
It was all over before the shouting when county prosecutor Robert McCulloch opted to actually try the case before a secret grand jury as opposed to simply and traditionally allowing the matter to be tried in a public court of law.  The fix was in from the start.  Not just a stage set, but the entire drama enacted beneath a proscenium already tainted with a protracted history of racial animus endorsed and facilitated by regional cabal.

McCullough made a conscious decision to forego the proverbial ham sandwich.

It doesn’t take a hundred days to determine whether to try a white cop for shooting an unarmed black teen to death six to ten times from well over a hundred feet away.  It does however, take that long to construct an elaborate trail of distortion and obfuscation to to justify the complete exoneration and immunity from any future criminal prosecution and consequence of a white cop who shot an unarmed black teen to death from well over a hundred feet away.

Robert McCulloch labored at least as much as an advocate for the defense of Darren Wilson as he did to discharge his statutory obligation as county prosecutor.  He did not charge, nor did he recommend.  He orchestrated behind closed doors.  He took it upon himself to prevent a legitimate trial for an undisputed homicide.  He eschewed transparency.  Was there even a whiff of justification for the use of deadly force? Was there anything at all exculpatory in terms of lethal threat or the absence thereof posed by Michael Brown?


I can’t help but consider these concepts and ideals to be central, vital and thoroughly unimpeachable in the pursuit of justice in any case where a boy is left to die bleeding in the street.  Shot to death.  Unarmed.  From over a hundred feet away by a policeman who suffered a swollen cheek.  Where in McCulloch’s press conference was there any mention of these things?  I didn’t hear a goddamn word about them.

McCulloch was thorough, articulate and reprehensibly derelict.

I predicted this exact outcome months ago.

I watch the chaos and violence unfold tonight on my television and it’s hard.  Hard to reconcile my heart and my head.  It’s so senseless.  So useless.  These businesses burning have no dog in this hunt.  The destruction is being visited on the innocent once again.  That’s some irony right there.   Most people won’t understand this.  They’ll see it for the crazy that it is.  It breaks my heart.  It breaks my heart because there’s a part of me that genuinely understands.  There’s a part of me that just can’t bring myself to blame them.

What most people won’t understand, what so many Americans simply cannot relate to, is that this is not merely crazy.  It is desperation.  It is the realization of a hollow futility.  When hope and justice are revoked by institutions, when the people who are led to believe they can trust and rely on them see them end in vapor, a profound vacuum manifests in that wake.

It is this that we now bear witness to.

Michael Brown was executed for adolescent hubris while being black in a town where he was only guilty of not knowing better.

Drinks for my friends.


14 Responses to “Shaft”

  • Guido Colacci:

    Perfectly stated as always Michael. We’ve seen this one trick pony before. In LA with video the kkkops were still acquitted. Did we really think given the precedent this was actually going to be different especially without an actual video of what happened. Someone, anyone, name me the last time a kkkop was actually indicted and found guilty for killing a Black or Hispanic man ??? So now the pundits can all eat shit, they all screamed and opined that what happened in the aftermath of Ferguson was caused by outside agitators and instigators, now, its happening all across amerikkka, across all racial lines except those of hatred and fear and ignorance. The media needs to GET OVER making excuses for people’s visceral and valid reactions of anger and righteous frustration. Protests are not supposed to be pretty, shooting a man in cold blood was not pretty, why should the reaction to the executions be “pretty” We want justice, we want to draw attention to the INJUSTICE, and if it takes fires and broken glass and blocking traffic and throwing bottles and rocks then so be it . ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  • Alex Reed:

    Kudos to Michael, and Guido as well, for perfectly capturing the truth.

  • Phil N. DeBlanc:

    I’ll drink to all of that. I share your broken heart, Michael.

  • Patrice Lamoree:

    ” It breaks my heart. It breaks my heart because there’s a part of me that genuinely understands. There’s a part of me that just can’t bring myself to blame them.”

    I hope and work for new types of “violence” in defense of those excluded from justice by “Just us.” That’s the violence of thousands, even millions, of voices bringing it, in the streets, in homes, in churches, on the internet, anywhere and everywhere that truth needs to be defended and that’s defended in a way that actually works the best to free everyone from lies and “mistakes”.

    That’s the kind of violence that refuses the obfuscation and distraction of personal insult, in favor of the most clearly targeted reason and emotional justification, grounded in the truth about actual experiences of real people. Michael Douglass provides a good example of the sort of thing that ALL of us, all colors, everywhere must take our own responsibilities for and that begins with encouraging the voice-less to find and develop their own powers in service to truth.

  • Jeff Prager:

    Precisely. Perfect. Thank you. 🙂

  • JuliaKrauss:

    Well said once again my friend. Yet, they did exactly what their shepherds wanted them to. As any abusive entity does, they cause a reaction so they can point the finger at the victim and blame them.

  • Jane Christenson:

    I totally agree, Michael. If I might add some thoughts. This is repeated in many forms of death every day everywhere. The massive injustice heaped upon black, brown and many folks (even whites) born in the hearts of our learned prejudices. I understand what you are saying. The RAGE of poverty, few opportunities, poor educations, repeating family examples, despair and all thee rest is this for a result. The elevation of violence in so many forms in our world and this culture gives the permission to anger, the permission to choose poor options. Our empire is based on violence and confusion. Tell the children that violence is bad and they can’t do it. Meanwhile they see the example of a runaway war machine that feeds killing, but not the hungry. We could go on and on with this. Thanks for your ideas. They are all valid. I do not blame them either. IT all makes me feel so sad for we humans and our suicidal way.

  • Andrew Markoff:

    It’s not just racism. I believe that if investigative reporters were to really dig, they’d likely find that Wilson and McCulloch are both actually involved in organized white supremacy efforts.

  • L. Henderson:

    I wish I had your gift for expression with the pen. Facebook walls everywhere would praise me, love me, hate me and fear me. Well said Mr. Douglas and thank you!!

  • “Not just a stage set, but the entire drama enacted beneath a proscenium already tainted with a protracted history of racial animus endorsed and facilitated by regional cabal.”

    Yes, like how the black people are as racist as the white and the rest of the people.

    Or, do you subscribe to white guilt and black power?

    Everyone is under attack by the same tyrant.

    That tyrant is external authority which destroys the self and replaces it with media concepts like “cool’.

    Its the same force that changed breakdance music with people in projects having a great time in the summer to hip/hop about bitches, money, drugs and gang-banging which is just as deadly as the misuse of a firearm to attack instead of defend.

  • Michael asked me to post the thread over at Facebook where we were discussing the Ferguson riots.

    I made a blog about it here with pictures of the thread.

  • Will Remy:

    And this is how revolutions start. I see our friends on the other side are already attempting to relieve the wealthy of their heavy tax burdens and to get rid of the subsidies for families with children by eliminating much of the Earned Income Tax Credit. At least they don’t cloak it anymore. With the racism and outright war on the middle and lower classes, it is amazing that they can still dupe people into voting for them. I guess that’s where the racist card is played, because if you’re poor and white, at least you can be a racist and feel like you have something in common with the 1%. Nice piece. Keep up the good work. Still writing my novel, that’s why I haven’t been around much…Take care.

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