The People vs. Hillary Clinton


It may still be.

I’m realistic and pragmatic about it.

Still, it really chaps my ass.

I was a fan of Bill Clinton. If I’m not mistaken he presided over the longest period of economic prosperity in history at the time. I was naive. The canard of his legacy of course, is that much of the destruction he wrought did not manifest until after he left office.

We now know all too well how his bipolar devotion to deregulation metastasized into economic drought for the middle class.

Hillary Clinton categorically, shows no sign that her presidency will be any different.  One of the things at the top of my list is her disingenuous zeal when defending an obstinate refusal to release transcripts of lucrative speeches to the very institutions that Bill enabled in their efforts enrich themselves while breaking the backs of ordinary Americans and driving the world economy to a near apocalyptic famine.  It only convinces me that she has a lot to lose and more than a little to hide.

This alone disqualifies her in my eyes.

There is so much more.  She won’t even commit to a $15 an hour minimum wage when she knows that even that doesn’t guarantee a hardworking full time employee the opportunity to be self sufficient.  Food, shelter and transportation.

Her stance on fracking is so convoluted and conditional it basically amounts to tacit support.

She won’t commit to expanding medicare and not cutting social security.  I am profoundly disgusted by the fact that she is saying that free tuition and single payer health care are unrealistic expectations despite the fact that just about every first world nation without a bloated defense budget now has some version of both.

Exactly how are we expected to compete?

The status quo if left intact, all but guarantees America becoming a third world country.

It is happening now.

It has been happening for decades.

Her message boils down to not only don’t ask for too much, but don’t dare to ask for what you deserve. Hillary Clinton is complicit in espousing the thoroughly republican message that we as a country are broke.  That we just can’t afford these things.  It’s complete bullshit.  It’s the most egregious and annihilative lie ever forced down the necks of the American people.  It absolutely is because she is a hawk and in the pocket of the military industrial complex, sucking all the money and oxygen from what should otherwise be a robust economy that ordinary Americans should be able to enjoy.

Look no further than her recent speech to AIPAC.

The last thing we need is another Margaret Thatcher.

Don’t get me started on the Clinton foundation’s symbiotic relationship with her backroom deals at the State Department and the illegal server put in place if for no other reason than to deny FOIA act requests.  There are a number of FBI agents agents on the case and a grand jury has been convened.  Immunity has been granted.  They aren’t fucking kidding.

I didn’t vote for Obama because he was half black.  I loved that it pissed off rednecks but it had nothing to do with my motivation.  I voted for him because of his message and proposed policies and solutions.  If Hillary gets the nomination and I vote for her, it sure as fuck won’t be because she’s a woman.  It will merely be because of what has become an American tradition of choosing the lesser of evils.

I’m sick to death of that crap.

Susan Sarandon might be right.  If Trump gets elected, the revolution starts immediately and I believe it will be televised.

Go Bernie go.

Drinks for my friends.

17 Responses to “The People vs. Hillary Clinton”

  • Cathy Rouse Page:

    Excellent summation of most everything that I find objectionable about former Secretary of State Clinton. I will go further. The donations to the Clinton Foundation, by foreign countries and foreign corporations, the very same entities that SoS Clinton approved arms,munitions, and other war machinery approved sales of US goods to. Her long time friend and personal assistant, Huma Abedin, on 3 separate payrolls for at least 6 months. The State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and a private consulting firm. Multitasking to the extreme.

    I don’t trust Hillary Clinton. I didn’t find anything she was offering in 2008, to cause me to give her any consideration about voting for her. I find her even less ideal to be our president now.

    I am sick of voting for the lesser of two evils. Not sure that I can hold my nose, hold my breath, live with my conscience; and vote for her in November.

    The only reason that I would vote for her is because either one of the Republican candidates are quite capable of the type of crazy that causes bloodshed.

    • The $hill is a warmonger so don’t expect her to not start a war. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR HER FOR ANY REASON. She has way to many strikes against her in the way of corruption and collusion for me to be able to handle voting for her. Everything about her goes against my beliefs and my conscience will not hang back and leave me alone. I too voted for BillyBoy never realizing the problems he caused for all of us further down the road. We didn’t have Internet that we could do research so easily. There is no reason to be ignorant of the facts in this day and age because you can find out what is REALLY HAPPENING if you just shut off the TV and research and ask questions on here.

  • Kathleen M. Lake:

    It’s not just that he’s a great man with a great platform… there is more to the Bernie or Bust movement. Some of our fellow Democrats don’t understand why we won’t back Hillary, not now and not in November. Surprisingly, it doesn’t have that much to do with her. She has made some serious mistakes in the friends/donors she has chosen (she’s made some serious mistakes period), and there are some dubious tactics she and her husband have employed but that is not the only reason we won’t vote for her…. ever.). The real reasons are very simple and based factors every American can understand.

    1. We don’t like being circumvented by “our” party. We are the DNC, not Hillary’s handlers.

    2. We don’t like enduring thinly veiled manipulations of the media (I mean come on… most of us had political science in high school we know how to read a piece of yellow journalism and we can readily identify “native advertising” done by experts). We really aren’t as dumb as people think we are.

