An Open Letter To Rachel Maddow and MSNBC


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You’ve been in my living room for years. Pretty much from the beginning. You know, post Keith Olbermann. I was even a fan of you before that, on Air America.

I’ve always understood that you have an agenda, a bias.  It never bothered me.  It was usually congruent with mine. You’ve always been pretty transparent about it, so I’ve always been able to factor it in and filter it all with that in mind.

I have long appreciated that you report on issues and stories that no other network would or could. I’ve enjoyed the humor and aplomb of your approach.  I love that you broke the Flint Michigan story and the various bullshit that’s occurred regarding voting, civil and gender rights.  I adore how brave and salient your priorities have been.

Thank you.

But lately you’ve been pissing me off.  Your coverage and commentary on the Sanders campaign in general and the recent events at the Nevada convention in particular are clumsy, irresponsible and embarrassing.  It was lazy and intellectually disingenuous.  You simply didn’t report the facts.  What you did broadcast was sloppy conjecture. You interviewed the chair of the the Nevada DNC, Roberta Lange, the woman at the center of the controversy, and let her tell lie after lie after lie.

It was a smear.

Why didn’t you give equal time to someone like Erin Billbray, a Nevada super delegate, who could have given an accurate accounting of events and eyewitness testimony? If Thom Hartmann was able to get this “get”why weren’t you?  Why didn’t you invite Nina Turner?  What the fuck Rachel?

Why do you continue to repeat lies about chairs thrown, violence and people needing medical attention even on Friday’s broadcast?  These are lies Rachel Maddow.  I know that you know they are lies and I am disgusted.

There was no violence.  There were no chairs thrown.  A thousand cell phone cameras and nothing to support the crap you continued to report.  The alleged threats to Lange are completely unsubstantiated.  No proof, no evidence, no forensic investigations of the recordings. Jon Ralston finally admitted he wasn’t even there and you based most of your bullshit on his reporting.

When it comes to the Sanders campaign, you’re no different than FOX News and every other entity out there.  He is the best candidate to run for president in my lifetime and you all lie so egregiously as to not consider the well being of the people you broadcast to but rather to serve a more insidious itinerary of corporate dominance and political mendacity.

I am profoundly disappointed.  You violated my trust.  The MSNBC network is bad enough with Chris Matthews’ obvious conflict of interest, but you are clearly in the tank for a candidate that I cannot support.  I would be a fool to expect honesty and integrity from you in light of this. I will continue to rely on sources that cannot be corrupted by corporations because they have inoculated themselves by refusing to take their money.

After all, isn’t that the entire point of Bernie’s campaign?  The influence of corporations and their money in our society and our political system?  The point that you, your network, and every other media outlet exert transparent strain to ignore?

You are complicit and I am offended.

Shame on you.

Drinks for my friends.

* The band is Missiles of October and goddamn they could play.  Man I tried to get them signed.  We tried so hard.  Along with my partner Alex who is as responsible for the sound of this record as I am.  He’s a genius.  It was the MTV era and they were all in their mid to late forties.  Not camera friendly.  Dusty Wakeman from Dwight Yoakam’s band told me no as I sat outside his studio while mixing Agnes Gooch at Mad Dog Studios.  There were several bands that broke my heart and this was one of them.  We killed this record.  Among the best we ever made. Close to perfect. They were amazing.  They could write and play like nobody’s business.  Los Angeles Times record of the year but we couldn’t get them a deal.  Studio goddamn C at A&M studios back in the fucking day. Mixed at SoundCastle studios in Silverlake on an SSL.    




74 Responses to “An Open Letter To Rachel Maddow and MSNBC”

  • George Russert:

    Ditto. Agreed 110%. Great letter.

  • Deb Lander:

    This just hurts to read. Rachel is too intelligent NOT to see-she researches the shit out of EVERYthing, but just letting Roberta Lange present her side of the story? She could have easily gotten Nina Turner on her show, I’m quite sure. This just hurts my soul.

  • Dawn Taylor:

    I too am offended, and will not be trusting you enough to listen/watch you again.-DT

  • Nelly:

    Thank you for publishing my thoughts and recent rants on this exactly on point! I haven’t been able to watch MSNBC, not even Rachel’s show (who used to be my hero) since Bernie got in the race. I feel betrayed; duped, by someone I thought was the last trustworthy reporter on American broadcast news. Well, that’s it for any American news outlets. At least there’s still integrity in Canadian news, so it’s the CBC for me. Their coverage of the US election isn’t as vast but they capture the important moments accurately, don’t regurgitate the propaganda and their analysis of the candidates, their campaigns, their platforms and their records are spot on!

