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There is one man who knows the identity of the bodies and where they are buried. Actually, there’s thousands. There’s only one in a position to tell the truth with everything to lose.
Julian Assange.
He is Gary Webb, Daniel Ellsberg and any other authentic journalist who speaks truth to power and pulls the curtain back on USA imperialist warmongering and avarice. If you somehow believe in your mainstream media manipulated brain that he’s a threat to your well being, you’re a mouth breathing, dipshit nationalist.
The US has a sealed indictment for him.
Big surprise.
This guy is literally holding the bag and no US intelligence agency has ever even sought to interview him. They have all acted in concert to shut him down. They would extradite him, subject him to some shadow farce of a trial and silence him forever.
He’s done exactly nothing wrong. Nothing that any cable news outlet, newspaper or broadcast news network has not done. At least, back when our media enjoyed some semblance of investigative journalism. He has broken no laws and cannot possibly be guilty of treason despite the absurdity of the accusation because most saliently, he’s not a US citizen.
He simply cannot be a traitor to America if he’s not a citizen. He wouldn’t be if he was. Period.
We wouldn’t know half what we know, half of what we suspect or half what we need to fear without him. He’s a hero because he has changed your life, whether you understand that or not.
You can argue that he’s biased. You’d be full of shit because he never ever publishes anything but the absolute truth. He’s never had to issue a retraction or correction and prevailed in every single lawsuit brought against him.
He did not rape or assault anyone. The alleged accuser is on record saying as much. The charges that were never actually filed, have been dropped. There’s exactly zero evidence that he is sympathetic to the Kremlin our acting on it’s behalf. If you believe this horseshit at this point, you’re a willfully ignorant asshole.
Turn off your goddamn television.
Bring him to America. Allow him to testify in open court and watch the unelected power structure melt like a goddamn witch firehosed with holy water. It would be gorgeous but it’s not gonna happen.
The fact that Julian Assange is at all controversial in America is objective evidence that we’ve lost our goddamn minds.
He’s a human doing the right thing. It’s courageous. It’s decent and honest.
He is helping.
This is fucking ridiculous.
Drinks for my friends.
Cleaning House
Every single candidate who won or lost the other night was by design.
Every single one.
Canova against DWS was the only exception. He was destined to lose, but they ended up going way too far. A candidate with that much national recognition getting less than 5% is reckless and conspiratorial fraud. A gift that will keep on giving.
Whatever happened to exit polling?
Lean every incumbent’s salary against their net worth and you have the answer.
I voted. I didn’t vote for a single incumbent and focused solely on ballot measures. I voted against Feinstein. I needed my nose rubbed in it one last time. I always figured I had nothing to lose by voting. Now I understand I have time, energy and angst to lose as I compete with multinational corporations and an an army of mouth breathers.
All you jackasses looking at democrats taking the house as a glimmer of hope are abject idiots. Next up, two full years of investigations and subpoenas for the one thing Trump didn’t do and the shit that he did that doesn’t matter. There’s plenty to breathe down his grimy neck for and I promise you won’t hear a whiff of it because they are all just as guilty of the same shit he is.
All of them.
The dickheads who elected him will dig in their heels.
Newly elected progressives will shape shift into neoliberals.
Newsom just hired senior policy adviser to Hillary’s campaign, Ann O’Leary as chief of staff.
Near record registration, early voting, millennial enthusiasm and it all still went according to plan. You don’t have a hand in electing these people. You haven’t for decades. The ones who selected them don’t give a mad fuck about the color of your political ideology.
Nothing will change unless there is massive civil unrest and destruction of public property worth billions everyday for months. Go ahead, tell me when the last time a peaceful protest against an oppressive government yielded a peaceful resolution.
We are there.
They didn’t really want Trump but they all decided he was workable and they were right. The electoral college made it so and now he’s pulling all the same shit Hillary would have. Dog and pony, hand in hand. The burner clicks, the blue flame blooms and we are clueless frogs in a pot.
Nothing has changed.
Not one goddamn thing.
Net Zero.
The market will crash, housing will implode and America will continue to throw money at wars cold and new. The parties will blame each other, bail out the oligarchs and allow them to buy up more of our wealth with our own money at a deep discount and it will be deja vu all over again.
Neoliberals will install the next president.
Rinse and repeat.
Drinks for my friends.
Big Brother Zuckerberg and The Atlantic Council Gang
Just because I’m paranoid it doesn’t mean everyone isn’t out to get me.
Seven days after 30 days in Facebook jail for a politically charged post, I was sentenced to another 30 days for responding to an unhinged, homophobic bigot for responding with, “You’re an idiot”.
That’s all I did.
Another month of censorship.
This is not about an innocuous insult. It’s about my politics.
It’s far from the first time.
Facebook ceased being a private interest the minute it succumbed to government/corporate sponsored censorship via war mongering think tanks like the Atlantic Council. They have absolutely exposed themselves to litigation.
Liberals step on their dicks cheering the silencing of Alex Jones and fail miserably to give a shit about when their opinions become inconvenient. Medicare for all and no more war are on the agenda to quash. Concepts to erase. Waging war and controlling the lifespan of the great unwashed are their cash cows. A promise and then a rape.
Team sports. I can’t help you if you don’t understand that they work for the exact same people. They do. Goddamnit, they do. One glove is red and the other is blue and they’re both pounding the shit out of you. They both belong to a greedy corporate thug trained by multinational defense contractors and managed by big oil and big pharma.
Clockwork Orangutan has an exceptionally valid point about the carnivorous lunar activities of our media. They are all fucking lying. All the time. If you cling to the notion that one is more credible than the other at this point, you will suffer your delusions hard, fast and brutal. I have no patience.
Remember when Julian Assange was a liberal savior? He’s been tirelessly consistent. He has all the answers on Russia. Now He’s a ghost. Democrats started lying and he all but disappeared. Graceless, cowardly hypocrites.
I get called a Putin loving Trump apologist every goddamn day.
First they came for the independent media, and I did not speak out. Then I realized that I am a citizen journalist and they are coming for me. That scares me because I’m no big deal. Because it looks pervasive. 800 pages dark and now they’re onto weekend warriors like me?
Metadata, algorithms and it turns out you do have a Big Brother.
Drinks for my friends.
Dear Hillary
Shut the fuck up.
Your hubris is vulgar. Your conceit is disgusting. You’re a pompous witch. Your abject avarice and horrifying blood lust for power has single-handedly plunged the world into the kind of chaos that it may be impossible to ever emerge from whole.
You schemed, lied, cheated, committed fraud and disenfranchised American voters. And that was just your campaign. You did these things because you thought you were entitled. You thought it was your turn. You thought you deserved the presidency.
You didn’t. It was up to you to earn it. You failed.
So, you know what’s funny? What’s deliciously ironic? You lost. You lost to a crooked reality TV star. A dumb as a goddamn stick, asshole with an acute narcissistic personality disorder. But wait, there’s more. You picked him, you and your predator husband talked him into it and elevated him. Then, in the clumsiest, most egregiously artless political ballet I’ve ever witnessed, he won.
But guess what? It could’ve been worse, if you had succeeded. He’s nothing but stupid but you are vicious and evil. At this point, I have no reason to believe you would be any better than the most arrogant, jacked up shithead to ever occupy The Oval.
I’m not telling you this to be cruel, although I have no issue with that. I’m telling you this because you seem to believe that nobody is actually aware of all the horrendous shit you pulled. Somehow, you still believe you still have something to contribute. I’m here to disabuse you of that notion because you just fucking don’t.
There’s another reason. Another reality you appear to be blissfully unaware of. You’re so callow and craven that you don’t seem to realize that America is sick and fucking tired of you. We don’t want to hear anything you have to say. Ever again. Every time you open your mouth, every time you show up in public, we cringe. You’re toxic. You are poison and the only thing you’re capable of at this point is a further staining of your already filthy, beat to shit and thoroughly embarrassing party.
