Archive for the ‘Bobby Kennedy’ Category
If I were a rich man…….
I’ve gone through a change. Transformed. Like menopause. Suddenly, the Republican Agenda makes sense to me. I’ve gone from liberal to vacuous.
Seriously. Work with me here.
Torture makes complete sense in the context of liberty and justice for all. Dick Cheney and his minions should not be investigated or prosecuted. They were merely doing their best. It’s hopeless silliness, not to mention unpatriotic, to pursue any form of persecution of these brave defenders of the American way. As American’s, we are better than everyone else, we don’t deserve the scrutiny. We are above it. God put us here to rule the world and he is on our side. Our unique responsibility is to rid the world of evil.
We are special. Jesus tells us so. The Bible tells us so.
Our qualifications are exclusive and divine. Christian Americans are The Chosen.
Republicans in particular.
The faithful.
Those who’ve failed to reach their fiscal potential are not my problem, my concern and certainly not my fault. Maybe God’s will is that they should be left behind. A kind of religious natural selection. Ha! Take that you atheist Darwin lovers. After all, God only helps those that help themselves. Christ has no use or patience for the weak or impaired, they are unable to do for themselves and are therefore worthless to the Holy Spirit. Never give a fish to a Democrat, teaching the worthless to fish is a waste of time. Some have been chosen and some have not. The Christian way and obviously what the Heavenly Father intended for the Christian nation of America.
The rich should be taxed minimally, if at all. Wealth drives the modern economy. They provide the largess for jobs and industry. They are the chosen. Thus, their generosity is evident and already in place. They do far more than the beggar or the homeless can or would.
I’ve come to loath the rotting toothed, stupid and desperate poor. God has not chosen riches for me but I shudder when I gaze upon the worthless because I know my tax dollars go to prolong their miserable lives. Poor but obese, they lack the sense to choose wholesome and nutritious food. They neither know nor care enough too seek proactive medicines or practices and I don’t doubt that’s all part of God’s plan. That these zombies are allowed to drain the money and resources of American society in general confuses me. God does work in mysterious ways.
I don’t hate them because God says not to.
America is the land of opportunity. Always has been. Those who’ve failed to take advantage of America’s vast and ripe system of free education and abundant possibility are simply beyond hope, especially once they pass the threshold of adulthood. I work, I have a job, so these greasy, dentally challenged trailer park dwellers, these weak and worthless veterans of our wars who can’t get it together and refuse to do for themselves, make me want to puke. Look at all the goddamn foreigners that take jobs as convenience store clerks or manual labor workers that take jobs from worthy Americans. Are these people less capable, less able than honest Americans? Maybe they are, maybe they’re not.
Falls under not my fucking problem. All I know is I’d much rather have my tax dollars go towards fighting the raghead terrorists than these wastes of God’s air. I see these people in wheelchairs sporting an oxygen tank in casinos and I just know my money is paying for them instead of keeping us safe from Satan’s Muslim evil doers. They should be euthanized like the diseased cat’s and dogs that make a mess of my trash and threaten neighborhood children with a cornucopia of malaise. Tics, fleas and ringworm.
Ever heard that expression “Kill ’em all and lot God sort them out”? I’m down with that. I’m no judge and jury but get them off my block and out of my town.
Sometimes I think Hitler was more on the ball than he gets credit for. Everyone knows the Jews control the banks and the entire entertainment industry. You know “The Family” on C Street more or less agrees. He really was just looking to rid his country of Faggots, Gypsies, Jews and the ethnically impure. Hitler was a Christian too, you know. He had “The Ultimate Solution” and I think we could take a page or two from his playbook.
It’s a good dose of reality as opposed to the fascism and socialism pinko liberals try so hard to cram down our necks every fucking day.
See, they’re not patriots like me and you. They love niggers and spics and anyone who isn’t from the Mayflower like us. They are weak. They give money to all the dirty and lazy regardless of their color. Ask me for money on the street, I’ll tell you to get a job you piece of shit. They wander around pushing their stolen shopping carts full of stolen trash and I hate them. Their skin a map of rashes, their eyes bloodshot with their hands out and the cloud of foul stink they walk in. This instead of a job?
Fucking lazy if you ask me. No excuse.
Christ has blessed my soul with charity but these people have no will or desire and don’t deserve the fish I can afford. If they won’t die, better off behind bars at $30k a year because they are a menace. Know God or pay the price.
We should attack and punish those countries who threaten us. The future of the world depends on the triumph of Christianity over Islam. They’re heathens and there’s no chance of co-existing with a bunch of towel headed camel jockeys. Crude and uncivilized. We have nukes and they don’t. Time to use them. Negotiation is pointless. Turn their the desert into glass.
