Bernie Sanders Is Not a Goddamn Democrat

Yes, Bernie Sanders isn’t an establishment democrat.  He’s not a neoliberal, corporatist, bloodthirsty hawk in the pocket of every goddamn military industrial contractor, weapons manufacturer and bank with tons of dirty money to burn in electing another bullshit democrat.

For this, you are either grateful or an idiot.

Hillary needs to keep talking about Bernie not being a democrat and so does James Carville. Al Franken breaks my heart.  His defection to this fuckery really stings me.  Barney Frank has become the epitome of an establishment democrat.  Shame on him.  Paul Krugman needs to stop his rambling and dithering, listen to Robert Reich or piss up a rope.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be clerking at the 7-11.

Bernie is not a democrat and that’s good.

It’s really good.

Democrats have sucked for a long time.

Hillary, along with the establishment DNC, have become archaic and obsolete.  They cheer the implosion of the republican party while their own demise shows all the same symptoms.  They pay requisite lip service to social issues and line up to screw us over on economic justice.

It’s pretty simple. On both sides there is disgust over money. The way money influences our lives, our elections and our media.  The way ridiculously rich people and corporations control our rights and choices.   Both sides foment common populist rhetoric.

The result of economic drought for regular people has produced dramatically different candidates along with the most polarized electorate in decades. There is Bernie on the left and the blunt bigotry and stupid ignorance of jackasses like Trump and Cruz on the right.  Republicans have all been pissing in the petri dish forever. The vulgarity of the entire post Obama GOP was inevitable.  The GOP has been a bunch of stick up the ass, racist pricks for at least forty years.

The same way republicans began to suck under Reagan, Bill Clinton introduced and then implemented the concept of democrats sucking.  The Clintons fucked this country hard with a particular genius. Engineering it in a way that we didn’t realize until George W. was wreaking havoc on the world stage with a disastrous war that could still end in a global inferno.

Trump does it for free.  By being fact free.  Substance free.  A blowhard.  It guaranteed him the media magnifying glass for free and he knew it.  There’s your free stuff.

As an alternative, the GOP foists Ted Cruz on the mouth breathers.

Both parties getting real serious about getting on with it.  I’m aware of the math but the season is barely over. The establishment is reacting slowly.  Democrats are still trying to figure out which lane Hillary intends to occupy.  Pro Nixon, pro Reagan or pro Bush.

Bernie beat Hillary last week by the same spread Cruz beat Trump and all I heard about is fucking Trump and Cruz. He beat her by 13 goddamn points when he was down 10 barely a month ago. With the alleged inevitability of Hillary and the obscene uncouth of Trump and Cruz, Bernie is still not available on our airwaves but Cruz and Trump are all over my goddamn TV.

He’s won eight of the last nine but you’d never know it by watching television.

There are no real democrats anymore.

I’m here to talk about that.

Hillary and Billary Clinton owe their personal fortune to the same people who broke the economy in 2008. Hillary Clinton owes her campaign to these fucks.  I imagine they they are barely able to spit the words Franklin Delano Roosevelt or even Teddy Roosevelt.

And they feel the need to constantly remind us that Bernie is no democrat.

You’re fuckin’ A he’s not.

She faces a fierce challenge because she is one of the ridiculously rich people in every way. They are her friends. They fund her dirty campaign. They pay her goddamn rent.  She sips champagne in their hot tubs.  They own her.

He’s the only senator who isn’t Beverly Hillbilly rich.

No shit this is a single issue campaign.

Drinks for my friends.







8 Responses to “Bernie Sanders Is Not a Goddamn Democrat”

  • Geo. McCalip:

    What did 7-11 do to deserve Debbie Wassermann Schultz?

    Wal-mart would probably be more appropriate karma for both DWS and Wally’s world.

    Otherwise, this is an excellent analysis.

  • feet_ontheground:

    Considering there are MANY CLOSED PRIMARIES Ahead… I don’t find this post helpful in any way.

    The Reality Is That Bernie Sanders Is Stepping Up To Fight With US To Reclaim Democracy… what could be more Democratic! #TrueDemocrat

  • Look, I’m 70, but I’m liberal. I want to share your site because I entirely agree with you. I’m hesitant to share because of your fuck, etc., language.
    You would probably have to expand your vocabulary in order to stop that, but would that be such a burden?

    • Sue:

      I’m nearly 70, a life-long activist–and I’m sharing this post. Language means nothing; message means everything.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    There really is only one choice out there for us in this Presidential race, and that’s regrettable. As much as Bernie stands head and shoulders over every other candidate, wouldn’t it have been great to see another sensible Democrat in the race?

    This race feels like going to the grocery store when you’re really hungry…and you’re craving ice cream.

    That ripped box of only-green popsicles with half of them opened, and the popsicle’s twin half missing? That’s Trump. Damned stockers keep putting that crushed, then smoothed box at the front of the freezer display hoping some idiot will buy it.

    Cruz is that melted box of ice cream drumsticks. You know, the kind with nuts on top. As you pick up the box, that sticky melted sweetness runs down your wrist and even creeps into that crease on the inside of your elbow where you know it’ll aggravate the hell out of you until you can wash yourself clean again.

    Kasich is a box of dipped ice cream cones…you know the kind that are one flavor and then dipped in another? It was a good idea, but he’s rum raisin dipped in licorice, and nobody wants that shit. Some things just don’t belong together.

    Hillary is MilkMade. At $30 a month for 2 pints, you won’t find MilkMade at your local Food Lion. You have to join a club to get MilkMade, and you’re obligated to accept their subscription service for whatever flavor they dream up every month. MilkMade is only servicing New York right now, but they have plans to expand soon.

    And Bernie?

    Bernie’s an economically-priced half-gallon of chocolate chip. Great tasting, an excellent value, sounds great! A flavor that can stand its ground against the others. Not a new flavor you’ve never tried, but an ‘old reliable’ that’s trustworthy. You know what you’re getting with Bernie.

    Even if the store had 99 flavors, I still might’ve bought Bernie.

    But there’s still just a very small part of me lingering that wishes there were other choices.

    If I were an ice cream manufacturer, I’d sell Bernie Sanders ice cream with Elizabeth Warren sprinkles. I think 99 percent of us would enjoy that.

  • Rain:

    We had four candidates, Lincoln Chafee from Rhode Island. Didn’t last long and didn’t leave much of an impression. On the whole, a well thought piece. I concur. Frankly, we need to stop letting them “divide us” and take the country back. Hard core if need be. This raping and pillaging of the working class must end. The corruption needs to be PUNISHED with long term JAIL TIME. No more club feds… It’s time. We’ve been saying this for decades now. It’s time.

  • Nick Lento:

    Another way of putting it is that Sanders is the only *real* Democrat running.

    Hillary is A very compromised Republican light…along with the rest of the existing Democratic party establishment.

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