The Lugubrious Liberal Skirt

Guess what pisses me off.

It’s a rhetorical question.

Precious liberals who quake at the very notion of Obama being anything less than the liberal messiah.

I am sick of this shit.

I criticize our savior and panty waste liberals piss themselves over my abhorrent blasphemy.

I’m an apostate.

A stranger in a strange land.

Instead, all you hand wringing “liberals” waste time and energy on indignancy over the latest birther conspiracy theories.  Like the idea that Michelle Obama was born a man and therefore cannot be the mother of the first daughters  Really?  Without a doubt if these people appear in front of you in the streets, take the time to piss all over their shoes.  But otherwise, pay them no mind.

Grow up. He’s part of the machine. When it comes to the military industrial complex, he is but a cog. When it comes to America’s overt and unchecked aggression around the world, Obama doesn’t dictate policy, he merely manages it for public consumption.

If he screws it up, liberals are perceived as soft on terror and law and order and we suck in the mid term elections and risk the general.  Because the fear has been mismanaged.  The President of the United States manages perception and expectation.  He does not dictate policy.  Policy has been the purview of oligarchs and plutocrats for decades before our current commander in chief was even born.

Get over it.

Grow the fuck up.

And yes, your vote counts because the more you vote, the more your vote counts.  If voting didn’t count there wouldn’t be such elaborate efforts to suppress it.  Efforts that are breathtaking in audacity.  Hundreds of thousands of women and minorities disenfranchised because the bastards understand they cannot possibly win a fair fight.   Get used to the idea of choosing between the lesser of two evils until the majority of progressives show up at the goddamn polls every time.

Consistency.  When this happens, we will be heard and change will occur.

But you don’t show up.

Even though we are the majority.

People who care, people that want economic equality, people who want justice, people who realize how pointless perpetual war is, are the majority.  Not just in this country, but across the globe.

It’s far easier for the opposition to manipulate the stupid than it is for our side to inspire the intelligent.  It’s so much easier to fool a man than it is to convince him he’s been fooled.

Organizing liberals is like herding cats.

We are a nation at war.  It is what we do.  We have spent all but a few decades of our entire history doing exactly that.  We spend more than half what the rest of the entire world does on it.  Like a trillion dollars a year.  Really.  That’s sick.  We could cut our “defense” budget in half and solve poverty, homelessness and infrastructure.  We could provide free health care and education for every single citizen.  Other countries do it all the time.  They pay for all that.  Because they don’t make war their main business.

But we don’t.

Because we are led to believe we should be very afraid.

Does that sound like a profound addiction to violence to you?

An abominable addiction to fear?

Is it any wonder that we are perceived by the rest of the world as a country of loud mouthed assholes?

We have earned that distinction by killing inordinate amounts of people all over the goddamn planet for our entire history.

Even our own from time to time.  It was quite convenient.

We really are badass.

It’s not Obama’s fault.  But it is his problem.

It is our problem.

He’s not handling it particularly well these days.

Neither are we.

We don’t win wars anymore.  We fight them.  We start them.  The two longest wars of our history are our two last wars.  Obama pisses me off because he’s in his second term and he’s not refusing any of it.  He won’t do it.  He’s polite.  He’s respectful.  Reasonable.  Qualities I confess I admire.  But I can’t stand it anymore.  He’s being as much in the face of insanity.  He could lead.  He could roll the dice and risk it all.  Say what he thinks and force what he knows.  But he won’t.  He may just be our last best chance before we have a third world war.

But he won’t.

I can’t stand it.

We the people, have to make him.

That’s the way it works.  That’s the way it always works.  It’s the way it’s always worked.

Otherwise we just start bombing the shit out of brown people again.  Like we are now.  Tens if not hundreds of thousands will die, many of them innocent civilians and when it’s all over, it will be way more fucked up than when we started.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.  Over and over and over.  Every goddamn time we do this we succeed in only making it worse.

And then, we just must go in and clean it up yet again.  We just must.  Yet again.  Yet again.  Over and over again.

And the scary thing is this, that’s the idea.  This is what your leaders, your elected representatives WANT.

So some of you liberals get all fierce and brave and block me from your pages for broaching the subject.  For being unpatriotic.  For being less than American.  For pointing it out.


You endorse aggression because of fear.  Fear of ISIS or Ebola or immigrants or Islam.