Take a breath.
I hope you understand that I’m kidding. I’ve painted a picture for you of what I hate. It is a caricature for sure. A broad stroke, the impetus, the catalyst, being a solid month of right wing talk radio and it’s blatant, overt dishonesty. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are simultaneously American icons and stains on America’s aspirations and her identity. What they do everyday is sick, irresponsible and evil. They and their ilk seek nothing more than to pollute our national discourse so egregiously as to rile the stupid and offend the thoughtful to the extent that they are actually paid handsomely for their treason. Shining examples of the worst of us. The physical manifestation of everything that is wrong with American society, patriotism and all our precious ideas.
They are paid handsomely to stir shit. Disgusting. I would swing on either one. I fucking hate these guys.
This blog is dedicated to Teddy Kennedy. Not perfect by any means, I understand his flaws better than you can know, a lion nonetheless. A champion of all those I’ve lampooned so harshly here. The dynasty has ended. It really is America’s loss.
His passing is poignant and symbolic. It was with JFK’s assassination that the modern era of brutal politics flooded us. The subsequent courage of LBJ and the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King cemented the vulgar ugliness of right versus left in this once vital and proud nation. We have fallen from those heights. Those ideals and those hopes.
In so many ways, we are in the same place. A half African, half Caucasian man as President. We are back in that place more than you probably know. Round headed idiots showing up to Town hall meetings sporting loaded weaponry enough to slay everyone in front of them. Adolph fucking Hitler invoked over and over. There are so many children in America, both literally and figuratively. I worry so much that despite the election, we are forced to choose between a martyr or Superman.
It would be convenient and gratuitously exculpatory to pontificate here, but I’ll spare both you and me. Save this: Both John McCain and Orin Hatch disingenuously lamented the absence of Ted Kennedy from the health care debate in the last day or two, insinuating that his presence would have made a difference. Fucking pricks. Shame on you assholes. You and your ever shrinking party are beginning to trip over your own dicks in your own race for shamelessness.
Public option or bust.
Drinks for my friends.
Why is Obama allowing him self to be so humiliatingly chumped by empty suits like Chuck Grassley? I’m hoping it’s political rope a dope and Grassley will soon wake on the canvas, the taste of his blood in his mouth.
Fingers crossed, boys and chicks.
I’m betting on it. Think a knuckle dragging moron like Chuck Grassley is any match for our President? Don’t forget the guy you elected is whip smart. Made the Clintons look Fisher Price and McCain was Play Doh. Five or six moves ahead. The entire GOP will be crying in front of their friends by the time the leaves begin to fall.
Wanna know how I know? Unwitting pawns showing up to town hall meetings wearing AR15’s. A shrieking right wing media. The paranoia is palpable. The Secret Service could easily expand the perimeter to a mile or more at the behest of the White House and that would be that. Ask yourself why that hasn’t occurred and a correct answer affords you a glimpse into what is really happening here. When the day is done, if meaningful health care reform is not passed and signed, the entire GOP will be left to suffer the slings and arrows of their own outrageous demise.
They will be forced to filibuster, actually filibuster. Bring on the cots and porta-potties. Coverage will be live and through the night while ass squeaking octogenarian obstructionists are forced to ramble ad nauseum for the purpose of keeping the poor and middle class from accessing what should be their right in a country so rich, a society so advanced. This, after every opportunity to entertain compromise has been offered and then scorned.
What we see unfolding here is analogous to the sixties civil rights movement. The guns. The shrill psychopathy I pray not the violence. It is the old guard Republicans resisting change and what is right with lies, deceit and power whatsoever they are able to bring to bear. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
I may be wrong, but when the talking heads gasp and wonder at what the White house is up to, when they all scratch their collective crowns at the the strategy or lack thereof, I’m hoping hard it is this. I’m hoping this administration and it’s super intellectual brain trust is allowing this pot to boil over on the stove because they understand that the only way real change comes is through this brand of passive violence. Political judo.
I pray it is so.
Today, former Homeland Security honcho Tom Ridge, from a book to be released September 1st, finally cops to the fact that terror threat levels were subject to political manipulation by the White House and the DOJ. Um, no shit. Thanks for your candor, you spineless coward. Somebody get this man a Presidential Medal of Freedom. I mean, Tenet, Franks and Bremer got one. It’s only fair, clearly commensurate…….
In other news, John Ensign deems himself morally superior to Bill Clinton because he broke no laws. Remains to be seen. Hold your breath. Former House Majority Leader, felony indicted and architect of K street, Tom DeLay, announced his new gig on dancing With The Stars and called for Obama to produce a birth certificate. We also learned that Cheney’s secret CIA assassination program was to be outsourced to the notorious Blackwater. Keystone fucking Cops.