    3. Messing with voter participation, marginalizing people of color, visiting polling places, messing around with registration records, ballots and their availability, corrupting the electoral process…. not a good game plan.

    4. Superdelegates. At their best, they add more weight to the votes of the underserved, under represented people of America. Superdelegates who have great integrity and actively seek to represent what these populations want and need are to be applauded. But, unfortunately, the superdelegate system has simply become a way for DNC Elite and Wall Street donors to ignore the will of the people and elect whomever they want. It’s pretty much a litmus test for who they are really listening to.

    5. Bernie Sanders does not need the DNC to win against Trump. A lot of decent, kind, honorable Americans from both the left and the right will vote for Sanders this November with or without the DNC. Hillary Clinton, however, cannot win against Trump without Sanders voter support and there are millions of Americans on the right who will never vote for Hillary despite being alarmed by the prospect of a Trump presidency.

    6. This conflict is really about Wall Street and Big Money interests in politics. Americans lost their homes, retirement, education funds and their lives due to the malignant behavior of the ultra rich and their wall street employees. We will not vote for a candidate funded by them (which Hillary is and to a huge degree.). How could they not see this coming?

    7. We came here to tear down the status quo, not join it. While we are trying to be fair, even kind (though the 1% has never displayed this effort), We are going to vote “out” politicians who kowtow to these interests over the openly expressed wishes of their constituency. A lot of these politicians I voted for, donated to and worked to get elected. I like them and it’s hard for me, but they must go.

    8. We will either make the Democratic Party what Democratic voters want it to be or we will start over from scratch. There will be no more dirty tricks, lying and “charm” offensives. We don’t want Carl Rove in Democratic clothing. No more autocrats and bullies like Wasserman. No more lobbyists. Our party is going to be ethical and honest in it’s dealings with our hard working elected democrat politicians. No more threats, bribes or power struggles. If we elected them then the party had better support them. If we want them out they will be out. It’s our call.

    So I hope this helps people understand why we will not vote for Hillary (sorry Hill I have been a fan for yeas) in November. The prospect of a Republican president no matter how perverse is better than living with the knowledge that our whole electoral process is just an exercise in futility and that an elite class of Americans will do whatever they want.

    I join with my fellow Democrat brothers and sisters, our Blue Dog cousins and our Libertarian, Independent and Republican allies in saying “Bernie or Bust.”


    Kathleen Lake


    • Very well written and I agree with every word except being a fan for years. I don’t recall ever being a “fan” of hers but I voted for BillyBoy twice and I apparently very stupid and uninvolved in the voting process because I was sure “TAKEN IN” and had no idea that I was voting for someone who was going to do such bad things that would hurt this country and all of us so badly. The Internet has made a difference in how we choose our leaders, but even then, we are fooled. Voting for The $hill goes against my principles and it isn’t going to happen. She has too many strikes against her — way more than three.

  • Scott O.:

    Our democracy is sick. Clinton is a band-aid. Sanders is the cure.

    There are multiple examples of corporate interests penetrating into either Clinton’s political career (Robert Rubin and Raj Fernando for example). We can’t have a nominee who gives lip service to the inequality in our country and then gets in bed with Wall St.

  • Marianne:

    I certainly hope should Clinton become the nominee that NO ONE will be forced, intimidated, choose the lesser of two evils, etc. will actually vote for her. Either write Sanders in or vote Green Party and let the DNC crash and burn. Neither Clinton nor any Republican will change our course so why validate them with our precious vote.

  • I lived in Arkansas when Bill was Governour and Hillary was “The Governour’s Wife”… she has definitely gone from arrogant and egotistical to “Over The Moon Thinking She’s Above The Law And All Else.” Ms Clinton is a woman who care very little for anyone other than Slick Willie, her daughter Chelsea and perhaps her young granddaughter. Ms Clinton is power mad which isn’t a good thing for America or any of our people. Bernie Sanders is a good man, who for the past many years {18 of them in service to our country} has proven himself to be a true “Man of the People” and someone who does not look down his nose at anyone. Mr Sanders is the ONLY candidate running for the office of the Presidency who is NOT a millionaire, and he obviously has never aspired to be. Ms Rodham Clinton has thrown every accusation she can think of at Bernie Sanders and he’s always walked away totally unscathed by her accusatory and hate filled words. Time after time, Ms Rodham Clinton has been proven to be a liar, and she simply brushes it aside like yesterday’s news. Folks, this woman IS NOT ROYALTY but demands to be treated as such and frankly speaking, that’s the last thing we need as head of our country at this time. Bernie Sanders is the man who can get things done and I believe WILL get things done… he’s running on his own credentials, not on the backs of wealthy friends… so please, do NOT cast a vote for Ms Rodham Clinton until all research is done and the vote can be cast with a clear conscience!

