American Malaise

I had to step back and think about it for a minute.

Because this time it was perfect.

A hate crime.


Some product of deplorable southern genetic fuckery succumbs to calculated indoctrination, walks into an iconic black church and sits through a service for like an hour with the unsuspecting he intends to murder.  He quietly allows his rage to detonate and blows holes in people he doesn’t know at all but hates with the incandescence of racial animus.  He believes the full throttle afterburner of lies forced down his neck at the optimum time for his aptitude to gulp them.

He was about fourteen years old when Barack Obama was first elected president of the United States of America.  Since then he’s been given specific purpose to fear and hate black people and allowed to blame all his own failures and shortcomings on people whose only difference is the color of their skin.

Not just one shit stain lost his mind,  half the goddamn country has.

The second it begins, the right wing religious assholes don’t even break stride in their relentless campaign of obfuscation to render culpable the first black president.  It’s all his fault.  How dare he get elected twice. They stop at nothing.  Shame and hypocrisy are mere divots in a smooth green field to them.  Such routine violence is ascribed to trends of acceptance and equality for everyone from gay and transgendered to immigrants and black Americans.

It’s an attack on Christians and of course it is racism to point out the impetus was exclusively racist.

It’s everyone’s fault but theirs.

They relentlessly spin it away from anything to do with bigotry and the sick fetish for guns in our culture.  They just can’t abide a lingering look at this latest horror.  Any prolonged bearing of witness to the very worst of our kind slithering from under rocks and out of caves to visit misery. Any scrutiny of the those among us emboldened by the craven fantasy of a  president on the verge of sending troops to confiscate anything resembling a firearm from every American household.

It’s all about that fetish.  They don’t give a mad fuck about protecting their families.  They aren’t actually worried about the grid failing and battling their neighbors for sustenance.  That’s all bullshit.  The second amendment is nothing but a goddamn slogan to them.  They only fear the potential emasculation writ large for them by the NRA of losing their guns to the nigger in chief.

I loath the NRA. Because without it we would have at least some amount less of these tragedies. Because Wayne LaPierre could not give less of a shit that without him there would be less of them.  Because the NRA is organized crime.  Because they masquerade as a group of innocuous defenders of the second amendment when they are actually a cabal of greasy lobbyists who agitate the hardest case dumbasses in this country into thinking they need some sort of arsenal to prepare for the coming race war.  Because they paint it as holy and even some kind of civic duty.

I really hate them.  Because they have somehow managed to be on the lips of every callow redneck confederate flag waving asshole from Florida to Arizona. Because they are able to get otherwise reasonably sane people to buy into this crap.  They have so successfully plumbed the paranoia of the contemporary American male, they are able to exploit millions of them with hubris but without reservation.

Because they effortlessly paint every new atrocity as one side or another didn’t have enough fucking firepower.  If there were just more guns, everything would be just fine.  What we need is more guns.  Every injustice can be resolved with some obtuse Dirty Harry doctrine.  If only everyone had a goddamn gun, the good guys would win every time.

Because the more they foment fear and prejudice, the NRA and every other pig at the trough rakes in a shitload more money.

I hate the NRA because they will not allow us to even try things.  We need to try things for fuck’s sake.  We need actual universal, comprehensive background checks and a data base for people who would purchase a gun, a dozen guns or more than a thousand rounds.  Whatever.  People who have felonies, mental disorders, or even a propensity for railing against other “groups”.  A list of people with a history of violence or meaningful conversations with the disembodied.

We have such a list for anyone who aspires to ride on a commercial airplane. No one in this country has ever been killed by a shoe bomb but we all have take our shoes off before we can get on one.

What about liability insurance?  Maybe everyone who buys a lethal weapon should have an insurance policy that will pay out the nose if the bastard accidentally or intentionally ends a life with it for any reason other than self preservation.  The notorious avarice of insurance companies could be the antidote for the infamous greed of gun merchants.

But we can’t even have that conversation.

The president is an asshole for confronting the ubiquity of guns in our country instead of just letting folks grieve.  Somehow, he is the one politicizing it because he points out an ostentatiously aberrant problem with no equal anywhere else in the civilized world.  He is chastised and pilloried by the media, our elected representatives and half the electorate for daring to point out the obvious carcinogen.

Somehow, by being nothing but forthright and germane, he’s too soon and too much for pointing out this crazy fucker would have only been marginallysuccessful at the sporadic hematoma if he was limited to plastic spoons.