You have done more to empower redneck mouth breathers than Clockwork Orangutan could have ever hoped for in his wildest, fever swamped fantasies.
That you don’t possess the self awareness, the common sense, the decency to just disappear is as confounding as it is astonishing.
Cancel the tour. Shut the fuck up and vanish. You are over. You don’t belong here. It’s hardly the only thing you owe us, but I’m confident we’ll all settle for that.
Oh, and fuck you.
Drinks for my friends.
Divide and Conquer
Kavanuagh vs. Ford.
Red vs. Blue.
Conservative vs. Liberal.
Given that there as been such an elaborate glut and deliberate dearth of information, disseminated at such a frenetic pace, process of elimination is simply not available to anyone.
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit, as my father used to say.
It comes down to who you believe.
I’m not sure I believe her entirely but I sure as fuck don’t believe him.
She acquitted herself with aplomb. She answered every question the best she could. Often those answers were frustratingly incomplete. Yet, I believe she did her level best. It’s entirely possible she is mistaken. But she’s not lying. It happened. It’s entirely possible she was used and exploited by the DNC and Feinstein in particular. I think it’s far more likely she was utilized because she was earnest and sincere.
He on the other hand, was fucking unhinged. Paranoid, partisan and completely absent composure. Callow, combative and defensive. A dry drunk. He absolutely failed to directly answer most of the questions asked. I shudder at the thought of such childish and combustible prick dispensing his version of jurisprudence from the highest bench in the land.
What is so profoundly astounding here is the absolute willingness and steadfast conviction of the great unwashed on both sides to take a stand before there were even any hearings and the subsequent clinging to their respective positions despite them. Everybody picked a side and nobody gave a mad fuck about the truth.
No matter how you slice it, this whole shit show is as pathetically embarrassing as it gets. Ain’t hardly anybody even looking to earn a seat at the grownups table here on either side. Both parties have managed to twist it into an ugly, vulgar and utterly transparent exorcism of opposing political ideology.
The last remaining bastion of bipartisan comity and decency, the Supreme Court, has become the last institution in America to fall prey to the viscous, indefatigable campaign by both sides to infect it with the disease of their own binary imperative.
It’s disgusting.
What we’re witnessing is one of the last nails in the coffin of our republic, of American society, being driven with nothing but malice and hubris and naked lust for power. Nobody gives a shit as long as their team wins. Brazenly shouting each other down for the same shit each other is guilty of.
No quarter because there is no shame.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, because you’re all a bunch of jackass hypocrites.
Drinks for my friends.
I have a friend I’ve known for about half my time on this planet. He’s as talented, intelligent, sarcastic and wise as any friend I ever made. I made records with him. He plays drums. He doesn’t suck at all. He’s about a buck twenty five soaking wet and took chunks out of cymbals and pummeled a snare head in one or two takes.
I made my very first record with him. A punk record for Epitaph. I adored him in the first hour. I liked them all but loved him immediately. He oozed cynical smart. He was such a dick.
I threw him out of the control room on his 21st birthday for being drunk and disorderly. He really pissed me off.
We bonded over Repo Man the movie, among other things. Over the years, whenever he was in town, he’d leave a message at the studio front desk. A runner would deliver it and I’d smile. “Plate of shrimp”, and a number to his hotel. Mayhem that night or the next. We inevitably got into some unexplainable drunken shit.
I made a second record with him and another band in Clearwater Florida a few years later. More of a rockabilly project this time for Vagrant records. I was hired on the strength of the punk record and his insistence.
He texted me the other day to let me know the happiest bass player I ever met drank himself to death.
Orlando Airport.
When I first met Timmy, my friend told me it was a sad day if Timmy wasn’t smiling, right in front of him.
Timmy offered me a Bud Tall. Big thick glasses and a huge grin.
They took me and my production partner to the original Hooters for lunch and took their hats off whenever Skynyrd came on the radio. They got us a motel for the weekend but after that we were to stay with the singer guitar player, Edo and his roommate Sticky, for the duration of the record.
We had to flee Edo and Sticky’s house after a few days because they chain smoked in the living room where we slept in bags while my partner had bronchitis. Tobacco stained teeth. Stiff towels like sandpaper. It was awful. My partner had a very fragile constitution and succumbed to anything whenever we traveled. We moved to Timmy’s house with his family. He had a cool aquarium and a brand new DVD player. There was pot and more beer after the recording sessions and the bar.
It was gorgeous.
No smoking in Timmy’s house.
Very nice bathrooms. Soft towels.
My partner began to recover.
Goddamn this band could drink. Trash barrels of empty beer cans carted to the dumpster during lightning storms in the lightning capital of the world.
Case after case.
No smoking in the control room.
We broke the fast with Timmy’s family every morning. A happier family, I’ve yet to meet. There was orange juice and waffles and sausages and bacon and eggs and love. I asked for peanut butter to accompany my syrup and got it. It was bucolic and warm while we were hung over as fuck. Timmy’s sisters were charming and innocent. The more earnest they all were, the more I felt like some sort of interloper. I wondered what they were thinking with all of our eyes looking like pissholes in the snow.
We got picked up by Edo in the band van every morning and marveled at the latest Jesus sighting on the exterior window film of an office building on the way to the studio. They actually had bleachers set up in the parking lot.
I remember the smell of gas as we fueled up. The smell of beef sticks as Edo chewed them. I remember the pungent smell of men in a rock and roll Econoline. The indefatigable smell of beer. I remember the smell of everything somehow more than anything else.
My friend stayed on my couch last year when he was out playing dates with the first band I ever made a record with. My family, my girls, adored him. My new cat was particularly fond. He got sick and my wife made him homemade chicken soup.
He was so goddamn charming, polite and lovely, he made me look better in the eyes of my own family.
I had not seen him for over two decades. We’d stayed in touch but it was indeed like no time had passed and I loved him just as fiercely as the day he stole laminated menus from Waffle House for me and stuffed them under his shirt that morning in Florida after mixing his record all night. He handed them to me outside in the parking lot before they took us to the airport. They felt like contraband as I hid them in my luggage. The sky was so big and blue. The air smelled like the sea. Clouds like disintegrating pillows.
Two decades later we stayed up all night talking.
Me drunk and him sober.
I miss him.
He told me once I was like a big brother. I’ll never forget the sting of humility. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. I was embarrassed.
I am better for knowing them.
There are good men and there are bad ones.
I’ve met so many toxic people in my life. Mean, miserable, pricks and cunts. “Do you hate people?” “I don’t hate them…I just feel better when they’re not around.” -Charles Bukowski
I’m grateful for whatever force the universe exerts on such men. I’m sure there are people in their lives that could and should make and take plenty of exception to my sentiments here. It doesn’t matter to me.
We made a damn good record.
It was lovely.
Rest in peace Timmy and bless you Mr. Oswald.
Drinks for my friends.
Armageddon It
We’re now at the point where we have an egregiously embarrassing prick for a president and fully half of us would stoop to behaving just like him only for his political demise.
Like that’s gonna solve fuck all.
The astounding number of people in this country who think deposing him is the answer to everything leaves me wanting to be drunk as fuck all the time.
The other half that still support him need only look in the mirror. Jackasses, every single last one of them.
He reversed his previous positions on Syria and Afghanistan and Russia. That was some good shit he was talking. All for naught. Because of the same alien lizards that control the Clintons and thwarted Sanders. The only chance he could ever claim some kind of legacy and it would have been huge. Way the fuck more than any president since Kennedy. But no. They got to him the same way they get to everyone else. Now he’ll be remembered as an ignorant jackass. Dumb as a goddamn stick. He deserves as much as long as history is still being written by humans for next few decades.
What he is now, is an asshole that functions merely to cheerlead American imperialist hegemony just like every other motherfucker that’s assed a seat in the Oval Office for the last fifty fucking years.
