Self Loathing and The Frilly Liberal Blouse.

Way too much of the shit Clockwork Orangutan steps in are piles left by Clinton, Bush and Obama. I’m sick and tired of the clutching at pearls, the self righteous indignation. The hypocrisy.

The overt lust for the summit with the DPRK to blow up in Trump’s face for example. Honest people hold their breath. People who care about the future of humanity hope. Decent people don’t deride, they don’t impugn, they cross their intellectual fingers and hope for the prevention of nuclear war, no matter who gets it done.

If you’re overwrought that Trump granted legitimacy to a brutal dictator by praising him, by taking a stab at ending something that’s gone on way too long, I suggest you pay more attention to what we’re up to in Yemen with our Saudi Arabian buddies. We don’t just enable the violent and brutal trespass of human rights, we join right the fuck in. More innocent Yeminis are expected to die this year from starvation than Jews did in concentration camps during the Holocaust.

Well before Trump slid on in.

The laws and policies that made it possible for Trump to separate immigrant children from their parents and detain them in cages have been in place for decades.  It happened, on one level or another, long before Trump stole the show.

Obama deported a fuckton of immigrants and separated children from their families too.  Obama started five more wars.  Obama not only failed to prosecute the rich bastards who sentenced millions of Americans into poverty and homelessness, he hired them for his cabinet. He allowed the most egregious and precipitous concentration of wealth in the history of civilization.

Allies of America are often not friends of the American people.  Enemies of the American government are often friends of its people.  The people we elect betray us.

Trump didn’t start any of this. He steps in it because he’s too dumb to find a place for the shoes on his feet. Gullible and narcissistic.  A greedy sociopath just like every other DC deplorable. He’s not unique.  He’s dumbass honest.  No more evil and no more guilty than the rest of them.

The disease is not Trump.  It’s us.  You and me and liberals and conservatives.  Democrats and republicans.  Trump is merely a symptom. We lose our minds and our way blaming this dipshit president for everything he does and everything he avails himself of. We made it all possible.

All of it has happened before.

All of it.

It didn’t all go to hell the day this asshole got elected.

We’ve been racing, headlong toward it since I was born.

If we can’t be honest with ourselves, if we can’t stop blaming anyone who is not us, we will fail and take the rest of the planet down with us. We’ve reached the point where there’s no intellectually honest way to either support or oppose this president.

Because he is us.

We’re all doomed unless we own this.

Drinks for my friends.

7 Responses to “Self Loathing and The Frilly Liberal Blouse.”

  • Jamais Encore:

    I feel it! Trump is a contemporary Azazel, a goat upon which we heap our very own transgressions, then point fingers and express our verbal disgust as we release it into “the wilderness.” Self-loathing personified. A natural result of the intersecting wrong-headedness of greed, fascism-bound government(s), and way too much time on the hands of secretaries of state, defense, warmongering technologies, and agencies who co-mingle patriotism and despotism.

  • AssHole:

    My dear friend and fellow fuckface….Trump made us see the American I always believed was there. It’s hard to face the truth about who we really are. I really resonate with what you wrote. I do feel that the depth of fuck that we are was in full display when we had, in my estimation, a thoughtful and well educated modern day President for the first time in 30 years plus, and he was still the leader of the corrupt regime, bombing the fuck out of the poor and caging the undocumented while the rich received huge rewards, again. Where we bifurcate slightly is that you tend to characterize Obama in the same avenue as the Bush and the Trump. Bush was a special find of idiot and Trump is a special kind of a dangerously ill equipped for any job but the reality TV star, butthole. Clinton the male, was the smooth con-artist and Trump is his bipolar opposite, a con-man of the lowest pedigree. Obama was none of these things as a man, which is why he is the living embodiment of how our government is the true bastion for bottom feeders. In my estimation he was an articulate, measured man with a moral center who was driven by power and once in power feed the beast to retain the power and please the Godfathers of industry. To me, there is a clear distinction between Obama the man and Trump the child. I am not certain that even if Bernie had been elected that he would not have become the next in a long line of beast masters because the system is so far gone into the bowel of the wealthy. The followers in your threads paint all of them with a broad brush except the Democrats, who apparently are the force of all evil. From my POV, I still need to see the system has broken, but not all the people in the system are as broken as the system, Warren, Sanders and Obama are part of the beastly collective, but they still have the faint smell of AXE body spray. Obama continued the egregious action of our imperialistic regime. But under Obama we had regulations to protect the environment and regulations on the financial system. For me, I cannot put an Obama in the same bowl of shit stew as Trump or Bush or even Clinton. Drinks for my Republican friends.

    • I honestly think, that if there is any upside to the Trump regime, it’s that we have a new and uncomfortable way of seeing ourselves. It could actually lead to something. Maybe. He could realistically become a gift that could maybe become a legacy. So bad he’s good. I’ve been ruminating and perseverating on it for some time.

      Maybe I’ll write something constructive for once.

    • And apparently, I’ve really triggered your buddy Marc, for LYING about the whole thing and therefore being no better than the rest of the assholes. He’s flaming my email inbox.

  • junior's ghost:

    You want to know why we’re fucked? Because I sit here and watch Liberals eat and attack one another for sheer fun. Enough with the attacks on Hillary and Bernie and Joe Biden and anyone else you don’t like.

    The Right’s plan is working perfectly. We have effectively been divided and conquered. We can’t even agree to go fight shoulder to shoulder against a common enemy. We’re still bitching about how it’s every other Democrat’s fault that Trump is President.


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