Asphalt Ballet

Gas is at three bucks a gallon.  Unemployment is under 6% and the stock market is through the roof.

Everything republicans say they want.  On paper at least.

But America has been very unhappy and with very good reason for a very long time.

Tonight, America threw a tantrum.

Tantrums are never effective.

Tantrums are always ill advised.

Children throw tantrums.

Adults don’t.

Or at least they shouldn’t.

And now I’m going to throw my own, against my better judgement.

But, before I do, I can’t help but ask. what role did racial animus play in tonight’s election results given the widely held belief by the commentariat that this was a referendum on our first African American president?

Remember that scene in American History X where Edward Norton forces a man to open his mouth and place it on the edge of a curb before he kicks the back of his skull?  It’s called “curbing”.  Norton was playing a white power skinhead and he performs the “curb stomp” on a black burglar.  It is typically performed as a hate crime.

Well, that’s what America has just voted to do to itself.  Think about it.  Despite all the gerrymandering, voter suppression and big Koch brother money via Citizens United, America has just volunteered to place its collective open mouth on the curb and invited the conservatives to kick the shit out of the back of its head.

You know what?  We absolutely deserve it.  I’m not kidding.  Sheezus Kentucky, Mitch McConnell again?  Hey Iowa, Joni Ernst?  Really?  In the United States Senate?  Really?  Her message was about castrating the cloven hoofed.  And Wisconsin, Scott Walker again?  Really?  This guy has fucked you people nine ways to Sunday, from hell to breakfast and it wasn’t even close.  Aren’t you at all bothered by how close together his eyes are?

Jim Inhofe, who believes climate change is a hoax, will head the EPA and the Environment and Public Works Committee.  Ted Cruz will likely head the Subcommittee on Science and Space.  Ron Johnson will take control of Homeland Security and Governmental Reform Committee and Mike Enzi will head the Budget Committee.  McCain head of Armed Services.  Fuck me.

Republicans will now be able to attach any and all bullshit amendments to any bill and dare Obama to veto it even if the bill is called “The Not Murdering Babies and Senior Citizens To Preserve America From Communism and Terrorism Act”   See, amendments are not subject to filibuster.  And it’s entirely possible that the republican senate will change the rules for filibuster the first week of January anyway.  I guarantee you they will try.

Here’s what I genuinely want to see happen.  I want the American electorate to pay.  I want us to suffer.  I want to see the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  I want all those states who’s governors wouldn’t play ball in the altruistic expansion of Medicare, I want them to actually witness the inevitable deaths that will occur.  I want poverty to continue to rise and I want to see the profound impact on American families when there is no action on an already unconscionable minimum wage.  I want to see income inequality widen further.

I want to see more wars in more countries.  I want us to actually start listening to John McCain again.

I want discrimination against women and minorities in the context of wage parity and voting opportunity to be sanctioned by law.  I want marriage equality and LGBT advances to be rolled back by the supreme court and maybe even by constitutional amendment.  I want every drunk douchenozzle in every bar in America to be allowed to carry a loaded gun.

I don’t want the American worker to earn overtime pay.  I want to see college education so exorbitant that only old money patriarchal clans can afford to educate their progeny and for the rest us to see America lose it’s ability to compete in global markets for generations, while the rich get richer and it becomes more convenient for the American worker to be exploited while we become a third world country and economy.

I am anxious and looking forward to just how goddamn bad it has to get before we wake the fuck up.  I want Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney for president in 2016 with a republican house and senate.  I want this.  You know why?  because the people who voted these assholes in tonight deserve it and the assholes who sat this one out deserve it more.  The only way things will ever change in this country is when the people in the red states who already suffer the most, who are so spectacularly dumb as to consistently vote against their own interests, endure an agony so thorough that actual survival literally becomes an imperative and I want lazy, elitist liberals to experience the same.

I want to see the American people ground down to stubs.  I can’t wait for us to reap what we have sown.

Joni fucking Ernst?  Really?

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires”  -John Steinbeck
America, you impressed me tonight.  I stand in awe.
Drinks for my friends.

18 Responses to “Asphalt Ballet”

  • I know you’re having a tantrum, Michael, but I’m calling you on some of it anyway.

    Some of us have been consciously working against what the Joni Ernsts and James Inhofes of the country represent our entire lives. My parents and grandparents (at least on my mother’s side) were doing it also.

