Vampires vs. Gangsters

“Biden is worse than Trump. Trump inherited the system, Biden was its architect.” -Chris Hedges

Biden’s history is horrific.  He was and is a monster.  He’s been on the wrong side of virtually everything since television.  Mouth breathers with no attention span believe that being second in command aboard  starship Obama is a virtue. It merely slimes him further. Obama was a successionist. Not exceptional in any way.  He served at the pleasure of the Pentagon as well as the intelligence community, Wall Street and the banks.

Donald Trump is mildly retarded.

Joe Biden has an aneurysm socket on his forehead and walks the barren landscape of dementia.

People don’t understand that Trump can be influenced but Biden can’t.  Biden is an invalid and will be the the most obsequious supplicant meat puppet the military industrial complex has ever had the distinct pleasure of teabagging.

Flatter Trump and the United States of America is your oyster.

Both are quite predictable.

The biggest surprise you’ll ever get from either is what your hand smells like after you shake one of theirs.

Battle of the invalids.

I’m here to tell you that if you’re gonna have a dog in this hunt, it’s Clockwork Orangutan. Shame him enough or praise him in the right way and he’ll do what you want while retreating to the corner to gnaw a pack of crayons to get that good technicolor drool flowing.

He hasn’t started any new wars and he pleasures himself by announcing that he’s planning to withdraw troops from whatever country he saw on the front page after his morning cheeseburger.  Democrat heads explode and he burps diet coke.

I fuckin’ love that.

Biden can’t tell you what day it is or what town he’s in.  He’ll be making arms deals with his dentist. Trade deals with his endocrinologist. Getting behind a guy like Biden is you’ve got be fucking kidding me absurd. Forty years of shit and all the sudden he’s a windsock for progressive dreams.  Months of veto M4A no matter what and this week he talks about health care as a human right.  Forever marijuana is gateway and lock the bastards up for profit but now it’s “decriminalization”.

Wanna buy a bridge?

All the Karens will go back to brunch and naps.

Battle of the invalids.

I’ll refuse to blame, impugn or even question how anybody votes.  To have any moral or ethical imperative to vote for either one these ass clowns is absolutely impenetrable to me.  Not fathomable.  Beside the point. If your overwhelming fury isn’t about the nature of this choice, you’re a goddamn moron.

Trump is a raging brat.  Biden is a hollow skin job who’s value lies in the guarantee that he will do whatever the fuck they tell him to.

All the assholes that would fat shame Trump or call his wife an illegal immigrant whore, bristle indignant when the topic of Biden’s obvious cognitive decline rears it’s ugly head.

“You make some mistakes, like an idiot like (former national security adviser John) Bolton, all he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody, you don’t have to drop bombs on everybody, you don’t have to kill people.” -Donald Trump

Please choose one of the above.

Drinks for my friends.

2 Responses to “Vampires vs. Gangsters”

  • Jeffrey Casey:


    Fuck me.

  • Reiya:

    Chauncey, Karen, you really do Rock Michael. Your political op/ed insights are like Rock and Roll raps, of the highest order. So Studio City, so Hollywood. Technicolor Drool Flo…Hee Haa,Ha.

    I’ll vote; third part as usual. The Electoral College needs to be abolished, we need viable third and fourth party choice.

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