Education of a Partisan

This just in from the voluntarily punching themselves in the face desk.

Pelosi is now willing to investigate whether Clockwork Orangutan should be investigated for impeachment. Willing to investigate if he should be investigated. For the dumbest goddamn reason so far. The mouth breathing democrats are suddenly all about the courage of their convictions because Trump may or may not have done something every other president has done.

Like American money or weapons to foreign entities have never been without conditions.

The nebulousness of evidence here is so subjective that most kindergarteners wouldn’t be sent home with a note pinned to their shirt for it.  No principal would even pick up the phone for this non-starter.

From the cheap seats it looks like they’re elevating the festivities for something Biden rather overtly shit the bed over and then bragged about.  Biden threatened to withhold more money, actually got some poor bastard fired, and his loser son was not only never investigated, but ended up with a fuckton of cash for sitting on the board of some Ukrainian energy company he didn’t know dick about.

Biden’s loser son doesn’t know dick about anything but white privilege and being the son of a doddering, former vice president.  Kinda like Trump’s kids.

Of all the fuckery this moron Trump wears on his face like he just lifted it out of a Scarface sized mountain of blow, these assholes hitch their wagon to this.

If the DNC hadn’t swan dived so shamelessly into the pig trough to cheat Hillary into the Oval, I would second guess their abject stupidity. I would wonder if they’re actually closeted MAGA patriots.

But no.

The democratic leadership isn’t fit to clerk at the 7-11. I wouldn’t hire a single one of them to man the fry station at Wienerschnitzel.

This is all so transparent.  A smoke enveloped dog and it’s reflection in the mirror as a pony.  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. What a show.

They will never go after him for what he’s actually guilty of because they’re all neck deep in the same sewer, so they go after him for the same sewer their “front runner” is neck deep in.

The stupid, it burns.

There are two possible outcomes here and the first one is doomed. There is no way in hell that the senate is going to remove Trump from office.  Hell has already frozen over and it’s still not gonna happen.

The second outcome is guaranteed.  Further emboldening of Trump’s base.  Even more reason for his racist, bigoted acolytes to own their perceived righteousness and our national distraction of polarization morphs ever more into the disaffection and apathy that allows for idiots on either side to be elected with the cynical and manipulative flick of a cloven hoof.

Or a bifurcated tale.

This is exactly why I don’t write about politics anymore.

Drinks for my friends.

5 Responses to “Education of a Partisan”

  • James Williamson:

    I would not necessarily stop writing about politics, my friend. (Unless, of course, you have more personally important things to write about.) Just rein in your emotions. They are also quite obfuscating. And if you can master that (and trust me, with some work, and a little time, you can – take it from a former and always self-justifying “hot-head”) your understanding and analysis of the political realities will be highly beneficial to your readers. You obviously have the stuff it takes to beat these corrupt leaders at their own game. Thanks.

  • Cindy:

    Reign it in??? Are you freaking kidding me? This was sheer genius… We need more of it… More more more! He is at the stage of “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore” but you know unless we get more people like him… People that can point out how ludicrous this dog and pony show is with such hilarious eloquence… Thank you sir I applaud you! ????

  • MAGA be good. Many blacks walking away from the Cult Party of liars: RussiaGate for 3 years, then collusion, then whistlespys, now Ukraine Ambassador. Jeez. Trump2020, please.

    • DaDansinBear:

      The problem is Trump has built a cold house so many dumb people. His whole plan is to dumb everybody down so they can just continue and run over citizens.

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