    But seriously, how DID you manage to get inside my head without even meeting me? Genius! Keep fighting the good fight. Cheers!

  • Jeffrey Zaiser:

    Well, again, credit must come your way. Credit for still being such an affective writer — a journalist, when need be — for bringing such impropriety to light, personalized to the hilt, for we have come to expect nothing less. Before I “cut the cable”, losing access to MSNBC, I was amazed that someone like Rachel Maddow could even be on a mainstream, corporate, network news channel. But there she was: an outspoken, intelligent, liberal, gay, tomboyish, non-hyper-sexualized woman; the only box left unchecked for me was ethnic. A fan, I became, her show, a top priority, an affair, ongoing, watching, a must. But for how long, could her personal fortitude, her political integrity, withstand the digestive juices, in the belly of the beast, at 30 Rock. Would she eventually go out with a bang or a whimper? Michael, you have suggested, sadly, the latter. But all good things must come to an end. It’s a fundamental tenet of the Human Condition. Whether the object of our affection leaves us, or we take for granted, seek greener grass or astroturf, and leave it. Gone is gone…(jz)

  • Thor Ellison:

    It’s a godamn shame to see a person of RM’s IQ and stature to be bent to a shadow/maddow of her former wself in order to bow in obeisance to her new employer.

  • G.a. Underwood:

    Yep, you’re reading my mind again. As a long-time fan of Rachel’s, her coverage of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s crimes and of Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ was utterly addictive. Her reporting on Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (even traveling to Flint and interviewing locals!) incomparable. And for entirely selfish reasons, Rachel’s reporting on NC’s coal ash ponds was intensely gratifying.

    Now I cringe with Rachel’s obvious fawning over Hillary Clinton. That oozing admiration is disconcerting. It’s disappointing as hell.

    I’m still watching, but I’m waiting, too…waiting to see how this professional will report on Hilary’s self-inflicted political demise when it comes, whether it arrives in the form of the revelations of Clinton’s speaking transcripts, an investigation of the Clinton Foundation, whatever. How will Rachel handle her own personal disappointment in her on-air reporting?

    I’m not hoping for it, I’m predicting it. It’s bound to happen. Republicans can’t keep endlessly mining without getting a hit when there’s so much material there to work with.

  • michael berger:

    This is the norm for MSM. Time to smell the flowers. If one wants independent progressive reporting, need to go to YoungTurks on YouTube.

  • Gilda W Reed, PhD:

    I feel betrayed. Am still astonished that the journalist I, heretofore, credited with fact-checking over sensationalism has degenerated into deliberate deceit.

  • Jesse:

    Now I know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. I used to watch Maddow every night. I trusted her. After the way I’ve seen her treat Bernie I just couldn’t stand it. I thought she had progressive values and now it seems that she supports Hillary. I felt betrayed. I felt like the person that I trusted into my house each night was not who I thought she was. I’m sad about it more than angry. Felt like I lost a friend.

  • Kay Aubrey-Chimene:

    Thank You for so eloquently putting into words the very thoughts that have been going through my head. I have turned off and tuned out of the Rachel Maddow show after this so blatantly biased campaign season.

  • Jim:

    Don’t want to get into all the specifics of why I think Rachel is going the way she is but here are two. $7 million dollars a year & loyalty to her gender. Issues she shares with Hillary.

  • Sandy:

    I think it’s the 7 million and her job she doesn’t want to lose.

    I’ve had to turn her off but not as much as Chris Matthews who is really in love
    with himself and Hillary’s nomination hopes. Rachel and Chris seem to lose themselves
    in the mirror of themselves with all the glitz and bonuses of being tv stars not

  • I feel the same. Followed Rachel since Air Amerika. Cutting cable. No more MSNBC b.s. No more Rachel Maddow.

  • Thomas Andres:

    It is such a dramatic turn from her Pulitzer Prize worthy reporting on Flint, MI to her totally wrong-headed reporting on the NV Democratic Convention. If only Rachel Maddow can come clean on what actually happened to her. She may lose her job as a result, but she would come out a hero!