I seem to remember a time when liberals were pragmatic and I’m pretty sure it coincided with conservatives being stupid but sane.

The evil elite count on your confusion, your disillusion,  they count on it, they have come to expect it.  The stupid are always certain and vote with conviction, the well informed always have doubts because they are intellectually responsible by nature and are confused because they are open minded and just plain curious.  So they end up sacrificing the good for the sake of the perfect and throw their weight and vote behind some ridiculous goofecock like Ralph Nader.  You people really chap my ass.

Get a grip liberals.

You are the difference.  You are the majority.  If you just show up and vote consistently, you get able bodied employment, the ability to compete in a global market.  All of it.  No more slack jawed morons rewriting textbooks in Texas to promote creationism in classrooms, no more revocation of a woman’s right to actually vote or dominion over her own biology.  No more banks preying on you with egregious policies and interest rates.  No more flammable tap water and carcinogenic air and soil and food.

All of it because that’s what Americans want, and if Americans vote, we can have it.

Think about that.

You will never get everything you want.  But if you don’t show up and participate, you will only get what you don’t want.  You will only get what horrifies and disgusts you.  Like now.  And it will be no one’s fault but your own.

This blog is dedicated to my facebook friend Lizzie Borden who passed just the other day at the ripe young age of 76.  I will miss her fierceness and wit in defending common sense, compassion and her ardent defense of humanity.  She was a beautiful fish in a sea of cynicism.  May she rest in peace and may her family be comforted by the fact that she always took the high road and never feared to tread and resist in the company of those who would forgo decency  for avarice, to battle against those who would forsake love for power.

She was a gorgeous human being.

Drinks for my friends.

34 Responses to “The Lugubrious Liberal Skirt”

  • Excellent, as always. Excellent! To the point. True. But this one is DAMNED Excellent! Lockstep liberals are getting as bad as their tea-party counterparts. As for the evil, why the hell does Darth Cheney get so much air time and face time with his warmongering rhetoric? I see more pictures from news segments of Cheney (still raking in the bucks) than I do of current pols, those in office with something to say. Not to mention the actually useful commercials for liberal runners, on at 3 AM when oh, so many are watching TV and listening to voices of reason. Tells you where the BIG money is actually going. We all know the oligarchs, plutocrats, Kochs and the rest of the players put money on both sides, but most of their bucks go to the wackos, the tea-party minions who don’t have a 6th grade education between them, but they’re out there voting. We need to vote particularly in the mid-terms, to get the closer to normal human being democrats in office – as for the tea party, off with their heads. Good thing I’m not the Queen.

  • CH:

    Hi Mike- this is a grand rant. I get out and vote every time, but I still feel pretty useless. Still, it feels good to vote against, if not for, even if it is a mouse fart in a hurricane. Main reason I’m typing this is to congratulate you on the word ‘goofecock’ I’m still smiling at that. That’s my new favorite word.
    Peace out with your piece out.

  • Andrew Markoff:

    Excellent yet again. The most punching point for me:

    The evil elite count on your confusion, your disillusion, they count on it, they have come to expect it. The stupid are always certain and vote with conviction.

    …I also like how you characterize us as not winning wars but only starting them, and they’re always about bombing brown people. It’s true.

    What I’m also hearing, however, is lefties showing up to vote but voting for third party candidates, like the libertarian candidate for governor here in FL. They continually believe that their vote is a personal expression of their convictions and the actual results be damned. And they are stubborn. Far more stubborn, I think, than the worst tea bagger.

    What it has come down to since the last couple of decades or so is that liberals no longer believe in incrementalism. Incremental progress, compromise and not getting exactly what you want is not a factor of corruption in politics; it’s a matter of what makes up democracy. That, I surmise, is what the hardcore left doesn’t like and takes no interest in. They don’t want democracy. They want a takeover, just as do the baggers.

    It’s all so unrealistic and probably ties into rampant consumerism. Perhaps one simple solution is to bring back the draft.

  • Ron Hulka:

    Your pieces are always excellent, Michael, but much like Janice said, this one is particularly inspired. I rarely agree with someone so much. And a lovely tribute to your friend Lizzie too. My condolences.

