War Chicken

The Hillary wing of the democratic party is pushing us to the brink of destruction more than any other ideological club I can see. Liberal democrats. Reckless, obstinate, irresponsible opposition to every breath Clockwork Orangutan takes paints him into a corner and leaves him no choice but to be even more reckless, obstinate and irresponsible.

It’s a game of chicken.

War chicken.

Standard disclaimer: Trump is a leaking bag of dicks. A developmentally challenged moron. Acute narcissistic personality disorder for sure. Evil genius? Nope. He’s just too goddamn stupid.

As we speak, there is absolutely zero evidence of Russian hacking, collusion or meddling in the 2016 election.  None.  There is an undeniable glut of evidence of profound fuckery in the democratic primary by the Hillary wing, however.  Absolutely zero evidence that Russia poisoned an inconsequential, retired, pardoned spy in the UK.  None.  There exists no logical reason for them to do so. Absolutely zero evidence that the Syrian government ever used chemical weapons on its own people.  Zero evidence that Assad poisoned his own people this time.  None. There exists no logical reason for him to do so.

Understand that defense secretary Mattis admitted there was no credible evidence for the last time he was accused and we bombed him anyway.

As we speak, nuclear armed American warships are steaming to Syria to confront Chinese and Russian armada.  We are about to bomb Syria without provocation.  Without evidence.


It is liberal democrats, arm in arm with neocons, pushing all of this maddening mendacity.  Liberal democrats lied in concert with conservatives about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Syria. That’s the short list.

At this point, if you self righteously identify as a liberal democrat, you’re a fucking loser.  If you’re still with her, you fucking suck.  Because it’s you, you who are pushing for Trump to escalate tensions between us and the other nuclear super powers because you think he isn’t hawkish enough, by accusing him of being a wimp or in their pockets, by accusing him of being un-American.

Let me tell you something.  Trump is guilty of many things,  including being quintessentially, uniquely American.  All the greed, lust and hubris of being American.  All the callow, shallow nationalism of false exceptionalism.  Trump is you and that’s why he is your president.  He is you and that is why you love to hate him.

If you think that blind adherence to liberal democratic dogma makes you a patriot, you’re an asshole.  If you think that your devotion to hating Trump and republicans qualifies you as progressive,  you’re nothing more than a useful idiot.

It is with the consent of liberal democrats that our next president won’t be elected.  His name will be Pence. It is with the consent of liberal democrats that America will start the next and last world war.  Liberal democrats have consented to every evil thing that has happened for at least the last five decades.  Republican conservatives would never have been able to do all this on their own.

It is with the consent of liberal democrats that we now court the extinction of the human race.

Drinks for my friends.

2 Responses to “War Chicken”

  • Powerful stuff sir. I believe that the ripples of the Vietnam War continue to be felt…whatever gains made during the Great Society era completely sold down the river by the Democratic Party by knowingly supporting(in my opinion) the most unjust war in American history…
    There’s currently no party for me at least since Eugene V. Debs left this world…
    As for the Russians, I’m with you that they didn’t screw our election, we did it all ourselves most assuredly. That said, the Russian intelligence apparatus has a pretty impressive history of silencing opposition abroad…granted my sources are a scattering of history books written over the last few years, but what I have read is pretty chilling….not for the U.S but the Russians themselves…
    I enjoy reading what you have to say, you have a provocative but reasoned approach to things that’s reminds me of Bill Hicks.

  • Craig Everett Jones:

    Trump didn’t do this, nor did congress. The Pentagon acts unilaterally. It silences any and all opposition. It acts for the war profiteers, oil barons and bankers who profit from death and destruction. Yes, the past year has revealed that there is a large swath of extremely ignorant, disingenuous, dangerously stupid Americans who call themselves Democrats yet have been fooled by Trump’s con into hating Russia and banging war drums. Yes, the Democratic party itself is in on the shell game and unanimously goes along with whatever the Pentagon dictates. But let’s not pretend this is a left vs right thing. And let’s not pretend that the President is anything more than a cover for the workings of the deep state which continue unfettered by law, year after year.

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