Oh, and today Karl Rove in a Wall Street Journal op-ed called for an apology from The New York Times and The Washington Post saying, “Judging from the evidence released, [the committee] uncovered facts that show that my role in the U.S. attorneys issue was minimal and entirely proper.” My advice to the periodicals in question? Invite Mr. Rove to piss up a goddamn rope. And maybe request a sample of whatever he’s smoking. Rove is as filthy as a half melted plastic doll discovered in a native American fire pit. His hubris blocks out the sun. His mother sucks cocks in hell.
Man I hate these guys. Even after they’re gone, a pungent, greasy slick glistens on the surface of our water.
Then, my beloved Jon Stewart has Betsy McCaughey, propagator of the “death panel” schadenfreude and big medical industry shill, as a guest and subsequently shellacs her like a bar stool missing a leg. A premature halt is called so we may watch the entire charade unedited online. Brilliant. We loves us some Daily Show. What the hell was she thinking? Oh, the shameless cuntiness.
You just can’t make this shit up.
And it goes on and on and on.
Drinks for my friends.
internecine feline agitprop
7-11 has gotten pretty aggressive with branding of late. The products seem to be of quality and affordable. I tripped on a canard though. I bought some trail mix labeled “Swiss Trail Mix” that contained M&M’s. How can it be Swiss, if it’s most delicious ingredient is an iconic American candy? Not only do they contribute to the palatability of the recipe, they are the backbone in terms of contrasting flavors and textures. In concert with, but far beyond, the raisins.
It’s not a stretch to view this instance as an analog for the salt and pepper of Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Actually it is, but bear with me, there’s a tragic flaw. These two elements are not mixing with any sort of shared purpose. Too bad, ever had sea salt and ground pepper on calimari? Far less pepper is required than salt.
The Republicans are pepper.
No unity. Zero cooperation. What should be a symbiotic relationship, is the furthest thing from it. A contemporary example of the classic conundrum; the pot accusing the kettle of blackness and all the internecine feline agitprop.
Ladies and gentlemen we have a blog title.
I gotta stop buying those Cheladas.
Childish, churlish and obstructionist. They are the body designated and elected to serve our best interests. We The People.
“Watch for the classic tactic of American rightwing propaganda: Always accuse one’s opponent of doing the very thing that one is doing, especially if one has been caught or exposed while doing it.” -from my friend J’s blog
It’s what they accused Democrats of over and over when they were in charge. Obstructionism, when they encountered opposition to silly irresponsible tax cuts to the very rich. Fiscal irresponsibility is at the top of their lungs now, though it was the Republicans who ran the deficit up to a trillion dollars with chickenshit tax cuts and senseless wars.
Nothing proactive there. Our man understands he’s steering into deeper waters. He’s not happy about it but he understands that any way he turns the wheel, people on this boat will piss and moan. He’s got a very smart crew. They think the sea might be more manageable where we’re headed. He’s chosen course as best he can because we have to keep moving. Stand still you die.
Just who the fuck are these guys? Identity and principle have never been less important to the GOP. The tragedy is that in times so breathtakingly dire, they still think it’s 1994. They still think it’s a goddamn game.
They don’t see America. Criminals, pimps, whores, fastfood workers and union folks. We want to address the malaise at this point. Lawyers and midgets. Philanderers and microbioligists. Those chicks who paint you up at Macy’s. We all want it to work.
We’re a mystery to them. They know not what to make of us. See how they walk around with their mouths open?
I’m still fond of the notion that our government benefits from some modicum of parity. A ballast to power absolute. Checks and balances. It’s just these jackasses aren’t up to the ideal. Virtuosity for the sake of virtuosity perhaps. They’ve praticed a black art with such facility for so long that they now practice it exclusively for the sake thereof. Completely absent any regard for the people, their constituents. They have no moral or ethical imperatives. They have no center.
Like balloons in a thunder storm. No power against the Earth’s whipping wind. Notice how they keep falling? Have you seen the debris? The wind has no regard for faith. Faith is centered in the Midwest. So is wind. Huh.
You know why I like Biden despite him being such a loose lipped cashier? He’s the least wealthy member of the Senate and probably most of Congress too. The Guy’s broke despite having been there forever. The only guy in debt. Just like the rest of us, he’s got a mortgage. Now he’s the Vice Goddamn President. Not much speaks louder than that.
As near as I can tell, Our Man has done more in a month to reach across the aisle than Dumbya did in eight years. Magnanimous. Refreshing. Futile? Naw.
I think it’s important for this administration to continue being the better man. Extend a hand and when you get a fist, walk away. Spit over your shoulder. Maintain transparency and clarity all the time. Have the cameras rolling and the microphones on. Play us like they did, only in the right direction. There’s no sin in that.
