Three Strikes

So, we smoked a turd in hell with Satan himself while midterm fires raged all around us. We opted for that as opposed to showing up at the polls.  A Michele Bachmann bathroom stall door closed, a Joni Ernst toilet overflowed and fecal chocolate logs made their way like mindless carp across the lavatory tile.

Shame on us.

Democrats who took it upon themselves to campaign on the accomplishments of this administration fared well. The majority of those who chose to run from such saw the mortal coil of their political lives shuffle out of reach.  Turnout was historically low.  In the districts and states where it was high, democrats won.  Still, for the most part, the will of the people was not realized because the people chose not realize their will.

Here we are in the wake of that.

They say these things happen in threes.

About a third of us showed up.

That’s disgusting.

Maybe the trifecta is the house, the senate and finally the presidency falling under the neoconservative, teabilly shadow.  They are on a roll.

Maybe it’s a TPP,  Keystone Pipeline and compromise on medicare/social security capitulation on the tip of our president’s tongue.


Just now, postmortem.

Obama got a little resolute with the FCC, telling them to stop fucking around and make the internet a public utility.  No fast lanes.  No big money privilege. Then he goes off to China, sports some  Spock Tunic and reaches some epic deal on carbon emissions.  And just lately he’s been rumbling about Keystone.

Maybe the triplet here is immigration reform.  Obama is not a man who beats his chest.  He’s not kidding.  It’s a pretty ballsy piss up a rope to Boehner and McConnell.  They’re throwing up in their mouths a little already.

The next two years are gonna be interesting to say the least.

Here’s hoping the presidential pen proves mightier than the sword by way of veto and executive order.   Senate democrats should be getting their filibuster tuxes to the cleaners while the rest of us prepare to not go so quietly.

Two years.

I say damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead.  It’s time for democrats to show democrats that they have a fucking spine before it’s too late if it isn’t already.  Fuck ’em and feed ’em fish heads.  Stop feeding us the populist talk and start actually walking the walk.  See how I gave you three cliches there?

What if democrats were finally able to show the working poor who vote republican that they’re actually democrats?  Tall order.  Easier to fool a man than convince him he’s been fooled.  But what if?

Democrats need to get mean.  Stop being mad and start getting even.  Make republicans pay for every stupid thing they are about to do under the illusion that this election is a mandate.  When two thirds of the voters don’t show up and the uber filthy rich take their place, there is no goddamn mandate.  Show some guts, some balls for once.  Don’t flinch.  Don’t hesitate.  Call their bluff and make them show us their ass.

There’s a hell of a lot of people out here you’re gonna have to convince that you’re not all the same.  That you’re not all republicans in frilly democratic blouses.  I can’t stress this enough.  Not just because democrats were such candy asses in this election but because they have a well earned reputation for it.

And I think this might be your last chance for awhile.

Here’s the math.

1) Social liberalism is peaking.

2) Fiscal conservatism is less popular than ever and it’s deleterious effects are punching down on the middle class with unchecked abandon everyday while the wealthy offer nothing but cake.

3)  The obvious mandate from this election is the absence of one.  In it’s place is confusion and disillusion.


I gave you three.

Hint. The right thing to do is often the hardest.  Don’t worry about it.  Do the right thing.  And then go to the media and fucking brag about it.  Be self righteous and unswerving.  Be pompous, obese and eat cactus.  Americans love that shit.  The first rule of leadership is to lead by example.

Drinks for my friends.



9 Responses to “Three Strikes”

  • Kathleen Wallace:

    In a nutshell.

