
I could not be more thoroughly disgusted that we live in a world where things like this occur.

I am all but hollowed out by the empty headed reactions to it.

France begins by stepping up their bombing in Syria with fierce and ignorant determination.  The Russian bear is doing the same. Here in the homeland, we’re all fired up jingoistic. Our rednecks are beside themselves with xenophobic lust even though the only word they recognize that starts with “x” is “xmas”.  Our neocons are masturbating in public. Some asshole on cable news just now said Saudi Arabia is cool because they have never attacked us.

Instead of admitting we made this mess, we insist on pursuing the same obtuse path, the same binary policies that led directly and predictably to this minor horror.

Yup,  A minor horror.

Spare the sentimentalism, it really is awful.

I get that.

We’re doing big picture here.

A minor horror in the scheme of things.  Merely awful compared to the horrific shit we pull over there. We kill these fuckers wholesale.  Everyday.  All the time. All day long. We don’t care. We see them as cockroaches. And they are sick and fucking tired of us wading in with overwhelming military force, obscene wealth and ginormous resources, only to make things exponentially worse.  We are the architects of their hell.

They have every reason to fucking hate us and we show no sign of giving up stepping on our dicks anytime soon.

I am loath to be the bearer of the obvious, but all these tragedies are of our own device.  Well, to be fair, it’s us and all the oligarchies, plutocracies and theocracies we call allies.  Our coalition.

Understand that our lethally modern military is about as useful as a machine gun against a nest of hornets.  We didn’t defeat The Soviet Union, they did.  We have way more money by virtue of raping our middle class, but the more we turn our machines of modern warfare on them, the more they will visit destruction on innocents.

They don’t have a goddamn army and it’s their biggest advantage.

They don’t hate us for our goddamn freedoms. They hate us because we refuse to stay the fuck out of their lives. They cheer us on as it blows up in our faces. We create the petri dish for recruitment and chaos.  Clumsy giants. Clueless oafs with aircraft carriers in a theater where it just doesn’t matter. At all. We are being lured into boots on the ground. We can make blast craters every hundred yards in the entire Middle East and they will laugh at us.  It’s not like that’s never happened  before.

We have but three choices if we genuinely want to prevail.  Stop utilizing fossile fuels tomorrow, turn all the sand into glass or leave.  I’m not kidding.  We’re not going to abandon the absurdly archaic and obsolete monopoly of petroleum anytime soon.  So yes,  kill every single last one of them with our aging nuclear arsenal or move the fuck on.

Again, don’t get all sentimental on me here, we’re doing big picture.

I’m in favor of the latter.

Here’s the rub, and this is my point, there is no surplus in either one of the only two viable solutions.  No need for exorbitant defense contractors, no nutrition for the military industrial complex, no reason to perpetuate the insanity and therefore no reason not to pursue the not so new normal of endless war.  Neither solution supplies reason to continue a closed loop enterprise that generates enormous revenue for the sick bastards who collect the filthy lucre and worship at the altar of death and violence.

So I’m in favor of walking away.

It is the most sensible, compassionate and courageous thing we could possibly do.  Help in whatever way we can.  Welcome as many refugees fleeing this nightmare we created as we have capacity for and otherwise abdicate the blackening of sand with blood to the five million troops that are already there.

Drinks for my friends.

11 Responses to “Paris”

  • Liz:

    I just discovered your blog last week and wondered what you would have to say about Paris. You are absolutely right. BTW – you are a fucking awesome writer.

  • Joanne:

    I’m sick of the re-writing of history the republicans are doing. Every time I see one of them on TV, they say, “We never should have left Iraq. It left a vacuum for ISIS to come in.” Every one of them. Almost those exact fucking words.

    The US left Iraq in 2011 because that’s what George Bush negotiated with the Iraqis. President Obama had no choice but to withdraw our troops and bring them home. Besides, republicans, how the hell long was the US supposed to stay there? Are you talking colonialism? Yeah, that would really help the US relationship with the countries in the Middle East.

    The republicans also love to bemoan President Obama’s lack of leadership. That’s something coming from the yahoos who could barely find someone to be Speaker of the House. Don’t they get it? ISIL would love for the US to invade. That would be the greatest recruitment tool they could ever have. President Obama knows this. And why the hell does the US always have to be the one to put our citizens at risk? Why the hell is the US the one spending trillions of dollars it doesn’t have because it sent the trillions of dollars to the Middle East to pay for our all-consuming need for oil. Fucking Saudi Arabia has our money and the weapons the US provides them every year. Why aren’t they out there spilling blood?

