Prejudice Absent Pride

Human malice just sucker punched me hard in the mouth. There really is an extraordinarily evil clique of people with insane amounts of money acting in concert to kill as many innocent people as it takes to exert total control.

While this clique celebrated the new US consulate in Jerusalem, the Israeli army was murdering sixty unarmed protesters and maiming another three thousand for demonstrating against being murdered, slaughtered, raped, enslaved and removed from land that they rightfully owned. They killed and maimed people in cold blood for protesting what the people who were killing and maiming them had done to them.

The jackasses say if only they would have demonstrated more peacefully. Israel was actually restrained, they say. Nikki Haley actually said that shit at the UN. That’s like saying the holocaust was provoked and Hitler’s response was restrained. The 800 pound gorilla on the world stage is the mind numbing hypocrisy of the subjugation of a people by a people to a fate their own people were subject to less than a century ago.

We give these soulless bastards more in foreign aid than every other country combined. They have free health care and higher education. This isn’t just apartheid, it’s genocide. America is complicit to the tune of $10 million a day. Those guns are American. Those bullets are American.

The justification for it all is batshit crazy.

Because God.

“Any position on Israel that is determined by words made up by dead men thousands of years ago is intrinsically invalid. Saying the Jewish people are more entitled to Israel than those who were living there seven decades ago because of some superstitious voodoo written in obsolete religious texts is not an argument. Religious freedom is important, and it’s important to be able to believe whatever you like, but your beliefs do not legitimize your actions upon other people. If you murder someone in the name of Allah, you have murdered someone. If you kill 58 people because you feel some ancient scripture entitles you to a particular section of dirt, you have killed 58 people. Your internal beliefs do not give you a free pass for your egregious actions upon others.” -Caitlin Johnstone

If you knee jerk to labeling anyone who supports the freedom of Palestinians as anti-Semitic, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion but you’re still a shit gargling, intellectually dishonest, douchenozzle. Palestinians are Semites too, by definition.

I’ve lost friends over my position on this and I couldn’t possibly care less. The only thing that gives me pause is that somehow I have anything in common with such reprehensible humans in the first place. If you can in any way shape or form excuse this, there is no doubt in my mind that you are racist and a hopelessly flawed human being.

The minds of these evil fuckers cannot be changed. They own self righteous piety and indignation. The hard affectation of bigotry. Shout them down until they are too embarrassed to do anything other than shut the fuck up.

Statistics from 2000 to 2018: 2,167 Palestinian children murdered by Israel. 9,510 Palestinian adults murdered by Israel. 95,299 Palestinians injured by Israel. 77 UN resolutions targeting Israel, compared to one targeting Palestinians. 6,279 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, compared to zero held by Palestinians. 48,488 Palestinian homes demolished by Israel compared to zero by Palestinians. 42% unemployment in Gaza compared to 5% in Israel. 261 Jewish only settlements and outposts built on confiscated land while the Palestinians have none.

Palestinians have no army, navy or air force while Israel has the most powerful military in the entire region and America funds it. Palestinians are prisoners and Israel is the warden.

Drinks for my friends.

27 Responses to “Prejudice Absent Pride”

  • Fredo FELLINI:

    Spot on! Been saying this for years as I’m originally from the region and saw things differently from what northern American folks are told when I permanently moved here around 20 yrs ago. Lost friends as well and been labeled all kinds from all kinds… But now, a few people are waking up. Some have even opened the topic, talking like they know sh!t… I’m like, please! Remember when you called me crazy, anti-semite and a conspiracy theorist?
    It’s fine as long as more join the “Woke Army”

    Keep it up!

  • REIYA:



  • Norma:

    You’ve said exactly what’s going on in that region. Israel is committing genocide!

  • Blu:

    Thanks for again telling it like it is, no sugar coating. As a Native American I have always seen through the zionist lies about the illegal occupation of the indigenous people of Palestine. The US has been Israel’s bitch for decades.

    Every time I see some fuckin puppet say that the Zionist Jews are “the chosen people of god” I feel nauscious.

    The Zionist version of manifest destiny.

  • Te:

    Wow. This is certainly straight no chaser. Thank you for providing these stats. That’s exactly what I have been seeking.

  • For whatever reason God’s chosen people are the Jews. Whether or not they’re Zionists, I have no clue.
    The Bible is real, God is alive and right now, the Jews are committing murder. I don’t understand the reasoning behind it- other than I was under the impression that Israel was the land promised to the Jews and the Palestinians refused to let the Jews have possession of it. How factual any of these claims might be is really any human’s guess.

