I Know What Boys Like

We are this close to the midterm elections and the goddamn GOP is about to close it hard on irrational fear.

Isis and Ebola.

Fear porn.

How did we get here?

Completely random elaborately imagined clusterfucks that would not survive the advent of oxygen or sunlight if applied.  I am sick to death of fear masquerading as politics.

As reason.

The phenomena says two things about the American electorate.  Neither one is pretty.  The first reveals that by and large, most of us are dumb as fucking sticks.  Exasperatingly gullible.  The second one is not much better.  It says that progressive, forward thinking people are still too goddamn lazy or passive to muster a counter offensive to such ridiculous bullshit.

It’s unbelievably absurd that this late in the game, republicans can so conveniently and confidently count on the stupid, that they can actually be an efficacious tipping point in these midterm elections.  It’s unreal to me.  I’ve seen it happen over and over in my lifetime and I still can’t believe it.  Republicans call on the idiots and they show up in droves and democrats sit at home because they just aren’t quite afraid enough.

I am in awe.

The Orcs mass at the drawbridge while the democrats enjoy the first course of baby arugula with gorgonzola and candied almonds and a delightful raspberry vinaigrette.  We hear there is some sort of garlic roasted chicken on the way.

We’re so arrogant and complacent, so self righteous and magnanimous to imagine that our celebration and luxury of the upper moral hand is a luxury that we have somehow earned and much, much worse, deserve.

The teabillies will not win this election, we will lose it.

If it goes badly this November, it won’t because they lied and thieved and stole every vote they could.  It won’t be because they cheated an disenfranchised minority democrats and women.  They can and will do all these things. They are doing all these things.  They are enabled by the highest court in the land.  It is absolutely rigged by ugly, shameless, racist justices.  It’s awful and disgraceful and completely true.  The hypocrisy of the highest court in the the land is invasive and cloying.

There remains no question that in this age of entertaining the notion of impeaching and prosecuting the president of the United States, that we should instead be legitimately evaluating the impeachment and prosecution of various members of the supreme court for reasons far more compelling and egregious.

Over half of the highest court in the land is occupied by bought and paid for by good old boys.  They attend, speak and acquire remuneration from the filthiest of the filthy.  They never even contemplate recusal.  Profoundly corrupt as evidenced by their decisions as much as their abject failure to decide.  I am so with the notorious RBG.  She’s my heroine.  Otherwise, they are a scorch as well as a scourge on democracy and perhaps the single best reason to get your ass to the booth.

Having said that, if we lose, it will be because not enough of us showed the fuck up.

If voting in America were compulsory, no one would ever give a mad fuck what the 99% thinks or even wants.  No contest.  We would be a true social democracy and the bastards would still be rich as hell but they would not be in a position to rob us blind.  To suck every last drop from us.  To dictate social policy.  To shame the most stupid among us into voting against their own best interests because of christian family values.  To sell us so much fear and distraction that so many actually believe that Ebola and Isis are an actual credible threat to day to day life.

The idea that Isis or Ebola represent an existential threat is the property of obtuse.

It is the silliest and most illogical nonsense I have ever witnessed and yet, it’s working.

If we lose it’s because we are in an irreparable state of moron.

Once again, America takes my breath away.

Fuck you.

Drinks for my friends.


24 Responses to “I Know What Boys Like”

  • Terra Wolfe:

    The Democrats gave up this midterm in 2012 and couldn’t be convinced to mount a decent campaign since. Despite that, they have managed to spend more than the Republicans have. And the polls have been turning. We all need to vote because so many races are toss-ups.

  • Andrew:

    Once again… spot on. Guilty as charged.

  • Kent Steele:

    O Mighty ISIS as she “the high-school science teacher who found an ancient mystical amulet on an archeological dig in Egypt.” recites the incantation transforming her into the goddess/superhero. The amulet belonged to Hatshepsut, an ancient Egyptian Queen, and it gave the wearer the powers of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Whenever Isis was needed, Andrea would reveal the amulet (which she wore as an everyday necklace). Now it is going to kill us along with Ebola if we breathe or vote. LOL I will also post on the SPANK because this is so ridiculous that the politicians have ran out of shit to scare us with that we have now introduced this. I’m more scared of turning 50 and dying from the flu because of some damned flu virus they want to inject me with.

  • Mary Elizabeth:

    You can’t see it but I am giving you a standing ovation right now!! 1000% SPOT ON!! I am feeling the exact same exasperation and disgust. Stunned, I am. And pissed.


    Well done

  • Sandra Wilson:

    Spot-on, Michael! Thank goodness there are many of us who feel as you do. We’re frustrated and disgusted, but we can’t give up. We have to keep speaking up and speaking out.

  • Ga Underwood:

    I loved your article and agree wholeheartedly, with just one exception. I think you may be discounting a good-sized segment of the American electorate. At least I sincerely hope that’s the case.

    There is a third reason why the culture of fear has become so predominant, Mr. Douglass. From personal experience, I know that some (many?) progressives have tried time and again to counter these manufactured fears with calm reason and solid evidence. But where do you go, what do you do when even facts and reason are hotly disputed? When science itself is brought into question and facts are devalued as merely opinions? When minds won’t open the least fraction to allow a single breath of fresh air or the shadow of a possibility that the fearful panicked just might be mistaken?

    On every issue that comes to mind, from “Obama’s coming for our guns!” to “Women don’t deserve equal pay,” I’ve tried in non-confrontational ways to offer various people a path out of the mist of fear. After so many times of receiving unwarranted insults and more name-calling than I care to remember, you just stop. Period. You stop reaching out to offer a guiding hand because you can be bitten only so many times. You stop trying, wish them well and hope that something or somebody will get through to them one day. The verbal abuse isn’t worth it when there’s obviously no hope of getting through and the volume of discussions decreases.