    And the refugees. Those poor people who have lost everything. They’ve been bombed and gassed and driven from their homes. First, why is Assad still in control of Syria? He gassed his own people and they don’t want him there. How fucking obvious can they make it? They want him the hell out. He is responsible for the refugees having to leave their homes.

    And then there is our wonderful country. The land of the free and the home of the brave that was founded by immigrants (and built by slaves). Republicans are having a contest to see which of them can be most disgusting and embarrassing. The fucking cowards are scared. Chris Christie said he wouldn’t let a three-year-old in to his state. Why is that? Is he worried the kid might bring a “suicide doll” with him from Syria?

    Other republican governors–and a few democrats–are making this country look like the biggest hypocrite on the face of the earth. “Give us your tired, your weary, blah, blah, blah…unless they’re Muslim.” Someone is out by the Statue of Liberty redoing that plaque. And the republicans love France so much. Somehow they forgot that when France refused to join the “coalition” going into Iraq, they childishly started calling french fries freedom fries. Now, we have to do all we can for our French allies. Yes, what happened in France is horrible, but it happens in other parts of the world every goddamn day and no one gives a damn.

    What a master fuck-up. The members of ISIL must be laughing at how scary the US has made them. Will there be more terrorist attacks? Almost definitely. Will innocent people die? Yes, they will. Does that mean the US needs to declare all-out war on the Middle East? No. Hell no.


      Joanne, you said it. “We never should have left Iraq. It left a vacuum for ISIS to come in.”

      THAT, and all the other BS you mention is so true. Amazing how minds can distort so. I don’t get it. Facts are facts, but that doesn’t seem to affect Republicans one bit.

      Great article, Michael, although i’d rather not annihilate sections of the world 😀

  • Brilliantly written. I have been saying this until I am blue in the face these past couple of weeks. People just don’t get it. When I commented a mini novel (saying almost exactly what you’ve written in this entry) under a post in my newsfeed that was spewing the same garbage about the Syrian refugees you’d hear on Faux news, I was accused of sitting here so smug in this country, comfortable and free. How dare I say these lies…. in all caps they asked me if I thought our good service men and women were stupid, etc etc.

    How are people able to go through life without ever knowing anything other than what our media selectively doles out to us, and what the manufactured public opinion is? Simply cannot wrap my brain around people like that. I weep for the future.

  • John:

    And here I was despairing that I was the only one who saw/thought this. You speak truth, friend, and I thank you!

  • CH:

    Damn dude, the Empire Strikes back, always.

  • reiya:


  • I have “my” version of cutting our need of precious (in so very many ways) fosil fuels.

    When I am in traffic, and someone is waiting on a side steet to join in the traffic flow, I simply blink my lights & roll down my window & invite/wave them in. Two, no three things happen. That person will Not be burning up as much fosil fuel & You Aas Hole behind me flippping me off & honking, will NOT arrive but a mere few seconds later had I NOT done the “best thing for “OUR” fuel consumption. So, jerk wad, lay off the horn & save that middle finger to stick up YOUR Own Ass, OK?

    If EVERY”ONE” in this country followed suit, we would save a significant amount of fossil fuel. Capeesh? *and you gas gusslers are THE WORST! So get off that horn & ‘play’ nice, OK?

    gina aka Spirit Mother

    The same goes when YOU are on the Freeway & a big semi (carrying your kids milk) is blinking to join your lane; LET THEM!!! These drivers are at risk sevral time a day cuz of jerk wad drivers who play “chicken” with them. This is not only VERY mean, it is very Dangerous. So, if you see their blinkers are on, slow down a bit & blink ‘your’ lights to let THEM Know that they are clear of your vehicle. UNDERSTAND YET?

  • This is the first time I have read Brainspank. I favorited it and will continue checking it out. Thanks. I am the Arizona Mildman on and do the “Is Anyone Paying Attention” blog so when I read your heading, I thought, “Yeah, he gets it.”
    Good job.

  • Cathy Rouse Page.:

    I would only be echoing Joanna’s comment. Spot on, Michael, as usual.

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    Hey, Michael, great post. I would only be echoing you and other comments, so, I I will just say thanks.

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