    Many of those who drank the Kool Aid have been inculcated their entire lives with the Big Lie that makes authoritarian followers out of them.

    Then there are the folks, like the residents of Ferguson, who have been oppressed by the racism that was built into this country from its inception–that have had their work and wealth stolen from them for generations.

    And there are all those folks who are doing their best to get by under the horrific conditions that the two wings of the capitalist party have imposed on them Many of them don’t have the time, the energy or the education to keep track of who is screwing them and how

    Should all of these people be punished? And what good will it do? And how long until that good gets done. And will it be before climate change floods our cities and destroys our ability to grow food?

    The immiseration of the working class is what you’re talking about, Michael. And, though Marx believed that that would lead to a socialist revolution, the historical evidence is, unfortunately, weak. Russia was an agrarian country that ended up giving its people Stalin and the terror famine, though that’s not to deny the incredible turn to industrialization that also happened.

    Think of what the people of the rest of the Americas have gone through before Venezuela, Equador, Paraguay and even Argetina and Brazil got to where they are today. Think of the very mixed success of Cuba.

    But, moving away from histoical narrative and political suppositions, let me also re-emphasize the inadvisability of tantrums.

    Finally, let’s–all of us who can see the tantrum happening and know how dangerous it is–figure out ways to undermine it and bring more people together to retake our country from the ugly, dangerous people you righteously rail against and raise ourselves up together.

    I’m open to suggestions. 🙂

    • martina marty:

      I said the same thing when Bush was elected twice. Hey some people never learn and need to experience extreme pain in their lives before they get it…at 61 I am sort of tired waiting for voters to actually go to the polls. Its amazing to me that people will not vote. In 1941 my dad fought company bought thugs on the miller overpass strike in dearborn michigan for a living wage from henry ford at ford mo company and here we are many many years later fighting the same fight. My Dad dead and gone but I remember what he said. The parties are both the same for “workers” its just that from one party you have a tendency to get a little bit more of what workers are asking for. He said both parties are corrupt. He was a union steward and vet.

  • reiya:


  • Junior's Ghost:

    All of these tragedies will happen, and more. And people will still place the blame squarely upon the brown shoulders of Barrack Hussein Obama. See, that’s the thing about Americans. We’re a nation obsessed with thoughts and feelings about race. Whether those sentiments are good or ill. They dominate the way we view this country. We praise our diversity, they curse the colored ones. Either way it holds our focus, more than reason, more than ethics, certainly more than politics. Besides, most Americans don’t know at any given moment what party controls congress, nor are they able to pick their own representative out of a lineup. But everybody knows just who is in the White House. And everybody knows he ain’t white. Even a blind man can see that.

  • Ga Underwood:

    Mr. Douglass, I’m still holding out hope that an examination of the actual voting numbers and the demographics breakdown reflect the astonishing success of their gerrymandering and other restrictive policies and ‘misleading’ advertising. I’m not prepared to accept that we (empirically, as a nation) are this masochistic and/or demented.

    (My apologies if I come across a bit too ‘Anne
    “…I still believe that people are really good at heart” Frank’.) If those numbers don’t bear out my hopes, though…I’ll have to face the reality that we live in a nation of unfeeling morons with closed eyes and minds who worship at the feet of rich old white men.

  • Woody McBreairty:

    As usual the deep ignorance of the deep south rules. The most uneducated poverty stricken people in the country always vote for politicians who loathe them. They vote against themselves & wonder why their lives never improve. They drag the whole country down with them. How hopeless is our country’s future, wonder?

  • Nik Bramblett:

    I am reminded of the core principles on which Maynord Keynes based all his economic theory: sure, it may all balance out and reach equilibrium at some point, but um… meanwhile, people DIE. If you’ll pardon my saying so, I’m a lot more vulnerable to the metaphorical ‘curbing’ you speak of than most, and I am plainly frightened.

    I hope you’re wrong. I fear you’re not.

  • Midge:

    Angry? I’m angry beyond words. I’ve lost a young daughter who was turned down for health insurance for a pre-existing condition just before the ACA became law and I will not sit still and see something I fought for taken away. My fear is that so many on Face Book and Twitter prefer to talk instead of putting themselves out there and walking the walk which is what it will take to create change. I’m as tired as the next person fighting this fight but I’ll be damned if I will stand by and watch the GOP undermine all that this country has accomplished. It’s time to stand up or shut up. Great article, thanks for sharing it.