I am dismayed and disturbed by the furor and consternation the cartoon left foments over Trump’s cartoon leadership. The fact that he’s helpless against the unelected power structure serves only to lay bare the agenda of both parties and who exactly has them all by the balls.
The more obvious it becomes, the more they screech like addicts looking for a fix. Whores and pimps.
It’s pathetic.
Here’s just how goddamn insane this has all become. Vladimir Putin. While one half exhibits a derangement so profound that they rabidly demonize the leader of a nuclear superpower who holds in his hands the common sense and discretion to prevent the next world war, the other half can’t possibly give less of a shit about his role at all.
I am in awe.
The theater is Syria. It is happening now. It’s getting biblical if you know what I mean. Your president has been forced into a corner. An inestimably stupid man with nothing left to lose. You put him there.
7 out of 10 dentists agree. America is losing its mind.
Now is the time to put away childish things.
Just do it.
Drinks for my friends.
I’m a Cowboy
I’ve sold everything from the technically illegal to the totally legal but egregiously fraudulent.
If you’ve never had to depend on the sale, we see the world differently.
I see things you don’t. I understand things you can’t. I get why you buy the things you buy.
There are voices that you count on for your information. You trust them. Print, TV and online. They sold you something. Hardly ever a product. Almost always an idea. An agenda. A philosophy. An ideology. A dogma.
A personality.
You keep listening to them. You think when they tell you something that you know isn’t true they must have made a mistake. They didn’t.
It’s not your fault. You’re not a salesman.
I’m going to give you the hack.
It’s a walk in the park.
Look at every single news story in the context of a transaction. Think only about who wins and who loses. Who makes money and who gets broken.
If you identify as a liberal and hate Fox News. You have a point. Apply the hack to MSNBC, CNN or even NPR. Just do that. Look at who owns them and what they are selling. How the companies that own them make money. Just do that.
For fucks sake.
For what it’s worth, I’m a good salesman now.
I sell a really good product.
Drinks for my friends.
Black Pearl





CC,NV Wifey
An uneventful story.
A musician that contributed to my waking recognition of the power of melody and harmony with an electric guitar.
A blues rock player with a slow hand.
Fucking tone for days.
I doubt it’s who you’re thinking.
I grew up listening to him. Phrasing. Composition. Arrangement. Genius technique. A mastery of effects and distortion. Every new record was a lesson. The electric guitar is my favorite instrument. They say the saxophone is nearest to the human voice but I believe the electric guitar reaches farther.
I was in my home town last fall he and was playing a local casino. We bought tickets in advance. I was thirteen again. A power trio with Jaco Pastorius’ nephew and some cat on the kit with formidable groove. Fifteen feet of dance floor between the stage and the audience. My wife was the first out there and she had it packed, alive and flailing happy with abandon.
He clocked it.
I got to talk to him after because I used to make records and he knew who I was.
How fucking cool is that?
Or, maybe it was my bride.
After his concert at Centennial Coliseum, Reno Nevada on May 22, 1980, me and my friends, including my best friend, couldn’t help but pick up instruments and try to play rock and roll. My friends succeeded and I failed. I was an awful drummer.
They were awesome.
Thank gawd.
I just wanted to make records.
Me and the rock star were on the same page.
I couldn’t help what I was saying. I told him I wanted to record him. I told him I wanted nothing from him. No money. Nothing. When I put it out there I was earnest. I had all the conviction in the world. As soon as it was over I was sure I’d made a fool of myself. I hadn’t sat behind a recording console in a real control room for almost two decades.
We exchanged contact information and took a few selfies. I’d never done anything like that before. I’ve known and worked with more famous people than you can possibly imagine and I’ve never so much as asked for an autograph.
The whole idea scared the shit out of me.
He came to LA to play The Whiskey a few months later. We’d been in contact. Phone, text, email. We had dinner. It was amazing sitting with this man. He is a giant to me. He paid for dinner and drinks because I have a foot print in his world and he is courteous. He knew my name. I guess. Or maybe he was just crushing on my woman.
He lives in Florida and said he didn’t understand how rednecks could possibly feel superior to anybody. He wanted to talk about vocals. Why and how Lennon or Daltrey sounded the way they did. I explained in detail. Big diaphragm condenser tube mics with a cardioid polar pattern. Proximity effect. Vintage mic pre’s, EQ and compression. I told him I knew how to do that.
We walked from the sushi restaurant at Hollywood & Highland to the Roosevelt Hotel and he smoked a joint on the way.
A Canadian joint. Hash with tobacco.
He was gracious while picking my brain. We talked about guitar sounds. 50 watt tube heads and the way they fold. The break up not just because of the the pre-amp, but because of saturation with the tone controls and certain pedals. We talked about the real Echoplex and ADA flangers. The most convenient analog for a scale, of range of distortion, is the distance between the texture of sand and gravel.
We had drinks in the lobby and he had some kinda bubbly water.
We hit the sidewalk outside the hotel so he could smoke another joint and I could smoke a cigarette. I smoked a joint with him. He told me about an erectile dysfunction drug he’d tried. He’s in his middle sixties. He said it caused him to hang better but he was sure it had contributed to some hearing loss in one of his ears. He was disturbed by it.
So was I.
I had the same drug in my medicine cabinet and remembered it caused my vision to have a blue tint. I haven’t taken it since.
He told me his plans. Youtube marketing and some other stuff. I reminded him I was basically an old school audio guy and told him I just wanted to look through the glass and twist the knobs for two inch tape.
I was pitching recording him. Not the idea of mixing him. Because I wanted to look behind his curtain.
He showed my girl some karate moves from the discipline he’s devoted to. Charming and unguarded. They were dancing. I wanted so bad to take pictures but just couldn’t. I couldn’t risk looking like a fan. It was gorgeous.
I still regret not doing it.
First he said he would send me demos of what he was working on. Then he invited us to his hotel room to listen to them. I couldn’t. Being in the room and rendering judgement on a work in progress with the artist sitting in front of me is something I’ve done too many times. I can’t stand being on the spot like that.
Maybe that was a mistake.
We walked him back to the corner of Hollywood and Highland. We shook hands and he gave her a kiss on the mouth.
We stopped for another cocktail because we needed to. It was all so goddamn cool. She’s a fan. We both see him as a rockstar. He’s a celebrity to two people that don’t give a mad fuck about famous people.
He crushed it at the Whiskey. He had told me about his west coast debut some 40 years before in that storied venue and that he was both sick and tired that night from being on the road. He couldn’t sing. His label looked at him as the next Hendrix and they were nonplussed. He said at dinner that he had something to prove.
From the stage he asked if I was wearing ear plugs. I wasn’t. He was on fire. He is my favorite guitar player and I stood in front of that stage and swallowed every note. I watched his hands and was rapt. In awe. He was wielding. He was prodigal.
And then it was over.
Fuck me.
He came out from the dressing room, gave my wife a kiss and hugged us both and that was it. I only heard from him once after that. A promise to send an MP3.
I was really fucking good at making records.
There was another producer/engineer that he’d done a record with in 1977 and it was brilliant. My second favorite record he ever made. He mentioned him more than once.
I listen to that record and I can’t be sure. I can’t be sure of my ability. Even more in doubt when I put on the record he made in 1982. I was still in high school. It’s a goddamn masterpiece of production and performance. Recordings that are gigantic to me. I had no idea how they were done.
I just had to figure it out.
I’m a journeyman who got lucky and he’s an underestimated and under appreciated genius.
I have his phone number and email. I haven’t heard from him and it’s a relief.
I was good at it.
That should be enough.
Drinks for my friends.
Vecordious Slubberdegullions Festooned with NeoMcCarthyist Codswallop
You have never seen any actual evidence of hacking or collusion by Russia.
Saying you have means you’re lying or stupid.
You will parrot the ’17 intelligence agencies’ canard. Bullshit. The NYT was forced to retract that propaganda over a year ago. It was floated so prolifically that it continues to be badinaged as fact.