  • More truth … apparently we can’t handle the truth … I say again nothing will really change until all the money is taken OUT of the political arena … in our capitalistic society, war is necessary … I was told practically from the time I left the womb that “war is good for the economy” … it is the economy, stupid … 🙁

  • Guido Colacci:

    WONDERFUL piece as always Michael… but I have come to a completely different conclusion… I say, we boycott voting COMPLETELY… we are too smart to keep getting duped. I say let them take amerikkka down…down to such an unbearable level that it will force people to take their heads oiut of their asses and really do something. REALLY DO SOMETHING… I’m not talking Occupy, or Climate marches here, I’m talking change… given willingly or by any means necessary… right now they are keeping us placated just enough to keep the majority quiet as people like you and I rail and rage against what we know to be a corporate military industrial government run by less than a few hundred people…not politicians but people … the same people on the Forbes 500 list of the most wealthy. European Rothchilds and Bilderbergs and the Federal Reserve back by smoke and mirrors… I say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”…. this is not class warfare any longer, they have decided on genocide”…

  • Guido Colacci:

    I am very sorry to hear about you friend… may she Rest In Peace ….

  • Kevin Karstens:

    I personally never thought of our Obama as any ‘messiah’…a term invented by NeoCons who are just plain jealous that we have a rock star, and all they have are rocks….

    Obama is just a good man doing an admirable job while having to endure historic levels of opposition, obstruction and hatred…and I fully support his ass…if that makes me a ‘precious liberal’, then what the f*** ever…but I believe it just makes me a person with a positive outlook who appreciates our President.

  • Junior's Ghost:

    We are in an era of voting defensively. It’s true that the Democratic platform today falls somewhere between Nixon and Goldwater but to withhold our votes from them is the surest way to give power to the fascists that now have a death grip on the Republican Party. Sure, not voting would definitely make a statement. Too bad most of us wouldn’t survive long enough to hear its echoes. Of course we could always gather our courage, turn and face our tombstones, and finally get this revolution off our chests.

  • Peggy Frigard:

    I agree it is some liberals that are like “that”. It is annoying because they spend so much time and attention on what they don’t like, rather than what they can change. It is just as bad as the extreme right. Negativity is negativity no matter which side of the aisle it is on. I don’t consider myself an extreme liberal. I try to stay away from that. I certainly don’t think Obama is infallible. He’s made many mistakes. But, as you said, I’ll choose the lesser of two evils. It’s always been that way, and it always will be. Just as I don’t think Bush didn’t make a positive impact in some ways. There are good and bad to each side, on “some” issues. I try to think progressively, as thinking the other way is just plain depressing. And, pointing fingers, instead of having hope and knowing and doing what I can to make it better, to me, is not productive. While I don’t agree with everything every democrat supports or says, there just happens to be more that I agree with not. The ideas, and agendas that are important to me, and the less fortunate, minorities, etc. Those issues are on the forefront for me, on which candidate I choose. I always try to “stand behind” each president, even if I don’t agree with every decision he makes. That includes Bush, Reagan, and of course, Obama. I can’t dwell on those mistakes as they won’t help me to be effective in my efforts to affect/cause change. Politics are not the be end-all for me. I have other things that are more important in my life. But, I will vote to do my duty of representing myself and choose the candidate/s that support the causes I believe in. I hope I didn’t misunderstand the point you were trying to make. Please, let me know if I did. Great piece, btw.

  • Ken E:

    ‘Organizing liberals is like herding cats’ awesome! This is great.

  • Tony Walters:

    Ok, I agree with most of your rant. I don’t appreciate the name calling though. Nor do I agree with your grouping of individuals as liberals, and then just dismissing them as a group. Most people are on a spectrum. I am liberal on social issues, but am very conservative in my feelings about the size and scope of government involvement in our private lives. So, I guess you don’t like that I would rather vote for a libertarian candidate who represents my views. You state that this hurts the chance of your candidate getting elected. Well, toughen up there soldier. I vote anytime the polls are open, even if I know that my vote won’t count as much as if I made like a sheep and followed the crowd. Lately I’ve started using another metric to help me make my albeit foolish decisions, and this is what I’ve started doing. Before making any decisions on candidates, I look them up on a site like open I look specifically for three things; the top 5 contributors, the top 5 industries donating, and the PACs who are backing them. I have realized that money is access due to our (corrupt?) SCOTUS. If the main backers agree(mostly) with me, then the candidate gets my vote, no matter the party or leanings. At least this way I can votes for the actual rulers and not just for their public polItical puppets. You may disagree now.