    • Fredo FELLINI:

      Let’s say it was real, that an almighty magical man in the sky gave the Jews a parcel of land.. Would that give them the right to commit murder, genocide, beatings, child imprisonment, et al?
      Lets also say that it’s true… So just because it is so, the non-Jews (goyim as they call us) should just bend over and accept everything they claim? Accept to displace millions so they can have their “promised land”?
      Last time I checked, this was equivalent to fascism… The same kind that the Jews were victims of during WW2.

    • The bible is only “real” in that the book exists. That’s the sum total of it’s reality. It’s a goddamn fairytale otherwise.

    • Idania Arroyo:

      They are fake jews as stated in the bible in revelations 3:9 if you believe in it.

    • stephanie:

      1. Judiasim is a religion; Zionism is a political movement created in the late 1800s. 2. one need not be Jewish to be a zionist. joe biden is a zionist as is most of congress.

      • David Robinson:

        Absolutely agree. Western financial considerations and political alliances seem to overwrite any human considerations!

  • Blu:

    Apparently Michael, I couldn’t confirm on my gmail email addy..

  • People seem to have forgotten that man wrote the Bible and man has the tendency to change what he doesn’t like. Many things were left out for the church did not agree with one or more of the many writings found. Just like now we are just finding out civilizations have been around way longer then told. Geologists have took part in this and new discoveries have helped and the Sphinx , Great Pyramid are older then thought. Things have also been hidden that would have upset the apple cart in archeology and destroyed. I would say the Bible has some truths and a bit of let say embellishments.

  • Steve Klein:

    It puzzles me how people can take the side of baby-killers (Palestinians) and not the baby protectors (the Jews).
    Jews don’t strap explosives on their kids to go blow up Palestinian kindergartens. Period!

    As for the genocide story, answer me this: How is it possible from one side of one’s mouth to say the Jews are capable, with all their military advantage, to wipe out the Palestinians, and yet they don’t! Do you think they are incompetent at the killing? There are always more Palestinians after a fracas than before. What’s up with that?! Are they serious about committing genocide or not? Apparently not.

    People should encourage them to lay down their weapons and to start producing something besides terrorism. Otherwise, their blood is on the hands of those who keep the fires going.

    • It puzzles me how people can in any way be smug or feel justified in excusing genocide with bullshit Zionist talking points and propaganda. Palestinians DO NOT strap explosives to their children to blow up Israeli kindergartens. It has NEVER happened. EVER. You’re fucking LYING. On the other hand, the Zionist Israeli military absolutely DOES bomb the living shit out innocent unarmed women and children, including schools, hospitals, supermarkets, weddings, funerals and yes you LYING piece of shit, KINDERGARTENS. EVERY goddamn day.

      How much of an asshole do you have to be to construct an argument based on LIES? What kind of a man, other than a completely craven coward?

      ARE you actually trying to make the breathtakingly obtuse point that somehow, you bastards aren’t guilty of genocide, because all Palestinians aren’t dead? REALLY? Was Hitler not guilty of it because he didn’t manage to completely wipe out ALL the Jews? Exactly WHAT the fuck is wrong with you?

      We should encourage them to lay down their weapons? WHAT weapons, you mouth breathing moron? Sticks and stones? Flammable kites? The occasional rocket that is so primitive and obsolete that it has no chance of landing or hitting a goddamn thing? Tell us, dipshit, exactly WHAT weapons are you talking about? You already ADMITTED they don’t stand a chance against the most powerful and lethal military in the region. So tell us just what the hell you’re even talking about. Do you even KNOW?

      Now, enlighten us you stupid, ignorant piece of shit. Name ONE goddamn thing in the entire piece, just ONE, dumbass, that isn’t 100% true. As in factually incorrect. Impress us. I DARE you.

      It’s like you CAN’T read or are allergic to FACTS.

      Allow me to express my sincere and earnest gratitude to you sir, for the opportunity to expose you for your abject lack of any moral or ethical aspiration. For your ability to ignore suffering, subjugation and murder, for the mere fact that it’s not your own people in agony and desperation in the same way it WAS your people some seven decades ago. Fucking hypocrite.

      More than anything, I want you to EXPLAIN exactly WHY your race is so superior to theirs, that you have some moral imperative, some divine right, to treat them like animals. Tell us WHY you’re entitled to rape them. To starve them. To imprison them. To poison them. To kill them. Tell us, you human shit stain.

    • Idania Arroyo:

      Terrorism or revolutionaries.. do they not have a right to fight for the right to exist?? from another European colonist, invader, conquistador, etc??

      Don’t forget, Hollywood is owned by Jews/Zionist.. look it up.. they set themselves to teach you history, you know what you know because of Hollywood. The news is owned by Jews/Zionists.. they will sell you that sad story about kids being tied to explosives so you can have the bad guy vs.good story because that is the only thing ignorant people can understand.

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