Be Very Afraid

I’ve been blogging in one form or another, on one platform or another, for almost fifteen years.

I’ve been controversial.

I am not a journalist.

Used to be I could post on my own pages and accounts and generate some responses and a few hundred reads in just a few hours.  A cursory campaign in the groups I belonged to and way more.

Not anymore.

I am being censored.

It’s possible that such a glut of propaganda has never been visited by mainstream media on the American people before and it’s also possible that I’ve never paid this much attention.  Whatever the answer, there’s as an absolute fuckton of it these days.  I am in awe of the blatant, overt and comprehensive distribution of elaborate bullshit in support of the military industrial complex, perpetual war as an economic model and the sickening obliteration of human life for filthy profit.

Anyone who questions US regime change in Syria is an Assad apologist.  Asking honest questions about Russia or Putin means you’re some kind troll or a spy.  This is Western journalism as of today.  I can’t remember the last time our government made a claim about a brutal dictator that warranted what our military showed up and did.

I can’t stand how thoroughly the democratic party is shitting the bed here by actually leading the charge.

This is what the faux outrage over fake news is about.  This is what the disingenuous hand wringing by liberals and conservatives over Russian meddling is about. This is exactly what dragging Zuckerberg before congress for a relaxed but rhetorically dramatic public flogging is about.

They don’t give a mad fuck if Cambridge Analytica stole your favorite food information and the name of your cat to make you vote for Trump.  They barely give a shit whether Russia pissed in American ears enough to change a single mind.

What they want is to be the exclusive proprietors of that ability.  Democrats and republicans are gleefully swapping spit and exchanging fluids in Capitol Hill bathrooms over this.

It’s hard to watch.

Don’t worry, they’re going to regulate the internet.

What this bipartisan stampede is about is to make the only horizontal threat of information exchange to come along since the printed flyer, obsolete.

Our media is crashing against us.

That shit is nuts from here.

Everything you see on your television, whether it’s MSNBC, NPR or FOX and Sinclair, everything you hear on your radio, is now specifically targeted to disabuse you of the notion that anything you see online contains any truth whatsoever.

They are ingesting steroids and hormones, burning trash and toxic waste to simultaneously discredit internet journalism and control it.  The narrative that Assad ever gassed his own people turned out to be untenable codswallop.  Zero evidence of it and plenty to refute it. Leave it to American media to float a turd of such odious girth.

They are breathing fire and very afraid.

They have more money than God.

It’s scaring the living shit out of me.

Drinks for my friends.

7 Responses to “Be Very Afraid”

  • reiya:

    Your telling us, your being censored. Show us some evidence, give us a good example of what it is you claim, to be experiencing.

    Bright and very creative people have imaginations, which go wild. You posses one of those type of minds, most of what you say is too extreme in opinions to be valid. You remind me of one of those conspiracy theorist, trying to create fiction out of the blandness of your existence. Clearly your not, a happy camper. If happiness presented itself to you, you would ignore it, as an unappetizing fluff.

    You know what; I don’t believe any authorities, or entities, are that interested in you stop flattering yourself. Often you act narcissistic! All the same I await evidence, you could make this really interesting and entertaining. Your writing skills are superior to most journalist & you most likely also have incredible investigative techniques…so serve us up some evidence.

    You know what..Those you claim to be censoring you are actually stalking me, spying to see what I’ll say on your blog. I have a great fiction piece, I practiced trying to write on your blog. Then I realized, I didn’t want it posted on such a small space.

    Originally I was motivated to publish here because you draw an excellent following & your cool, as you hold court. You use tools to stalk and watch us…I wonder if others are aware of that component to your blog? Who is censoring you? Your loosing credibility, if you can’t produce accurate information and evidence. I get that you don’t care. Which makes this scene a waste of my time.

    • If you haven’t felt the effects of social media censorship yourself it might be because you havent said a thing outside of the legacy media narrative. You don’t need to be narcissistic to feel this. I am a small cheese activist with zero platform and i see it blatantly and first hand.. You merely have to say something which goes against the grain.

      If you think people are individually trawling through posts and articles and censoring you are sorely mistaken. This kind of censorship is reserved for the high profile movers and shakers of this community.

      It is done through an algorithm using keywords key phrases and weblinks. If the ‘gatekeepers’ (See project veratas for direct evidence of this at Twitter + youtube) find an article that really niggles they will include a key phrase from that and shadowban it. An author name may trigger the very same. At worst zero likes. At best a small number of your friends: Usual suspects; who already feel passionately about the subject will see it and like it. Preaching to the converted. Keeping us in silos.. echo chambers..

      Try it. Post something kind about Julian assange / Against the federal reserve / suggest left work with right to achieve anti war goals… see how many likes you get compared with some banal status update or kitten pic.

      Let me know how it goes… lol

    • If you haven’t felt the effects of social media censorship yourself, it might be because you havent said a thing outside of the legacy media narrative. You don’t need to be narcissistic to feel this. I am a small cheese activist with zero platform and I see it blatantly and first hand.. You merely have to say something which goes against the grain.

      If you think people are individually trawling through posts and articles and censoring you are sorely mistaken. This kind of censorship is reserved for the high profile movers and shakers of this community.

      It is done through an algorithm using keywords key phrases and weblinks. If the ‘gatekeepers’ (See project veratas for direct evidence of this at Twitter + youtube) find an article that really niggles they will include a key phrase from that and shadowban it. An author name may trigger the very same. At worst zero likes. At best a small number of your friends: Usual suspects; who already feel passionately about the subject will see it and like it. Preaching to the converted. Keeping us in silos.. echo chambers.. the other thing that happens is you encounter paid trolls who do this for a living..

      Try it. Post something kind about Julian assange / Against the federal reserve / suggest left work with right to achieve anti war goals / criticise Saudi’s Yemen war or Israel’s Palestinian human rights…. see how many likes you get compared with some banal status update or kitten pic.

      Let me know how it goes… lol

  • Steve:

    Ignore the retards – they’re legion. “show me evidence” lol – the sky isn’t blue unless you prove it to such inbred dimwits – and they’re the vast majority these days.

    Thanks for the laugh at the insanity and absurdity dipshits like the previous poster slather themselves in and proudly wear as virtue-signs of “normalcy”

    What a fucked up inbred society we are.

    Drinks, indeed

  • Mark Bunnell:

    I’ve been censored by this group.

  • Jeffrey Zaiser:

    Michael Wade Douglass, wields a pen like a blade, sharpened to a micro-beveled edge. An instrument that could leave the face smoothly shaved or the throat, sliced and hemorrhaging. And when the perpetually distracted and the purposely distracting impose upon his sensibilities, he has the potential to become his own version of ‘the demon barber of fleet street’. That the best defense is a good offense was never lost on him. But people cherish their status quo, no matter how manipulated and manipulative, it may be. That said, one way or another, they cry foul to the moderators in the hope of detouring his powerful commentary — super heating the rhetorical environment, as he always does, threatening to melt the glue conjoining deconstructed reality, hastily reassembled. (jz)

  • Kathy Bassett:

    On point, as usual. Shared.

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