  • Peggy Frigard:

    We, liberals, figuratively shot ourselves in the foot. It is our own fault we are in this position. It makes me angry that there are soo many of us that complain, but that don’t follow through by voting at the polls. I guess it was just lip service. The Repugs won just about every race, and it makes me nauseous. My 24yr old son, Craig and I talked about this, too. We do stand a chance w/ the almighty pen, as you said. Executive orders are going to be our solution. I don’t care that Repugs will attempt to sue Obama. For what, who knows. It changes by the week. I laugh at their ignorance. Obama is a constitutional lawyer. But, they may be just “saying” what they’ll do to Obama, so they can show they are doing something, to appease the rest of the party. Cowards. Sure, it’ll be tough, the next 2 yrs. But, I don’t think it’ll be that bad. Obama will be an Executive Order writing fool. Btw, I love the descriptive metaphors that you use. I have to chuckle while reading your blogs… Especially this one.

    • Bill Homans:

      “We liberals” ((I am actually a socialist) didn’t have anybody to vote for in Mississippi who represents our interests. In the recent election I voted for county judge, DA and a state Justice. No Republicrats for me.

      But no revolution either. Keep the shelves full, no matter with what foreign-made crap, and I don’t see this TERRORIZED people revolting any time soon.We must hope for vetos on KXL and TPP.

  • Ga Underwood:

    “The will of the people was not realized because the people chose not realize their will.” You nailed it.

    I’m loving this article so much I’d like to force-feed it to every Congressional Democrat.

    The irony would be so exquisite if these next two years turned out to be the President’s most effective of all eight. Recent news hints that, despite the odds, this just might be possible. If Harry Reid finds his testicles…then maybe.

    Perhaps it’s post-election shock, but I still fail to understand the thinking process – or outright cowardice – behind Democrats’ failure during the campaign to acclaim and align themselves with the President’s many remarkable achievements. Is the Tea Party that scary? It’s more remarkable that his successes were made while serving in a six-year long bitterly hostile environment. Would it have discredited Democrats to point out that the feathers earned in the President’s cap (a cliche back at you, Mr. Douglass) were won in the face of unending, purposeful barricading, hindrance and an expansive, 24/7 negative publicity machine with a documented accuracy rate barely exceeding Sean Hannity’s shoe size? Why didn’t no candidate speak of the Farleigh Dickinson University study to discredit Fox?

    Just once after January, wouldn’t it be great fun to see the President lay some reverse psychology on these corporate shills? I long for him to denounce a non-partisan issue, forcefullv threatening to veto it should it negotiate the process to land on his desk. The opposition has powerful motivation to embrace it then. Fox News would have its’ normal field day, of course, with their ‘Obama’s a dictator’ rhetoric inflaming their constantly-incensed audience even further. (Fox fell for an article in The Onion earlier this year, remember?) Congress may actually function to forward the bill, if for no other reason than to bring the teabilly fury to a rolling boil. And then President Obama could announce that he’s most pleased to sign the bill into law! He’s smooth…he could spin it well, I’m sure. Net neutrality would’ve been perfect…

    Thanks for the article! Let’s hope the Democrats, like Frank Baum’s Cowardly Lion, manage to find the courage lying within themselves.

    • Alice de Tocqueville:

      What a lovely bit of political fangirl/fanboy masturbation. None of this will happen, precisely because people like you anthropomorphize politics, and you are clearly within the 79% (!!) of americans who believe angels take care of us, in other words, you live in a liberal dreamworld! You can’t stop buying from the stores that sustain Wall St.
      If you’re any kind of Christian, get your head around this: CAPITALISM IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!

  • Terra Wolfe:

    The Democratic party began telling us t could not win in 202 as son as that election was over. Then they ran away from the President like they had never heard of the guy.
    BUT this is the big one they listened to the advice from the pros.
    They were told to beg for money…they needed more money.. so go to your base and beg. But do not admit that you know your base….no values no promises, jut beg for money.
    Send all that money to the three or four Washington firms you have hired and let them run NEGATIVE ADS.
    You lose. Of course they said you would lose.
    The pros take 15% of the to BILLION you raised and go home.
    Fire the PRO’s.

  • Phil N. DeBlanc:

    Right on buddy!

  • Stan A. Young:

    Nicely articulated. I will be sharing this.

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