  • dave:

    Well you make some good points Mike. But you couldn’t help yourself, you had to bash others again who think in opposition to you , painting them as as less intelligent… In any case, you are right about the POTUS being unable (actually unwilling) to stop the impending next war. Actually, it started he day he took office. It is the civil war II. It started when he and his circle entrenched our nation in a much more divisive people, and continues with his every decision. Thanks for voting in this communistic, socialistic, marxist traitor to the fabric of America. I know you love to deny his upbringing but even he said he surrounded himself on purpose with the teachings of these horrific methods of government. And now you’re like, gosh, why does he do that?

  • Julie Atchison:

    Whenever I read about someone else on this planet who feels Robert Heinlein-like, I feel like applauding. I’d thank god if I wasn’t an atheist. I have always felt like an alien. I mean the type from outer space, not some poor woman or man trying to get to this country to work too many hours at a job nobody here wants to send it home for their family to survive. I find our species as a whole a terrible disappointment, one that will kill off all life on this planet, and we will deserve it. Still, I live on earth, here in the USA, so I react and I care about the abhorrent happenings I witness daily with disbelief.

    I voted for Obama, but I feel sold out, like I was born yesterday to even hope that a US President would be different, could actually change the status quo. This great country is full of shit, riddled with greed and addicted to wars. If the whole US population wasn’t sheep-like, we’d all be out in the streets protesting everywhere- hey, they do it in many countries all over the world- even in Hong Kong right now. Not here. We allow ourselves to be ruled by the 1% or 2% who are ruthless and barbaric and now own the politicians, the newspapers, even the Public Broadcasting System. This whole sham of a democracy is working hard to starve the vast majority of its own population, and in the end it will succeed.

    I avoid avarice like the plague, hate war because it kills, maims, causes mourning and I feel like anybody who can’t be bought can’t be elected, so how can I be a human being? I feel no recognition of myself in this species. Cynical? Hell yes. How could I not be? I still vote because I’m a realist. I won’t vote for someone who doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting elected. Because I still prefer liberals over the alternative. Yet, I am feeling a lot of hatred towards this country of mine. It is deeply cruel & psychologically sick to spend so much money on the military and defense that we can’t spare anything for the homeless and hungry walking these streets like zombies, invisible because no one wants to look at them. Do they realize that we are all guilty for sharing in the farce this country has become and for creating all of these displaced street wanderers? No, we are too busy fighting to survive and by not caring, we are just fading from the scene like workaholic ghosts. Soon, it will be too late to matter. I hope I don’t live long enough to see this country spontaneously combust, because it will happen. A country constructed on such a shabby foundation of lies, lust for money, inflated egos and lack of empathy for anything that happens farther away than our own backyards will fall, and it will fall hard and fast. It will be our own fault, every one of us who didn’t fight hard enough to right the wrongs, and I include myself.

  • David:

    Where oh where did you get “birther” out of that? I was referring to his self-admissions of surrounding himself with radicals. Like here:
    He also had a close relationship with FM Davis, who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA CPUSA).

    And then there’s this: It was in Chicago that Obama became a “community organizer” and came into contact with more far-left political forces, including the Democratic Socialists of America, which maintains close ties to European socialist groups and parties through the Socialist International (SI), and two former members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), William Ayers and Carl Davidson.

    Then there was his mother: ” Friends describe her as a “fellow traveler”, that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report” Source: Spengler, Asia Times “The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics – Barack Obama” Source: Tim Jones, Chicago Tribune.

    And of course, who can forget this good buddy of the POTUS, fuck head Saul ALinsky: Alinsky’s goal was to slowly turn the United States into a Communist dictatorship; to this end he tried to convince various groups of poor people and labor unions to push for legislation in that direction; he did this by appealing to their self-interest — whether valid or not — instead of using charismatic leadership — but now we have Obama, who is skilled in the Alinsky method and charismatic. Alinsky wrote, “Rules for Radicals,” a book he dedicated to Lucifer, whom he called the “first radical'” For Alinsky, “Change” was his mantra. By “Change,” Alinsky meant a quiet, Marxist revolution achieved by slow, incremental, Machiavellian means that turned society inside out. This had to be done through systematic deception, winning the trust of the naively idealistic middle class, and by using the language of morality to conceal an agenda designed to destroy it. And the way to do this, he said, was through “people’s organizations'”

    One of Obama’s early mentors in the Alinsky method was Mike Kruglik, who had this to say to an interviewer of The New Republic, about Obama:

    “He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better.”

