They ooze into our food and water without consequence.

Welcome to exactly how religion manifests itself.  Have a nice day.

I’m only in the know because I have a decoder ring.

When you run afoul of these companies your name starts to sound like Snowden or Manning.  Maybe Ellsburg.  Chomsky or even Einstein.  The only thing these people have in common is shining a light on what it is we are doing to ourselves.  Throw Greenwald, Scahill and Taibi in the mix, they’re brave bastards too.

There was a plan in place for Iraq before we went in the second time to carve it up by petroleum interest.  By company.  Bases and installations were named after oil companies.  How fucking sick is that?

We did that.

THAT is why we did that.

We went there and we showed them just how much havoc we could visit on their heads.  We weren’t there to fuck around.  We killed so many of them that we don’t really know how many we killed.  Clearly, we are not done.  Iraq is a new front again, Afghanistan is waning so we turn to our old ally, Israel.  They love us. We can wage war from their geography until the cows come home.

We give them $6 million a day.


Neoconservative Christians can’t wait for the rapture/apocalypse and Israel is totally on board.

Two of the most powerful factions on the planet banking on Santa Clause.  What am I missing here?

Even the Zionists are getting played.

We’ve got ISIS, ISIL, IS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Sunni, Shia…………we are either Dr. Frankenstein or the monster himself in each case.  Creatures of the American device.

And all of this is sold to us under the guise that we somehow have a right because our imaginary man is better than their imaginary man.  Our imaginary man is righteous and can therefore usurp the land and murder the people who are friends with some other imaginary man.  It’s always a man, isn’t that convenient?

And people actually buy it.  They believe it.  They feel positively good about it.  Mindless celebrants of myth.

On both sides.


The only thing that makes me fear God is the people who believe in him and there is way too many of them.

While we sit here, while you read this, we are bombing the ever loving shit out of brown people that never did a damn thing to us.  People that never used to even wish bad things for us.

People now.  People starting to think about you and me.  People who’ve hated us for awhile.  It is our dollars and our gear that decapitate their children.  They are thinking about us.  About you and me.  They are hating us.  Can you blame them?

Do they hate us or do they hate our God?

Beware the most pious, they are always infected with the disease of the most advanced hypocrisy.

Drinks for my friends.



25 Responses to “Oh Brother There You Art.”

  • Andrew Markoff:

    Perhaps hypocrisy is the true purpose, calling and driver of the religiously devoted.

  • LaVaughn Powers:

    Most of the injustice that I’ve suffered was at the hands of those toting the bible and praising the lord the loudest. So, when someone proclaims that they’re a Christian, as if this is supposed to ensure their trustworthiness, I get a little scared. I remember watching the news, and some lady stated she wad going to vote for a senatorial candidate because he was Christian. That’s all. Nothing else. If we would deem a person trustworthy on their actions, not their faith…we would be farther along in the game.

  • Lee Hillhouse:

    As always…excellent.

  • reiya:



  • Kent Steele:

    Another well thought out and well written brainspank my friend!! You hit it right on the head and I do not believe I could add anything to your spank that could do your article anymore justice. This Empire we have forged will soon fall as have all the previous empires. They can call it whatever they want, but we are the current Empire, and as in history past religion is right at the forefront. It always comes down to money and religion and whatever the fight for the power is at the time, and right now it is oil. It disgusts me beyond belief as we play this life size game of RISK.

    • Joan Denoo:

      Kent Steele, I just read your September 7, 2014 at 11:57 pm piece and agree with you. One of the problems, as I see it, is we need more people writing to describe and define their disagreement with religion, why, and what they believe. The public thinks the only responders are those who favor the religious position. I know, we take a lot of flak when we write something that defines our unbelief and they are even more dismissive when we offer options. But we have to be strong enough to take the flak. The name calling is counterproductive for us. We need to stay on topic.
      I like the way you handled this string.

  • Midge:

    Great, great blog. I feel exactly the same way and I’m tired of pretending for even the least harmful of this group. You nailed it and once again I’m putting it out there for all to see. It’s honest and it’s true, that’s good enough for me.

  • Cori:

    I’m right there with ya on this. Fortunately, the tides are turning with more and more people feeling the same way. We’ll never make it to where our country and it’s ideologies need to be, but we’re definitely getting closer to some fair and common ground with reality.