It never happened.
All the sudden, you have lost the ability to distinguish between elaborately hyperbolic claims and actual evidence. All the sudden, there’s a brand of amnesia causing you to forget the notorious history of collusion between your own government and your own media. You’ve forgotten, all the sudden, about Vietnam, Iran Contra, Iraq and the WMD’s, and everything in between.
The same agencies, sometimes the exact same people, selling you some neo-McCarthyist, red baiting, obtuse absurdity and you just lap it up.
All the sudden, you’re new.
12 indictments against often former employees of a Russian clickbait farm for spectacularly laughable memes that will never amount to dick because there will never be a trial. One of the parties showed up in court and demanded actual evidence as part of discovery, causing Mueller to desperately ask for a continuance. The judge called bullshit by denying it.
Mueller didn’t have shit.
A paltry $150k was spent for online ads over two years, by Russians, they tell you. They also tell you that about half those ads didn’t run until after the election was over and that most of the ads didn’t endorse a specific candidate or policy. Yet, you insist this Russian social media blitz altered the outcome of your election somehow. With well north of $3 billion spent on traditional advertising, leave it to MSM to float a turd of such odious girth.
Next, Mueller indicts 13 Russian intelligence journeymen and it will never amount to dick. None of them will ever be extradited. There will never be a trial. Never a legal discovery process. No burden of proof that they actually hacked or colluded. No US intelligence agency has ever examined the servers in question.
Russians didn’t write the goddamn emails and Julian Assange is emphatic that Russia had fuck all to do with them. Yet, no one in our vast and vaunted intelligence community has bothered to do anything but work to muzzle and imprison him.
Everything, all of it, is based on intel supplied by a cyber security firm on the DNC payroll. You can’t make this shit up.
The other indictments are thoroughly unrelated to hacking or collusion by anybody, much less Russia.
The latest carrot is the meeting at Trump Tower between the chinless Don Jr. and some Russian lawyer that was actually fast tracked by the Obama administration. Opposition research. They all do it. The Steele Dossier, for example. There was actual money exchanged for that one. The DNC actually paid for it. The DOJ secured unconstitutional FISA warrants based upon it to spy on Trump and his campaign, despite the fact it was never corroborated or substantiated.
This is madness. Liberal Democrats, whateverthefuck that means, really need to get off this bus and take a tax payer funded cab to what the rest of us give a shit about.
The whole “Russiagate” narrative is an excuse. A deflection. You’ve never seen any goddamn evidence and it means you have no fucking argument. Nobody does. It’s cheap, lazy and laboriously dishonest.
You’re advocating for war with a nuclear superpower that just might shoot first if backed into a corner.
Your cynicism falls short in the most dangerous of ways right here. You fail to understand that your government, your party, actually wants WWIII.
You suck.
Drinks for my friends.
King of The Road
I still barrel down the freeway when there’s a hole. I look for the lane that’s moving. A successful trip on the 405 or 101 means no dead stops. That’s my goal. I fail everyday.
It is a metaphor for my life that I don’t understand.
Stand still you die.
Keep moving you thrive.
I bogart lanes. I take advantage of everything. I drive this shit every day and I know when and where all the sweet spots are by the minute. I am the king of sliding right in at the very end of the lane without pissing anybody off.
At the same time, if there’s a red light ahead, I’ll let you in. If you show me your blinker after you fucked up and forgot to get over, I’ll let you in. If I’m about to get off and you’re looking to merge, I’ll let you in. I try to pay it forward. As long as you’re quick about it.
On the other hand, I’ll blow by you from the right hand turn lane and jerk left in front of you before that fucking car parked at the other side of the intersection.
I drive a stick.
My car is quick and nimble and small but it’s not fast. Not through all six gears. The bandwidth for first second and third gears is powerful good but after that I’m not about to drag race. Fourth fifth and sixth sync differently with the turbo. It is what it is. I’m competitive in the low gears.
I drive accordingly.
Cut me off or don’t let me in fair and square and I’m quick enough to pull in front of you and drop it in neutral, throwing my hands up in confusion. Honk at me under the wrong circumstances and I just might put on the flashers and get out to throw up the hood right in front of you in a turn lane.
I’ll look you straight in the mouth and tell you it died when you laid into your horn.
Fastest I’ve driven it is 137 mph. Middle of the desert. Two lane blacktop and I could see at least two miles ahead of me. Not one car. Fiance asleep beside me. A thunderstorm directly ahead. The only time I ever used sixth gear. The sun came out. Fifteen years ago.
She ain’t what she used to be and neither am I. I don’t want a new car. I want to restore it. Make it better, stronger, faster. Punk the gangsters in the throaty Mercedes’.
I live in Los Angeles. You can’t get anywhere in this city unless you have your own driving zen. Mine involves a certain amount of aggression and a certain amount of courtesy. Scoops of hubris and disdain. I’m pretty sure I’m a dick. Yet I get the ‘thank you wave’ as often as I give it.
I need exactly two things. A little bit better driving etiquette and for my car to be much faster.
It is a metaphor for my life that I don’t understand.
Drinks for my friends.
Self Loathing and The Frilly Liberal Blouse.
Way too much of the shit Clockwork Orangutan steps in are piles left by Clinton, Bush and Obama. I’m sick and tired of the clutching at pearls, the self righteous indignation. The hypocrisy.
The overt lust for the summit with the DPRK to blow up in Trump’s face for example. Honest people hold their breath. People who care about the future of humanity hope. Decent people don’t deride, they don’t impugn, they cross their intellectual fingers and hope for the prevention of nuclear war, no matter who gets it done.
If you’re overwrought that Trump granted legitimacy to a brutal dictator by praising him, by taking a stab at ending something that’s gone on way too long, I suggest you pay more attention to what we’re up to in Yemen with our Saudi Arabian buddies. We don’t just enable the violent and brutal trespass of human rights, we join right the fuck in. More innocent Yeminis are expected to die this year from starvation than Jews did in concentration camps during the Holocaust.
Well before Trump slid on in.
The laws and policies that made it possible for Trump to separate immigrant children from their parents and detain them in cages have been in place for decades. It happened, on one level or another, long before Trump stole the show.
Obama deported a fuckton of immigrants and separated children from their families too. Obama started five more wars. Obama not only failed to prosecute the rich bastards who sentenced millions of Americans into poverty and homelessness, he hired them for his cabinet. He allowed the most egregious and precipitous concentration of wealth in the history of civilization.
Allies of America are often not friends of the American people. Enemies of the American government are often friends of its people. The people we elect betray us.
Trump didn’t start any of this. He steps in it because he’s too dumb to find a place for the shoes on his feet. Gullible and narcissistic. A greedy sociopath just like every other DC deplorable. He’s not unique. He’s dumbass honest. No more evil and no more guilty than the rest of them.
The disease is not Trump. It’s us. You and me and liberals and conservatives. Democrats and republicans. Trump is merely a symptom. We lose our minds and our way blaming this dipshit president for everything he does and everything he avails himself of. We made it all possible.
All of it has happened before.
All of it.
It didn’t all go to hell the day this asshole got elected.
We’ve been racing, headlong toward it since I was born.
If we can’t be honest with ourselves, if we can’t stop blaming anyone who is not us, we will fail and take the rest of the planet down with us. We’ve reached the point where there’s no intellectually honest way to either support or oppose this president.
Because he is us.
We’re all doomed unless we own this.
Drinks for my friends.
The Further Adventures of Mr. Sanders
He’s too old.
Subjective and lazy.
Then there’s the canard that he’s some sort of traitor, sellout or sheep dog. More bullshit. This particularly specious whine is advanced by the bitter, callow victims of identity politics. He did his best from inside the democrat machine. Had he run as an independent, he would’ve wound up square dancing in the margins with Jill Stein.