    Now to address your observation of the no-show voters. As the years role by and America becomes less of what it was, and more socialistic and liberal, the message is clear…you are entitled to all that government can give you. Why vote when government is already rigged to supply all of your wants? This is why the democratic party loves to bring in people from other nations, legally or not (failed nations) and offer them Amnesty…so the votes will come in for people with like mindsets.

    The tie to big money and the quest for world dominance. Next stop, anti-American Jew hating, George Soros: Soros threw a big fund-raiser at his New York home for Obama’s Illinois Senate campaign. Soros and family personally chipped in $60,000. No telling what Soros’ buddies chipped in.

    ANd then: Obama Was Hand Picked by Alice Palmer to Succeed Her in the Illinois State Senate – “Nine years before Palmer picked Obama to be her successor, she was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, according to an article Palmer wrote in the CPUSA newspaper, People’s Daily World, June 19, 1986.” Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

    Of course who can forget his good buddy (who he lied about ever meeting, Mr. Terrorist Bill Ayers: Ayers and Dorhn are former terrorists from the Weather Underground who’s SDS organization received financial contributions from the CPUSA.

    Then of course there is his religions:
    1. The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology” Source: TUCC Website “Simply put, Liberation Theology is an attempt to interpret Scripture through the plight of the poor. It is largely a humanistic doctrine. It started in South America in the turbulent 1950’s when Marxism was making great gains among the poor because of its emphasis on the redistribution of wealth.

    In the paperback version of “The Audacity of Hope,” in the chapter entitled “Faith,” beginning on page 195, and ending on page 208, Obama is telling us that he doesn’t really have any profound religious belief, but that in his early Chicago days he felt he needed to acquire some spiritual “street cred.”

    So, at 28, Obama finally joined a church, in part to deepen what one friend called “a whole web of relationships” in the community. It also gave him a strong political base and a well-connected mentor.

    Obama didn’t join just any church, but a huge black nationalist church, the Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC). Its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, a former Muslim and racist black nationalist, unabashedly preached a “black” gospel” and the Marxist “Black Liberation Theology.”
    2. His Muslim upbringing. Ok, so now he says he’s a Christian. Whatever, the dude lies as easily as he breathes. I suspect he’s actually a Satanist. Only someone so warped to suggest that he “is really good at killing people” is either a lover of evil, and or psychotic and anti-social.

    We already know he is without question a most narcissistic folk stemming from a personality disorder/mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they’re superior to others and have little regard for other people’s feelings.

    He accepts no responsibility: He creates a disaster, like his professors, Cloward and Piven taught him, and then blames somebody, or something else for the fallout. He’s been doing it his entire political career. Since he’s occupied the Oval Office, he’s been blaming George Bush for his own failures, caused by his own lack of judgment. At the end of 2009, he blamed the “fat cat” bankers for the mortgage meltdown that Obama helped initiate — he was involved, up to his eyeball, at the very, very beginning. He blames Congress for inaction, but has refused to relent on his socialist campaign.

    It really comes down to this. He is either incapable of making good decisions to help guide policy that strengthens this republic, or he is consciously and purposely obfuscating the truth and assisting in making policy that buries or country and its people under a sea of debt, blood and misery. By all means liberals, do not show for the vote, you have already screwed this country beyond relief for generations to come.

    • A bunch of goofy dookie that no one believed or cared about when it was shoveled in 2008.
      Probably best that David leans on this silly smear stuff rather than getting into any borrowed attempts at passing along supposed factual matters of substance. We all saw what happened when he tried that!
      Better to just call him a “commie” and run. David is the poster child for why the modern conservatives are so lost and hopeless. America has real pressing problems that need addressing, and wingnuts like David are busy stamping their little feet and swinging their little fists, at *communists.* Really. Communists.
      It’s too pathetic for words.

