Conspiracy Theory

You already know that there’s a far more efficient and an eco friendly way to power all transportation other than fossil fuels.

You already know there’s a way to manufacture every kind of textile, plastic and construction material with renewable, non petroleum sourced commodities.

You already know there is an easily available way to power our homes and businesses with energy from the natural cycles and rhythms of the earth.

You already understand that war is waged exclusively because of greed, lust for power and  control and that is why we are where we are.

You already know these problems are solvable.

Ninety nine percent of world scientists agree.

Exxon Mobile and Shell have publicly acquiesced to the reality of climate change.

What exactly is the deal with oligarchs vehemently campaigning against any notion of climate change or the cause thereof?  Why exactly are they so determined for us to believe such a blatant lie?  I’m not paranoid for wondering at the impetus here.  I’m saying it’s pretty obvious.  They want less of us and more for themselves.  They would rather most of us kill each other or die somehow.

So it makes sense that captains of industry, CEOs and modern day kings like the Koch brothers spend millions if not billions to persuade us otherwise.

They have a plan.

You already know that ridiculously rich people are sociopaths.  They are more than willing to risk the destruction of our ecosystems, mass extinction of species and humans.  They are betting on a planet that is only inhabitable by a select few and with so much goddamn money, they can literally construct their own bio-domes or underground castles or whatever it takes to ride it out .  And of course, just enough of the rest of us for manual labor and other necessities.

The rest of the world’s population will starve or burn or drown or suffocate outside their fortresses.

Nothing else makes sense. They have run our shit for centuries, now this small but outrageously wealthy and powerful cabal is denying hard science.  Obvious truth.  There is only one reason for all this mendacity.

There’s too fucking many humans and they know it and perpetual war, famine, disease  etc. aren’t quite doing the trick.

Not quick enough.

They are terraforming the earth into a more manageable population for themselves by polluting the shit out of it and sucking it dry.  They are deliberately destroying the planet in order to exert complete dominance over what will be left for only them.

Whatever it takes.  Fear of the the innocent.  Religious zealotry.  Racial animus. Xenophobia.  Nationalism.  Media manipulation. Blind hatred and an addiction to self righteous rage.  Whatever it takes to distract us from exactly what they are up to.

Let them eat cake indeed.

When the fuck are we going to get this?

An asteroid or a comet may end life on earth as we know it someday but the 1% could do it long before that.

Drinks for my friends.

3 Responses to “Conspiracy Theory”

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    Pretty sad truths, but, you nailed it.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Well said, Mr. Douglass! Conspiracy theory vs Strategy? I think you’ve framed an accurate blueprint of the path we’re on and the people responsible for its construction. I’m not suggesting that the outcome was preconceived in their original plan. (That would give them undeserved credit. ‘Evil geniuses’ or ‘masterminds’, as the media crowns an undeserving lot, aren’t nearly as visionary as we’re wont to imagine.) But the path appears evident.

    It’s their followers who worry me, Michael. The tempest filling sociopaths’ sails, pushing them toward a failure of the masses. The brain-dead Billy Bobs flourishing throughout our Bible Belt. Unaware folks who ferociously denigrate Mitt Romney’s infamous ‘takers’ while standing in line, waiting to buy groceries with their food stamps. Those whose dream of a secure future lies solely in a winning lottery combination, cheated by an education heavier in religion than science in a society where, if you’re a Christian white heterosexual male, your best hope is getting hired at the tobacco or furniture factory and working there for the rest of your life. Just like Daddy did. Same plan, different days, same daze.

    I’ve stopped wondering, “Why in the hell do so many fall for this bunk? How can they question fact? Are they hoping a few crumbs will fall their way? Does their racism really mean that much to them? More than their ability to feed their families?” Local Billy Bobs frequently proudly proclaim, “My daddy always voted Republican and so did his. It’s our family’s tradition!” along with their longing for a return to those ‘good old days’ when white men ruled, while women, children and Negroes of all ages had their places and damned well knew to stay within them. A ‘proud’ Southern tradition with no thought required nor offered. When times are harder, people have to concentrate more of their efforts on just getting by. It’s Maslow’s hierarchy of needs playing out. I get that.

