Batting Cleanup

The notion of inevitability Hillary Clinton enjoyed has all but expired. The patina of feminism Clinton has assumed is deteriorating to the point of liability. Her broad but shallow support is crumbling. Her corporate ties and establishment history have become a point of contention with supporters and potential voters and she can’t seem to address any of it with anything other than tone deaf clumsiness.

She has become the parody of a democratic candidate for president.

Bernie Sanders has yet to attack her directly because he just doesn’t need to.  He has taken control of the debate.

With a discipline and consistency of message, he’s made the prevailing issue not about Clinton in particular,  but about the corrupt engines supplying horsepower to the political drive train and torque to the wheels of economic injustice system wide.

It’s a good thing that he’s not some iron jawed, graying at the temples, tailored suit.  It’s a good thing he’s a 74 year old son of Jewish immigrants with a thick as a brick Brooklyn accent that isn’t exactly the picture of sartorial splendor. We don’t need superheroes in capes and costumes.  We need ordinary men with the courage of conviction.

He is authentic.

His “artful smear” merely includes Hillary among the entire republican bench of goofecocks.  All he does is imply that despite being a democrat and a female, she is no different and he’s absolutely right.

He’s completely right when he says our biggest threat to national security is climate change and that North Korea makes ISIS look positively Fisher Price.

He’s absolutely right when he calls health care and education a right as opposed to a privilege and he’s blisteringly correct when he declares that as the richest first world country in the history of human kind, all it takes is the will of America to make it so.

He’s right about everything.

There hasn’t been a candidate like him in my lifetime.

Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution.  He’s talking about the opposite of what we do.  We elect and walk away.  Getting elected to any national level office in this country is analogous to getting a record deal in the 90’s.  Pun intended.  It was just the beginning.  97% of the artists lucky enough to get a recording contract were never heard from again.  I know, I made records back then and about five people have heard the best ones.

Once he’s elected, if we don’t engage, petition, write letters, march and generally make a shit load of noise, we will not just be disappointed, we will be embarrassed and demoralized.


We’ll end up with an elder statesman like Jimmy Carter who only served one term and subsequently shames us with his energy and morality by actually doing important and humane things at the age of 91. It will be way too late by then.  Jimmy put solar panels on the White House and that fucking idiot Reagan removed them.

Half of Reagan’s administration was indicted or convicted.

Somehow, Carter was a failure without a shot fired on his watch.

Fuck me.

And now Big Bad Bill is on the campaign trail, nose blind and spreading the same brand of shit sauce that lost Hillary the election the first time.  Newsflash Bill, the Sanders supporters that are vulgar and sexist are matched by Hillary supporters who are just as despicable and loathsome.  Trust me, your people are just as mean and just as ugly.  Old news Bill.  It’s been going on for months by both camps.  You’re killing me.  You Bill Clinton, are an official surrogate and a spouse.  Do you have an excuse other than naked desperation?

Is the plan for you and Chelsea to lie more so Hillary can lie less?

Hypocrite much?

The Clintons have lost me completely.

It’s starting to look like Hillary isn’t any threat at all.  And it’s starting to look like Donald Trump is.  The thing is this, there’s a corollary between Sanders and Trump supporters.  It makes sense.  The catalyst is shared.  The whole anti-establishment, anti-government thing.

The problem is Trump supporters are mean, selfish, bigoted and ignorant fuckheads.

He brags about a net worth of ten billion and he’s lying.

Sanders supporters are aware, engaged human beings who give a shit about other human beings that they will never even know.

His net worth is about three hundred thousand and he’s hiding nothing.


Vote bitches.

Drinks for my friends.


12 Responses to “Batting Cleanup”

  • Jim Mason:

    Well said, my friend.

  • Linda Nicola:

    Except he’s a complete and total liar who accomplished nothing much of anything. He’s painted himself as an outsider anti-establishment candidate when he’s held no other meaningful employment except 30 years in government. How is that being an outsider?

    He and Hillary have voted exactly the same 93% of the time, yet he’s the progressive and she’s not, eh?

    She has a lifelong record of liberalism and accomplishment.

    He’s voted for 4 out of 5 wars and for complete funding of Iraq. How does that make him a peacenik?

    He’s a lifelong supporter of the NRA agenda, and opposed gun control. Guns have killed more people than the Iraq war. He delayed reforming the VA for two years, how does that make him a supporter of veteran rights?

    He’s lied about his endorsements not once, not twice, but dozens of times. He’s had staffers disguise themselves as Union members and crash their meeting to gain support.