Let the record show who played good honest ball and who didn’t bring a decent game. Who subsequently lied, obfuscated and willfully assumed ownership of the Sore Loser Trophy. All the Republicans are willing to offer is business as usual. I don’t need to point out they’ve screwed the pooch at the expense of the middle class for not just eight, but every year since Reagan. They would have us believe tax cuts to be the key to the Rapture.
Innocence in America ended with the assassination of Jack, Bobby, Malcom and Martin. Corruption enjoyed a nascent emergence with Nixon. Ford fell down the steps and Jimmy fell up. Corruption became an institution with Reagan and Iran-Contra among other things. 41 was hapless but not evil. Definitely a prick. Barbara was and still is, a platinum haired sasquatch. I bet she stinks like bad deer meat.
Clinton was almost exactly what we needed. He stepped in shit but it was mostly his own. Not ours. And forgive me, but he beat them back, they were at the gates brandishing torches and he sent them home. Rockstar.
It all became business as usual with the Dumbya administration. An administration so corrupt, it’s towering incompetence was overshadowed by ghoulish moral depravity and malignant avarice. These guys fucking sucked.
One last thought on this subject: Let’s not forget, despite the gale, it’s in Barack’s best interest to deliver this vessel into more pleasant waters.
By the way. The Cartoon in the NY Post? Fucking racist.
Now they’re shrill about all the humor comparing Bush to a monkey because he was a dipshit. See, that was legit in my mind because it was the truth. The funniest shit is almost always the most truthful. Nothing to do with racism. Whenever blacks have been degraded in this country to the point of dehumanization, monkeys have been used as overt and shameless imagery.
A dead chimp and the caption: “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”
The Post is owned, along with Fox, by Rupert News Corp.
That may be all boys and girls. I had to get that out.
Make sure you check him before he wrecks him. Our Man. Stay engaged. Think globally, act locally. Judge not lest ye be.
I mean, don’t do what I do, do what I say.
Drinks for my friends.
The Cabinet
Doubtfire can’t seem to keep his withered manhood from beneath his corrective footwear. Just last week he called for the “exploitation” of America’s offshore and enviromentally sensitive areas for drilling. A top economic adviser to McCain, Phil Graham, said we were in a “mental recession” and a nation of “whiners”. Bootlicker continues to joke about bombing Iran.
He’s doing great. Let’s have a parade. They’re better be midgets and firetrucks.
Methinks his diaper hath sprung a leak.
An exemplary performance most likely the harbinger of an inevitable conclusion.
I’m inclined to believe it’s no longer premature to offer my ideal choices for Our Man’s cabinet.
The thing to remember is this. Our Man, upon winning the most important contest in the history of civilization, will also own, arguably, the worst position of any American President ever. He’s walking into a cave as dark as any in the history of this country.
His road will be of asinine yet lethal burlesque.
Secretary of State:
The apogee of any diplomatic career, my pick is Big Bad Bill. There simply is no man more gifted and revered on the world stage than William Jefferson Clinton. I don’t give a mad fuck about his stumbles on this most recent sojourn as his wife’s campaign surrogate. The prodigous talent this man is able to visit upon any scenario makes the former President an obvious choice as well as one to ignore at our peril in times as serious as these. Bill Clinton qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Jimmy Carter, Andy Griffith was always so reasonable and Joe Walsh would clown the world and play blistering solos.
Secretary of the Treasury:
Bill Gates. The world’s richest man understands money. He owns trends. He gets it. The Feds took over IndyMac the other day. FDIC payouts will be as much as $8 billion. There’s Fannie and Freddie crashing on the rocks. Those two go down and it won’t be too different than a small nuke in a major city.
Hang the rich.
Alternates include my friend Jim Labinski, Gene Hackman, Ben Vereen, Lorne Green and Jim Beam.
Attorney General:
Walk in the park. My mother pointed it out. Edwards. A lawyer who’s adept at kicking the shit out of some pretty big boys. Nice and liberal. Wads of charisma. He’s Bobby goddamn Kennedy. John Edwards qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Ironman, Judge Judy, people who collect beans and Negrodamus.
Secretary of Defense:
Wes Clark. Four stars, West Point valedictorian and Rhodes Scholar. I love the word secdef. He’s my pick for secdef. It’ll have to wait, I’ve got a meeting with the secdef. See what I’m saying?
Seems like a good guy. We liberals want our military leaders to smile a lot and have nice eyes. We also like it when they’re whip fucking smart and battle experienced with nearly spotless records. General Wesley Clark qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Runner up: Colin Powell. Yep, seriously. A good man and a smart one.
