
I’ve just finished watching the latest republican presidential debate while participating on a liberal facebook thread where the back and forth was between Hillary and Bernie supporters.

I need a goddamn shower.

I am thoroughly disgusted by the hopeless stupidity of American voters.

I am more convinced than ever that we are never going to evolve as a society or as an electorate beyond this very minute.  It is hopeless.  The republican candidates are serial liars.  They are awful.  Just awful and shameless. Democratic voters are just as clueless as republican ones.  Republican candidates still court the pasty white evaporating evangelical vote.  Democratic voters still believe in hope as a euphemism for incremental change.

The republican candidates rarely debate actual issues.  Instead, they devote all their disingenuous bluster to fear. Fear of foreign terrorism when we are so successful at killing each other that a far more more legitimate concern is literally being shot by a fucking toddler.  Fear of an insurance law that is is protecting some 17 million Americans from death and bankruptcy.  Fear of a shrinking military when we outspend China by a ratio of ten to one.  When our military expenditure has in fact, not shrunk at all, but expanded under our fearless leader, Obama.  They have fomented fear of the poor and immigrants so successfully, that every knuckle dragging, mouth breathing teapublican is convinced they are one lottery ticket away from not having to pay taxes on their winnings.

If you want proof of republican insanity, look no further than the fact Sarah fucking Palin has been granted a third act by Donald fucking Trump.

Democratic voters are hardly any better.  They trade lies back and forth all day or resort to bickering over issues that just don’t matter.  Rarely is there a topic among them either salient or germane.  Most of them, despite which candidate they support,  are neither informed or attentive.  They actually debate pant suits versus hair, Bill’s philandering versus Bernie’s clumsy efforts at explaining human sexuality four decades ago.  When actual substantive issues emerge, potential democratic voters prove over and over without a doubt that they don’t know shit.

I’ve said it before, everyone seems to think this is one football or basketball team against another.  Some silly sports rivalry and that’s their intellectual investment in it.  It makes me want to puke.

I am despondent.

Awash in tsunami of dumb.

Assaulted, day in and day out by ignorance.

There is, as of now, only one man talking about the very real problems we face and his name is Bernie Sanders.  He will likely lose because we just don’t deserve him.  Because we just can’t be bothered to pay enough attention to realize that he is neither democrat or republican.  That he is genuinely, earnestly and sincerely for all of us.  No matter what color, no matter what political affiliation and no matter what socioeconomic class.

He is the only Don Quixote tipping at the windmills of capitalism.  The single most evil economic model humankind has ever suffered.  Unregulated capitalism will always implode.  History is relentless with this singular lesson. Capitalism is never as pure as conservatives dream.  Never. Unchecked, it erodes liberty, equality and opportunity. Institutions for public welfare atrophy and eventually fail.  At the very end, human dignity is beset by the virus of greed and hubris and there is no antibody available at such a late stage.

We are in the last throes of it as I write this.

Reality television, hate radio, cable news, social media all provide refuge for our individual insanity.

I can’t stand it.

The most important election of our lifetime and either no one is taking it seriously or there is a chronic lack of serious people.

I can’t decide if it would be better if if everyone voted or if no one does.

We may just be too goddamn dumb to save ourselves.

Drinks for my friends.


6 Responses to “Hopeless”

  • G.a. Underwood:

    To know the greatness that our nation could be, that we’re fully capable of yet will most certainly never see, is the worst part, Michael. Our schools, our healthcare and legal systems, our eldercare, our police forces and our prisons…all of these and more could be the world’s gold standard. Imagine the opportunities that could be opened to all of us.

    Instead we consciously choose to strengthen the bars of our cage a little more every damned day. Got to keep those wings clipped, vision limited and hope absent. Be afraid instead, everyone!

    Logic no longer applies. We draw the curtains and we build walls to keep the rest of the world out. Political leaders convinced many of us that ‘Murica’s the Best!’ while telling the rest that we’re not good enough – as individuals, as a nation. That we’re not ‘great’ anymore. So which is it?

    People rant about ‘making America great again’, despising the product of their own creation. A nuclear deals is discounted without a thought of what may have been averted. A glitch in their healthcare? They demand the entire program be euthanized in grand displays of national self-loathing and ignorance. We’re not as good as the >100 nations that offer national healthcare programs and we don’t deserve nice things like they do.

    Shame is a powerful tool to keep people in their places. The poor, the under- and unemployed, gays, students, brown & black people, non-Christians, women who work and abandon their families/mothers who stay home because they’re ‘lazy’, the elderly, the disabled. All those no-account 47 percenters who don’t ‘deserve’ potable water, access to medical care and contraception, maybe a little help feeding their kids or even a right to vote. Because many of those who support our black President are also exactly what’s wrong, right?

    You can’t hate your country into fixing it, and some ‘patriots’ want desperately to see our country fail. Follow the money trail.

    “Sometimes two people will regard each other over a gulf too wide to ever be bridged, and know immediately what could have happened, and that it never will.” ? Roger Ebert

    And sometimes millions will never even realize it.

  • CH:

    “Awash in tsunami of dumb”
    Bro, bravo. One line of pure explain it all…

    It’ll be Hillary. she’s the one who fits the system. Trump will fracture the vote, and if Bernie ever got the Prez chair, he’d be the one for a bullet. You don’t take on the banks and the wealthy without the cross-hairs siting on your noggin…

    Love you. Read more Science Fiction. Good for your heart…

    Also, if Trump is hail to the chief, then you know, without a doubt, you are right in all things you type…

    And we are all fucked. And we all must eat our own shit pies.

    Can Money by the big seat? Money and fear-mongering?

    No way, take it from me, a man of no faith….

  • S Kilgore:

    Well, I certainly understand everyone’s frustration. And yes, we can all sit here sucking our thumbs and rolling our eyes.

    At the risk of using metaphor you will not like, …..we each have our “mission field”…even Facebook is a good place..but you’ve got to have the right attitude …condescending tone will never work…. share a relevant piece of history to an audience that’s “ignorant”….offer an alternative explanation of the “facts” someone is providing…..

    Ironically, Common Core work was/is intended to develop critically thinking..how to evaluate what’s reliable information, what’s not…but I fear somewhere it got lost in translation…….

  • Jeffrey Casey:

    Facebook is a “good place” and an awful place because people no longer have to make up the lies, they just “share” them. Our politicians no longer consider it an embarassment to be fact checked and proven to have lied. Much like Fox News.

  • Pamela Veselinovic:

    You’re right. It is being treated the same as a football game.
    If you makes you feel any better, my daughter is a freshman at a private college in Alabama – obviously a very red state, and she is very interested in Bernie Sanders being the next President. She says many of her friends feel the same way.

    I told her it wasn’t really about Bernie beating Hillary, or vice versa, but who can beat the Republican candidate in November. She said beating the Republican candidate would be easy. So if that makes you feel better, college kids, even in red states, don’t seem to think a Republican POTUS is in our future. I hope they are right.

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    Excellent,Michael, as usual. Which also makes me want to cry. Because I don’t think that the citizens of these United States realize what the actual fuck is at stake.

    Senator Sanders has been saying the same things since I was new to Facebook,3 years ago.

    I have listened and watched and read.
    When you see the other Democratic candidate flip flop right in front of you, change her stance of being progressive here and needing to pull toward the center there, well, you realize that she has been long bought.

    But, when you see people, who you respected, thought as intelligent, totally miss or excuse, and find yourself being under attack…well, at least I have to wonder what the fuck are we headed towards?

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