
There is one man who knows the identity of the bodies and where they are buried. Actually, there’s thousands. There’s only one in a position to tell the truth with everything to lose.

Julian Assange.

He is Gary Webb, Daniel Ellsberg and any other authentic journalist who speaks truth to power and pulls the curtain back on USA imperialist warmongering and avarice.  If you somehow believe in your mainstream media manipulated brain that he’s a threat to your well being, you’re a mouth breathing, dipshit nationalist.

The US has a sealed indictment for him.

Big surprise.

This guy is literally holding the bag and no US intelligence agency has ever even sought to interview him. They have all acted in concert to shut him down.  They would extradite him, subject him to some shadow farce of a trial and silence him forever.

He’s done exactly nothing wrong.  Nothing that any cable news outlet, newspaper or broadcast news network has not done.  At least, back when our media enjoyed some semblance of investigative journalism.  He has broken no laws and cannot possibly be guilty of treason despite the absurdity of the accusation because most saliently, he’s not a US citizen.

He simply cannot be a traitor to America if he’s not a citizen.  He wouldn’t be if he was.  Period.

We wouldn’t know half what we know, half of what we suspect or half what we need to fear without him. He’s a hero because he has changed your life, whether you understand that or not.

You can argue that he’s biased.  You’d be full of shit because he never ever publishes anything but the absolute truth.  He’s never had to issue a retraction or correction and prevailed in every single lawsuit brought against him.

He did not rape or assault anyone.  The alleged accuser is on record saying as much. The charges that were never actually filed, have been dropped. There’s exactly zero evidence that he is sympathetic to the Kremlin our acting on it’s behalf.  If you believe this horseshit at this point, you’re a willfully ignorant asshole.

Turn off your goddamn television.

Bring him to America.  Allow him to testify in open court and watch the unelected power structure melt like a goddamn witch firehosed with holy water. It would be gorgeous but it’s not gonna happen.

The fact that Julian Assange is at all controversial in America is objective evidence that we’ve lost our goddamn minds.

He’s a human doing the right thing.  It’s courageous.  It’s decent and honest.

He is helping.

This is fucking ridiculous.

Drinks for my friends.

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