  • Phillip:

    As usual, we have the best government that money can buy. All sold to the highest bidder, including the judiciary.

  • If I believed in God, and were I to pray, I think it would go something like this.

    Let us pray.

    Lord, this week you chose to somehow put these horrible people in office. My prayer to you is this.

    Lord, take from those who receive benefits instituted by Democrats, who voted for Republicans, the benefits they now draw, as they are too blind to see the good, even when they are experiencing it. They think somehow that only they deserve it, not understanding others do too.

    Let all of the people who voted Republican, who gerrymandered and manipulated elections to their favor, be the ones who suffer the ill they’ll cause.

    Let the smarmy goop from unregulated oil was up on their beaches. Let them eat the oil tainted shrimp and oysters pulled from the Gulf, let the poison from the fracking waters inflict its damage on them. Let their spigots be set aflame.

    God bring the brunt of the Fertilizer Plant explosions, as in Texas to the homes of the most rabid right-wing voters, the watchers of FOX, listeners of Rush Limbaugh.

    Oh great Deity in the Sky, suffer the bank accounts, winnow the fortunes of those who support the evil ones, the greed driven, toward their defenestration through the windows of their tall buildings.

    And for the poor, those driven to vote Republican because of hatreds of blacks, or Hispanics, let their daughters fall for and marry a minority. Let their children turn out gay, so they may too realize, it’s not a choice, but something intrinsic to their souls.

    God, let the gun-worshipers be the victims of the bullets fired by onerous, nefarious, or just plain crazy nuts, who have managed to get dangerous weapons, and caches of munitions easily over the Internet, or at unregulated stores and gun shows. Let the criminals who buy weapons without background checks, find the families of those who support guns. Let the gun fights transpire by those who brandish death those who don’t understand “turn the other cheek,” or “thou shalt not kill.”

    All I ask of you God, is to bring home to those who vote for greed, and insanity, to suffer the effects of the same.

    Let the wages drop, and the jobs leave, of those who vote red, let their accounts winnow. Make those who see homelessness as a pesky blight to the neighborhood, instead of a problem to be solved, lose everything, and become homeless themselves.

    Most of all, God, please bring the biggest misfortune to the Koch brothers’ ilk, those who’d buy and use our government agents to make more money, to take money and benefits, and a decent life from the rest of us, for they deserve the punishment far more than any of the rest. They have everything, more than generations of their families will ever need. But they can’t see past it, toward using their cash for good works, only for further corrupting the system, and hurting Americans, and people of the world.


  • Mary:

    While I am inclined to throw a tantrum myself, I cannot bear the thought of enduring another White House romp by this party of ill-informed, hateful baggers. Boehner has already started up with his continuous cycle of regurgitated repeal of Obamacare which will go nowhere. Even in Kentucky they love their new healthcare website since they changed the name to disguise it. My tantrum consists of enduring two years of this political posturing so we can once again move forward come 2016 when the average American voter sees first hand who caused the government dysfunction. Nowhere in my tantrum is there room for the unraveling of Obamacare. I have recently had 2 surgeries that were otherwise unattainable for me prior to ACA. We’ve come to far to hand our well-being back over to the insurance companies to dismiss us if deemed to dare exhibit a preexisting condition. As always, I enjoy reading your blogs, Michael. I was just hoping this one could be toned down a notch to the tune of two years of punishment.

  • Ray:

    You forgot to mention the right’s willingness to throw the military people, who by in large support Republicans, under the bus when they are no longer needed.

  • Jodi Sherman:

    Fearless. Breathe. Must keep plodding forward–at any rate. Thx for this, Michael.

  • Andrew Markoff:

    They hate democracy. It terrifies them. The very thought of allowing all kinds of people from big cities to far off towns and of every color and creed voting and deciding, perhaps, for everyone else is just untenable to such people, so they clamor to the polls to vote for the most authoritarian sorts who continually assure them that Rush is right, and they are the deserving of the spoils while the others are not.

  • Michael O'Keefe:

    Perception is reality. You have to control the message and constantly fight back by touting your successes. President Clinton was a master at this. President Obama has no interest in such things (think of the first debate with Mitt Romney) and it cost the Democrats the Senate.

    (Example: Allowing the GOP to rename the Affordable Healthcare Act ObamaCare gave them the platform to attack Obama and, by association, skewer the law. But if the Democrats branded it CompassionCare, then if the GOP tried to ‘kill’ it they look like heartless capitalists).

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