Comfortably Numb

There is still plenty of injustice in the world, but today was a happy day.

I am pleased.

There exists a lingering conservative legacy on the highest court in our land.  Like many, I considered the supreme court deigning to hear the issue of gay marriage to be ominous.

Turns out I was wrong.

I am a rare kind of satisfied.

I am excited.

This is big.

The whiplash paced acknowledgement of LGBT dignity and the eschewing of the confederate flag as a symbol of anything but hate and oppression is soul caressing.  It fortifies my sensibilities. The religious right in this country has been bitch slapped hard and the message is unambiguous.  You people can longer enjoy being unapologetic dicks with impunity. The rest of us are on to you.  You’re on notice.  Your bullshit has an expiration date now.  The provenance of passing judgement and bullying from an altar of righteous indignation has been revoked.

Just like that, you are on your way to the margins.

My pleasure is guilty.  For hundreds of years you have been insulated from the verdict of equitable objectivity.  I can’t help but rejoice in your confusion and new found sting of shame.  The Lucifer of your peculiar fantasy is you.

It’s about goddamned time.

Today we were visited by justice and its always attendant compassion.

We deserve to celebrate that and to revel in it.

Take the weekend.  Get drunk and make toasts.

The union is indeed a little more perfect.

Careful not be lulled, however.

Beware the sentimental euphoria of complacency.

It is far from over.

Gird your sensitivity and generosity and brace yourself for what Monday will surely bring.

Until then, own that love and kindness prevailed in a big way today.  Keep it close to your heart.  Remember it when the shit storm once again darkens your day. Reach for it the next time some asshole opens fire on the TV.  Be ready to beat it back all over again.

Drinks for my friends.

8 Responses to “Comfortably Numb”

  • Joanne Giovenco:

    It was an incredible day.

  • The joy from today’s decision sets the stage and foundation. There’s no turning back.

  • Regina Dobson:

    Thank YOU 4 a fabulous posting and divine words, Michael Wade Douglas!

    Your words fall on heartfelt ears.

    Please Know I love love love reading your heartfelt words with much anticipation!

    Yes, it is a day to raise one to our great land and our GREAT leader, President Barack Hussein Obama!

    Thank you 4 being our collective voice in ways I could never be. TYVM, indeed!

    regina dobson ~

  • Myles:

    me, i am waiting for gay divorce court on tv… I’ll watch the shit out of that

  • Always enjoy your insightful and profound blogs… this week has been a win; albeit bittersweet in lieu of Charleston. Truth be told … kind of feels like the calm before the storm. A sense of maybe false serenity. But then again, perhaps the tides are turning afterall.

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    This landmark ruling automatically improves lives, many of who are children. Children of gay parents, not yet old enough to even think of their own sexuality.
    Time for the US to embrace the 21st century on many issues.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Well said, Mr. Douglass! Hope renewed…and damn, I needed it.

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