The Moral Of The Story

Exactly what the goddamn hell does it say about anyone, republican or democrat, who takes solace in John McCain’s dying wish to un-ass Trump from a seat at his funeral?  The rest of the world’s merchants of mass murder are surely still on the list.

A pathetic death rattle attempt at decency for his legacy is all it is.

What a fucking loser.

I don’t give a mad fuck about John Bomb Bomb Iran’s history as a prisoner of war because he spent the majority of the rest of his life as a demented, warmongering, baby incinerator. Ironic that his particular party’s precinct owns the hypocrisy on abortion.

If there is a hell, he’ll be smoking a turd there for eternity.

Far more than Trump.

Way more.

My agonizingly constant refrain has become, “Trump is a leaking bag of dicks but…”

Besides, Trump is in the throes of granting McCain his dying wish. War with Iran.  It sure as fuck won’t blow Putin’s skirt up, while the real Geppetto, the Deep State, is just as smug and satisfied as ever.

Since when does McCain get a pass from anybody?  Especially liberals.  Based on exactly what virtue?  I missed when it became opposite year. Nobody offered to let me buy a vowel.  Everyone is cynical but nobody is skeptical.  Self righteous indignation is the new earnest.  Hatred for the other side is the new sincere.

That’s all it takes to be in the club.

Obama had some seriously socially adept veneer.  More than just a patina of composure and restraint.  He was fucking polite.  At the same time, he was routinely bombing seven countries and deporting the poorest and most traumatized among us in record numbers.  People among us.  Not Americans. Humans.  Killing them and kicking them out for what America did to them.

This has got to stop.  Liberals have become such cheap, intellectually dishonest, dime store floozies that they latch on to literally anybody who dares to break ranks to be even slightly critical of Clockwork Orangutan.  They’ve celebrated Rubio and Ryan, G W Bush, Fox news anchors, Corey Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and yes, Hillary fucking Clinton.

All the usual suspects.

Bonus spin if you compare Trump to Hitler.

All this hatred, vitriol and invective, laser focused on an ordinary idiot, in way over his head, has become the national catharsis.  We are perilously and chronically distracted.  Self indulgent and wallowing.

People often accuse me of ranting and offering no solutions.  They are absolutely right.  I’ve got nothing here.  I’m bewildered.  I’m tired of holding hands.  I can’t stand any of you.  I’m equal opportunity disgusted.   Looking to some C list blogger like me for answers makes you as bad as me.  But, here’s the deal, there are absolutely advocates, leaders and yes, even political figures available to you.

Do your own homework.

Until you do this, you’re just as goddamn ridiculous as everyone you love to hate.

Drinks for my friends.

2 Responses to “The Moral Of The Story”

  • Andrew:

    BOOM! GUILTY! There are no answers. The planet is going to end us because we are going to end the planet. Then maybe in a few million years we can have humanity 2.0. or maybe its 3.0. or maybe its 10.0. Who the fuck knows. Drinks for everyone.

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