  • Dan:

    All too true, and why we don’t live in a democracy. We live in, and are dominated, by a corporatacrocy. Money, be it oill, the Koch Brothers, corporate media, the NFL, u name it. They control it. And they make sure the gravy train keeps flowing to the richest among us at the expense of Larry and Lucy Lunchbucket. Of course , Larry and Lucy never realize they’re being f@&$ed in the a$& to benefit mega millionaires because all they care about is is who the next American Idol will be, and are grateful that WOW..,they get to bote! How cool is that! Americans are idiots.

  • All I know is when they start getting out their Bibles, cover your wallet.

  • Tim:

    Pretty much agree that those who follow blindly are a threat. It applies equally as well to the religion of politics. power to the sheeple!

  • Grace:

    If the John Birch Society completes their take over; we’ll live under their Theoratic/Oligarchy. Already are in most, if not all, OCCUPIED Red States. Missouri went so far as to dupe the people into voting yes…allowing Large AG into their State Constitution – with all the rights & protections of people. Merging of the Corporations (theocratic/oligarchy) Power and State Powers is Corporate Fascism. Think many Red States that re-elect Koch Governor’s will see the same fate. Once they get 1 State – they fall like dominoes…blueprinted strategy. We have a lot at stake & they have the unchristian Christian zealots as a voting base. Why? Cause they are getting everything religious passed…anti-abortion, online schools seeped in it, …we’re in trouble!!

  • Dave:

    There is really little difference between religion and politics. Both enslave people with idealism as a result of people wanting to be more than themselves, to belong to something bigger. That said, some groups are worse than others. This little tid bit on Islam and ISIS (or what the POTUS would rather refer to as ISIL) is quite telling.

  • X Teri:

    You have an interesting take on your blog. It’s dissimilar to most of what I see. Your style is well done. Keep writing.

  • Phil N. DeBlanc:

    Spank on brother! well done!

  • Guido Colacci:

    BRILLIANT as always Michael, and more importantly, I like my sacred cow well done…

  • Karen Myers:

    Very, very nicely said! We share the same views on religion.

    In Iraq it’s a “God eat God” world.

    Will the REAL GOD please stand up so we will know once and for all who to kill, torture, rape, and pillage in the name of God.

  • Dave:

    It is not necessarily true that there is no God, contrary to the most progressive of populists. The assumption on either side is that such a being either does not exist because there is no scientific proof of same, or that it is an omnipotent being, the latter demonstrating how hateful the being must be. What other creature would allow for all of the evils in the world. Cruelty to animals, people and nature. Wars, famine, pestilence, and all of the other “evils” of this world. There is another view that the being, as opposed to being omnipotent is rather omnipresent as it is essentially the universe(s) and that there is some order to its existence. If that is the case, the being would be quite busy and in the speck of time that science loves to talk about, our thousands of years of going through the same insane motions are but just microsecond to the 100th power of time.

    In any case, assuming that you either know that there is, or know that there isn’t a God is simply an assumption, and waging any platform based on those beliefs are sure to provoke the evils from both sides.

    All religions, and their antithesis Atheism, have been used as a platform to further causes since the beginnings of modern man. Same holds true for politics, race and locale.

    To be afraid of those who believe that there is a God is pretty sad, and rather obtuse, as the majority of those that do “believe” don’t hold steadfast onto the the written law of those religions, but rather the better points of their respective “choice.” They are not the “bible thumpers’, those who engage in a holy crusade, or much worse the radical Islamists we now face who capitulated into our own government. Far better for people to believe in something that might guide them to living and providing a better life for others, than to believe in nothing, or worse, idolize a person or politics that are surely ungodly. And this is why the meek truly shall inherit the earth.

    • Michael Douglass:

      All that blather just to miss the point by a mile. I’m not afraid of people who believe in God genius. I’m pissed off at the nonsense of organized religion. Try harder.

  • Without hope, life is pointless. To many, God -whomsoever their god may be – is hope.

  • vicki semans:


  • nancy bird:

    Laid it out very well. Thank you. But the points can be depressing. Will keep fighting windmills.

  • dave:

    Michael, I was quoting what you said, that you are afraid of people who believe in a God. If that wasn’t one of your points, perhaps you shouldn’t have said it. And yea, I get the rest; I think most of us do. To wage war based on religion is what forms of government does when it’s other frail reason (power) is politically avoided. Politics is just religion in another form.

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