    I don’t know why so many parrot these opinionated idiots…how these poor fools can identify with the very people who plan to rob them and have publicly announced as much. The dumbing-down of America has obviously been much more successful than I’d ever imagined possible. Have you been to visit any of their non-Facebook chat rooms, Mr. Douglass? They’re near-undecipherable ramblings of misspellings, incomplete phrases and incoherent thoughts. But they’re packed with supportive ‘Attaboys’ leading to the hope for the failure (and much worse) of President Obama.

    Was I the only one who thought in the beginning that the Teaphiles were a harmless, humorous, sarcastic group seeking only to entertain, much like clowns at a circus – only to learn that these clowns hide some very dark sentiments? I doubt it. I’m pretty sure there are a lot more people like me out here – people who’ll still gladly talk with any of them on the fringes who possess a modicum of openness and decency. But we’ve also learned that some people are beyond any enlightening at this point and will proudly and loudly vote away the last of their rights while insisting that they hate big government…will use the food stamps that the government “owes” them while demeaning their neighbor for doing the same…the uninsured who will insist the federal Medicare expansion be denied because “the state can’t afford it,” when they themselves can’t afford to buy health insurance for their own families.

    I watch them like lambs headed to a slaughter. I have to hope that there are a lot more of us than them. That the loud-mouthed, racist bullies are the minority and that many of the women and adult children are quietly not willing to sacrifice their birth control, their hopes or their rights. Fox News wants us to believe their numbers are significant (thanks, in fact, to Fox News). But how often has Fox been right? I want to believe that many will think for themselves in the privacy of voting (with what privacy’s left anyway, with Republican “poll-watchers” at arms length). And I’m hoping that women will play an important role in saving this election. Even Republican women.

    Or…maybe I’m just making your case for you after all.

    • islandtimeonly:

      I hope you don’t mind, but you’ve been “quoted”, Ga Underwood!

      • Ga Underwood:

        Thank you!

        • islandtimeonly:

          You are welcome! Also, I must share this: (F/bk page) Jerry Ash ” ‘Someone else made an excellent, well thought out and well presented response, so I am borrowing/sharing it with you folks ….’

          It would be nice, Rachel Burnett, to know who the “someone else” is.”
          Yesterday at 2:17am · Unlike · 2
          And confess that I’ve gone ahead and shared your “name” if you don’t mind?
          It’s a site you’d enjoy, but I can’t “invite” without your email and
          actual name! Drop in on me if you F/bk and are interested!

  • Celiene:

    Honey, I need more than a drink. I need a bottle. Or maybe an entire vat.

  • “President Reagan ignored AIDS until 20,849 Americans had already died.
    But tell me again how Obama’s immediate response to 3 ebola cases has been inadequate.”

    “AIDS reached America in 1981, but Reagan… LITERALLY did not address the issue until 1987, when 36,000 Americans had been diagnosed, nearly 21,000 had already died, and the disease had spread to 113 countries. By comparison, Pres. Obama has been on top of the current Ebola outbreak since day ONE.”

    Imagine if 600 Americans had been infected with ebola and 400 had died, and Obama’s press secretary was so goddamn ignorant that he hadn’t heard of the disease?

    Further, with transcript of the conference in question:

  • What a fucking good rant, and I agree with every word.

  • spot on. ’nuff said. peace…

  • was improvising on a chant I imgine the tea party and pundits on fox news chanting in the “idea” room production meeting in Karl Rove’s office or whever they use now:


  • Lacie Harmon:

    Yes. Thank you for this. Agree with the commenter about giving up when sober conversation devolves into lashing out over and over.

  • McCannon:

    We’ve reached the point that, regardless of who you vote for, and who wins, we all loses something. That’s not the way it’s supposed to work. What needs to happen is that NOBODY votes. Then what? The politicians, all of them, can fight each other over the solution and leave the rest of us the hell out of it.

  • Deborah Ahonen:

    Vote blue across the board (because a large block in Congress is the only way anything gets done), and then hold the representatives’ feet to the fire through emails, phone calls, protests, etc. This is the path to getting our country on track, but it all starts with VOTING BLUE, for God’s sake!

  • John W:

    I would add one thing to this. The Koch brothers are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into these elections, in order to purchase political office for their candidates. Democrats and “progressive” organizations, on the other hand, are trying to counter the bullshit propaganda by raising money $3.00 at a time. It’s no contest. And if the Democrats did take huge amounts of corporate cash, then they’d be as corrupt as the Republicans (which they almost are anyway).

    As long as cash controls elections, nothing is going to change for the “little guy”.

  • reiya:

    _Michael you are Brilliant in the political , culinary and vocabulary arena’s! Not to mention your overall hotness!

  • Junior's Ghost:

    “We are destined to be a barrier against the return of ignorance and barbarism.” –Thomas Jefferson

    This is not a very envious position to be in. It’s hard to defend reason when so many are driven by powerful interests to destroy it. It’s very likely we just haven’t suffered enough. Those Great Depression scenes orated in brilliant and stark detail by a dying generation simply haven’t yet arrived en masse to our cozy little oligarchy. Change isn’t brought about by fancy speeches or ideologies. It’s brought about by natural forces like famine, war and disease. We need to have the humility to understand that if this ship is going to hit the rocks, we’re going to need to know where the life rafts are. We have to save something good about us, our sense of decency, of freedom, of justice, of love. All these things and so many others that truly give us a sense of the sacred guide us every day. They are all things that we must defend. In these soon to be terrible times, we must defend them with everything we got. It is our destiny.

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