
Well that was weird.


I cannot at this point give you any sort of detailed analysis.

But I guess I owe you something.

I’m still reeling.

Whatever, here we go.

What struck me first was the piety.  I’m an agnostic and view these assignations for Christ confusing and sort of pedantic.  Forgive me but I’ll never understand the American obsession with religion.  To me it’s an obvious Achilles Heel but we lap it up and we’re never better for it.  It just doesn’t matter.  Too many of us are under the the illusion that adherence to religious dogma is somehow a reliable indicator of moral or ethical resolve. Mike Huckabee for example, is an egregiously dirty prick.  His pronouncements about Obama leading Jews to ovens with the Iran negotiations and deploying our military to prevent gays from being married is unhinged and should disqualify him from ever being allowed in front of a television camera.

What a dick.

But they all did it.

It was fucking creepy.

I was looking for stupid and I found it.

So I can’t say I was disappointed.

I honestly think the moderators asked good hard questions.  I was impressed given how low I assumed the bar to be.  I was not surprised however by the outrageous mendacity that was then allowed to flood.  They all lied about “entitlements”, defense spending and the success of of the ACA.



They were just allowed to piss all over everything.

Then they all sold us a fantasy about a shrinking military and some paranoid vulnerability.  This is where it gets magnificently bizarre. It’s a huge lie.  Our defense spending is WAY up under Obama. I don’t even know what to say about this biggest load of bullshit.  I hate this about the Obama presidency.  I hate it it and they just lie about it in the opposite direction consistently.  It’s just not true.

Obama blew the defense budget the fuck up.

They want more?

That’s some irony right there.

They all rather predictably merchandised fear.  They get this more than anything else.  They own that to be credible with the mouth breathing teabillies, they cannot skip striking fear in the hearts of their base.  Gotta check that box. Whenever offered the opportunity to seize the pornography of panic and danger, they grabbed that ring and acquitted themselves without shame or humility.

Carson was charming but innocuous.

I’d hire him to babysit puppies and proofread my children’s book.

Christie, Trump and Kasich had conviction but were shallow and callow.

These assholes did better than I expected.

Jeb was overcooked linguine.  No charisma, no footing and a quivering chin.  Weak sauce.  He can’t win shit. I absolutely loathed his answer to the question about the wars started by his dumbshit brother.  Cowardly and insulting.  He’s a twat and a loser.  Fuck you Jeb Bush you piece of shit. I sit here trying to think of more clever ways to say that.

I hate that motherfucker.


Scott Walker’s eyes are too close together and he needs to just shave his fucking head and get it over with.  Trump at least pulls off the comb over with ostentatious arrogance. Notice how his ridiculous hair is no longer an issue.

Demonizing Planned Parenthood and immigration was another big fear factor.

Yeah well, fuck me.

Nobody in this country aspires to kill babies or has any desire to change the tacit contract in place between white folks and brown folks that allows for access to emergency rooms and schools for their children so they don’t grow up to be felons and our salads don’t cost fifty goddamn dollars.

I watched this spectacle and got drunk.  I cannot believe we are at a place where somewhere near half of of us are taking any of these assholes seriously.  It’s goddamn depressing.  They pander and cavort and exploit without vanity or shame.  They demonize and lie about everything.  They spin and obfuscate away from anything and everything that matters to us on the ground.

These bastards are unapologetic and proud of it all.

They will say anything.

Not one single breath devoted to anything that actually matters.

They are all cowards, every single one of them.

This is our contest in America and it’s unbelievably embarrassing.

America is stupid.

Drinks for my friends.


7 Responses to “Clusterfuck”

  • Lorenzo Canizares:

    Lies & no challenge go together in the Repugs world.

  • Jack Quinn:

    It didn’t happen, but I know all of them would have been more at home talking about the evils the vagina and other evil bodily functions and sinful thoughts about little kids while wallowing in cognitive dissonance.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    I hate them all, Mr. Douglass, with at least as much passion as you hate “Jeb!”. (That’s some slogan, huh?) More so, with a larger personal investment in the attacks on women. Attacks as much on our judgment and integrity as our legally-sanctioned rights.

    And coming from these morally-deprived and depraved people? Those who recycled their repetitive failures in fantasies of denying basic healthcare to the nation’s poor, wasting hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Those who refuse to create jobs, then vilify people who ask for help feeding their kids. These models of personal responsibility. The tax dollars they waste to earn political capital are ours, not theirs. They ‘own’ the television networks (I’m looking at you, Fox). But our bodies are ours. Not theirs to legislate according to their religion.

    Fox is that nasty, bigoted uncle that we hate, but are obligated to see at the major holidays. We expected the coddling, the easy pitches from Uncle Fox last night. After all, he’s still the same creepy old guy. The one who always wanted you to sit in his lap while he whispered in your ear when you were smaller. And these candidates proved themselves Uncle Fox’s good sons. Fox groomed these Republican men and offers them unconditional love and support, even in the face of pedophilic and non-consensual incest support, a pending federal trial, etc. Carly Fiorina? She’ll discover soon enough that a penis is one of the primary requirements to win the Republican nomination. (No, Carly, strap-ons simply won’t do.)

    The “debate” – if you can call it that – was a disappointment. The “Megyn Kelly Wallops Trump” reports are a joke. She retreated like a victim in the face of the Donald’s rankle. (You scare Fox a lot more than you do most women, Donald. Except perhaps Ivana. The stories in her book sound legit.)

    If half the voters in this country think that any one of these war-hungry corporate whores is what we need, I know who to thank first.

