Archive for the ‘communism’ Category
So anyway… and contrast
A composition:
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is painfully obvious.
Republicans are greedy sociopathic reptiles who don’t give a mad fuck about their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Democrats are spineless douchebags, who lack the courage to get down in the mud and fight for their constituents but love to suck corporate dick.
Evidence being the massive ongoing struggle for any meaningful legislation despite significant majorities enjoyed by Democrats in both houses of congress. A pathetic, ridiculous and vulgar burlesque. Shameful and stupid but an attestation for Democrats being far more inclined to think for themselves or someone else as opposed to conventional party wisdom or lack thereof.
All on embarrassing and inept display.
Libertarians don’t care about anything, they just want commerce to flow. Anybody who wants to suck dick should be allowed with a particular deference to profit.
If you’ve been paying attention to the main stream media of late, you know that Republicans want to save us from socialism despite not understanding the concept, and Obama’s government lusts like a pizza faced adolescent army in neck braces or orthodontal head gear to takeover our health care so we can be killed off at their convenience.
Meanwhile, Republicans seek to kill pizza faced teenagers or adolescents in head gear for profit if possible.
Libertarians take no exception.
Responsible parents everywhere insist children wear helmets these days.
If you choose the contemporary Republican model, you see them as unrelenting right wing, neoconservative, intolerant evangelical Christian zealots who are afraid of anything homosexual or any other religion. You understand that they believe they know better while enduring a fusillade of common sense and science to the contrary. Book burning and creationism and the like.
Retards at the Roundtable. Scopes trial as blasphemy and all that.
I remember a time when what was contested was ideas, philosophy and policy. Discourse was just that. Polite and respectful. It was about issues. Then something happened. That something was William Jefferson Clinton. Far from perfect, but charismatic and smart as all get out. He presided over the longest period of economic prosperity America had ever seen. He left us with a massive surplus and a balanced budget for the first time ever.
We were cookin’.
The Republicans though, they did hate. They began to investigate. Afraid Bubba was Jesus, a special prosecutor named Kenn Starr was appointed to investigate Hillary’s real estate dealings while she was a member of the Rose Law Firm and they came up with dick. Pun to be intended. Nothing. Sand in hand they kept on…… and discovered Bubba got a blow job and so they impeached him. Never mind that it was none of our business. They spent tens of millions of dollars, more than on all investigating into the events of 9/11, to shine light on a Jewish woman unable to remove a stain from a dress.
First one ever I hear.
And that is really why we are where we are. It will all go down as the darkest and silliest period in American history. Yet it’s sordid smell means we are less likely to forget it than UFOs, Elvis or pick a disease. Let us hope the legacy will not be merely that of a cautionary anecdote, but rather a lesson about a forest instead of individual trees. Otherwise, America will not be America come one hundred years from now.
Tom DeLay is on dancing with the stars and it offends me. He’s paired with Cheryl Burke whom I think is the hottest thing since Georgia asphalt. Goddamn, the woman is gorgeous. Delay grins his lying rictus and looks as he has the breath of a sewer rodent. Creepy with a ‘K’. I really don’t like this guy and I’m a little jealous. Never watched the show and don’t intend to but that woman is one ripe gust of feminity
Share a smoke, Make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope
Words to memorize, words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise.
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothing I can say when I’m in your thighs
Oh my my my my my mo my mother
I would love to love you lover -Violent Femmes
Democrats are communist, anti constitution, caped crusaders who want to steal from anyone who has anything and give it to anyone who has nothing no matter how big of a loser the loser happens to be. I’m not really a Democrat but I tend to identify with them and that sucks on many levels. Giant dingbats who somehow manage to keep their self righteousness in place while failing at everything they attempt like pre-pubescent soccer players who get a trophy for simply showing up.
Democrats seem to “fail up”, almost as much as Republicans although not quite so deliberately. Max Baucus may be shocked to see the hand entirely up his ass and into his mouth via x-ray, but John Boehner would consider it as much business as usual as his spray on tan or morning knuckle and back shave. I fucking hate that guy.
