
So thirteen Russian nationals were indicted for trolling. A little wire fraud, a little identity theft. No mention of collusion, hacking or complicity on the part of Trump or his campaign. There will never be a trial because these thirteen pinko satans will never be extradited.

A wish sandwich.

There is nothing to see here and it will never amount to dick.

Mention any of this to liberals and they immediately turn into snot nosed bullies and begin phoning it in from a third grade playground at recess. You’re either eager to suck Putin’s dick or already blowing Trump under the oval office desk just like Monica.

NOT collusion.

NOT hacking.

“Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said that the charges do not allege that the operation “altered the outcome of the election.” Nor, he said, does it suggest that any Americans knew they were dealing with Russian operatives.”

“After Trump was elected, Rosenstein said, the Russian operatives organized competing rallies on the same day both supporting and opposing him. ”

No involvement by Trump or his campaign.

What we do know for sure is that Clockwork Orangutan is a bag of dicks, what we don’t know is what he’s actually guilty of because the democratic brain trust keeps stepping on their own dicks by hyping irresponsible, completely reckless nonsense.

As far as liberals are concerned, somehow, 13 Russian trolls accomplished what Hillary, the DNC, the FBI could not.  They successfully attacked and defeated our democracy, our constitution, the sovereignty of all Americans and our pristine election infrastructure along with it’s boy scout hierarchy.

They are fucking lying.

Or, goddamn those Russians are badass.

Liberals have no idea the shit they are stepping in here.  Either that, or they don’t care.  Their ham fisted attempts to demonize Trump are making all his minions look like geniuses.  By attacking him for the one goddamn thing he didn’t do, they provide legitimate cover for any and everything he genuinely sucks for and is guilty of.

They aren’t helping.

If you told me three years ago that honesty would prevent me from a single episode of Bill Maher or Rachel Maddow without taking a fucking fork to my eyes and ears, I’d lose your number.

The truth doesn’t matter to me anymore because it doesn’t matter to anyone else.  It doesn’t make a difference.  I have kicked people, liberals, in the teeth with truth and logic and peer reviewed studies and it makes absolutely no difference to them.  None.  They believe what they believe even if it’s about to kill everyone they love.

I’m tired of tilting at windmills.

You fuckers are on your own.

Drinks for my friends.

5 Responses to “Recess”

  • REIYA:

    Me thinks that you Michael are also making, much to do about nothing. They all need to have sticks pocked into their behavior, political plots and financial ploys, exposed at all times. I thank the free Press! I thank the representatives that investigate everything leaders do. Anything that comes to light is a good thing.

    Next thing you know we will be having sex out in the open in broad day light, as it should be.

    China, Russia’s Putin…Kim Jung Ung, Trump and Co. are ego maniacal, greed insane mongers whom are setting forth the third world war.

    That we are only puppets, and grunts, with almost zero access to truth is the real story!

  • Dale Pollard:

    Michael – you are a very disturbed, uninformed commentator. You obviously don’t have any experience in the world of intelligence gathering or dissemination. If you don’t think Trump would collude with the Russians for any advantage whatsoever, you’re in your own dream world. But what is more sad is that you have the ignorance to try and disclaim facts already in evidence.

    Good luck to you and your ignorance. I tried to respond to your IM but you are too cowardice to allow response. Maybe its best because I was going to tell you “F*ck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

    • I’m simply going to respond with same question I’ve been asking you for months. WHAT evidence? WHAT facts? And I’ll point out what I always point out to you, that if you can’t provide ANY substance for your claims, there’s no point in even trying to have a conversation.

      You’ve NEVER been able to back your shit up. Just empty headed slogans and shit you heard on TV that you have no rational reason to believe. You’re a cartoon.

  • Steven Wolf:

    I hope you’ll keep sharing to the bitter end. I need your snark to keep me from sticking forks in my own eyes.

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