Free at last, free at last…….

I’m not going to comment on this.

I’m not going to.

Fuck me.

I’ll keep it short.

This woman, this sociopathic hypocrite, just sucks. From what I understand, the bible she’s so conveniently and contemporaneously enchanted with, would have had her stoned to to death for transgressions committed against it long ago.

One thing I know for sure, she’s a loser and does not have the courage of her convictions.

I’m absolutely sure of it.

This is why I loathe her.

She’s just another self righteous fraud.

And that is why I can’t stand this vulgar burlesque of moral pageantry, this shameless politicization, prostration, hucksterism, pandering and cheap fucking shilling by Mike Huckabee and every other loser republican polling under five percent,  it’s just embarrassing.

I’m ashamed that our politics and attention have become so goddamn cheap as to afford this bullshit any spectacle whatsoever.

That bigotry and ignorant hatred is celebrated or merely even allowed to be displayed for our indignant despise, coast to coast in the national media, virtually wall to wall, just fills me with disgust.

Goddamn this is stupid and I intend every iteration of whatever pun you perceive there.

Count me among the idiots for even acknowledging it.

I’m guilty.

Fuck me.

Somebody help me to look away.


Kim Kardashian’s ass is more worthy.

Drinks for my friends.

5 Responses to “Free at last, free at last…….”

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Damn, you nailed it! This Kim Davis charade of “freedom” is like one of those horribly messy accidents you sometimes have the misfortune of encountering on the highway. The kind that bring traffic to a standstill and you don’t *want* to look… but you’re stuck in this vehicular lineup and it’s not going away anytime soon. That’s Kim Davis, self-righteous narcissist non-pareil.

    I couldn’t agree more with your article, except for the nod to KK. I’m with Barb Badger (from your FB page) on that and can’t for the life of me comprehend why people desire what appears to me to be a gross deformity. Perhaps I’d feel differently if I were similarly “endowed”…but I doubt it.

    My stomach churns at the waves of supporters this Joan of Arc wannabe amassed and it continues to turn every time that video of her release is replayed. Sorry, Survivor, but that song is ruined for me now and forever.

    “If you have to put someone in jail, I volunteer to go. Let me go. Lock me up if you think that’s how freedom is best served,” Huckabee said.

    Put the martyr Huckabee in jail? He should already have served time:

    * For rescuing his animal torturing & murdering fledgling psycho son over a decade ago. The son who, a few years ago was arrested with a gun at the Little Rock Airport – but Daddy stepped in once again to save his spoiled ass. That was before Huckabee declared, “America’s problem is bad kids, not bad cops.” He should know. And all the while preaching to Americans about being responsible for ourselves, taking responsibility.

    * For his unforgettable, unforgivable ‘Uncle Sugar’ diatribe against all non-virginal women.

    * For his adoration of pedophile rapist, pants-shitting, draft dodging Ted Nugent, the anti-icon of personal responsibility.

    * For his expressed desire to shower with schoolgirls.

    * For his public support of the incestuous sexual offender/rapist of multiple sisters over multiple years (birds of a feather, Huck?) – without a moment’s thought as to what the girls endured over the years shackled with parents whose eyes, ears and minds were all closed to their personal hells.

    * For touting a bullshit cancer cure and pedalling hope where hope and cures were fairy tales that many were desperately seeking, but were never able to realize. As a cancer ‘survivor’ myself, I assign those who victimize cancer patients a primo spot in Dante’s seventh level.

    Conservatives are anything but conservative, and the Trump Effect is driving them all to new lows. The golden light shone by the media was always a political pearl to be sought, and the image you (the candidate) portrayed was important. You had to radiate masculinity, coolness, maturity and reason. The importance of your message’s content was balanced with the airtime you earned in fairly even measures of quality and quantity. But the Trump Effect has annihilated the importance of the message. Say anything you want – the wackier the better! Give ’em attention-grabbing sound bites that will surely be replayed to sickening death. Messages the slow-minded will readily embrace…if they don’t have to think very hard. Pack it with lies, made up numbers and statistics. This modern brand of Republicans can’t be bothered with fact-checking, sourcing or truths.

    The torrent of intentional ignorance and lack of reasoning that has washed across our country both infuriates and terrifies me – especially with our mutual fates lying in the balance. The insane rhetoric of GOP candidates distracts us from talking about the true issues and concerns. Maybe that’s intentional.

    With the GOP political game being this disgusting at still over a year before the election, I shudder to imagine how low they’ll go. What if anything in 2016 they’ll consider too tasteless or out of bounds. If anything at all.

    Better make mine a double, Mr. Douglass.

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    That Trump has so many supporters is a national disgrace.
    My opinion on Huckabee? Not Christ like.
    I am agnostic, don’t judge me, please.

  • Junior's Ghost:

    Please watch the video of Bernie Sanders’ speech at Liberty U. It’s up on YouTube. Those “Good Christian” students who were watching the closest thing to Jesus H. Christ that they will ever see in their entire lives were reacting as if they were seeing a live performance of 2 Girls 1 Cup. What an amazing spectacle.

  • Yet AGAIN an erudite rendishion of things too stoooopid to repeat!

    I ask You ALL this question, “Do YOU seriousy think that Carley Jeb Rand Carson Christie or The Trumpeter General really gives a damned about anything but blowing smoke out of their collective asses?”

    “I THINK NOT” is my erudite/educated answer!

    I abhore the posibilities of several more of this magnitude of “grandstanding” by our GOP?Tea Turd Terroruist “Confederacy of Dunces” (my most favorite Tomes of ALL time) bequeathed to “We The People”

    I’s much rather watch the Kardashians ~ who are far more “real” and entertaining in my not so humble opinion!

    Spare me the Vomit that waits in my liberal mouth ~ ever ready to spew on the whole lot of them!

    Next time they air ~ I WILL BE jerking ‘off’ to they practice their inept grandstanding ~

    At least “I” will be enjoying time well spent!

    Feel free to give me all& any of the -hit you have to spare!

    My yank tank is ready for any “thing’ these miscreants have to offer!

    *** end of my “A” as in & “W” rant!

    gina ~

  • I appologise in advance for ‘ALL’ of my typo’s ~ so save the criticism for someone who care about such dribble ~ CAPISH?

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