Alternates include Furnell Chapman, Ernest T. Bass, and Bilbo Baggins.
Secretary of Energy:
Al Gore. Hey everybody! Let’s have an energy policy! Fuckin A! Seriously. Why are we fucking Iraq? Oil. Why are we fucking ourselves? Oil. Why are we fucked? Oil. Duh. I got one syllable for ya. Sun. Nevermind that it makes wind and everything else possible. See what I’m saying? Albert Gore qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Kurt Vonnegut, John Steinbeck, any civilian on COPS, Nikola Tesla and Barney Fife.
Secretary of Homeland Security:
What I’m looking for here is one of those three part names with the word VON in the middle. Wernher Von Braun, for example. We all know this position is a shallow history of dipshits. Joe Biden is an intelligent hothead. Wish I had better for him but he’s my choice. He’s smart and he loathes bullshit.
Alternates include Fred Flinstone for sheer mental prowess, Donna Summer for Disco Lemonade, Larry Flynt for a golden wheelchair and enormous genitals.
Secretary of the Interior:
Willie Nelson. He’ll legalize pot on all government lands and convert every forest service/state park vehicle to biodiesel. There would be a national hootenanny every summer solistice.
Alternates include Newman and Redford, Cheech & Chong, and the Smothers Brothers.
Secretary of Education:
My ultimate preference would have been George Carlin but he’s since taken the dirt nap. Posthumous. I guess I’ll go with Gore Vidal. He’s smart, crazy, gonna die soon and I like his priorities. Wait, Noam Chomsky!
Alternates include Al Bundy, Mr. Spock, Henry Rollins and Alex Trebek
Secretary of Health and Human Services:
Dr. Sanja Gupta. Handsome, charismatic, smart and charming.
Alternates include Dr. Dean Edell and Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Director of the National Drug Control Policy:
Bill Maher. This one’s painfully obvious. Reverse this ridiculous obfuscation they choose to label policy. It’s unconscionable. America incarcerates more people per capita than any nation on earth and it’s because of hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug offenders who aren’t criminals when they enter the prison system but sure as fuck are when they get out. An absurd and failed attempt at social engineering. It doesn’t work. It never had a chance.
Mankind has sought to self medicate since before it was even a possibility. It’s like shoving abstinence down the throats of American teenagers. No possibility for efficacy, no chance ever. It’s counterintuitive, misguided and in opposition to basic human instinct.
It’s a fundamental cudgel for oppression by our government and really fucking stupid.
Alternates include Snoop, Adam Corolla, Lee Van Cleef and Willie Nelson.
White House Chief of Staff:
Jon Stewart. Duh. He’d also be White House press secretary. I’d swoon at the podium in a non gay way. Mancrush. He’d tell us the truth and crack us up whenever his boss fucks up. He’d be allowed to bring his writers with him.
Alternates include Sean Penn, Cris Rock and Lewis Black. Lewis Black……….oooooooohh.
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency:
Dennis Kucinich. When a Supreme Court vacancy occurs, he’s the man. He carries the Constitution on his person. Otherwise he’d run the shit out of the EPA. Smart, honest, principled. He’ll do the right thing. He’ll fuck shit up. Between his pasty white thighs dangle testes made of zirconia. Bitch. This would be good. Dennis qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Al Gore, John Mellencamp and Don Henley.
Secretary of Transportation:
Ed Begley Jr. Ed knows. Ed cares. Ed will tear shit up. This would be good. Ed qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Robbie Knievel, Dave Grohl and Scotty from Star Trek because he operates the transporter. Well, we’re both Scotsman.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs:
Anthony Zinni. We need an intelligent hawk in this office. He’s accomplished. Degree in economics from Villanova. Tough. Four stars and tons of experience. Opposed to at least the prosecution of the war in Iraq. Got fired for it. I’m going out on a limb but I think he’s a man of logic and compassion. Anthony qualifies as an official brainspank endorsement. Further, this appointment will incur the good favor of we here at brainspank.
Alternates include Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, Maj. Gen. John Batiste, Brig. Gen. John Johns, Navy Vice Adm. David Richardson……….no shortage of good men to oversee the right thing.
Secretary of Agriculture:
What we need here is someone adamantly anti ethanol. Fuel from corn is just dumb. It’s a destructive crop. Bad for the soil. Tons of pesticides It’s only redeeming quality is that it tastes good and it can be made into whiskey. It’s like twice the resources/energy to produce as it ends up producing. There’s already chaos on the world food market as a result of incremental increases in it’s production. Why are we so goddamn stupid? We need an enforcer. A sonofabitch.
