Cleaning House

Every single candidate who won or lost the other night was by design.

Every single one.

Canova against DWS was the only exception. He was destined to lose, but they ended up going way too far. A candidate with that much national recognition getting less than 5% is reckless and conspiratorial fraud.  A gift that will keep on giving.

Whatever happened to exit polling?

Lean every incumbent’s salary against their net worth and you have the answer.

I voted. I didn’t vote for a single incumbent and focused solely on ballot measures. I voted against Feinstein. I needed my nose rubbed in it one last time.  I always figured I had nothing to lose by voting.  Now I understand I have time, energy and angst to lose as I compete with multinational corporations and an an army of mouth breathers.

All you jackasses looking at democrats taking the house as a glimmer of hope are abject idiots. Next up, two full years of investigations and subpoenas for the one thing Trump didn’t do and the shit that he did that doesn’t matter. There’s plenty to breathe down his grimy neck for and I promise you won’t hear a whiff of it because they are all just as guilty of the same shit he is.

All of them.

The dickheads who elected him will dig in their heels.

Newly elected progressives will shape shift into neoliberals.

Newsom just hired senior policy adviser to Hillary’s campaign, Ann O’Leary as chief of staff.

Near record registration, early voting, millennial enthusiasm and it all still went according to plan.  You don’t have a hand in electing these people.  You haven’t for decades.  The ones who selected them don’t give a mad fuck about the color of your political ideology.

Nothing will change unless there is massive civil unrest and destruction of public property worth billions everyday for months. Go ahead, tell me when the last time a peaceful protest against an oppressive government yielded a peaceful resolution.

We are there.

They didn’t really want Trump but they all decided he was workable and they were right.  The electoral college made it so and now he’s pulling all the same shit Hillary would have. Dog and pony, hand in hand. The burner clicks, the blue flame blooms and we are clueless frogs in a pot.

Nothing has changed.

Not one goddamn thing.

Net Zero.

The market will crash, housing will implode and America will continue to throw money at wars cold and new.  The parties will blame each other, bail out the oligarchs and allow them to buy up more of our wealth with our own money at a deep discount and it will be deja vu all over again.

Neoliberals will install the next president.

Rinse and repeat.

Drinks for my friends.

3 Responses to “Cleaning House”

  • Eileen Bevacqui:

    Amazing and totally true

  • In other news, the criminal SoE of FL CD23 (who shredded the 2016 ballots – while they were under subpoena, but was never indicted) claims that Tim Canova got < 15,000 votes vs Debbie Wassermann Schultz – with about 160,000.

    That sounds outlandish. The DNC machine is determined to humiliate progressive candidates. In this case their arrogance is the seed of their undoing. While polls have no legal standing – the massively improbable variance demands recourse. The simplest recourse would be to employ Clear Audit software (authorized by FL legislature) in an ex post facto cheap (<$20,000) and near instantaneous 100% audit of the paper ballots. I guarantee that that Criminal SoE – Snipes I'm calling you out – will fight any audit attempt. [Do I fear a libel suit? No I'd welcome it would give me access to the ballots necessary to prove my assertion.]

    An alternative legal recourse is to obtain affidavits from 15,000+ voters that they voted for Canova. This suffices to enforce a recount.

    Finally let us note that ~55 of the 67 SoEs in Florida have REJECTED Clear Audit. I can find NO acceptable reason that they would do so. I suggest to them that the results they report are then needlessly in doubt. Putting their integrity likewise in doubt.

  • Matt H:

    Very well said, I’m your newest fan.

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