    He has Super PACS and lies about having them, and they’ve outspent all others so far.

    He lied about being a lifelong supporter of gay marriage when he only came out in support in 2009.

    What’s really pathetic is most of his lies were so unnecessary. The truth wasn’t so bad. But he had to lie to seem just that little bit better than he is.

    That’s pathological.

    And his ‘Disneyland Dad’, Hipster Candidate routine is truly frightening. He’ll say anything to get elected. How does he hope to get any of his “Revolution” accomplished when he doesn’t have the support of Congress, Senate, or SCOTUS. Nothing of his goals will get done without them.

    He will fail in his revolution and get his head chopped off like Robespierre, and we’ll end up with a conservative Napoleon. He will sour these modern day hippies on Progressivism, leaving us with another generation of ‘Greed is Good’ Changelings.

    Don’t get me wrong, I support all of his stated goals. He’s good at stating goals; he’s not good at planning how to accomplish them. His healthcare plan truly stinks. Health care is terribly important to me and he is endangering me personally with his flawed plan and is too arrogant to fix it.

    So, no I am not voting for him, needless to say.

    • I motherfucking want to debate you. Now. Right now. You are lying and I adore it because I will embarrass you. Hillary won’t say ANYTHING? really? Let’s start there genius. This is gonna be good.

      • Laura:

        Thank you! I don’t have time to address all the incorrect statements made here, so thank you. Where do people come up with this shit?

    • Michael Daly:

      Amazing that you $hillary supporters are so glib with your lies and innuendo. Do you live in a bubble somewhere in some galaxy or universe, far, far away.
      Sanders has no Super Pac nor does he want one. I have met the man personally and have seen his actions in Vermont. Yes I am a Vermonter. He is about as real as a politician gets and as real as most human beings wish they were.
      $hillary will say anything to be elected. Her flip flops are notorious check them out for yourself.

  • Best damn article I’ve read on this Clinton v Sanders issue . . . cheers!

  • Well said brother, cogent and to the point.
    “artful smear” they must’ve tested that phrase the only problem
    Is that the Clinton team is the manufacturing foundry of the misfired
    Artful smear. Geez boys and girls – out of the same mouth as
    “Wipe the server, with a damp clothe”

    Pathetic just pathetic!

  • Junior's Ghost:

    We live within a collapsing empire embedded within a collapsing civilization embedded within a collapsing biosphere. Our fate at this moment is as inevitable as the sunset. And yet this is truly a fascinating time to be alive.
    To listen to Bernie and to share his joyful and enthusiastic love for not just his supporters, but for all of humanity, is to relish in the warm glow of life itself. Even thought that light will inevitably fade as our species reaches its coda, we will face that end with a graceful smile.

    Do not despair the sunset, but relish in the joy of knowing that we danced in the light.

  • birdmanicx:


  • G.a. Underwood:

    Damn, I’m disappointed. Not in your article, Mr. Douglass. You were on point as usual. I enjoyed your contrasting the two candidates. Hillary’s sustained some self-inflicted injuries that were more effective than any Trey Gowdy delivered. She lost me when she claimed that Bernie’s goals were unrealistic. I think better of our country than that. We shouldn’t fence in our aspirations, especially now.

    My disappointment is because I SO wanted to watch the debate with your commenter. Funny how people with inaccurate information consistently lack the ‘time’, the motivation and the unbiased references to support their positions when someone actually calls them out, isn’t it?

    Nobody’s satisfied with the status quo. Not conservatives, not liberals, not fundies. Not even billionaires, who are winning in all financial measures. But they can’t be too pleased when they see their flagship candidate “Jeb!” fail so miserably. Frankly it surprises me that their think tanks couldn’t find even one decent electable candidate. What’s next? Recycling Mitt Romney? That ’47 percent’ crack doesn’t seem so revolting when the GOP front-runner’s publicly calling for the murders of tens of thousands of innocent Middle Eastern women and children. Holy genocide, Batman! We may as well blow up the Statue of Liberty and use the remains to start a coral reef. (Too progressive? How about we sell them on E-Bay then?) At least Conservatives are finally showing their true colors (pure, solid white). A few shooting deaths at a Trump rally wouldn’t be surprising. Neither would the resulting bump in his numbers. (Anybody want to look beneath that weave for his ‘666’?)

    I’ll stay tuned with my popcorn in hand in any event to see if any Hillaranians decide to engage you. Thanks for another great post!

  • Junior's Ghost:


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