That sonafabitch is Chuck Norris. He is what we lack in government. He’s a goddamn Republican, but a grown man that is capable and willing to roundhouse kick other men in the head. Chuck Norris did not slide from a common vagina. He was borne of the ultimate mother. Mother Earth. He will fight for you harder than Larry H. Parker.
Alternates include Bruce Willis, Spiderman, spaghetti western banditos and Sgt. Joe Friday.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:
Dumbya. He needs to see what he has wrought at least five days a week. The damage he’s done to the average American family as well as the madness he’s unleashed on those families with soldiers in Iraq or dead or wounded from Iraq.
Brains scarred with or without a head wound.
Astounding, to behave as though you’ve done nothing but act in our best interest. I doubt a man as stupid even as you, could believe anything remotely resembling that sort of madness. It’s okay Georgie boy. you’ll be the titular head, a position so familiar, it’s all you know. Loser.
No worries, we’ll surround him with genuine talent to show him smart people who care against the worthless ones he hired. He’s a dog in a talent show. “Brownie” can be your office boy. Rove and Cheney will share shifts in the executive washroom.
Secretary of Commerce:
What’s needed here is a pro American worker, pro union. The outsourcing and weakening of American industrial capability must be administered to like the sucking chest wound that it’s become. Enough is enough. I’m looking for someone pretty adept with green industry.
An individual capable of overseeing an investment in our infrastructure that is far more enviromentally responsible than we’ve been so far. A man or woman capable of acting as a genuine secretary for the logistical nightmare of taking funds from the wrong things and directing them towards the right things. An intelligent hard ass.
Hills? She wouldn’t stoop for this turd. Arianna Huffington? Her grasp of the dynamic is unique and abundant with nuance. No way. Ted Nugent? Too stupid.
Any character from The West Wing.
This one has me stumped. Suggestions are welcome.
My point is, this cabinet position is ripe for empowerment. It could benefit immensly from the right candidate possessing the ability to wield influence and charisma to make the post and it’s authority pivotal.
See above for alternates.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:
Oprah, Seann Penn, Brad and Angelina. Together they’ve done far more for the dislocated in New Orleans than our own government. Make it a collective effort and they’ll appoint a staff of capables. If they start to get fucked on funds or legislation, who’s not gonna send a camera and a microphone?
United States Trade Representative:
Bill Richardson. He gets it. He’s smart, experienced and an adroit negotiator.
Alternates include Jack from Jack In The Box, Gandalf and most migrant workers.
Director of the Office of Management and Budget:
What we need here is an honest individual. Joe Biden would be good here too. Chuck Hagel? Yep. I want a thoroughly vetted individual, with integrity and a strong sense of personal accountability. I’m stumped on this one too.
Alternates include David Letterman, Bullwinkle and Bobby Brady.
I’m not prepared at this time to offer a choice for VP. Forgive me. Further study is needed. Trust that I’ll keep you posted.
Drinks for my friends.
The audacity of common sense
Sheezus! Our man opts out of public financing worth about eighty five million dollars and instead, decides to bet on his own fundraising prowess where he’s so far been able to accumulate around a quarter billion.
The ‘duh’ is my sentiment, but Candy Crowley just uttered it on CNN.
You can bet your vagina that if the situation were reversed, the former champions of amassing massive war chests, that would be Republicans, would bust the very same move.
For what it’s worth, Barack raised his money in large part from the people, in small donations. Republicans typically benefit from corporate money.
In all fairness, it is a reversal on the part of our man. However, it is a practical and intelligent decision for Barack to utilize the funds provided by individual American citizens who want to see him as President. Doubtfire calls him a flip flopper less than a week after doing the very same thing on an issue far more important; offshore drilling and expolration. Why, experts speculate that could save us a dollar a barrel in a decade or so. I thought I came up with that last point myself, and I did. Carville beat me to the punch just now on CNN.
Not only that but the poor bastard is pissed because he’s completely outmatched.
Prescience is mine. I hope.
I hope this man will remain accountable to the citizens, the Americans, who have and will fund his ascendancy to the White House because we hope and understand the fierce urgency of now. The imperative for change.
Consider the alternative. See? You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Yesterday his campaign ended up in a minor shitstorm for not allowing some women in tradititional muslim garb to appear behind our man on camera. “Insensitive”, they said. The pot indignantly describes the kettle as more black. The culture fomented by fear mongers and bigots under the guise of terrorism is the reason, right or wrong. The media insists it’s a story. It’s not our story. It’s not that we don’t care, it’s just we’re painfully aware from whence it came.
All I have to say to Cindy Stepford McCain is shut the fuck up. She says she’s always been proud of her country. Well, that’s jingoistic, nationalistic and just plain stupid. She thinks she speaks of patriotism, it’s abundantly clear she has no clue.