    • joanna bonazzi:

      Dave, it’s amazing to me that nearly one half of this country is as delusional as you. How you can place ANY BLAME ON OUR PRESIDENT when you KNOW the intentions of the republican ideology and results of the George w. Bush years. It is right there in front of you but you refuse to see it. U r part of the group that blames Obama for Katrina and the worldwide financial collapse when they both happened before he took office. That’s just a fact.
      How you can blame any of the ills on liberals is beyond me. Your entire ideology is to blame and has ruined this country for the last 30 are wrong every single issue. Every single one. You scream socialism while the greedy corporatist have ruined our democracy and is now a full fledged plutocracy. George w. Bush turned a surplus into a 2 trillion deficit, he signed the TARP which added another TRILLION. 2 wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, trickle down bulls**t. Now the right wing clown car wants to privatize education, eliminate social sec, Medicare, pollute at will, more tax cuts, cut veterans benefits, more trickle down eliminate unions to keep wages n benes down for corporate gain.

      How do you say with a straight face that the liberals have ruined this country. While they have you all worked up about welfare and Muslims and guns they are robbing you blind. They get you to believe that we don’t deserve good wages, healthcare, clean air and water, education, etc etc etc. The American dream has been stomped out by these greedy corporatists. You are the problem with this country. Chicken voting for col. Sanders and still screaming evil socialist muslim even as the guillotine falls. Morans every single one of you.

  • Michael Douglass:

    Oh no! Socialists and communists! That godless bastard!! Did you know Hillary wrote a letter to Alinsky? An actual letter!!!! *YAWN* You do understand that I am among the majority who don’t give a mad fuck about any of this? I’m not going to allow any more of your blather here if it’s not germane to the topic Dave, and there’s no way I’m going to post your links, especially if they’re from the fucking Drudge Report. Get your own fucking blog and listen to the wind whistle through your empty head.

  • Mandy Andersonn:

    I hear you. Loud and clear. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been given the boot by more of my fellow Liberals than I have Conservatives. I’ve been called a FireBagger and an ObamaBot, on the SAME day, no less. I can’t win for choosing – those things I am in support of and those that I’m against – because no matter which way I bend towards on any given issue, it’s sure to piss someone off.

    I am in no way happy with the way most Dem candidates are headed. Corporate shills lite. But I’m well aware that, for the most part anyway, they’re about as good as it’s going to get at this point in time. People like Charlie Crist, running under the Dem ticket now, worry the hell outta me. Because these people still ARE Conservative. They just weren’t conservative enough for their own party. He got my vote though, because the alternative, Rick Scott, is a bad, dangerous joke.

    As a previous commmentor suggested, I was once (and on a bad day, still am) of the mind that maybe it seriously DOES have to get much worse before the people of this country finally stop hitting the snooze button. Before they wake up and pay a little fucking attention to what’s going on. But I can’t find it in me to be a part of that. So I’ll continue to vote. I’ll continue to talk with the younger generations coming up about how important a role politics plays in their lives. In 2012 I brought 4 new Dem voters onto the rolls and out to vote – my son, his best friend, his girlfriend and my sister who is just two years younger than I am but who had never voted. This election cycle my niece will be voting for the first time – and she’s excited about it, no less. Next year, my baby sis turns 18 and looks forward to her first time voting.

    So, let them call me a FireBagger. Let ’em call me an ObamaBot. One thing they can’t call me is oblivious. I’m awake. I’m paying attention.

    Cheers, right back atcha!

  • David:

    Exactly Mike, you don’t care about how his past because you deny it has any influence over his policies. Whatever, yawn, boring, trivial. Just another politician who lies cheats steals and murders. Nothing to see here, unless of course it’s not a democrat

  • Michael Douglass:

    Last one of your ridiculous comments about your paranoia of communism dickhesd. Stay on topic or you’ll be ignored. You might want to take the time to figure out who and what represent an actual threat to this country and stop being such a two dimensional cardboard cutout for the neocons that force feed you this ridiculous bullshit.

