Eat it and smile

I can’t help it. I’ve done it before and I’m sure I’ll do it again. Like millions before and millions hence. So forgive me. Donald Trump is the biggest asshole to ever run for president of this country by a fucking mile. He is a stain on American dignity. An indictment of our ignorance and cruel stupidity.  This one piece of lamentable shit has managed to expose our most profound moral and ethical shortcomings so completely that I have never been more embarrassed to be an American.

If this man gets elected, we deserve it.  Because it will be our own consequence of laziness and apathy and complacency.  A low brow campaign of distraction and obfuscation.  Because we are rubes.  Suckers.  And it will mean that our only hope for salvation by wisdom is even more abject suffering.  It will be a sign that we require further self abuse to learn our lesson.

It will mean we asked for it.

And this is exactly why Brainspank officially endorses Bernard Sanders for president of the United States of America.  Because he is our last chance at embarrassing these idiots.  Our last chance at shutting them the fuck up.  I believe he is our last hope at extinguishing the rampant and chronic fuckery that has infected us as a country and a people.

Yup, alert the media.

This is big.

Because Hillary Clinton is basically an opportunist.

She is full of shit.

She is on record speaking glowingly of the TPP and Keystone XL before she stuck her finger in the wind.  Among the most disingenuous things she’s opined is that somehow as secretary of state, she had no knowledge of either one in any way so only now has she made up her mind.  She is lying.

She won’t commit to expanding medicare, medicaid and Social Security.  She won’t in fact commit to not weakening them.  She won’t commit to a $15 an hour minimum wage.  She has earned millions of dollars in speaking fees and collected millions more from the very institutions that flirted with the financial demise of the millions of people in this country who actually work for a living.  She is committed to allowing them another chance at the table.  I don’t care who you are or what you think you know, she absolutely has their backs.  And just recently, the last straw for me, she criticized Sanders for his support of the notion that we deserve single payer health coverage as a right, not a privilege.  It’s our money, it’s not goddamn  free and we deserve to have our money spent on our well being as opposed to our money spent on multiple ridiculous wars that enrich the rich even further.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that even talks about this.  Our money.

I will admit this, I will vote for her if she gets the nomination, because she is as Sanders said, better on her worst day than any of these goofecock republicans.  Because it will then be about nominations to the supreme court.  Corporate democrats will punch you in the back of the head just as hard as republicans over sparing the filthy rich but they have a soft spot when it comes to social imperatives.

I won’t be capitulating.

If this woman gets elected, we deserve it.  Because it will be our own consequence of laziness and apathy and complacency. A low brow campaign of distraction and obfuscation.  Because we are rubes.  Suckers.  And it will mean that our only hope for salvation by wisdom is even more abject suffering.  It will be a sign that we require further self abuse to learn our lesson.

It will mean we asked for it.

We have one shot at this.

Go Bernie go.

Drinks for my friends.

16 Responses to “Eat it and smile”

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Well said, Michael! I couldn’t agree more, though I believe the importance of this next election is unrealized by many Dems who don’t grasp the impact of what can happen when long-standing decisions such as Roe are challenged in a different political climate.

    And Citizens United, McCutcheon, “religious freedom”, what the hell? Seriously, that whole lifetime appointment deal should have a clause requiring regular neurological screenings if it doesn’t already. I’ve had some concerns about Thomas & Kennedy that extend beyond political favors and corruption.

    A toast to our electing Bernie and a decent group in Congress who will represent the interests of the people for a change!

  • Wow! And congrats Michael Douglas. Great article and spot on! You said exactly what I’ve been thinking. I live in Louisiana and honestly sometimes I feel like an army of one. I just can’t understand why so MANY people are so blind and it’s downright scarey to me. I don’t have a single friend or relative here who agrees with me (and you). I am not originally from here though. I am from Tennessee and I haven’t lived there in a long time. Chances are the political climate there is the same as it is here though. It seems like logic and empathy have just gone out the window. And, like you said, it seems like America in general is just numb and dumb and if we wind up with a ReTHUGlican president together with a ReTHUGlican congress we are doomed to learning more hard lessons the hard way. And Trump? OMG! I don’t even want to think about it and I totally agree with you. He is absolutely the most ASSinine, rude, uncooth, fooli$h, despicable, ego-maniac that I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing on TV. What a collosal embarrassment he is to America! (almost as bad as the Jerry Springer Show…lol) But seriously, I used to say I would never want to live anywhere but in the United States but slowly but surely I am picturing myself buying a ticket to Timbucktoo. And, if I were young enough to have children again? Forget about it! I’d have my tubes tied in a thousand knots!There is no way I’d bring a child into this world the way it is now. I just feel so sorry for today’s youth. It really makes me sad for them. Anyway, thanks for your insight and honesty. I really like Bernie Sanders too. In fact, I accidently discovered him about three years ago and said then, “That man ought to run for President”. And now he is and hopefully he will win but even if he does, I doubt he will be able to do all the things he proposes because you know as well as I do that Congress is the REAL ruler of this country and unless we get rid of most of the disgustingly corrupt ReTHUGlicans and overturn Citizens United he probably won’t have “a snowball’s chance in HELL” of saving us from ourselves….

