Chaos Theory

We all know that blaming anything other than the republican establishment for the ascendancy of Trump is either just plain stupid, willfully ignorant or an audacious fucking lie. I am fascinated by their born again reluctance for their own dogma.

I adore the bogus revulsion and amplitude of their denial.

The irony and hypocrisy are gorgeous.

What we’re witnessing is the assholes who set this controlled burn of hate and bigotry four or five decades ago, now running from a total conflagration like the bed wetting political arsonists they’ve always been.

Let’s say the “short fingered vulgarian” wraps his digits around the brass ring.  The damage to America’s brand throughout the world will be complete.  Fear of America will usurp respect of it completely. Embarrassment will eclipse pride.  Apology will replace the hubris of nationalism.

It could be good for us.

He will face a house and senate that loathe him thoroughly regardless of party affiliation.  He will accomplish nothing.  He will be the single most spectacular failure of a president in the history of this country. He won’t get any funding for his ridiculous proposals.  He won’t get any legislation passed to support them.  If he gets a chance to veto anything it will be overridden.  He’ll be mocked, despised, ridiculed and dismissed by media, leaders of our allied nation states as well as those who oppose us.

It will be chaos.

He’s waiting to be a punchline.

And, somewhere over the rainbow, the parties will finally unite behind a common cause. Imagine the bitter partisanship and enmity waning while cooperation and bipartisanship finally blooms.  Imagine a good deal of the current congressional leadership finally admitting that this is just obtuse and absurd and it’s time to marginalize a sitting president.

Maybe we need a jackass president that is such a jackass that nothing gets done.  So that maybe we’re forced to confront what jackasses the rest of us have become.  Rock bottom.  So addicted to rage and hate and blame that we end up with this fucking jackass and find it impossible to move forward because we can’t until we look in the mirror and contemplate how we got here and what we need to do to change.

I guarantee he will barely be a one term president.

After which they will all hit the restart button and the bullshit starts all over again.

Or maybe Hillary will get elected and nothing at all will change.  No meaningful reform anywhere.  More war, more income disparity and economic, social and racial injustice.  We’ll be dining on the exact same shit sandwich we have for decades.

I guarantee she’ll be a one term president.

And who knows the caliber of sociopath that will be waiting to take the throne.

Vote for Bernie because fuck this shit.

Drinks for my friends.



7 Responses to “Chaos Theory”

  • Gerri:

    I agree with every single word. Either way we are fucked. I feel the bern.

  • Edward:

    I think it is naive to expect that once in office “he won´t get anything accomplished”. The same craven self interest that can get him into office will be offered up to him once he is in office. I hold no illusions that the American House, Senate or Judiciary would have the courage or moral backbone to stand up to his threats and intimidation. Ugly has only just started….

  • Barbara:

    Who is to say that Trump will not be so self-interested that he will do a Vulcan mind meld with a war-motivated Congress and send this country to hell as he pockets the dough? Not to mention the openings in SCOTUS will be up for sale. So..who has the most money, you think?
    It is IMPERATIVE that we at LEAST do what Bernie says HE will do if he doesn’t get the nod…keep the Democratic Party’s pieces patched together until SCOTUS is populated over the next 4 years. Only one way to do this: follow Bernie’s lead. He will be working within the party in Congress to push HiII to the wall. OUR part is to VOTE ENOUGH DEMOCRATS INTO CONGRESS to give him some leverage.

    All this “don’t vote her no matter fucking what” shit is suspect to me. And allegedly this author endorses Bernie Sanders. But the Google link saying he WAS endorsing Bernie leads directly to his “Ode to Old Nick” NOT a page endorsing Bernie.

    Matter of fact, with all the archivin’ located to the right, I don’t see anything actually DEDICATED to Bernie and what Bernie believes. Michael just seems to use Bernie to play off his message of NOT voting Democratic if the worst case scenario occurs.

    Lots of crap on here that Bernie wouldn’t align himself with, too. (Quoting)

    “It’s mitigating but there is a preposterous malaise on Democrats that can can only be described as vaginaness. Fucking pussies” (Democrats). (end quote)

    Think Bernie would for a second say or even LISTEN to any of that shit?

    Michael doesn’t say WHO he is, Googling didn’t locate him anywhere or identify him.

    He just baits and switches folks using Google tags
    FROM his alleged “endorsement” of Bernie
    TO an introductory tear-jerking version of “Ode to Old Nick” who made him what he is and sounds like a fucking bully to me, like a Trumpet.
    The “endorsement” of Bernie page promised just melts away into the internet ozone…

    SURE Michael says in ONE sentence to vote for Bernie, but the subliminal message is he (Bernie) ain’t gonna win so DON’T vote for the C**t HiIIary~that appears to be the REAL message.

    And all these pre-dated posts? Easily date coded by someone who knows how.

    I read that Rove’s head had popped up again a few weeks ago…. then he disappeared underground again. I call BULLSHIT on Brainspank.

    This is exactly something Rove would pull.

  • Barbara:

    Ah…we’re “moderating” Enough said.

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