  • Lisa:

    I agree. I am stuck at work with CNN on and I don’t know what is worse: the lies against Bernie, the lies for Clinton, or the complete shutting out of Bernie Sanders and his very active and very large following. Shame on them.

  • Baruch:

    Rachel sold out some time ago. She is basically the Sean Hannity of the DNC. She is definitely NOT a journalist. She is a propagandist. MSNBC is a propaganda outlet owned by Comcast. Just turn it off.

  • Rosalee Wolfe:

    Rachel, I used to trust you, now I’ve turned you off! WTF happened?

  • Janice:

    Very disappointed in you.

  • F Campagn:

    No, I think she’s fine. Is she biased, yes, we all are. Murrow was biased and so too is the pro Bernie slant here. And the Young Turks isn’t. Let’s not be right wing tools. Defeat Trump

    • Cherie R Lima:

      All I know for sure is, that we cannot let drumpf get elected. Above all else. I am disabled and if Drumpf gets elected, I am F%^KED.

  • Basalat Raja:

    We all make our choices. She has made her own, and it’s a waste of time for the rest of us to regret it. There’s still a lot of work to do, and that’s more important than mourning the death of a symbol.

  • Suzanne Buron:

    Rachel, I love watching you. I can’t believe these people….

  • Ed Guy:

    It was painfully obvious to observe Rachael provide “entertainment” as opposed to reporting facts!
    It appears that when you require a Paycheck she is willing to sell out.

  • Rick Howard:

    People get so wired up about all the poltical excitement. The Donald is the Republican candidate and rhetoric choice between the Democratic candidates are slowly going to resolve itself. Expect me to get serious when I’m called to vote for those who are supposed to serve us, the citizenry. While I have little trust or respect for those who party is more important than country re-election is more important than governing the good of all of us, we are bound by birthright and oath to vote for the best possible candidate to be our head of state and commander in chief. Personal feelings and political rethoric should be held subservient to choosing the best possible candidate. Grow up and vote for the best interest of the United States.

  • Charles Bradshaw:

    Couldn’t find a real response and had to create faceless Bozos.

  • Guy James:

    I know Rachael well. Have done many a radio row with her in D.C. and elsewhere. She is more knowledgeable and intelligent than anyone I’ve ever known with the possible exception of Chris Hayes. I am a Democrat and usually agree with her on most things. I do not agree with her coverage of the Nevada debacle. However, to write her off because of one lapse in judgment is idiotic. She towers above any other Liberal tv broadcaster. Be reasonable.

  • Viktoria Sparlin:

    I had a cool pic of Rachel dressed in a golden suit of armor. I was always SO impressed by her sense of humor, and her vision, and her intelligence. But, during the past several months, especially during the primary coverage, Rachel has shown herself to be biased toward Hillary Clinton. In fact, the entire MSNBC team has been regular cheerleaders for Mrs. Clinton! They have not told any of the viewers their personal and professional ties to her, or her donors. Sad.

  • Tamara Vaughan:

    Rachel, never follow the money. People, Planet, Profit – in that order, please.

  • Cathy Akers:

    Sounds to me that all you Rachel lovers only love her when she agrees with you (and Bernie). I don’t agree with everything she says or reports, (and I’ve let her know that), but she is still the best thing out there. Comparing her to Fox News is ridiculous.

  • Toni Carrico:

    Agree 100%. My disappointment in her inaccurate reporting, ignoring of the election fraud being committed against Bernie in state after state. it makes me sick, I thought she was honest and the only one in the cable media that truly cared about fairness, accuracy and fighting against corruption. Now she is a part of it. Hillary and Trump have conned the entire country and media is falling in line. It’s like they continue to slap the millions of Bernie supporters in the face each and every minute of every day. Preaching that Bernie should stop acting like he can still win. He would be winning if the election was fair and every person was allowed to vote. Millions of people has had their registrations suddenly switch parties or disappear entirely, 10 yr old voting machines that are super easy to hack. All those machines in states where Hillary won by large margins. The entire election is a scam conjured up between Hillary, Trump and the DNC years ago. Superdelegates bought off way before primaries even started and before Bernie decided to run. This entire fake democratic system is a joke. I, for one, and probably in addition to millions will not compromise my principles for the lessor of two evils…I’ll be writing Bernie Sanders in on my ballot. Rachel, you have sold out and your dedicated fans have turned off the TV.

