
The best reason I can come up with for voting for Trump is the pure comedy of it. All these smart motherfuckers chasing him around like Warner Brothers coyotes stepping on their dicks while the Roadrunner paints pictures of tunnels on cliffs.

I just adore that so many invest so much in men like Trump and Biden.  One cultivates a brand of narcissism and greed and the other doesn’t have a goddamn thing to say.

Exactly how could we be emptier?

It’s like republicans are the mob but democrats are vampires.

You’re either VBNW or you’re a redneck snake charmer.  Whatever team that has the best looking cheerleaders and free beer wins.  Nobody gives a shit about policy or voting records anymore.  I’ve written about this for years but it keeps getting worse by orders of magnitude.

Only now, has it become high comedy.

Trump says shoot them and Biden says naw, shoot them in the leg.  Trump says maybe M4A and Biden says he’d veto it.

Trump keeps talking about withdrawing troops and democratic heads keep exploding and festooning the sidewalks with gore.

Trump is morbidly obese but Nancy Pelosi isn’t a drunk.  This primary and the last one wasn’t rigged.  Obama might have been worse than Dick Nixon.  G.W. Bush endorsed Biden.  The left is in a bromance with the FBI and the CIA while the right is pissing down their necks. The democrats are humping authority while the republicans lie about hillbilly freedom.

I know smart people but I’m starting to lose hope.

We’re in opposite land.

I want to know how long until we assume our original roles.  Maybe we all get to be bigger assholes forever.  Maybe we can just hide behind our new political identities.  We can go to bars and figure out who’s for Trump and who’s for Biden and dance with the trailer park queen of our choice.

Ya gotta pick a club.  You need to be a full fledged member or everyone else is gonna assume you’re a member of the other club.  You don’t want that.  People assuming you’re a member of the other club.  Don’t be like Johnny Billy or Donnie.  Be just like John or Bill or Don.  It’s simple.  Just pick one and hate the other.  It’s all about loyalty.

Worldwide we are confronted by events that are equal to a good sized asteroid smacking down near a major city.  It’s only that bad.  It’s not a moon sized comet.  The CDC and the WHO now have to admit that it’s much smaller than they told us.  But we’re rioting with masks on.  I can’t get over that.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen humans behaving stupider and I am confident I’ve never been less sure of my own stupidity.  I’m looking for a place to buy ammunition.  Lots of canned soup and Gatorade.

I just hope everyone votes for truth, justice and the American way.

It’s amazing that a man this dumb can be this bad at something and still win. Donald Trump is an unsophisticated primate slugging it out and throwing feces with far more sophisticated primates and winning in the cage.

Drinks for my friends.

One Response to “Chauncey”

  • Jeffrey Casey:

    “The democrats are humping authority while the republicans lie about hillbilly freedom”. This is why I still answer your calls (occasionally).

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