    Thank Uncle Fox. He’s had their attention for a very long time, perverting their judgment and terrifying them with scary bedtime stories. Stories of lazy people getting something they didn’t “deserve”, OMG! Scary brown people rushing the borders! (Wait, just the southern border) The outrage! Banks going broke, causing a total economic crash by next Monday – unless taxpayers bail them out! Oh nooo! And Obama’s coming for your guns! That commie muslim tyrant who’s weak on war! Listen to me – I’m the only one you can trust! Danger, Will Robinson! Another Fox News Alert!

    And the Republicans became so scared they kept listening, to finally develop the widest-spread case of Stockholm Syndrome ever.

    That’s how Uncle Fox came to create the fears of and control the minds and emotions of half the people in the country.

  • Elayne Johnson:

    Maybe this will help put it in perspective for you. Ready? Here goes. Republicans think that sinning is perfectly acceptable as long as you’re sinning for Jesus. They cancel each other out. No harm, no foul. This is the most their dogma traumatized brains will accept as viable information. I know this because I have 61 years of experience trying to communicate with the artichokes that stand in as family members. Fighting it is futile. Your only real defense is to run away. Run far, far away…

  • Regina Dobson:

    SPOT ON ~

    Michael U hit it out of the park on this one babe cakes ~

    BRAVO ~

    regi aka ~

  • I love all of your observations – I now live in France and watch this continuing horror show unfolding with a sick heart and pure embarrassment.. These people are pure JUNK DNA – they represent nothing important to the rest of the ordinary citizens of our country. And their adherence to sheer ignorance is completely terrifying to me.. After 2 Coup d’Etats by the Republicans, in 2000 and 2004, helped by the Supreme Court, financed by people like the Kochs..complete with the hacking our Voting machines – and totally overseen by Jeb Bush.. It is totally amazing that he’s not in prison let alone allowed to run for president… I hate that any of these Assholes are given any attention at all by any Americans.. but our culture has been totally destroyed – there isn’t even any serious attempt at education anymore – and that has been systematic beginning in the 1970’s..

    Personally, my life and career was completely destroyed by the Banking Crisis.. and stupidly trusted and campaigned for Obama – assuming he would actually change the course of the destruction of our country. end the power of the NSA – and indict the fucking criminals who joyfully masterminded the Banking crisis..and what did he do?? He protected them, he did not indict a single one – and then he proceeded to totally advance the Industrial WAR Machine to an insane level of surveillance and killing that the world has NEVER seen before.. It sickens me. His spectacular betrayal of our trust and continuation of the ruination of the United States still shocks me!

    When he “killed” bin Laden and threw his body in the ocean rather than bring him to justice at the Hague I knew he was 100% complicit with the Bush Administration and the “Big Money” behind him.. This whole “spectacle” of pretend elections in our country is a disaster for all of us… the US and the rest of the world..because now anyone an American President wants dead can be killed without any repercussions at all.. And the Banksters show no signs of stopping ate destroying the lives of Americans they have hell bent on extracting all the money from Greek citizens as the they did without any attention in Ireland and they will continue on accumulating Billions and wringing every singly person no matter what country they live in..!!!!

    I believe that all the assholes running for the Presidency are part of a long “GRIFT” by the wealthy Powers that be.. they are being trotted out and given full and ridiculous Media attention.. all just to distract us from seeing the next Coup d’Etat happening right now in PLAIN FUCKING SIGHT!! And I believe that the shocking rise of the murdering of Black and Brown people we have seen in the last 6 years is part of a systematic and deep conspiracy to distract and terrify both the Black population – and all of us, so they can continue to rape us and steal from us..and bring about the Coup without our noticing because we are so afraid to even venture out on the streets..

    I and my boss were robbed at gunpoint at my workplace on a sunny Saturday afternoon in full daylight with hundreds of shoppers walking up and down the street! Not a single Policeman was walking the beat and had not been doing so for years because the City Oakland says that it can no longer afford them.. I am not sure how true that is because they can afford to pay their middle management and their stupid Mayor plenty of $$$! Not only that, but when the Police came, they refused to take finger prints – nor did a single detective ever follow up on a crime.. This was no accident – it is part of the destruction of our municipal systems..

    All of my Black friends are completely depressed and terrified for their lives and rightly so, because it is now obvious that with the militarization of all our Police forces – clearly carrying out their orders with precision.. now we are seeing White Supremacist Killers – Domestic Terrorist who are coming out of the fucking woodwork and killing Black people with complete immunity – and with the growing, outrageous privatization of our social safety net and many of our municipal and federal services is making it totally impossible to be anything but a slave in AmeriKa anymore..

    I had to leave the country because even though I worked full time – I could not afford to pay rent ANY FUCKING WHERE!!! I had been homeless many times and working full time the whole time! And the only reason I am alive today is because my parents and family rescued me and brought me here to France..

    I have never believed in conspiracy theories until now.

  • reiyalight:

    I get what your saying Cassie, when one reflects on what went took place with the Nazi’s in Germany, I’m struggling to see how contemporary America is much different. If you ain’t right or white, you easily go down and there isn’t much as far as an official response, or correction. Our prisons are full to the Max, and yet murders still walk the street, in places like Florida, with the idiot Zimmerman and that Ho, whom murdered her little daughter by drowning, a few years back. The reality is the south allows evil against man, to blossom, and the Fed’s do nothing to steer it back towards a judicial democracy.

    Donald Trump is a freak, it looks like he had his lips injected and blown up, like vain insane middle aged woman do. That always looks strange.

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