  • L. Burel:

    “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.”

    One thing about Bernie Sanders, and I most of what Bernie stands for but what about Bernie the man? I’m always annoyed when someone just joins a club (Democratic party) and starts complaining that the rules are unfair to him when the rules have been there for almost 40 years. And when that person has refused to join the club (Democratic party) and has spent his entire political life rejoicing in the fact that he is a socialist simply joins to further his ambitions it should incite close scrutiny among those who follow such things. It bothers me that Sanders who has never joined the Democratic party and is now trying to personalize the problems he is having with the Democratic primary system, a system he apparently never bothered to learn and has just decided to stir up as much shit as possible by calling it unfair because it’s the first time he’s ever encountered it. I believe the lion’s share of RM critics here are Sander’s supporters and are shocked, shocked to find that RM might have a preference in this election. A lot of people who believe very strongly in an idea, or person, will not gladly tolerate a skeptic. I’ve seen that in Trump supporters and Sanders supporters. Therein lies the problem; sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart.

    • carla fitch:

      While I agree each of us has a right to the candidate of our choice,I disagree that someone who presents themselves as a journalist should be reporting lies,innuendos and just pure fantasy to attempt to sway voters who have a different choice. Journalists by their profession need to maintain objectivity to be believed. I will no longer watch. The ranks of story tellers totally out weigh the true journalists on MSM. I dont need what should be news to tell me fiction.Bernie the Democratic Socialist has for decades been a progressive,he has sided with the party and fought for his ideals.+When you choose to back the opposition who is as wishy washy and has such a deep history of cronyism and is haunted by scandal and a desire to promote war for profit.your own thought processes come into question.

  • sals:

    I totally agree with the poster at the beginning of this. I am so offended by MSNBC now that I will no longer watch them. They bought into the corporate agenda and they can continue to do that with democrats but there is a new party coming. I do not listen to MSNBC anymore…so disappointed in their lies and propaganda. Go to RT tv, the young turks who now have a weekly show on fusion tv, BBC, tom Hartman, ring of fire, and many others who are good and nonpartisan real journalists.

  • well, ratchel… here’s the thing about integrity. you can’t actually sell it. and if you try to, you don’t have it. then, instead of being trusted, you are held in contempt. and you are, forevermore, thought of as a shallow, sell-out. so… i hope you got what you wanted…?

  • Mark:

    No footage of chais being thrown? No person interviewd that was hospitalized?

  • Onna Stewart:

    After years (from the Air America days) of happily referring to you as ‘our daughter’… the silliness of our ‘pride’ in your work and success was dropped in our laps throughout your biased. disrespectful coverage of the Sanders campaign. If you were our daughter we’d be burning the phone lines (lol see? We’re old and remember phone lines) asking you, “who is PAYING you to influence this election? Are they THREATENING you?! What the HELL are you thinking?!”

    We turned Chris Mathews off months ago….the mocking maligning tone that permeated your cohort’s reporting, has infected you. We were sad, then mad, then shut the damn tv OFF. Next stop? I am calling Comcast for a disconnect…

    Your real parents must be grieving the loss of your integrity. Perhaps they feel a fear similar to ours, a fear that your corporate family has taken over as a manipulative controlling master and there is no way to get you back.

    Our society has lost the media and turning off your show, was a sad conclusion. The upshot? The kids, our real kids don’t watch MSM (or have a landline- now we’re two for two!) and we feel younger and hip lol.

    With sadness for the loss of reliable media,

    Onna and Mac. (Your once proud parents)

  • Rachel stated Israel should continue to bomb Gaza in the middle of assault

  • Terry:

    Rachel, you WERE my go to girl, the reason I kicked up my feet and watch a news show, my happy place in news broadcasting. NOT anymore. You have become sloppy and biased you have become Chris Matthews, and I can’t stand that blow hard dumb ass! Rachel I know your corporate masters are part of the problem, but you have sold your soul! I’m sickened and saddened. Good luck in the future with a lot less viewership, I have and will not return to watch your show, I can’t look at you in the same way, why would I return to watch someone I don’t trust!

  • XBarbarian:

    Good read, thank you.
    Have to say this though. People are STRAWMEN. Rachael, DWS, HRC, T-Rump. They come and go.

    Systems persist. Systems like banks, WALL ST. Across generations of people.