    From their side, this is truly what it’s all about. Period. The only political issue that matters. Their white male supremacy is slipping and that’s at the heart of everything else, including guns, immigration, Syrian refugees, a Jewish (strike one) socialist (strike two) Bernie Sanders and a female Hillary Clinton. Their “giving” someone else any acknowledgment of rights is a personal, profound loss.

    I’ve given up. There’s no reasoning with them. They’re mad at a system that’s brought integration and forced bussing and one-size-fits-all drinking fountains. A system with affirmative action and the occasional female in authority. The fall and fault of a millennia of white male supremacy. As they watch it beginning to crumble, so goes their reasoning with it. We’re in an era now when people we don’t trust to fly on any commercial flight can leave the airport and buy all the guns and bombs and ammunition he wants – with Republicans’ full support. Legally, and with as few questions as possible. And he can stroll over to our kid’s school to show off his erection of authority, the sick bastard thinking that someone might actually be respecting him. And police can’t even legally even ask this delusional asshole of his intentions.

    Michael you said, “There’s too fucking many humans and they know it and perpetual war, famine, disease etc. aren’t quite doing the trick. Not quick enough.” Yep, the GOP recognizes that a large, diverse population is their biggest threat – especially when combined with education and awareness. Hence we have religion forced into schools and government. Public school funding is robbed to pay for private charter schools, states rejected the free ACA Medicaid expansion, political leaders tell our young people that trade school’s better than college. Politicians lie about the evils of contraception, abortion videos and equal pay. (Eliminating women’s right to choice and access to contraception doesn’t decrease the population, but it does increase the struggle and hopelessness of poor women and families.) And guns every-fucking-where.

    Can you name ONE Republican policy that’s not focused either toward favoring the wealthy or else furthering the suffering and eventual demise of the non-wealthy, whether they be the poor, seniors, veterans, non-wealthy children, the disabled, etc.

    Bear with me please, and let’s take it to the next level. Would you agree that their perspective is that there are too many *American* humans? That a global economy has taught them that there will always be offshore tax havens and other countries who’ll happily tax our corporations at much lower rates to gain the jobs, and who won’t mind concealing corporate assets? And there will always be a labor pool of millions who’d consider themselves damned lucky to work for any American corporation? And so long as they keep their families and their jobs over there and not here, Republicans will continue to love them?

    If so, HERE’s the ideal Republican solution that could be looming through the haze of our horizon.

    All it would take would be the introduction of one new, potentially-serious contagious disease (while under President Obama’s watch for obvious blaming purposes). Because truth no longer applies to their party, the GOP and Fox could enjoy unlimited media coverage in scope and content, accelerating government distrust. It’s not that hard to imagine —

    Republicans falsely claiming the contagion was created ‘in a secret government laboratory’…
    or by ISIS.
    Or that it was introduced here by a Syrian refugee…
    or a legal Mexican immigrant.
    Visualize pictures of people suffering from other diseases more horrifying in appearance being splashed across the news media.
    Imagine wildly exaggerated numbers of deaths…
    while Republicans had worked behind the scenes to ensure whatever cure, treatment or potential vaccine would be under-supplied, intentionally limited, under rigid control and priced beyond the reach of 90 percent of Americans.
    Planes could be grounded.
    Public transportation shut down.
    Schools closed.
    Borders closed.
    Science-denying, influential people would scoff at the medicine and label it a hoax or a poison. More people would fall ill
    Billy Bob would label it a ‘librul conspiracy’, while running full speed for his guns and ammo. Because he didn’t believe the pharmacy was out of stock…
    or he saw a kid with a bad case of acne in the street and thought the kid was infected…
    Imagine public offices closing. The DMV. The Post Office. The stock market.
    Imagine Republicans demanding citizens’ physical exams at all police traffic stops.

    And all the gun nuts. Damn, the gun nuts.

    Now think about how quickly Chris Christie set up an ‘Ebola camp’ after ONE American living in the U.S. was diagnosed with Ebola. And that happened in a saner environment.

    THIS would be a win-win for Republicans. It sickens me to think that some of them would ever want this…but I’m pretty sure that if the truth was told, many would approve. Because the Kochs must get what the Kochs want above all else, and this could deliver the election.

    But they’d never hope for something like this to happen…would they?

    (*With my sincere apologies to anyone named ‘Billy Bob’ who actually read this far.)

  • Kenny Williams:

    Spot on the brother.

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