They are different, Democrats and Republicans, but they are all still politicians. The qualities they share are a moral and ethical bankruptcy, a willingness to feast on or make a meal out of any cock connected to money, and an instinctual fondness for anything other than the absolute truth.
This is why reasonable reform of any kind, be it health care or of industries financial or military, is in perpetual jeopardy.
Nothing can change until we have reform for our system of campaigns and polling. Zero corporate money. None. Entirely financed by the electorate. Firm start and stop dates for campaigns and equal air time for candidates.
No meaningful change before that one.
Drinks for my friends.
I need an air sickness bag
Newsflash for you right wing, neoconservative fear mongering, Red scare foisting douchebags:
The word “czar” is an adaptation by journalists, the mother of which is a necessity for brevity. It’s merely colloquial. Contemporary parlance, a euphemism at best for an adviser appointed by the president whomever he or she may be.
The idea that this is some novel and pernicious design on the part of Obama and his administration to foment communism is fucking absurd. If this douchebaggery were visited upon liberals, we’d recoil in horror, feeling our intelligence raped and our sensibilities violently maligned. Then we’d call bullshit on it. We would do this immediately because we’d understand it to be really fucking stupid.
But you know, the great unwashed just sucks that shit shake through a straw and ponies up for a month’s supply. How is it so many asstards exist, live and breathe in America? What kind of people are we growing here? This is ridiculous.
Dumbya had 47 of them there dastardly czars. Obama has 32. The shorthand usage first occurred under Nixon and really came into it’s own under Reagan. Drug czar, energy czar etc.
And, don’t you know, the communists kicked out the czars. Look at my thumb, gee you’re dumb. Not just misdirected, but extraordinarily fucked in the head.
Again, fear and desperation championed by Beckerhead and The Human Shitsmear. Congratulations you dolts; a little kool aid with that shit shake?
“Right-wing extremists live in a politically parallel world where everyone they know believes the same as they do. They don’t like established facts so they come armed with their own.” ~ Gary Younge ~
I’m a little worn out these days by circumstances other than politics, but this kind of crap still really chaps my ass. Again, that such a bullshit meme is allowed to penetrate into the mainstream baffles me. How and when did people become so goddamn dumb? Is it something in the water? Didn’t we manage to get most of the lead out of the air and out of paint on children’s toys? Insipid, callow and shallow.
Worthless and weak.
Some 25% percent clung to Dumbya ’til the very end. Even after the shit hit the fan. To this day, the volume so overwhelming, the proverbial fan is so clogged with gore that a vapor of ozone from it’s failing engine rises above it all to sting any inhale over the heavy pungence of rotting sewage About the same number stood by Nixon. It is safe to assume that at least one of every four people one encounters might just be so intellectually challenged that truth is tertiary. These people don’t understand just how stupid they are and in fact take an ignorantly sanguine pride in and of.
I do the best I can but it’s not good enough. Cultures bleed. Dogma is relentless. Indoctrination is all the sudden ripe and healthy. Into the mainstream miasma and malaise, racism and bigotry, afford white heat as we are confronted with society’s lowest common denominator marching ignorantly in numbers exaggerated while boiling and seething only to direct blind stupid hate into an otherwise honest and logical national discourse.
We are polluted by this phenomena that has only dared to rear it’s ugly head because for the first time in a decade, the inmates have lost control of the the institution.
What do I do? It just keeps coming. Every onslaught more illogical and less rational than the last. With every 24 hour news cycle it gets ever more ludicrous and uncouth. Nancy Pelosi stands up and warns us in no uncertain terms that it’s all leading to violence and the retards mock her and accuse her of stoking the very fire of violence she cautions us against because she brought it up.
We show up with fire extinguishers so they bust out with napalm.