  • dave:

    Nice try Mike. You’ve accomplished what so few have before…you have astounded me with your ignorance and inept take on reality. Fucking…that’s your source? No wonder you are so full of liberal obfuscation that there is no salvation for you. Oh well, can’t say I didn’t try. Don’t worry Mike, I won’t go on to your one sided biased socialistic blog again offering an intelligent oversight. You and your ilk can keep heading towards the cliff as your liar in chief leads you there with all of his wisdom and the strength of that Fuck Allah. Keep entrenching yourself with yourself; oh, it’s so safe there. Keep yourself medicated and surrounded by those whose words are bah, bah , bah…liberalism. Just another name for all the rest of the failed big government small minds programs. You’re pathetic. I do take notice of the real threats. Those threats are people like your POTUS, his cabinet, their Congress, the people that put them there like you. Those who refuse to open their minds to the reality that is corruption, and evil. Good luck with that whole immigration and Ebola soft approach you turd. Well, I’ve wasted way to much time offering you the benefit of a red pill vs a blue pill. Go medicate now , keep watching the least viewed news programs and by all means, go F yourself. Just kidding on that last one…I gotta think you are actually dickless as well as brainless.

    • Michael Douglass:

      It cites studies you fucking moron, actual peer reviewed empirical studies you fucking goofecocock. Goddamn you’re an idiot.

    • Dav: “… that’s your source?”>>

      This the genetic fallacy, the conservative favorite when they have no response. Truth is independent of it’s source. It’s never a rebuttal to smear the source and attack the messenger. Respond to the data directly and avoid logical fallacies when making your points. You can learn about your fallacy here:

      DAV: “your liar in chief”>>

      Still waiting for an example of a lie, David. You tried 30 but they were all crap. Take all the time you need. We’ll just wait.

      DAV: “keep watching the least viewed news programs”>>

      Two points come to mind:
      1) see ad populum fallacy. Truth has no relation to the number of people watching a show.
      2) The average of a Bill O’Really viewer is… 72. Isn’t that neat? You’re running out of angry while, pale, male, stale and frail shitheads. And not a moment too soon.

      “Study Confirms: Fox News Makes You Stupid”
      “So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false. This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care.”

      Also: “Those who watched Fox News almost daily were significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe that things that are false. See list here:

  • Michael Douglass:

    From communism to ebola Dave covers the conservative menu of fear as a distraction with breathtakingly adroit dipshittery. He impugns my sources and offers youtube and the Drudge Report. Good job Dave you crayon eating motherfucker. *YAWN*

    The stupid cannot comprehend they are stupid because, well, they are hopelessly stupid. Like I said, start your own blog and listen to the wind whistle through your empty head.

  • Michael Douglass:

    One last thought:

    What amazes me so thoroughly is just how spectacularly you miss the point of of every piece I write. That you choose to drop a clueless, uninformed turd instead. You never contribute anything germane or even remotely salient. You are simply a relentless one note wonder. And your only note is a tired cliche. You hate the president because he is black and Kenyan and socialist and communist and Muslim……

    I can hardly believe we are the product of the same school system. My memory of my education in Carson City Nevada is a good one. Yeah, it was a redneck culture, but in retrospect it seems equitable and not at all the catalyst of simple minded paranoia that you consistently foment.

    Your abject ignorance can only have manifested after you exited the environs of a state of Nevada provided education.

    What happens to people like you? How do you get so goddamn dumb? You fear all the wrong things in a country and a world where there is plenty to be legitimately afraid of. It’s like you willingly allow yourself to be distracted by things that just don’t fucking matter because you are incapable of recognizing or unwilling to face the things that actually do.

    Instead you carp and scream about Ebola and Marxism etc. You have never once addressed a single issue that really actually matters. Instead you get beat down, humiliated, embarrassed by me and Darrel Henschell and others and you just keep coming with your one agenda, regardless of topic or context. Obama will be the death of us all because Alinskey or Ayers or Keynes or the Reverend Wright. All people you know nothing about but drop their names to give the false sense that you’ve looked into it. You’ve researched. You’ve read. Because that’s what you’ve been fed by the bigots and neocons. If I were standing in front of you right now you would not be able to even tell me a single one of their first names.

    You are emblematic of what’s wrong in modern America. You are the poster child. You think you know something but you don’t. You think you’re smart but you aren’t. You’re so fucking unapologetically stupid that you don’t even realize I’m not really any big fan of Obama at all.


    You never even understand what I’m writing about. You never get it at all. You have never, not once, addressed the point I’m making. Not once. Never. How that fails to embarrass you amazes me.

    You are done here because I am tired of the only song you know, that one with only one chord, only one note. Like a retarded child banging a single key on a piano over and over while the mouthful of crayons begins to limit breathing and then oxygen to the already addled brain.

    Good luck with those crayons you pathetic tool.

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