The Further Adventures of Mr. Sanders

He’s too old.


Subjective and lazy.

Then there’s the canard that he’s some sort of traitor, sellout or sheep dog.  More bullshit.  This particularly specious whine is advanced by the bitter, callow victims of identity politics.  He did his best from inside the democrat machine.  Had he run as an independent, he would’ve wound up square dancing in the margins with Jill Stein.

Instead, he built the most monolithic and authentically grassroots movement in contemporary political history. If you’re still sniveling about your 28 bucks, grow the fuck up.  He was your best shot and he still is. That’s why you ponied up.

What I saw was a party independent, lifelong democratic socialist choose to make an earnest attempt because he felt an obligation to address the insanely imperialist and economically unjust paradigm his country had become about. He saw a vacuum of leadership for genuine progressives, the kindest majority, and he rolled the dice.

I saw a principled man with the gravitas of historic integrity get chewed up and puked out by a shamelessly corrupt party. They saw him as a threat too late. Late enough to slam on the brakes so hard, they showed their ass.  I saw a party so sunk in the avaricious ritual of decapitation of their enemies that they didn’t just take his head off….

They guillotined their own queen.

If you’re thinking of all the votes he cast that you vehemently disagree with or all the controversies from his past, don’t bother. I’m well aware. He’s light years ahead of any potential contender by any metric.

It’s cheap to criticize him for not standing up to the cabal that swept the legs out from under him. That cabal has been his office for decades.  It’s what he knows. He’s on record opposing almost every evil piece of legislation foisted by it for over thirty years.

He’s still doing it.

Raging polemic coverage of Sanders from both sides tells me one thing.  They are still very afraid.  That is my point here.  Why he is worthy and why he should be taken seriously.  He still strikes fear into the hearts of the robber barons.  They hate him.  They wouldn’t have undermined so goddamn hard to cheat him.  They wouldn’t still be tripping over their pudenda so awkwardly to smear him if they weren’t still so desperately sweaty.

He would have won.


Your only perfect candidate is in the mirror.

There won’t be another like him anytime soon. There aren’t even any on the horizon.  Not with his kinda juice.

Get over this shit.  This is the unification all you Jack Liberals keep trying to force feed us.  More Trump supporters will vote for him than any candidate you’ve got.  Your bench is shallow.  We see losers.  This is the way it should look.  Bernie Sanders is the best compromise you’ll get from the millions of us that neither side can possibly win another national election without.

He represents enough people to win or lose the presidency whether he runs or not.

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

I’ll take my chances.

Drinks for my friends.

25 Responses to “The Further Adventures of Mr. Sanders”

  • Charles Jacobson:

    I’ll take one of those drinks, thank you.?
    No one else has shown the ability to inspire the revolution we need, other than Sanders. I hope we can unite behind him again, wiser from lessons learned.

  • Ann Noss Wilson:

    Yes, thank you, I’ll have that drink with you. I am so happy to see someone put in writing everything I have been thinking and saying since the summer of 2016. There are people who have been my friends for 40 years or more who were so blinded by HRC and DW-S they don’t know what to say to me anymore. I have not been quiet about how I feel, and they can’t handle it….. so thank you so much! I finally feel validated. Just knowing I’m not alone is strengthening!

  • lanie:

    Eloquent, articulate & 100% SPOT-ON.

  • Elayne Johnson:

    I’ve said it before on other posts where someone is bashing Bernie again. I will vote for anyone who does not take corporate contributions. Bernie still fits that bill, along with quite a few others now. The movement is growing, and the neo-cons and neo-libs are praying that we don’t notice. Trolls galore on all the Progressive internet channels. The money is all that matters. If they don’t take corporate money, it’s still the best chance that they will represent us and not their billionaire donors. If they take one dime of corporate money, they’re bought and paid for and they will screw all their voters over the first chance they get. When I said Bernie or Bust, I meant it. And I will not vote for anyone who takes corporate money. If that means not voting at all, so be it.

  • Justine:

    I do not agree that Bernie NEEDED to run ‘democrat’. I believe that if he had dumped the dems (which is what I wanted him to do)and run independent he WOULD HAVE WON!!! There would have been lots and lots of republicans who would have voted for him. There would have been gobs of millennials who would have voted for him. There would have been lots of old hippies who would have voted for him. HE WOULD HAVE WON!!! But instead he felt ‘obligated’ to Hills and crew. THAT is what made me separate from him for good. This whiny thing about ‘he HAD to because he promised’ BS is not working for me. If he had been a true rebel he would have run independent and WON!!!

    • Sarah Quinn:

      Every state needs to have open primaries in order for a third party to win. You have to declare you are going independent months in advance. It is setup this way to make sure no one like Bernie ever runs. The system we have today his best bet is to run with the Democrats.

    • Evelyn Gibbs:

      I totally agree with everything you said and Thankyou for saying it!

    • We disagree but your heart is in the right place. If he hadn’t run as a democrat, the media blackout wouldn’t have merely been egregious, it would have been total. He didn’t do it because he was some how beholding or made a promise. He did it because he was virtually unknown and needed immediate traction. Even though he lost, it worked like a charm. We wouldn’t even be having these conversations now if he had run as an independent.

  • Deb Lander:

    I need a fucking drink. Nice piece, and I agree 100%.

  • Beverly Mangus:

    Damned Straight!

  • Linda Shaw:

    Concise, articulate, spot on summation of where we have been, and where we need to go. And this 71 year old feminist grandma would love to tip a couple of drinks with you as a salute to Bernie and the people’s awakening he has worked so hard for his entire adult life. Thank you.

    • Thank gawd for you. If you’re ever in my town or I’m ever in yours, I’m buying. He’s changing things, regardless of winning or losing.

  • Gina:

    Curtsey and a bow! The man may have got set back on his heels but fact is he hasn’t stopped. Still trying to fight the good fight inside a system that has become so corrupt it will take decades to fix. Fact of the matter is it was always about us!! Take ya up on that drink and second one’s on me.

  • Kamie Bledsoe:

    This was kick ass!

  • John Douglas:

    This piece is right on. Bernie in 2020!

  • I have high hopes that at this stage, after everything that has taken place with democrats (promoting wars / blaming Russia failure to accept 2016 was a train wreck), that he could easily form a wildly successful third party.

    He would need a few high profile defectors like Tulsi Gabbard. Nina Turner and a few of the brand new congress / new progressive democrats / people’s party members.

    Trump wouldn’t even need to bugger up anything else!

    It would be easy. All they would have to do is point out the hypocrisy and stand by bernie’ s original message. They should do it when democrats hit rock bottom. So probably in the next month or so!!!!

  • Kathryn J Wallace:

    You just said EVERYTHING I have been trying to say. I left the party after 47 years voting democrat, April, 2016, 2 days after voting for Bernie in the closed PA primary. I pray he runs in 2020.

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