Divide and Conquer

Kavanuagh vs. Ford.

Red vs. Blue.

Conservative vs. Liberal.

Given that there as been such an elaborate glut and deliberate dearth of information, disseminated at such a frenetic pace, process of elimination is simply not available to anyone.

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit, as my father used to say.

It comes down to who you believe.

I’m not sure I believe her entirely but I sure as fuck don’t believe him.

She acquitted herself with aplomb. She answered every question the best she could. Often those answers were frustratingly incomplete. Yet, I believe she did her level best. It’s entirely possible she is mistaken.  But she’s not lying.  It happened. It’s entirely possible she was used and exploited by the DNC and Feinstein in particular. I think it’s far more likely she was utilized because she was earnest and sincere.

He on the other hand, was fucking unhinged. Paranoid, partisan and completely absent composure. Callow, combative and defensive. A dry drunk. He absolutely failed to directly answer most of the questions asked. I shudder at the thought of such childish and combustible prick dispensing his version of jurisprudence from the highest bench in the land.

What is so profoundly astounding here is the absolute willingness and steadfast conviction of the great unwashed on both sides to take a stand before there were even any hearings and the subsequent clinging to their respective positions despite them. Everybody picked a side and nobody gave a mad fuck about the truth.

No matter how you slice it, this whole shit show is as pathetically embarrassing as it gets.  Ain’t hardly anybody even looking to earn a seat at the grownups table here on either side.  Both parties have managed to twist it into an ugly, vulgar and utterly transparent exorcism of opposing political ideology.

The last remaining bastion of bipartisan comity and decency, the Supreme Court, has become the last institution in America to fall prey to the viscous, indefatigable campaign by both sides to infect it with the disease of their own binary imperative.

It’s disgusting.

What we’re witnessing is one of the last nails in the coffin of our republic, of American society, being driven with nothing but malice and hubris and naked lust for power.  Nobody gives a shit as long as their team wins. Brazenly shouting each other down for the same shit each other is guilty of.

No quarter because there is no shame.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, because you’re all a bunch of jackass hypocrites.

Drinks for my friends.

3 Responses to “Divide and Conquer”

  • Jeffrey Casey:

    As the old, white males ONCE AGAIN, show what the bowels and bones of the Republic are made of. The “judge” playing to the base with mimicry of the asshat and chief and the pious Dem’s reading from the “liberal” script for votes. All an “unscripted” reality show for the mass media’s entertainment dollars. Dr. Ford was the only true art amongst the sea of the contrived. Right or wrong, she was the only right.

  • REIYA:

    Kavanaugh comes off as an entitled prep boy; caught by his sister with his drawers down. “You dare to question me?” He is what makes Trump so Fucking awful to swallow.

  • REIYA:

    Michael, your back with a vengeance. Still though I don’t understand where you get so much negative information about Obama, site your source. I think he was a decent president. Perfect NO, doable. Better that Jimmy Carter, better than George Bush and family.

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