    Media has been a weaponized tool of these persistent systems for many decades. PSYOPS.

  • Beth:

    I would never stop watching RM’s show, but the rest of MSNBC, definitely. Its election coverage is painful to watch, and veered to insulting with the presentation of Benjamin Ginsberg as an election analyst. WTF. He is the original Bush v Gore GOP dirtbag. To think of him even showing his face on MSNBC as anything other than a lying, GOP talking head, is insulting. Election analyst? Really? really? Even RM can’t save MSNBC election coverage now.

  • Cherie McGinn:

    I always understood that the folks on MSNBC could not be too confrontative to conservatives or the conservatives would never come back on the show, and we do need to hear from them, even if it’s just to hear that they’re still crazy!

    However, It became really obvious about 3 months ago that the MSNBC commentators had been given ORDERS not to do anything to offend Republicans, and not to do any real reporting on the huge size and energy of the Bernie movement. This, IMO, is another perfect example of how corporations try to control citizen thinking and action.

    I no longer watch MSNBC.

  • Mike:

    Sadly, goodbye, Rachel. It was great while it lasted, but you’ve let me down, as has MSNBC, the last vestige of liberal, correct-minded thinking. You’ve sold out. I have not.

  • I agree with this author. I have left a couple posts on various websites criticizing Rachel’s bias toward Hillary during the primaries, and now it would seem I am not alone in my disappointment. Sorry, Rachel, but you have fallen in my esteem.

  • Paul Zace:

    Agreed, her reporting on the democratic primaries has been sub-par. I used to look forward to her show, the only one I still regularly watched on MSNBC. Now, I barely check it once a week and sometimes don’t watch the whole show. It’s a sad state of affairs when Morning Joe is doing a better job of reporting than you are.
    It was a good run, but for now: unsubscribed

  • Winni Faulring:

    Hi you Birdie lovers. Obviously you still have to learn a lot. Bernie can’t win the presidency even he became the Democrat nominee.
    Bernie made a major mistake calling himself a “Socialist”. Philosophically he might be one, but that is not what the rest of the world equates with socialism.
    The GOP and cronies eat him for lunch. And Bernie loses big time. Why haven’t you heard of any attack by Trump yet. They building up.
    They are going to hit him hard with socialistic “ideals”. Confiscating private property, eliminating free press, eliminating free speech, one party’s rule, spying on your neighbors, state run banks and corporations, and so on. I like Bernie but I’m sorry to say he is dead in the water against the “I’m really rich” guy. Thus, Rachel is just realistic and measured in her statements and so should you, unless you’d like to look at Hammer&sickle from now to Election Day.
    Bernie would be on the defense all the time defending he is not a Socialist. And then they going to replay Bernie saying: I’m a Socialist.
    Think about it!

    • carla fitch:

      you seriously need to do some basic research into the definition of what socialist means. You sound like a time warp 50s red hater who sees socialist ideals as the spreading of the read tide. McCarthy was probably your hero. How sad.

  • Rod mack:

    I couldnt agree more. Found myself avoiding her show after she called for bernie to end his campaign. She can now, no longer be trusted or watched. Shameful.

  • Liora Farkovitz:

    I agree. I have adored Rachel Maddie for most of a decade. I am saddened to see her turn a blind eye to Hillary Clinton’s flaws, support the disenfranchisement of Nevada voters by continuing to smear Sanders and tolerate Lange.

    Oh Rachel…you broke my progressive heart selling out.

  • Dave:

    I too have listened to you since Air America and I too an offended and disgusted by you Selling Out to the Corporate Machine. I guess nobody in journalism has any goddamned integrity anymore.

    You Seriously Suck.

  • Dee Smith:

    Michael – that was an awesome letter! You hit it right on the nose. I used to respect her, too, but now I wouldn’t believe a word she says. I never would have expected her to sell out like that. You rock!

  • Rachel Ugarte:

    I decided to stop watching Ms. Maddow October of last year. I wonder if she realizes how many fans have left her. I was heartbroken, she was my favorite pundit. I hope she reads this letter…

  • Rodijah Peters:

    Rachel, I’ve watched you slip from being a bright, brave and honest reporter to being a person living in denial of true corruption and reporting inaccurate information. What gets me is how glib you are about it. So sorry to say you have lost my respect and support. I hope some day, and soon, you will realize your error and correct yourself before you wash away down the mainstream sewer.

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