Instead, he built the most monolithic and authentically grassroots movement in contemporary political history. If you’re still sniveling about your 28 bucks, grow the fuck up. He was your best shot and he still is. That’s why you ponied up.
What I saw was a party independent, lifelong democratic socialist choose to make an earnest attempt because he felt an obligation to address the insanely imperialist and economically unjust paradigm his country had become about. He saw a vacuum of leadership for genuine progressives, the kindest majority, and he rolled the dice.
I saw a principled man with the gravitas of historic integrity get chewed up and puked out by a shamelessly corrupt party. They saw him as a threat too late. Late enough to slam on the brakes so hard, they showed their ass. I saw a party so sunk in the avaricious ritual of decapitation of their enemies that they didn’t just take his head off….
They guillotined their own queen.
If you’re thinking of all the votes he cast that you vehemently disagree with or all the controversies from his past, don’t bother. I’m well aware. He’s light years ahead of any potential contender by any metric.
It’s cheap to criticize him for not standing up to the cabal that swept the legs out from under him. That cabal has been his office for decades. It’s what he knows. He’s on record opposing almost every evil piece of legislation foisted by it for over thirty years.
He’s still doing it.
Raging polemic coverage of Sanders from both sides tells me one thing. They are still very afraid. That is my point here. Why he is worthy and why he should be taken seriously. He still strikes fear into the hearts of the robber barons. They hate him. They wouldn’t have undermined so goddamn hard to cheat him. They wouldn’t still be tripping over their pudenda so awkwardly to smear him if they weren’t still so desperately sweaty.
He would have won.
Your only perfect candidate is in the mirror.
There won’t be another like him anytime soon. There aren’t even any on the horizon. Not with his kinda juice.
Get over this shit. This is the unification all you Jack Liberals keep trying to force feed us. More Trump supporters will vote for him than any candidate you’ve got. Your bench is shallow. We see losers. This is the way it should look. Bernie Sanders is the best compromise you’ll get from the millions of us that neither side can possibly win another national election without.
He represents enough people to win or lose the presidency whether he runs or not.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I’ll take my chances.
Drinks for my friends.
America The Beautiful
Clinton continued the policies of Bush and Bush continued the policies of Clinton. Obama continued the policies of Bush and Trump has actually doubled down on the policies of Obama.
Point this out with prolific example and liberal heads rot in fast motion like grapes on a windowsill viewed in time lapse. So invested in the myths fomented by the democratic party of a blue savior riding in on a white horse that reason and logic are consigned to obsolescence in an arid desert of intellectual turpitude.
The same way that conservative republicans cling to gawd and guns, liberal democrats cling to the self righteous piety of a moral high ground that is nothing but the wisps and fumes of the American Dream briefly imagined decades ago.
I’m sick of this movie.
Truth and facts are no longer coveted, merely evidence the teller is lying. What actually happened didn’t and what didn’t happen, actually did.
Tens of millions of people still believe that Hillary would have saved us and that Trump is our doom. Tens of millions still believe that Trump will save us and that Hillary would have been our demise. Neither one them has ever given a mad fuck about these notions. Sociopaths of this stripe don’t lose a minute of sleep over this stuff.
It’s opposite day for sure when democrats celebrate notoriously bloodthirsty intelligence agencies and republicans impugn them all day long. When liberals lock arms and goose step with conservatives down Main Street in support of the latest bombing of an evil dictator because human rights.
Since when has the FBI or the CIA been the good guys?
I can’t remember the last time our government made a claim about a brutal dictator that warranted what our military showed up and did.
Western Media; punching down vociferously, with volume and velocity over and over and over until we relinquish reason and compassion. At each other’s throats save for regularly scheduled timeouts to embrace the new jingoism in support of the latest surgical strike that they stop talking about as soon as it turns into a full on war that was never declared.
$5.6 trillion spent on the war on terror since 9/11. That amount would house and feed all the homeless, provide free education and healthcare, infrastructure and transportation for every single American citizen including the undocumented at least a dozen times. It would buy mansions for all of us.
Still no evidence that Russia hacked or colluded.
Still no evidence that Russia poisoned those poor bastards in the UK.
Still no evidence that Assad ever used chemical weapons on his own people.
We can’t get enough of Saudi Arabia’s decapitation schedule or Israel’s genocide.
The United States of America is a government of desperate lying hypocrites clutching at dominance and grasping at relevance by spending more money than God to cling to the control they’ve enjoyed for fifty years.
There will be war.
Much more war.
War is terrorism. How does war fight terrorism?
I cannot forgive them, for they know exactly what they do.
Drinks for my friends.
Prejudice Absent Pride
Human malice just sucker punched me hard in the mouth. There really is an extraordinarily evil clique of people with insane amounts of money acting in concert to kill as many innocent people as it takes to exert total control.
While this clique celebrated the new US consulate in Jerusalem, the Israeli army was murdering sixty unarmed protesters and maiming another three thousand for demonstrating against being murdered, slaughtered, raped, enslaved and removed from land that they rightfully owned. They killed and maimed people in cold blood for protesting what the people who were killing and maiming them had done to them.
The jackasses say if only they would have demonstrated more peacefully. Israel was actually restrained, they say. Nikki Haley actually said that shit at the UN. That’s like saying the holocaust was provoked and Hitler’s response was restrained. The 800 pound gorilla on the world stage is the mind numbing hypocrisy of the subjugation of a people by a people to a fate their own people were subject to less than a century ago.
We give these soulless bastards more in foreign aid than every other country combined. They have free health care and higher education. This isn’t just apartheid, it’s genocide. America is complicit to the tune of $10 million a day. Those guns are American. Those bullets are American.
The justification for it all is batshit crazy.
Because God.
“Any position on Israel that is determined by words made up by dead men thousands of years ago is intrinsically invalid. Saying the Jewish people are more entitled to Israel than those who were living there seven decades ago because of some superstitious voodoo written in obsolete religious texts is not an argument. Religious freedom is important, and it’s important to be able to believe whatever you like, but your beliefs do not legitimize your actions upon other people. If you murder someone in the name of Allah, you have murdered someone. If you kill 58 people because you feel some ancient scripture entitles you to a particular section of dirt, you have killed 58 people. Your internal beliefs do not give you a free pass for your egregious actions upon others.” -Caitlin Johnstone
If you knee jerk to labeling anyone who supports the freedom of Palestinians as anti-Semitic, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion but you’re still a shit gargling, intellectually dishonest, douchenozzle. Palestinians are Semites too, by definition.
I’ve lost friends over my position on this and I couldn’t possibly care less. The only thing that gives me pause is that somehow I have anything in common with such reprehensible humans in the first place. If you can in any way shape or form excuse this, there is no doubt in my mind that you are racist and a hopelessly flawed human being.
The minds of these evil fuckers cannot be changed. They own self righteous piety and indignation. The hard affectation of bigotry. Shout them down until they are too embarrassed to do anything other than shut the fuck up.
Statistics from 2000 to 2018: 2,167 Palestinian children murdered by Israel. 9,510 Palestinian adults murdered by Israel. 95,299 Palestinians injured by Israel. 77 UN resolutions targeting Israel, compared to one targeting Palestinians. 6,279 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, compared to zero held by Palestinians. 48,488 Palestinian homes demolished by Israel compared to zero by Palestinians. 42% unemployment in Gaza compared to 5% in Israel. 261 Jewish only settlements and outposts built on confiscated land while the Palestinians have none.
Palestinians have no army, navy or air force while Israel has the most powerful military in the entire region and America funds it. Palestinians are prisoners and Israel is the warden.
Drinks for my friends.
The Moral Of The Story
Exactly what the goddamn hell does it say about anyone, republican or democrat, who takes solace in John McCain’s dying wish to un-ass Trump from a seat at his funeral? The rest of the world’s merchants of mass murder are surely still on the list.
A pathetic death rattle attempt at decency for his legacy is all it is.
What a fucking loser.