I am done with you idiots that would suggest we talk about anything other than how we can realistically mitigate this problem.  Regulation.  Common sense.  There is no substitute.  There is no longer any excuse for eschewing responsibility.  Fuck you if you want to whine about the looming potential of a home invasion because violent crime is at a historic low.  Yeah yeah, criminals will always have guns.  If you don’t live among criminals then piss up a rope.  If you’re that worried about it, lock your doors and windows, get a home security system and keep a Louisville slugger by your bed.  If you’re not crazy you can even have a gun.  Seriously, despite the odds that you’ll die by it or kill your spouse being exponentially higher.

No shit, if any of this happens to you it’s unlikely you’ll be wearing your holster.

Open carry is absurd.  I don’t automatically assume you’re hung like a gnat if you own a gun but I’m confident you resemble a Ken Doll sans underwear if you think it’s normal to strap your AR15 on before you go grocery shopping or out for ice cream.   If you find yourself in the middle of some stick up, run or get on the floor like the bastard says because if you’re packing you’ll probably be the first to taste your own blood.  Stop fantasizing about being a hero.  Life isn’t a comic book and you’re not in an action movie.

So relax, and shut the fuck up, you can have your goddamn guns as long as you’re not a goofecock nutter planning to shoot up the local Starbuck’s and willing to prove it by submitting to an objective process.  Nobody wants to take your precious guns away as long as you are sane and willing to prove it.

There’s no way that’s too much to ask.

And South Carolina, take down that stupid fucking flag.

Drinks for my friends.




21 Responses to “American Malaise”

  • larry guss:

    Lately I have been somewhat speechless. The Statements coming from the mouths of these various GOP Clowns is Similar to Shock and AWE Military tactics. Or else it is a well orchestrated propaganda campaign, designed to demoralize Democrats, and convince us to hide in our houses on election day, 2016. You know, they Paula Deen the President with negative propaganda from multiple sources, baseless but aimed at a specific target audience. All of it intended to modify our perception of reality, for specific groups. Funded by the Billionaire PAC, THEY FUND 15 candidates, and feed them caned responses aimed to modify perception. The media is saturated, and will steal Democrat thunder later, I imagine, with shear numbers. They will take the lions share of media coverage, and become cheap TV coverage, and cut coverage of Hillary or Bernie too. So, can sanity overcome insanity?????

  • Bonnie Flournoy:

    As always, you nailed it! This behavior is being normalized and I feel so inadequate because I don’t know what to do! I live in constant fear for my family and especially my sons. When I think about what kind of world our children will inherit, for the first time since forever I now and finally understand my friends and companions when they questioned having children, believing why would they introduce them into this kind of life? I always encouraged them to not let evil win in forming those opinions. For those that were blindsided by Roof, I feel nothing but grief…to invite someone into your fold, welcome him with open arms, only to be betrayed….slaughtered as if’n they were pests…flies…roaches…

  • Lorenzo Canizares:

    The best yet. Perfect!

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    Excellent, as usual.
    Charleston is just the latest. What white Americans of conscience are going to have to admit, realize, wake up to, is there is an undeclared war on black people. I am more than a little sick of knowing that it is just a matter of time before the next black person will die, killed because of their skin color.
    Punk ass Dylann Roof didn’t get to start the race war he was hoping for. You see, those parishioners, those blacks that have lived under the oppression in a state that flies the Confederate flag on its Statehouse. Put there in 1960, put there in protest against the Civil Rights movement, and, to remind black people to “stay in their place”, relocated in 2000,to its own Confederate memorial park, just 30 feet from that Statehouse.
    Those black people, with their grief and horror etched on their faces, chose to respond by forgiving the terrorist hater. Chose to uphold their Christian beliefs.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Spot on and so well said! If we can register and license our vehicles – which aren’t designed for the sole purpose of killing – and conduct regular proficiency testing of licensed drivers, then lethal weapons must be at least as “well-regulated”.

    Just another day, another killing spree…

    It’s deeply regrettable that the murders last year of six innocent young women and the injuring of 13 others near the Isla Vista campus failed to incite the same degree of national horror and outrage as the Charleston tragedy. Elliot Rodger’s bloody spree, where he targeted by gender, wasn’t even labeled a hate crime by the media.

    He, too, had an online manifesto.
    He, too, left a visible footprint of his hatred of women on the internet.
    Rodger even admitted in a video that his hatred led him to seek out anonymous women to slaughter.

