Cats and Men

Doesn’t it seem crazy that the most of the folks who believe in life after death are at odds with the theory of evolution?

Scripture spewing theists railing against abortion while pining away for more capital punishment, even more guns and jerking health care out from under the feet of the people who need it the most?

Does that make any sense?

They believe that we as a species are so special, so unique as humans that we just must have been created by one God’s design. We didn’t evolve. We were planted with all our grace and humility intact as the pristine flowers we so obviously are.  This all happened about six thousand years ago.  Then we had that huge ass flood and everything.  And it was then that our species saved every other species we now enjoy today.

You know, the whole Noah thing.

We are exclusive and divine.

We deserve everything.

Dominion over all of it.

Good God, organized religion is such a load of crap.

I don’t doubt that a lot of what is attributed to humans as virtue is actually virtuous.

But they are mistaken in thinking that these virtues don’t exist anywhere else. 

They do.

Animals never have to compete with the inherent lethality and avarice of technology and commerce, therefore the kindness and compassion of animals when domesticated is pure and their endeavors toward survival in the wild are nothing but efficient and completely absent malice.

If only humans would aspire to as much.

Our failings as a species are breathtaking.

There is so much more dignity in being other than human on this planet.

As far as I’m concerned, that’s all the proof of evolution anyone should ever need.

So, wouldn’t it be awesome if they all came back as cats?

Drinks for my friends.

5 Responses to “Cats and Men”

  • Jane Christenson:

    I have always considered myself to be non-violent, but I am getting increasingly tired of these self-serving thugs in DC. Is it terribly evil of me to wish for their collective demise? They just won’t go the hell away. They are destroying the lives of millions and taking the lives of so many. What karmic justice is there when we all must pay for their ignorance and greedy motives?

    How long must we wait for them to just go away? While the actions of their so-called enemies (IS, etc.) are brutal, I ask are their actions any less brutal? It is these very policies which have given rise to the rage we see now. I have lived my entire life under the policies of old and evil men. When will they give up their sick control? Never? The end of humanity is in sight.

  • Lee Hillhouse:

    Excellent. ….and completely accurate. It makes me sad. I also agree with Jane. Sometimes I feel it is hopeless. When I was protesting against the Vietnam War, I thought by now….the world would be wonderful and beautiful. I think we may be worse than we were then. …and the way we treat other life on the planet, our biggest crime of all.

  • Terra Wolfe:

    I get your point. I tend to compare human s to wolves, myself. But I often wonder when I hear Christians talk, if they ever read the part of the Bible with Jesus in it. The ones who quote Leviticus at me still eat shellfish. But if the gist of the passage is cruel, they are all for it, word for word. I realy try not to talk to them too much though.

  • Spoken as only you can speak it … keep speaking the truth, the world definitely needs to hear it, and I believe you are actually through to a lot of people … thanks for all you do …

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