I don’t give a mad fuck about John Bomb Bomb Iran’s history as a prisoner of war because he spent the majority of the rest of his life as a demented, warmongering, baby incinerator. Ironic that his particular party’s precinct owns the hypocrisy on abortion.
If there is a hell, he’ll be smoking a turd there for eternity.
Far more than Trump.
Way more.
My agonizingly constant refrain has become, “Trump is a leaking bag of dicks but…”
Besides, Trump is in the throes of granting McCain his dying wish. War with Iran. It sure as fuck won’t blow Putin’s skirt up, while the real Geppetto, the Deep State, is just as smug and satisfied as ever.
Since when does McCain get a pass from anybody? Especially liberals. Based on exactly what virtue? I missed when it became opposite year. Nobody offered to let me buy a vowel. Everyone is cynical but nobody is skeptical. Self righteous indignation is the new earnest. Hatred for the other side is the new sincere.
That’s all it takes to be in the club.
Obama had some seriously socially adept veneer. More than just a patina of composure and restraint. He was fucking polite. At the same time, he was routinely bombing seven countries and deporting the poorest and most traumatized among us in record numbers. People among us. Not Americans. Humans. Killing them and kicking them out for what America did to them.
This has got to stop. Liberals have become such cheap, intellectually dishonest, dime store floozies that they latch on to literally anybody who dares to break ranks to be even slightly critical of Clockwork Orangutan. They’ve celebrated Rubio and Ryan, G W Bush, Fox news anchors, Corey Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and yes, Hillary fucking Clinton.
All the usual suspects.
Bonus spin if you compare Trump to Hitler.
All this hatred, vitriol and invective, laser focused on an ordinary idiot, in way over his head, has become the national catharsis. We are perilously and chronically distracted. Self indulgent and wallowing.
People often accuse me of ranting and offering no solutions. They are absolutely right. I’ve got nothing here. I’m bewildered. I’m tired of holding hands. I can’t stand any of you. I’m equal opportunity disgusted. Looking to some C list blogger like me for answers makes you as bad as me. But, here’s the deal, there are absolutely advocates, leaders and yes, even political figures available to you.
Do your own homework.
Until you do this, you’re just as goddamn ridiculous as everyone you love to hate.
Drinks for my friends.
Be Very Afraid
I’ve been blogging in one form or another, on one platform or another, for almost fifteen years.
I’ve been controversial.
I am not a journalist.
Used to be I could post on my own pages and accounts and generate some responses and a few hundred reads in just a few hours. A cursory campaign in the groups I belonged to and way more.
Not anymore.
I am being censored.
It’s possible that such a glut of propaganda has never been visited by mainstream media on the American people before and it’s also possible that I’ve never paid this much attention. Whatever the answer, there’s as an absolute fuckton of it these days. I am in awe of the blatant, overt and comprehensive distribution of elaborate bullshit in support of the military industrial complex, perpetual war as an economic model and the sickening obliteration of human life for filthy profit.
Anyone who questions US regime change in Syria is an Assad apologist. Asking honest questions about Russia or Putin means you’re some kind troll or a spy. This is Western journalism as of today. I can’t remember the last time our government made a claim about a brutal dictator that warranted what our military showed up and did.
I can’t stand how thoroughly the democratic party is shitting the bed here by actually leading the charge.
This is what the faux outrage over fake news is about. This is what the disingenuous hand wringing by liberals and conservatives over Russian meddling is about. This is exactly what dragging Zuckerberg before congress for a relaxed but rhetorically dramatic public flogging is about.
They don’t give a mad fuck if Cambridge Analytica stole your favorite food information and the name of your cat to make you vote for Trump. They barely give a shit whether Russia pissed in American ears enough to change a single mind.
What they want is to be the exclusive proprietors of that ability. Democrats and republicans are gleefully swapping spit and exchanging fluids in Capitol Hill bathrooms over this.
It’s hard to watch.
Don’t worry, they’re going to regulate the internet.
What this bipartisan stampede is about is to make the only horizontal threat of information exchange to come along since the printed flyer, obsolete.
Our media is crashing against us.
That shit is nuts from here.
Everything you see on your television, whether it’s MSNBC, NPR or FOX and Sinclair, everything you hear on your radio, is now specifically targeted to disabuse you of the notion that anything you see online contains any truth whatsoever.
They are ingesting steroids and hormones, burning trash and toxic waste to simultaneously discredit internet journalism and control it. The narrative that Assad ever gassed his own people turned out to be untenable codswallop. Zero evidence of it and plenty to refute it. Leave it to American media to float a turd of such odious girth.
They are breathing fire and very afraid.
They have more money than God.
It’s scaring the living shit out of me.
Drinks for my friends.
War Chicken
The Hillary wing of the democratic party is pushing us to the brink of destruction more than any other ideological club I can see. Liberal democrats. Reckless, obstinate, irresponsible opposition to every breath Clockwork Orangutan takes paints him into a corner and leaves him no choice but to be even more reckless, obstinate and irresponsible.
It’s a game of chicken.
War chicken.
Standard disclaimer: Trump is a leaking bag of dicks. A developmentally challenged moron. Acute narcissistic personality disorder for sure. Evil genius? Nope. He’s just too goddamn stupid.
As we speak, there is absolutely zero evidence of Russian hacking, collusion or meddling in the 2016 election. None. There is an undeniable glut of evidence of profound fuckery in the democratic primary by the Hillary wing, however. Absolutely zero evidence that Russia poisoned an inconsequential, retired, pardoned spy in the UK. None. There exists no logical reason for them to do so. Absolutely zero evidence that the Syrian government ever used chemical weapons on its own people. Zero evidence that Assad poisoned his own people this time. None. There exists no logical reason for him to do so.
Understand that defense secretary Mattis admitted there was no credible evidence for the last time he was accused and we bombed him anyway.
As we speak, nuclear armed American warships are steaming to Syria to confront Chinese and Russian armada. We are about to bomb Syria without provocation. Without evidence.
It is liberal democrats, arm in arm with neocons, pushing all of this maddening mendacity. Liberal democrats lied in concert with conservatives about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Syria. That’s the short list.
At this point, if you self righteously identify as a liberal democrat, you’re a fucking loser. If you’re still with her, you fucking suck. Because it’s you, you who are pushing for Trump to escalate tensions between us and the other nuclear super powers because you think he isn’t hawkish enough, by accusing him of being a wimp or in their pockets, by accusing him of being un-American.
Let me tell you something. Trump is guilty of many things, including being quintessentially, uniquely American. All the greed, lust and hubris of being American. All the callow, shallow nationalism of false exceptionalism. Trump is you and that’s why he is your president. He is you and that is why you love to hate him.
If you think that blind adherence to liberal democratic dogma makes you a patriot, you’re an asshole. If you think that your devotion to hating Trump and republicans qualifies you as progressive, you’re nothing more than a useful idiot.
It is with the consent of liberal democrats that our next president won’t be elected. His name will be Pence. It is with the consent of liberal democrats that America will start the next and last world war. Liberal democrats have consented to every evil thing that has happened for at least the last five decades. Republican conservatives would never have been able to do all this on their own.
It is with the consent of liberal democrats that we now court the extinction of the human race.
Drinks for my friends.
So thirteen Russian nationals were indicted for trolling. A little wire fraud, a little identity theft. No mention of collusion, hacking or complicity on the part of Trump or his campaign. There will never be a trial because these thirteen pinko satans will never be extradited.
A wish sandwich.
There is nothing to see here and it will never amount to dick.
Mention any of this to liberals and they immediately turn into snot nosed bullies and begin phoning it in from a third grade playground at recess. You’re either eager to suck Putin’s dick or already blowing Trump under the oval office desk just like Monica.
NOT collusion.
NOT hacking.
“Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said that the charges do not allege that the operation “altered the outcome of the election.” Nor, he said, does it suggest that any Americans knew they were dealing with Russian operatives.”