  • The more people get to know Bernie, they will love him. Hillary simply is unlikable and untrustworthy. Only Bernie can beat the Repubs.

  • Natalie Gray:

    I think your article was right on the money. Bernie Sanders is the best candidate I have ever seen, and we must elect him. We also must elect a congress and a senate that supports him, so get ready to get informed and vote on the progressives…I would rather vote for a Green Congressperson that I KNOW would support Bernie, than a Democrat who is part of the old regime…that’s my thinking. I will vote for whoever moves Bernie’s agenda along.
    For those in the red states, I’m sorry that you have it so rough. I know it must be hard, but your job of getting the word out is so important. Thank you for doing what you can. (I’m in California, and we’re feeling the Bern…at least in my area).
    Wake up those apathetic relatives….show them some memes…youtube videos, etc…go out and flyer, go to events, hold an event. Get Bernie’s name out there. He can win, and he should win. He will win if we work hard enough.

  • Kenny Williams:

    I will wholeheartedly support whoever wins the democratic nomination. I’m a proud socialist democrat and I think Bernie Sanders is definitely qualified to be POTUS. But I doubt if he’s electable outside of solid blue states. I doubt if he can win must win battleground states like Ohio, Florida and Virginia. People have to remember that moderate democrat Obama barely won these states. So can a left-wing socialist democrat like Bernie Sanders win these deeply divided battleground states? Obama was able to win because he appealed to his base and moderate voters. As of right now Hillary not only appeals to her base, but she also appeals to moderate voters. I am not sure that Bernie appeals that much to moderate voters as of now. But the democratic nomination is a marathon, not a sprint. Bernie has time to close the gap on Hillary. Regardless of who wins I am voting BLUE straight ticket! Wonderful article Michael!

  • Alice Brown:

    It is as if you were reading my mind, Michael Douglass. And I hope the minds of millions of other Americans. The unthinkable has happened…already. We have relinquished control of the democratic process with Citizens United and with lobbyists and with corporate owned think tanks that write legislation. We have relinguished representation in government by allowing politicians to answer to Big Money for their actions. We have offered up our money to monopolistic practices of Big Banks and Big Corporations. We have allowed the cold heart of BIG MONEY to deliver death blows to the elderly, the homeless, our veterans and women. We have given jobs and the futures of our youth away to overseas markets. We have handed tax dollars and government subsidies on a silver platter to greedy corporatists at taxpayers’ expense. And We were too disengaged, too ignorant, or too stupid to challenge it. That is just it. That is WHY BERNIE SANDERS is the only candidate who offers us hope And he CANNOT do this alone.

  • Frank J Perruccio:

    Feel The Bern!!!


    OMG, SO WELL SAID..Exactly how i feel..the government are our servants, we pay them, not our masters..I have not voted for decades, because my heart andsoul would never allow me to vote for evil, but im register dem for Fl.closed primary, and more involved than ever before in an election, I am voting Tim Canova Dem.for congress,in our state/rep election,to get DWS out, along with several others, but i can never vote for Hc..
    I will write Bernie in..but I am hoping that WE THE PEOPLE, prevail.. the People are rising up, and spreading the word, POWER OF THE PEOPLE, IN MASSES..and from what im seeing, happening ALL ACROSS AMERICA ..WE WILL WIN..GO PEOPLE, GO BERNIE.. FEEL THE BERN

  • Carl Potterr:

    I think your full of shit. Bernie is made up of nothing but empty promises. Preying on the young and gullibl;e to further his agenda of destroying Democrats and the two party system. So yes, if we alloe him to be elected, we deserve the damage he will do to the Democratic brand. Roe vs Wade will; be overturned. We well never get progressive judges confirmed to the supreme court and the damage will extend for generations. Do you reallythink all this people, entities polititians are endorsing her because it’s some big conspiracy? The simple truth is Hillary Rodham Clinton is the better stronger candidate for the Democratic party and our country.

    • And your spelling, punctuation and syntax make you an excellent citizen surrogate for her. Congratulations!

      • Carl Potterr:

        Yes. I admit I fired off an angry mistake filled reply. But the sentiment stands. You’re full of shit. I can correct my errors. You, will still be full of shit.

        • Well then, correct me. Enlighten us. SHOW US how YOU are not full of shit genius. The onus is yours. Tell us for example HOW ROE V. WADE will be overturned. Tell us how I am full of shit.HOW we will never get progressive judges. You are full of shit. KEEP talking genius, keep proving you’ve got nothing. You’re wasting my time. Grow up and get back to me when you have some substance. STOP being a blowhard and impress me. OR shut the fuck up. You’re embarrassing yourself.

    • Angie Rubino:

      Lol, than apparently you haven’t looked at his number for numbers proposals on his website. And guess what? Almost 70% of congressional seats are up…things CAN be changed, the question should be WHY won’t she? If youffact check who the big donars are you’ll see very clearly why. Don’t worry you’ll be thanking President Sanders soon enough

  • John Alley:

    Well said.

  • Angie Rubino:

    Good post! But Wallace might have been worse in 1968. He literally told black people they should learn two things, and spelled out S-O-A-P & W-O-R-K. But Trump is right there.

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