We’re not really interested in harming anyone and they are happy to reduce us all to carbon. They just don’t care. We do. Therein lies the rub.
They are crazy from fear and confusion. We are worried for humanity, justice, compassion and humane equity.
None of it makes any sense beyond the fact that they are blind shithouse stupid. You go Patty.
Drinks for my friends.
I like tacos
Greasy ones from this Jimboy’s joint here in town. Cheese and cheap salty ground beef that will make your ankles swell. Hard shell corn tortilla envelopes made malleable by the copious orange grease and cheap yellow cheese. Order an extra large Arnold Palmer because yer gonna need it.
Man I need some pot.
Life is all about curveballs and and gutterballs.
I can’t believe the lies and exaggerations of the right wing sleaze shovel jockeys. I heard the Human Shitsmear, Limbaugh, proclaim offhandedly that the crowd for the 9/12 rally was a million plus this morning. My jaw did not drop. I took my my morning crap while I lamented stupidity. Later I learned that Fox actually showed decade old pictures of the Million Man March to bolster the lie.
Hello God? It’s me, irony. Oh, and I’m inexcusably, as in voluntarily, retarded and therefore dangerous.
His subtlety belied the giant lie he knew he was foisting upon his audience of millions of mouth breathing cro-magnon foreheaded, backwardass, loser sycophants. Spell check is furious with that last sentence. The socialist Washington DC Fire Dept. estimated the crowd to be sixty thousand at best. Some reports have it as low as twenty five thousand.
So much for the Beckian big tent circus of discontent.
Invalid soldiers, a fart in a whirlwind. A puff of neanderthal air. A mere mote or eye booger, in the eye of truth, justice and the American way.
Much ado about nothing at all. Still, I’m really pissed off.
If we do some rough arithmetic based on on the median IQ actually present, I feel safe in estimating the crowd as being far less than would be required to fill your average Wal-Mart. Disgusting. Appalling. I watched an unscripted clip on facebook today that revealed these mental midgets lack the capacity to discern a meaningful difference between fascism, communism or socialism, they in fact, experience profound difficulty distinguishing between plants and animals. They hope all vegetation is in possession of a soul so that it may attend services and donate to the NRA.
Get thee back to the bog you mole and wart infested reptiles. Their females struggle with dark black facial stubble and psoriasis. They pollute our gene pool and water supply and poison the national discourse. They of all people require and would benefit from government subsidy. We do need camps for you. Pestilent and dirty. Please remove them for they are stupid and contagious.
What I’m telling you is these birthers, deathers, tenthers, twelvers and goddamn nimrods are foul and deleterious of our social fabric. Dangerous idiots. What so inspires these jackasses? What binds them? Where lies the crude commonality? The glue? What could possibly be the low common denominator?
Well, whether they know it or not, they are all, every single one of them, including their televised and broadcasted fomentors, racist fucking fucks. Stupid, dentally challenged, pinheaded white trash. Rationally challenged and pridefully irresponsible.
Afraid, suspicious and fearful for no sane reason.
Goddamn dumb.
I loathe them and their willful, lazy ignorance. They conspicuously consume the snake oil so audaciously proffered by charlatan frauds like Hannity, The Human Shitsmear
(Limbaugh) and Glenn Televangeashit Beck. They follow and believe anything anyone one of these guys purports, proclaims or posits and they are all, candidates for a prefrontal lobotomy.
Perhaps a new health care deal would rid them from us. Maybe that’s why their so afraid.
Forgive my elaborate aspersion but it’s my sincere and most humbly earnest neurophilosophy. If only I could shame these people. Call them out one by one and show them how dumb and carcinogenic they are. Just what fools they are and the damage they do.
I’d do the bonedance with Serena Williams in a heart beat. As an agnostic, I have zero reservation in telling you that good God she’s hotter than Georgia asphalt. Kanye West is a crotch dweller. What a looselipped cashier. Kanye should boil his own head. Hubris on parade.
Drinks for my friends.