Did she take pride in Abu Ghraib? How about the assassinations of 1968? Is she taking pride in the geopolitical/economic disaster her husband has not only been complicit in but helped to engineer? How about the savings and loan scandal her which husband escaped unscathed? How proud of her country and her husband was she when the Little Bootlicker hugged Dumbya and endorsed him after losing the nomination in part for him being accused of fathering an illegitimate black child that they in fact adopted? Or when he voted against fair treatment and a modest education for our troops returning home from an unjustified war in Iraq? Slavery? Was she proud when her doddering husband suggested there was nothing wrong with staying in Iraq for a hundred years? New Orleans? Plamegate? Executive priviledge? Suspension of Habeas Corpus? Tax cuts for the rich? Sean Hannity? Rush Limbaugh? Ann Coulter? Bill O’Reilly? Is she proud of her country for slaughter after slaughter of millions of innocent civilians caught between competing corporate financial interests over the last five decades?
I for one, have been profoundly ashamed of all these things and it’s an abbreviated version of a very long list.
She’s proud of getting richer while everyone else gets poorer.
The phenomena of Barack Obama is reason for me to be be proud of my country for the first time in a very long time. So is Michelle Obama for that matter. They are both, a class act. I can’t wait.
Cindy Stepford McCain might be an asshole, just like the rest of them.
Drinks for my friends.
Everybody just take a damn breath. Maybe a bath.
The quote:
“[…] and now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama. Um, uh, Obama. Well them both, if we could.”
Convenient that it happened on Fox. Sure.
Do yourself a favor and watch the entire clip for context.
Liz Trotta was speaking colloquially.
I believe what she meant when she used the word “we”, she was speaking as the Pantsuit and intended that she, the Pantsuit, wouldn’t lose much sleep over both Osama and Obama disappearing. Yes, a witheringly dark sentiment, despite my still not believing that Hillary is in fact, hoping for an assassination.
I doubt that she, Liz, was hoping our man would be killed either.
Perhaps I’m naive, but I still prefer my opinion. The Pantsuit stepped on her dick, said something astonishingly stupid and transparently out of touch. The profound disconnect is still very much in place. Further proof that she really does suck.
What I want to talk about is the HBO film that premiered this evening devoted to the two thousand Presidential election. Well done. Well acted. Good production. Can’t go wrong with Kevin Spacey. The guy who played Baker rocked.
Salt in a wound still open and bleeding. To revisit that vileness and corruption. That dark basement before a dungeon, before a chamber of medieval surgery with screams of subjects without anesthetesia reverberating , was visceral and palpable.
Goddamn disturbing. Man I hate these bastards.
Forgive my drama. As I watched it live in two thousand, I knew we were fucked and that justice had taken a holiday.
To watch it again, seven years and after it turned out to be far worse than I imagined, is not unlike searing hemorrhoids and abrupt, bloody diarrhaea on a a gorgeous Sunday morning when you don’t dare have coffee or a damn muffin.
The mere thought, that this should have been a different conclusion. I shudder. After all we’ve seen and been subjected to, by a man who should never have been king and his mob of the stupid and sinister never allowed to loot and rape at will.
I’m gonna get all cheesy on you and remind you of something extraordinarily important.
See what I’m saying?
Did ya hear hear Conyers subpoenaed Rove?
Drinks for my friends.
Words I like
Festooned: Covered in. Dripping in. Shit.
Harbinger: The shit is on it’s way.
Egregious: Potential for making the the thing in question shittier.
Deleterious: It will turn the thing in question to shit.
Quantum: I don’t know shit about this.
Pugilist: Someone who will beat the shit out of you.
Magnanimous: Someone who is probably full of shit.
Vituperative: Someone who talks a lot of shit.
Naive: Someone who doesn’t know shit.
Callow: Friends with the guy who doesn’t know shit.
Ubiquitous: This shit is everywhere.
Unconscionable: The legal equivalent of “This contract is bullshit.” or “Nigga Please”.
Earlier Friday afternoon, she told the editorial board of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Argus Leader that “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it,” she said. -CNN
Let’s talk a little about the Pantsuit stepping on her dick today. I’m a little conflicted because I don’t really give a shit. Wanna buy a bridge?
Did she literally mean she’s staying in the race because our man Obama might be assassinated? I honestly don’t know. She did say virtually the same thing back in March.
Robert Kennedy Jr. said, “I have heard her make this reference before, also citing her husband’s 1992 race, both of which were hard-fought through June,” he said. “I understand how highly charged the atmosphere is, but I think it is a mistake for people to take offense.” -CNN
I can only say this. Regardless of her intentions. It was an incredibly stupid thing to say. I apoligize for thinking she was smarter.