  • Bonnie:

    I am not a political newbie, nor do I play one on t.v. I’ve been anti-HRC since the time she showed up in New York to be their senator and I live in Chicago. I don’t know why it upset me at the time, but it did. I’ve also been FOR Bernie Sanders before it was ‘a thing’. I was introduced to him mainly through Thom Hartmann’s radio show and when he talked about ‘the commons’ belonging to the people, he captured my attention. See, it wasn’t like he hated big business, he believed, simply, that their penchant for privatizing wealth whilst socializing risks was screwy. He proposed that they fund the commons at least and that taxpayers be let off the hook. In other words, the same methodology that is used in homeowners paying their property taxes should surely work for business owners who get the benefit of the infrastructure (transportation, educated work force, roads, fire/police departments, etc.). HRC is disastrous and I don’t think this country has enough wiggle-room to do a HRC experiment.

  • All of these posts are very good and on point. I stopped replying to them individually because I was saying the same thing over and over again. Congratulations to all of these comments as they all showed their insight into The $hill and saw her for what she really is. A Corporate Ho who is corrupt and a liar. Thanks for all your comments. They were all well done.

  • reiya:

    Insightful comments and blog. This is not a two party race, why should it be. Fear begets fear. The Dem’s nor the Repub’s, seem unable to come up with viable candidates. So, thinking Americans must push it and look elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with money, nor the desire to accumulate it, but there is every thing wrong with a blatant disregard for the health and safety of humanity. I think Hill, I mean “$hill’s,”mind set is if I can’t beat them… I’ll join them, she has a burning desire for recognition, glory, and power. With all her bright colored Volcun outfits, she seems to lack a soul, or any sincere since of her self. One can’t lead, when so much of their own self is missing. Wasn’t there once a song that said, “I’m your puppet? “None of the front runners are leadership material, in the least. The revolution is on, and it’s time to look elsewhere for sure.

  • Veronica:

    We agree somewhat.
    I was fooled by Clinton and Obama.
    But Clinton’s FDA gave us RBGH, glyphosphate and 4 strains of Bt. Clinton brought NAFTA, PDD29, DOMA, DADT, and 3 strikes. Clinton brought wars in Iraq and Serbia.
    I turned a blind eye to all until TARP, Iraq, and the 2007 collapse.
    Then after Obama began bombing countries, and Obama’s FDA allowed dioxin?
    Obama allowed record levels of fracking.
    Obama and Shillary took out Ghaddafi a Socialist leader of a prosperous nation.
    Obama and Shillary helped the Honduras coup.
    Im done with the DNC.
    Bernie is still too much of a war hawk for me.
    Bernie wants to continue the failed war on ISIS and in 2014 voted to increase money given to Israel for their genocide of Palestine.
    Bernie twice supported the F35 as long as Vermont gets a base.
    Bernie is almost as in bed with the military-industrial complex as Shillary.
    No, Bernie is my third or fourth choice.
    Im voting Green party Jill Stein in the primary.
    Im done with war.
    Im done with Democrats.
    I will consider Bernie if the general election choice is Bernie and a Democrat or Republican (in CA the two top candidates advance regardless of party).
    I will simply never again vote Democrat or Republican: because the revolution will not begin within the establishment.
    I hope that Bernie wins the DNC nomination because Bernie’s domestic policy is a lot better than Shillary or any GOP clown car fool.
    But in the subject of war there really isn’t much difference.
    OKay, so Bernie opposed Iraq.
    But never the F35, guns or Israel and never opposed the war on ISIS which is an absurd joke of a blatant waste of money.
    We need to close every single overseas base unless the host nation wants to pay us to maintain it.
    This whole free police to the world crap ends with my every vote and that is why I am a Green party member and not a Bernbot.
    But Bernie is a step in the right direction. Once I thought that Obama was as well.
    Once bitten twice shy and Im not voting for a half measure again.
    All or nothing.
    And that is why I am voting Green first, Socialist second, and Democratic Socialist only if there is no valid vote for the first two.
    If Bernie loses the DNC nomination: I would rather write in an invalid Jill Stein vote in the general election than support an establishment candidate.
    Done with the establishment and the corporate puppets in them.

  • Joanne Giovenco:

    You can all “let the democratic party die” and then hope its death doesn’t take all of us with it. You can’t “teach the DNC a lesson” by screwing yourself in the process. All the representatives will still have their jobs, while you lose yours and your house and your savings and everything else you value. Boy, but not voting for Hillary Clinton will really teach them a lesson. How naïve.

  • David Kean:

    Are all you commenters subconsciously drawn to Trump because your positions, if extrapolated nationally, surely guarantee his victory?

  • Nelly:

    Everything stated is exactly what I’ve been saying for years about the Clintons. As for Bill, he was LUCKY to have presided over one of the longest period of economic prosperity in history, because this had absolutely nothing to do with anything he did or did not do. What made it one of the longest periods if economic prosperity, was the advent of technology. The .com companies that sprang up and became boosted the technological development race is what made this a long period of economic prosperity. Had this not been the most productive and innovative period for the technology industry, Billy would have been a presidential dud and worse given his propensity to “whip it out” a la Anthony Weiner.

    Everything the Clintons stand for is everything that destroys civilisations. They are repulsive.

    My question is, what the hell is up with the American obsession with the two party system? Why are Americans so apparently afraid of their own shadow? This is what is and will transform America into another banana republic. In fact, it already is one. But the people are distracted by Trump’s and Kardashians. SMH

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