“After Trump was elected, Rosenstein said, the Russian operatives organized competing rallies on the same day both supporting and opposing him. ”
No involvement by Trump or his campaign.
What we do know for sure is that Clockwork Orangutan is a bag of dicks, what we don’t know is what he’s actually guilty of because the democratic brain trust keeps stepping on their own dicks by hyping irresponsible, completely reckless nonsense.
As far as liberals are concerned, somehow, 13 Russian trolls accomplished what Hillary, the DNC, the FBI could not. They successfully attacked and defeated our democracy, our constitution, the sovereignty of all Americans and our pristine election infrastructure along with it’s boy scout hierarchy.
They are fucking lying.
Or, goddamn those Russians are badass.
Liberals have no idea the shit they are stepping in here. Either that, or they don’t care. Their ham fisted attempts to demonize Trump are making all his minions look like geniuses. By attacking him for the one goddamn thing he didn’t do, they provide legitimate cover for any and everything he genuinely sucks for and is guilty of.
They aren’t helping.
If you told me three years ago that honesty would prevent me from a single episode of Bill Maher or Rachel Maddow without taking a fucking fork to my eyes and ears, I’d lose your number.
The truth doesn’t matter to me anymore because it doesn’t matter to anyone else. It doesn’t make a difference. I have kicked people, liberals, in the teeth with truth and logic and peer reviewed studies and it makes absolutely no difference to them. None. They believe what they believe even if it’s about to kill everyone they love.
I’m tired of tilting at windmills.
You fuckers are on your own.
Drinks for my friends.
Get the Memo
Imagine opposition campaign research being used to obtain a warrant to spy on whomever your candidate is. An uncorroborated, unsubstantiated document manufactured as political smear and funded to the tune of $9 million goddamn dollars by the party, the organization, that opposes your candidate. To spy on your candidate, for a crime that has yet to be committed.
Remember what they did to MLK and John Lennon?
Imagine them doing it to Hillary.
I don’t get it. Since when is the FBI the good guys?
Over 40 years ago, America rightfully lost its shit over 18 minutes of missing tape. People went to jail and a sitting president had no choice but to walk away in hangdog, abject disgrace or go to fucking prison. There was an actual crime. Trump is dumber, less sophisticated and not nearly as evil as Nixon was. There has yet to be an actual crime. If he’s guilty, it’s merely for the same financial impropriety as every powerful Democrat in congress. And with the Democrats, it ain’t just with Russia, but Saudi Arabia, Israel ….
Yeah, I’m cleaning this prick of a president’s puke off my clothes everyday along with the rest of you. I want him gone but the line of succession only gets worse. Best bet is to deal with this crayon masticating man boy. He’s a mess but there’s zero mystery. Donald Trump is Fisher Price. That’s why we hate him. He’s an idiot.
Try not to forget that they all just granted him the power to spy, infiltrate, invade every last one of us. Every last one of you. Just so they still get to do it after he’s toast.
All the shrill democrats and chicken little members of the so called “intelligence” community have proven to be completely without guile. They owe us an apology for insisting that this memo somehow represented a grave threat to our national security. Bullshit. Just more evidence that America’s agencies of obfuscation are all too willing to abuse the powers afforded them by our politicians. They flout our trust and mock the constitution because terrorism.
A political circle jerk.
Only a mumbling stumbling fuck like Clockwork Orangutan could inadvertently sit astride such a gift horse. Armed only with reckless arrogance and maddeningly obtuse ignorance, Trump has blown the curtain that hides the deep state off the stage. On top of that, the developmentally challenged bully wandered into the yard on a sunny day with a stick and a magnifying glass looking for ant hills, only to reveal the grotesquerie of the Democratic queen and the paroxysms of all of her workers as they run to find cover for their asses.
Say what you want about this jackass but that’s a fuckton of accomplishment in just one year. There’s a certain gorgeous symmetry in this dipshit accidentally sabotaging a new cold war with Russia, a chronically corrupt political party and an off the rails national intelligence community, just by being an asshole.
Drinks for my friends.
Blew no matter Who
I saw a meme today whining that Trump’s “potty mouth” was endangering the lives of our soldiers fighting in those countries he referred to as shitholes. I kid you fucking not.
If you’re butthurt because Clockwork Orangutan called various countries shitholes, you are absolutely dumb as a stick. Just because you’re a democrat, it doesn’t mean you suddenly care about Haitians, Africans or Salvadorans. We’ve been bombing, raping and pillaging these countries into shitholes for decades. Where the hell were you when Obama called Libya a shit show? When did words become worse than war crimes?
Nobody gives a mad fuck, not even you, you sanctimonious piece of shit.
Anderson Cooper’s crocodile tears are the hallmark of a disingenuous asswipe.
King Big Pharma hypocrite Corey Booker’s manufactured righteous indignation is obnoxious, ostentatious audacity. He belongs pimping and whoring in Jared and Ivanka’s brothel otherwise known as The Center for Enrichment of The Oligarchy.
I need a goddamn shower.
No elected asshole, democrat or republican, gives a damn at all that you just got fucked on some tax bill. Democrats were happy to let the republicans do it so they could blame them for it. They all just approved virtually unlimited surveillance on you. It was bipartisan and unilateral. They do it all the time. It wasn’t Trump’s idea. They had to talk him in to it and write his fucking tweet for him.
I believe it was David Lee Roth who pointed out that the biggest mistake a human being can make is to take themselves too seriously. At least half of America makes this mistake every day. It’s disgusting how many people are so ready and willing to take offense. How many who posture so holy actually agree with what this douchebag of a president said?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If Fox News sucks so bad, how does MSNBC not suck just as much? Think about it. They are owned by the same people. Why is everything from your echo chamber so beyond fucking reproach, while the entirety of everything else is nothing but fake news?
You don’t just get to hate the president. You don’t just get to hate republicans. You don’t just get to hate Fox News. You absolutely must start identifying your own villains. The real ones, not just republicans. Do some goddamn inventory. You have to stop posting memes about the size of Trump’s ass, how many immigrants he married or all the whores he paid to piss on him. Look in the mirror dumbass, exactly how are you any different than all the neanderthals who did the same thing to Obama for eight exasperating years?
Your pink pussy hat looks ridiculous.
Obama wasn’t Jesus and Trump is not the devil.
Grow the fuck up.
Drinks for my friends.
Everybody’s Doing It.
“I’ve never seen a president who so blatantly refuses to be president of all people, instead acting in the interest of rich oligarchs while telling working families he’s representing them against everyone else.” -Robert Reich on Donald Trump.
What fucking planet is this guy on?
According to the liberal media and about half of the adults in this country, America suddenly went to shit just this January. Up until then, we were the land of milk and honey because Obama.
Trump is nothing but a garden variety fuckstick with acute narcissistic personality disorder who failed all the way up to the oval office in the middle of a perfect storm of populist nationalism, soaring disgust for the establishment and fear.
How much damage has he done compared to what any other dipshit on the GOP bench would have? Think about it. Probably less. Precisely because he’s such an egregious jackass. They can’t stand him either. That, and he’s been an incorrigible fuck up his whole life.
There are those who are willing to do anything to win, and those who maintain a certain set of values that prevent them from resorting to it. If the latter ever included liberal democrats, it doesn’t any more.
Who the fuck are these hypocrite liberals making excuses for Franken, Conyers and Bubba Clinton? Franken shouldn’t step down because Trump won’t? Not doing the right thing because someone else doesn’t is weak goddamn sauce. Posturing over civil rights, human rights or women’s rights inoculates one against exactly nothing.
They whine about DACA but Obama remains the reigning champion of deportation. They rage about net neutrality but the chair of the FCC is an Obama appointee. Hillary traveled the world promoting fracking on our dime and Obama gave big oil the keys to the ocean. The Nobel Peace Prize winning commander in chief started with two wars and wrapped it all up with seven. Pussy hat wearing liberals calling Trump Hitler or the anti-Christ while singing hymns of Saint Obama.
