Fight Chewbacca

All you jackasses understand is a goddamn brand. You don’t give a mad fuck what the brand stands for. You don’t care what the brand does. You’ll never take it upon yourself to seriously question the brand. Your brand cannot do any wrong no matter what. No matter what anyone who opposes your brand says or does, you reject it without ever considering it.

You are useless.

We have abandoned the civic responsibility of being informed.  Too much information is the new normal.  Clearly, people are stupefied.

Everybody needs a brand.

I understand now why we are where we are.

We have always been willing to work hard but are otherwise intellectually lazy.  It is more confusing than ever but we are so convinced that nose to the grindstone is paramount, we have forgotten to think  for ourselves.  Hard work is the key to the universe and failure to be rich means you’re a lazy bastard.  We actually believe all that.

Right and left.

Every single one of the republicans is an asshole with really shitty branding.

But they sell the shit out of anything.

They do it with fear.

It works.

Democrats are just as stupid as republicans.  Liberals are just as stupid as conservatives.  Progressives are just as stupid as the freedom caucus. Real issues are tertiary at best. It’s all about the cult of personality.  We really are all the same.  Hillary supporters don’t know shit about Bernie but think he’s a lazy commie ammosexual and Bernie supporters think Hillary is a corporate whore who abdicated her responsibility for blowjobs to an intern.  Reminds me of the other party in black hats.

It’s goddamn depressing.  I watch these assholes online, on social media, posting memes and links to polls and vines that are completely absent any effort whatsoever.  No adult discussion of issues, policy or legislation.  And these are liberals, progressives and democrats.  Madness.  It really is like they are rooting for their favorite wrestler.

See, democrats do it with hope.

Republicans have completely lost the will to do legitimate, germane topics.  They no longer even bother.  They surrendered to the culture wars and other idiocy. Democrats are close behind.  They screech, whine and explode over their candidate.  Hillary supporters get ugly and Bernie supporters get mean at the drop of a hat. Neither side offers anything salient, both sides just start shooting.

It has burst my bubble for sure.

I understand now why we are where we are.

Drinks for my friends.


2 Responses to “Fight Chewbacca”

  • CH:

    Preachin’ to the choir here. Hope from the Dems, and fear from the Repubs, the whole insincerity of the system, been turning my stomach for decades. Like most of these Brainspank blogs, it’s both excellent and just a big fat bummer. Nice work.

    I really like the title of this one, tho I was hoping for a rant about the over hype distraction that is star wars.
    Democratholes slogan should be ‘A New Hope’ or better yet, ‘A New Hope-All Over Again’
    Repubtards slogan could be ‘The Force Awakens’ or maybe, ‘God Bless the Death Star’

  • Cherie McGinn:

    This is exactly why I’m having “issues” over this election. I truly believe that we must go the direction Bernie wants to take us. We need major changes, and they must include an analysis about capitalism as our economic system. However, I realize that Bernie may not win and, if he wins, may have great difficulty working with a GOP controlled Congress.

    I know that Hillary is immensely capable — but the “issues” of concern that she brings to me are the same “issues” we’ve been denouncing as the causes of our current situation. Banks too big to fail; unfettered capitalism; and a genuine feeling that the US MUST spread democracy and capitalism throughout the world.

    Furthermore — we are on the precipice of a younger generation taking over and having very different goals and objectives — most importantly, a desire to keep religion out of everything public and a more accepting attitude about those unlike themselves.

    So, I guess it’s a cusp. We can see the “new”, but know it might not be quite ready for prime time — but we deplore the idea of going another 4 – 8 years with just moderate changes. Congress will haunt Hillary’s every step, unless we can deliver a Democratic majority in 2016 or 2018. Bernie has real changes in mind, but will also need a progressive Democratic majority in Congress — and this doesn’t even consider the importance of building that progressive party at the state and local levels so that when it comes time for reapportionment again after the 2020 census, we’ll get rational districts instead of things gerrymandered to the GOP advantage.

    I think what bothers me the most is how willingly people are allowing themselves to become distracted by unimportant, but outrageous things. We’ve let the GOP take the lead on “naming” every issue in a way that makes them appear to be superior (pro-life v. pro-abortion). We complain about how crazy so many of them are, yet red states just voted against their own best interests AGAIN just days ago. We have a thread of anti-intellectualism in our country that has led many to hold up Ben Carson and Donald Trump as being worthy of running the most powerful nation in the world — two of the most fact-challenged men ever to run for office! It is highly embarrassing to have the rest of the world watch this “superpower” actually give air time to some of the most mal-infomred people ever to run for office.

    I see signs of the paradigm shift — you have to look for it, but it’s there. My greatest wish is to see our nation firmly on the path of greater inclusiveness, greater emphasis on quality education for all, and to recognize all of the human rights that Secular Humanism idealizes.

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