It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Scene: It’s spring in America.  The DNC convention is five months away and only half the states have voted.  It’s all been shut the fuck down to clear the way for two demonstrably corrupt racist, rapist mentally compromised assholes with abhorrent records to fight it out in the jar of battling insects that American corporate television has become.

The glut of “information” available about this pandemic is as exorbitant as it is absurd, there  are those that disseminate factual, reasonable and responsible information alongside an army of media jackals not interested in any thing other than fear.

If you’re one of the, “this is all Trump’s fault”, dickheads, shut the fuck up. He’s an idiot and it threatened his popularity.  That’s it. It’s not exclusively China’s fault either.  Both arguments are moot at this point. Fifty years from now we’ll learn this disease was cooked up in some lab that our own government vomited funding into.

We didn’t get this shit from Chinese fucking bats.

Everyone one who’s gonna get it, is gonna get it.  Social Distancing slows it down so that our facility to handle it isn’t compromised. That’s why we need to take it as seriously as we possibly can.  But again, everyone that’s going to get sick, will get sick.

Herd immunity and vaccines are the distant future.

While they seize control of what’s left.

Here’s the deal. Just about every death is being attributed to this particular virus.  Protocol is is being pissed on. People are dying for all the usual reasons but it’s being blamed on Covid 19.  Look at at any official mortality rate a year ago and compare it to the numbers today.

Do it.


Shock doctrine diligence will be brought bear.  There will be profit and there will be advantage taken to the point of abject suffering and subjugation by the powers that be.

Sure, it’s the economy, dumbass.

But wait, there’s more.

Remember the Patriot Act after 9/11?  The Defense Authorization Act?  All the subsequent iterations that were ever more draconian? The democrats giving Trump hundreds of billions more for war than he even asked for?

I guarantee we’re gonna get fucked in ways we can see coming and ways we won’t understand for way too long.

The opportunity to render the democratic primaries a mockery of what was already feeble burlesque has been seized. Corporations are resting comfortably on an IV of cash while their supplicants debate our labor and crumbs.

These things are happening during a goddamn pandemic.

Understand that the powers that be, that have been fucking you in every hole available, are now getting every goddamn thing they’ve ever wanted on a silver platter.  If you’re at all vulnerable, they will buy whatever you have for pennies on the dollar and put you on the goddamn street. This will begin to happen when they declare that everything is finally returning to normal.  The minute they tell you everything is fine, spend your last $20 bill on steel underwear.

Socializing losses and capitalizing gains.

Same as it ever was.

If you’re not a multimillionaire,  they’re going to rape the shit out of you.  The wars will go on and on while you never get health care and you and your children will never make enough to pay for it.

Drinks for my friends.

3 Responses to “It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood”

  • Reiya:

    Genius! I couldn’t have said it better myself.
    I do believe it is China’s fault. And that this is their subtle move for world domination. Our leaders are mostly in bed with China or too stupid to know what’s going down. There will be more of these antics, until we are total robots, for the Deep State Players. Obviously we should have gotten on board the revolution with Bernie Sanders. this is a Black Sucking Whole we are entering.

  • Jeffrey Casey:

    Drink for the poor, becoming poor and already poor at the math .

  • Bill:

    The timing of this IS rather convenient for the billionaires who were freaking out a few weeks ago about Sander’s sweeping of the the first 3 primaries isn’t it?

    It seems to me like they finally got to Bernie. Maybe some deep-state water-boarding expert told him “Step aside, or the world is REALLY gonna get it – this is just a demonstration”

    Perhaps this was their firewall against global economic reform. Bloomburg sure didn’t wanna critisize China did he? I certainly wouldn’t put such Machiavellian tactics past anyone ruthless enough to amass billions of dollars.

    Whatever it’s origins, this pandemic sure is being exploited by these degenerate fucks.

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