And just for fun there’s Flynn. Democrats are apoplectic but there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in a cabinet secretary of the president elect meeting with Russian counterparts prior to an inauguration. Obama’s posse rode right on in before their first rodeo too. Flynn wasn’t even there to sell us out to the commies. He was there carrying water for Netanyahu and AIPAC.
What do people think they’re going to get if Trump resigns or is impeached? It won’t solve a single goddamn thing and thirty million furious mouth breathers will make Trump a martyr. They don’t give a shit what he does, even to them.
By electing Trump, America exposed it’s inner asshole. What is wrong with Trump isn’t the question. What the fuck is up with all the liberals riddled and ravaged by the disease he’s just one symptom of, is the question.
Drinks for my friends.
My favorite pastime might just be cable and network news tripping over their dicks to sell us all that social media and online journalism have poisoned our precious discourse with lies and disinformation.
Fake news.
The irony, it burns.
Once cable news learned an agenda was requisite to compete with network news, confirmation bias was born again. Both then collided with evangelical fundamentalism and a come to Jesus period settled nicely into demagoguery. The five or six entities that own them all decided on an infotainment narrative, complete with opposing points of view, to keep us all at each others throats.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but fuck me if I can’t blame anyone for being paranoid because it is like everyone is out to get us to accept something other than the truth. The apogee of disinformation is here. Everyone is lying. It’s just as easy to believe the smart people as it is to believe the stupid ones.
A paltry $150k was spent for online ads over two years, by “Russians” they tell us. They also tell us that about half those ads didn’t run until after the election was over and that most of the ads didn’t endorse a specific candidate or policy. Yet they insist this Russian social media blitz altered the outcome of our election somehow, because actual collusion turned out to be untenable codswallop. With well north of $2 billion spent on traditional advertising, leave it to MSM to float a turd of such odious girth.
Establishment media blaming the internet for fake news is like a priest blaming an altar boy for being seductive.
They are scared. The horizontal sharing of information has no one agenda. It’s the wild west of dissemination. The good, the bad and the ugly. A box of chocolates. The biggest threat to the traditional top down peddling of bullshit the establishment media has ever faced. Far more truth on display if you know how to shop.
Bill Maher acknowledged to Donna Barazile’s straight face and nodding complicity that Hillary and the DNC rigged the primary and then went on to say that it didn’t matter because it was over and Sanders supporters agreed with Clinton on most things anyway.
Bill Maher is a flaccid, obsequious tool. He can’t get enough of Russiagete despite a conspicuous dearth of evidence. He can’t wait for us to forget that the democrat establishment fucked the primary pooch so viciously, it lost the general to the crayon eating, technicolor drooling simian they actually wanted to run against. Maher, and every other hack comedian or network news anchor want you to believe Trump fingers his starfish in the bathroom and shakes your hand without washing. As true as that may be, it’s their filthy hands that got his ass kinged in the first place.
They have all become parodies of themselves.
We watch movies on the TV now.
Drinks for my friends.
Dehydrated Water
Hey everybody, guess what?
The democratic party is dirtier, more corrupt and more hypocritical than the republican party ever had the audacity to aspire. The only difference remaining between the two parties is that the republicans are more honest. Really. They straight up tell you that you’re not worth a shit if you’re poor and don’t deserve to live. They have no shame in legislating sick people to death.
Breathtakingly honest.
Democrats, well, they don’t just lie to you with a smile in a waft of clean soap and mouthwash, they promise to look out for you. They fucking promise. Republicans are idiots. Most of them believe they know what’s best for you. Democrats are smart. They know they’re gonna fuck you nine ways to breakfast and they can’t wait to get on with it.
Arguing the difference between their constituents is far trickier. The best I can do to understand it is most of both are dumb as goddamn sticks. Both parties kick their people in the teeth with regular, measured aplomb. Most republican constituents seem to be okay with playing the lottery their leaders offer. If they lose, they aren’t worthy. If they win, they earned it.
Democrat constituents are actually more nuanced. They believe in meritocracy. Unaffordable education, etc. It’s a far more complex model. They don’t necessarily seek solace or redemption in religion. Yet they are still too willing to wear its badge as a litmus test passed. They hot tub in the nirvana of social justice. Poor people deserve a leg up. Sick people should have all the care they need. People deserve a living wage. But you know, fuck them if my candidate just so happens to not give a shit about those things.
So, democrats are more shallow, and yes, less honest. After lying her ass off and being more duplicitous than a televangelist, Donna Brazile is all the sudden a working class hero for telling us in her goddamn book no less, what anyone paying attention already knew. She, they, Hillary, fucked us. She, they were for sale and and Hillary bought her, them. They sold the motherfucking primary.
This has the neoliberal, establishment liberals leaping into an anesthesia free, oral surgery of moral gymnastics. A pathetic, twisted choreography of ethical turpitude.
In the end, their heads don’t explode at all. They just rot like a grape on a windowsill. There’s no sound whatsoever.
And the salient truth of the matter is paved over while rainbows of righteousness from both parties dance on our televisions. Snowden and Assange, formerly Christ and Jesus to democrats are now Hitler and Satan. Republicans still love Reagan.
After dedicating her goddamn book to Seth Rich, Brazile is doing the circuit, desperately trying to walk it all back while preaching the Russiagate gospel. Callow, craven and a worthless human being. Fuck her in the neck.
Maybe my takeaway should be that republicans are better than democrats because they are far more consistent at being assholes?
Am I the only one that can’t stand this shit?
Drinks for my friends.
YOU are wasting my time if………
You suddenly think that America is headed for the toilet because Trump is president. He’s not Hitler and he’s not a monster. He’s a garden variety, incompetent, white privileged asshole that got elected the same way every one of his predecessors did. He’s merely guilty of saying out loud what every mouth breathing republican thinks. He’s not the anti-Christ.
You think that single payer is some kind of magic pony despite the fact that we’re the richest country in history but still the only civilized one that doesn’t recognize health care as a right. Same with higher education.
You think Russia is why Trump got elected but don’t give a shit about the fuckery in the democratic primary.
You think the pissing match between Trump and Kim Jong-un is more dangerous than the elaborate war games we’ve been conducting off their coasts and on their borders forever, We bombed them into the stone age in the 50’s. We killed millions of them. They have every goddamn reason to be fucking terrified that we’ll do it again.
You think racists elected Trump.
You think misogynists elected Trump.
You think Nazis elected Trump.
You think Sanders supporters elected Trump.
You think Obama was a peaceful and compassionate president. He began with two wars and ended with seven. He dropped over 26,000 bombs last year and killed thousands of civilians in countries that will never be an existential threat to America and he deported more undocumented immigrants than any president in modern history.
You’re incapable of understanding that almost everything you watch, see and read is controlled by five multinational corporations that are all making a sick fucking profit from perpetual war while usurping fossil fuels, mineral resources and land from the leaders of countries they vilify on television and in print.
You think the NFL protests have anything to do with the flag. Or the anthem. Or patriotism. Or the military. Because you can’t understand concepts like institutionalized racism and white privilege. Fuck you.
You think poor people are moochers.
You think fat people are losers. Fuck you, Bill Maher.
You think refugees from all over the world want to come here for any reason other than their native land is completely unlivable and a death sentence because of American intervention.
You think a that a massive investment into infrastructure isn’t a good, first step to restoring the middle class. Otherwise, we lapse into a third world economy. It’s happening as I write this.
You dislike cats for any reason.
You rely on Rachel Maddow for anything other than entertainment and confirmation bias.
You rely on FOX News for anything other than entertainment and confirmation bias.
You think the Clintons have anything left to offer.
You get triggered by the latest unfuckingbelievably dumb shit Trump just said.
He’s here to stay. Powerful people signed off on him because they saw him as useful. They will remove him when he’s no longer. He’s not the disease. He’s merely a symptom.
Drinks for my friends.