    But this was no hate crime. The 1994 Violence Against Women Act, among other things, recognized gender-motivated violence as a national hate crime. It also provided a new federal civil rights remedy, enabling rape victims and battered women to sue their attackers for compensation and punitive damages. Certain politicians and lobbyists took issue with this. In 2000, the Supreme Court deemed these provisions unconstitutional and struck them down as being more appropriately determined by the individual states.

    Care to guess how that’s gone down?

    Only 24 of the 45 states and the District of Columbia that have hate-crime statutes include gender as a protected category. And the state level is where the vast majority of violent crimes are prosecuted.

    Yeah, I’m still mad as hell about it. Perhaps if Rodger’s spree of murderous violence had been perceived by more Americans and the media as equally horrific as the one in Charleston (i.e., a ‘hate crime’), then maybe, just maybe we’d be a little closer to having some actual preventative legislation written by now. But GOP lawmakers were in concert with Fox then, too, busily redefining ‘rape’ (Hey, women were involved!) and looking for the “real” victims.

    Who can forget this Fox classic?

    Will Charleston be nothing more than nine more notches on America’s gun?

    Sadly, I believe so.

  • Peggy Frigard:

    Right on target with your observations..

  • Toni Giardina fluegge:

    Mike…If I can ever get to a point where I don’t have a bunch of rapid cockroaches running all over my wall, I want to re-post this so bad. You only saw a small part of what has transpired in there with the retarded idiots on the RIGHT, telling me I should have kept my legs together. Yet another attack on women. I guess the fucking morons have yet to figure out we don’t get pregnant ALONE. But they have gone off the deep end on this Charleston shooting. Lost 7 people over the week-end. ANOTHER 7. They can keep deleting, as I don’t plan on stopping, or making any changes. I will continue on as always. I have 800 sitting that I can add that can delete. This was GREAT. And I am going to hit them again as soon as they finish the three threads I have going. But this??? I LOVE. It should really GET to THEM…and I HOPE it does. I am so SICK of them, I could scream, so I do. I can honestly say, I HATE THEM, and all that goes with THEM, every bit of it. The party of hate and greed, and that “hate” seeps from every pore in their sick minded bodies. You were RIGHT ON IT with this one, I think one of your “best”, and I can’t wait to sling it their way. As Always Thank You!!!

  • BAZINGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kenneth Williams:

    Grandslam homerun!! Wish I could articulate my thoughts into words like you do. Two thumbs way up!!! You have a God given talent for telling it like it is!!

  • Paul Lindemeyer:

    If you believe racism still exists, you yourself are racist. Crystal clear logic, isn’t it?

    Thank you for the articulate, profane outrage. I thought it was the property of the Far Right these days (minus the articulate part).

    • Vlad Lojko:

      Just like Climate Change or what we call “reality” do not depend on “belief”, neither does the existence of Racism in America.

  • David:

    I have no response to this article other than riotous applause.

  • Robyn Ryan:

    After Brown v.BoE, Red states decided to avoid educating black Americans by refusing to educate anyone. By the 90s, the population was well behind a wall of isolation and conformity. add in euro-christianty. The white man’s religion.

    Reagan and Bush destroyed our corporate memory – civil Service and fed us to the contractors…

  • Linda Dilworth:

    As always, you’ve hit the nail on the head. This time even more so. I hate the NRA as well and every idiot who subscribes to their beliefs knowing full well it’s all lies. The idiots who continue to spout about their second amendment rights probably have no idea what it entails but are just parroting what they’ve heard and been told.

  • Linda Dilworth:

    As usual Michael, you’ve hit the nail square on the head. Well written and absolutely 100% accurate.

  • Lyn A:

    Brilliantly stated as usual!

  • Guni licencing like automobiles is long overdue.

  • Linda Dilworth:

    You nailed it again. Exactly on point. This behavior is becoming more and more the norm. I see it everyday here in good ole Texass. The arrogance and in your face behavior because they think they can get away with saying and doing whatever they want because it appears to be that way across the country. They’re willingly trapped in their own little hateful bubble drawing comfort from each other in thinking they will take us all back to pre civil rights. Open carry is an invitation for a gun fight, whether they know it or not. Yes, it promotes fear but what they fail to recognize is it also promotes anger which is a deadly combination. As usual, they underestimate the rest of the population which does not hate, but who will fight back. Absolutely.

  • An excellent piece. In the times of MAO Syndrome (Mad At Obama) Obama-haters, and Black-Crazy police, gun legislation AND a tight anti-racial profiling bill with even more teeth than the one he wrote as IL state senator should be of urgent priority.

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