It reminds me that she’s been bitching about being victimized by sexism in the media.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
At the very least, it belies a breathtaking degree of disconnect. Over and over, her desperation surfaces like a fish unable to right itself. I am weary of the spectacle.
My father is prolifically fond of pointing out the size of the lie she told about drawing sniper fire in Boznia. He’s the best judge of character I know.
Go away Hillary. If it’s in the cards for you to be VP, so be it. Please, for now, hide thyself. The only thing you accomplish now, is the collection of scorn. It will only get worse. America deserves for you to tip the fuck out the door.
Drinks for my friends.
So, the no confidence vote on Gonzales went down like
a flaming depleted uranium Zeppelin yesterday in the
Big suprise.
Ooooh. The jackass party was able to achieve lockstep
for an action that was completely symbolic. Ahhhh!
Yet with barely a glance from the great unwashed, it’s
eggshell skull was dashed upon the rocks and sensitive
brains were washed away like scrambled embryos. Eggs, I mean.
Most who’s heads were opened in the fray were already inflicted with advanced scoliosis. A few lacked spines entirely but their floating visages were held aloft by the power of knowing that what they chose to do on this day didn’t matter a bit. After all, it was a foregone conclusion and no one was watching.
Paris was back in the pokey!
Their bravery and conviction would make my lips
quiver, if I had a fucking vagina!!
Do I care if Gonzales takes the dirt nap? I realize it doesn’t matter because they’ll just plug in another asshole. They’ll probably end up amputating one prong from whoever the poor bastard is because the neocons are a two prong receptacle. They lack a seperate ground. I digress.
Fuck yes I’d like to see that scheming, hopelessly corrupt, sociopathic, dickless excuse for wearing a suit, spiral into shame and oblivion. Maybe we can trump up some child molestation charges and send him to a state prison in Texas.
Really. Wow. Our legislative branch was not even
able to label the most overt stumblefuck of the
Dick-in-Bush administration a fucktard today. He counts as the most overt one because former superstars like Rumsfeld are gone.
What’s Rummy up to? Growing herbs in a window box and maybe a little model ship building?
“A waste of time”, the elephants of the GOP had to
“Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell chided
Democrats for ‘spending our time on a meaningless
resolution about giving the president advice about who
the attorney general ought to be.’
-from Bloomberg.
It occurs to me that the legislative branch ought get
involved when the blind and ignorant or evil and all knowing executive branch dogmatically and stubbornly supports a complete loser.
I mean, according to his own testimony, Albert with a
0 (that’s a zero kids) can’t remember what his dick looks like. What he
likes in his coffee or if we’re all created equal.
See kids, here’s the deal. Gonzales is the bulkhead protecting Rove and Cheney on this issue. The same way Rumsfeld was on a completely different issue. The same way Libby was. The same way Peter Pace was. Or Powell, Ascroft, DeLay and Wolfowitz. Heard much from Condi lately? Bitch.
I typically write these rants once I’ve worked up a
head of steam, gotten my mad on, if you will. Tonight,
not so much. I’m not suprised and can barely manage
Let me take another run at this.
This guy is a global embarrassment. He’s a fucking
pawn. Everyone, and I mean every one, knows what this
sycophantic automaton is about. And it’s sick, that
this piece of shit gamepiece enjoys the blanket of
neoconservative warmth. That he who is supposed to
embody justice fights so obstinately against it. This
greasy prick showed up with with Andy Card at
Ashcroft’s bedside when he was fighting for his own
worthless life, to twist his arm into allowing our
Aronists Laureate to do whatever the fuck they wanted
to do to you and me.
He doesn’t recall any of it.
Before this bastard was the law of the land he was
chief waterboy at the pissing end of Dick-in-Bush. As
White House Counsel he wrote that which he is now in
charge of defending at the pleasure of Dumbya.
This is all disturbing and profoundly disgusting on a day when Paris Hilton commands more attention than any of what I’m
pontificating about. It makes me sure that at least
in some way, we deserve it.
We do actually. We’ve allowed a scenario where our
very own elected representatives are more beholdin’ to a single
party and its jingoistic disease of dogma than the constituents at who’s pleasure they’re supposed to serve. Pricks.
Just like our military, our congress, our executives, our values, our morals, our ethics, just like all of them, our judiciary and the office of Attorney General of the United States is rent asunder. Scorched, perhaps irreparably.
Bobby Kennedy held that office and it may have cost him his life.
If that wasn’t the beginning of the end I don’t know what was.
Everyone besides Dick-in-Bush understands that this
pooch is screwed. Gangraped, from hell to
breakfast. Nine ways to Sunday. It’s over. We broke
it. Possession is ours.
Our fault.
Drinks for my friends.